Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 550 - Cleaning test (4,000 words)

Order drop sanctuary on board.

The goddess of light, Ge Wei, was wiping her silver holy sword with a handkerchief.

“Ge Wei, you are a supervisor. It is really rare to come to such a dangerous place to earn credit.”

A **** next to the sanctuary of order came to Ge Wei and sighed.

“Eternal sanctuaries have all been devoured by the Nether Zerg, don’t you have any sense of crisis?” The goddess of light didn’t understand why her colleagues could still talk like this.

“Aren’t you clearing the battlefield of the Permanent Sanctuary now? We can’t die anymore in this operation.”

The colleague of the goddess of light is a deceitful **** … Unlike the goddess of light who needs to support his family, he has no believers at all. He joins the sanctuary of order purely for a better living environment and fun.

This time the eternal sanctuary was swallowed by the Void Zerg, to the deceitful **** is equivalent to expanding a brand new hunting ground, or … a brand new game map.

But when the deceitful **** talked about halfway, suddenly the door of the empty ship was opened, and the Void Zerg, which is peculiar to the air, filled the air.

“Hey … is that your choice? What does he want to do!” The deceitful **** noticed the choice next to the goddess of light from a long time ago, but now the chooser suddenly opened the cabin of the airdrop ship. door.

Know that the eternal sanctuary that has been transformed into the Void Nest!

“All the special landing points of Order of St. You don’t need to go here, Holy Spirit!” The goddess of the Holy Light was chosen by Zhao Mingwei.

Two days have elapsed since the wedding of the sublimation body and Mo Shigui’s wedding.

In the past two days, the world of the Holy Spirit has been very peaceful, but Zhao Mingwei was unable to calm down. After meeting the Goddess of Light again on the road of ascension, he concluded a contract of choice with Goddess of Light without thinking. Qualified to enter the sanctuary of order.

Using the Sanctuary of Order as a medium, Zhao Mingwei followed the “cleaning squad” of the Sanctuary of Order to the sky above the eternal sanctuary that had been completely nested.

“I’m going to have lunch right away, and I won’t have time any time soon.” Zhao Mingwei’s eyes turned to the eternal sanctuary below.

The eternal sanctuary is now completely shrouded in dark purple carapace and weird flesh and blood tissue. This feels like the reinforced iron bones of the eternal sanctuary are covered with a deep purple giant spider web.

The entire sanctuary looks a special beauty.

But this place is deadly, and there are countless dangerous Nether Zerg in the dark purple spider web.

“Eat? Hey … yes, your God’s Choice is fine? Although the sanctuary has a life printing system, it’s not like that … Jump down!” Before the deceitful God shouted for a long time, Zhao Mingwei jumped from the landing ship. Go on.

The landing ship is at least kilometers away from the ground. There is also fall damage in the Holy Spirit game, but at the moment of landing, the beast-savvy tiger surrounds Zhao Mingwei’s body.

When Zhao Mingwei landed, the ground centered on Zhao Mingwei triggered an explosion of thought, which instantly destroyed the structure of all surrounding buildings, including an innocent void zerg passing by.

‘You killed a Void Engineer and gained 14,810 experience. ’

This system prompt pops up from Zhao Mingwei’s dialog box.

“14,000 points of experience.” Zhao Mingwei grasped the spread of the surrounding thoughts and was recovered by Zhao Mingwei, allowing Zhao Mingwei to recover about 20% of the blue consumption of his skills. Experience? “

Such a large amount of movement naturally attracted the surrounding void zerg.

The Void Engineers without any combat effectiveness quickly evacuated, replaced by stronger Void Distortions and Void Reapers. During the calculation period of Zhao Mingwei, thousands of distortions and reapers surrounded Zhao Mingwei.

Zhao Mingwei immediately threw out a full-professional reconnaissance technique against these two types of void zerg.

“Void Reaper

Level: 75

Common creature

Race: Void Zerg, Abyss Aberration, Eternal One, Out-of-Border Object, Burning God

Health: 800,000 / 800000 “

800,000 health, the life of another Void Distortion has doubled, between 1.6 million and 1.7 million, which is indeed a bit for the Holy Spirit player at this stage. Difficult opponents, but if they are not treated as monsters in the game, but are treated as real monsters, it is a good solution.

A vanilla harvester, like a mantis, rushed to Zhao Mingwei first, and the light of the beast dragon and tiger howl has shrouded Zhao Mingwei’s body.

Zhao Mingwei sidestepped the first wave of the reaper’s attack and suddenly reached out his hand to bring it to the abdomen’s abdomen.

In the next second, the body of the Void Reaper started to sag, and the violent spiral qiqi field began to destroy the fragile flesh inside the Zerg carapace. When Zhao Mingwei retracted his hand, the Void Reaper, which was nearly two meters in size, fell to the ground Turned into a puddle of empty mud with carapace.

‘You killed a Void Reaper and got 120810 experience. ’

Ten times the empirical value? This is equivalent to the experience given by an elite monster.

When the system popped up to receive the experience value increase, Zhao Mingwei could feel that there was a force from this void reaper’s body that he had looted.

So that the corpse of the Nether Harvester turned into ashes and disappeared in front of Zhao Mingwei.

This is a very common way for game monsters to exit the game, but in Zhao Mingwei’s perception, it is the power of the **** of bite killing the void reaper and devouring everything for his own use.

It’s a pity that Zhao Mingwei has now reached the upper limit of the level, and the experience value he obtained is stored in a prop called an experience hourglass and stored for the next level increase.

“Don’t explode the equipment?” Zhao Mingwei opened the hood and repelled the other Nether Zerg who attacked him around.

These Void Zerg not only do not explode equipment, not even gold coins, which is also considered in Zhao Mingwei’s prediction.

“The test is over, it’s almost time to go offline.” As Zhao Mingwei was preparing to find a place where no bugs could eat offline, two empty cabins suddenly fell from the sky, killing two Nether Zergs trying to approach Zhao Mingwei.

The goddess of light stepped out of the airdrop cabin and looked at the expression on her face that seemed to be nauseated.

“What are you doing here?”

Zhao Mingwei was a little surprised. He thought that the goddess of light came to take a stroll around to see the scenery. In Zhao Mingwei’s cognition, the goddess is a plane ticket.

“I must help you! Since you have become my pick, I will never let you be eaten by those bugs.”

Although the goddess of light is airsick but does not faint blood and faint worms, she successfully repels three Void Zergs as soon as she plays the silver holy sword in her hand.

Unfortunately, these Void Zergs have the blood of the Eternal, and the attacking skills of the Holy Light God system only delay the action of these bugs.

“You should know that I can’t die.” Zhao Mingwei had opened a small map while talking.

The Holy Spirit’s small map is very rich, in addition to the most basic map function, there is a monster detection function, and the statistics of surrounding monsters.

Basically, the number of monsters within a mile above the circle can be accurately counted. At this moment, the numerical answer given on the small map is 67 million.

More than 67 million Void Zerg have gathered within one kilometer? How did this get in?

Zhao Mingwei didn’t want to consider so much anymore. So many bugs could not be killed by him alone. It would be useless even to call the whole beating nuclear society.

“I can’t die! I can be resurrected by the life printing technology of the sanctuary of order after death!” The goddess of light once again repelled a group of insects with a sword in her shout.

“But you have pain. They will not be so eager to kill you, but will torture you.” Zhao Mingwei said in very plain words … the fact that the sword in the hand of the goddess of light paused slightly.

“The holy spirit, you …” When the goddess of light turned and tried to say something to Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei directly took out a space-time recovery device and patted her on the abdomen.

“Don’t resist, the resistance will fail. What’s up, Brand Island?”

Zhao Mingwei activated the space-time recovery device while talking. With the weird sound of space jumping, the goddess of light disappeared in front of Zhao Mingwei, leaving only the deceitful **** who jumped down with her to make fun.

“This is the case now … I shouldn’t be able to go offline.”

Zhao Mingwei gazed at the Void Zerg that had gathered around him, and he had nowhere to hide.

“Come on now.” Zhao Mingwei suddenly shook his left hand, and his devastating thoughts spread completely around him.

Soon afterwards, a roar of dragons and tigers resounded between heaven and earth from this corner of the eternal sanctuary.


Zhao Mingwei’s Freya’s room.

“Holy spirit, are you back?”

Zhao Mingwei’s Fuliya looked at him worried from the bed with some worry.

Just now Zhao Mingwei was killed, this is his second death in the Holy Spirit … The first death was not yet completed, but he was killed once by the annihilation army.

However, the punishment for the second death was very serious. Because it was outside the map of the Holy Spirit and the island of Brand, Zhao Mingwei lost a full 90% of his experience.

This is equivalent to a whole level of experience. He glanced at his reconstructed body, which made Zhao Mingwei feel strange.

It only took him a short time to become familiar with the new body that the system had reconstructed for him.

“Holy spirit, are you okay?” Fuliya whispered and asked Zhao Mingwei how he was doing.

From her memory of following Zhao Mingwei, Zhao Mingwei’s death was rarely seen.

“I’m okay, how about you? My strength is linked to you, Fulia, do you feel okay?” Zhao Mingwei suddenly raised his head and asked his own Fulia.

“Me? Holy Spirit, you don’t need to worry, as long as I’m here, I won’t have any problems.”

“This way …”

Zhao Mingwei came up with an experience hourglass that stored a large amount of experience, and part of the experience in the hourglass poured into Zhao Mingwei’s body to make up for the part of Zhao Mingwei’s lost power.

Let him once again become a state of 100% experience at level 65.

It was just that Zhao Mingwei wanted to gain more experience from the experience hourglass, and was further limited by a huge slap when he further improved himself.

This kind of encounter is not from Zhao Mingwei itself, but from the game server.

“Holy spirit, you seem very tired. According to the anti-addiction agreement, I should remind you to go offline now.” Fuliya came to Zhao Mingwei’s bed and sat down. “But this is the first time I have seen you so tired. You Where did you go just now? “

“The battlefield of the Void Zerg, the reason for exhaustion may be that I have run out of medicine in my backpack.”

Zhao Mingwei sat on Freya’s bed and adjusted his spirit and body. During his time at the Permanent Sanctuary, gentleman Qi has urged him to eat offline ten times.

However, Zhao Mingwei temporarily pushed away with the reason of not being able to draw his birth. In the end, Zhao Mingwei and the deceitful God kept fighting in the insect nest of the eternal sanctuary for almost six hours.

Until all the medicines available in Zhao Mingwei’s backpack had been exhausted, Zhao Mingwei finally lay weak in the insect tide.

This time in the true sense of experiencing the best experience, Zhao Mingwei also experienced the value of magic value, which is set by the Holy Spirit game to restrict players from excessively consuming their bodies.

Even if the player has a medicament that can instantly add magic value, once the skill is released too many times, it will have a great consumption of mental power and body.

Now Zhao Mingwei may not even get a chopstick when he goes to eat again.

“Your level can’t be improved any further, where there is no gain in crusade against the Void Zerg …” Fuliya read Zhao Mingwei with Zhao Mingwei’s permission … The combat records and system records in these six hours.

The resulting record, even if she was a little surprised.

Zhao Mingwei killed 5,400 Void Zerg in these six hours, and the experience gained from it is enough for Zhao Mingwei to upgrade several levels.

“Just want to test it.” Zhao Mingwei said.


“Well, the result of the test is that our strength is still too weak. If we want to confront the Oblivion and the Void Zerg on the front battlefield in the future, we have no chance of winning.”

Zhao Mingwei did not think that the five thousand was a big number for the Void Zerg. Their number is still expanding. The longer they will only become stronger.

“Holy Spirit, we are not alone, and … many allies.”

The relationship between Zhao Mingwei’s Fu Liya and Zhao Ming Wei is more like a psychiatrist’s relationship. Zhao Ming Wei only reveals her real thoughts to her Fu Liya.

What Freya can do is to encourage Zhao Mingwei in various ways.


“Yes, your apprentice has visited me many times in these six hours and asked me where you are. I think she should have something important.”

“I know.”

Zhao Mingwei got up from the bed after resting, he threw a deep purple crystal to Freya before leaving.

“What is this, the Holy Spirit?”

“Gifts, a special product of the Sanctuary of Order … I don’t know, I should be able to give you attributes, find a place to display it ~ ~ Zhao Mingwei pushed the door open and left the room when he came At the stronghold of the beating nucleus, Ye Linna rushed up from afar with a shower.

“Master! I want to work at the breeder’s base!” Ye Linna came up with her reasons for finding Zhao Mingwei.


Zhao Mingwei heard the words of the breeder without thinking and refused.

“Why, why, the breeder said that the thoughts I learned can help the Void Zerg battle! Recently the Holy Spirits are discussing how the insects fight.” Ye Linna asked with a cheek on her cheek.

“Expedition system …”

Of course, Zhao Mingwei knew what it meant to help. Zhao Mingwei also read the announcement of the expedition system, but Zhao Mingwei’s attitude was the same as Mo Shigui … don’t worry.

“I can take you to the breeder base to see. It hasn’t been to Kuroshio Island for a long time after the update.” Zhao Mingwei still compromised for a while, and the things in the expedition store were not his necessities.

But Zhao Mingwei knew that if the Void Zerg didn’t contain it, then all the creatures on the star map would suffer, so Zhao Mingwei was curious about the method of the permanent sanctuary.

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