Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 57 - Restlessness

There are three episodes of the best video in the Abyss Temple. The main character of the first segment is Can Xin and a shield warrior named Egg Fried Rice.

最佳 In the best picture of the audience, the shield in the hands of the shield warrior bloomed with red light and suddenly hit the body of an alchemy mantis.

The Alchemy Mantis was struck by another Alchemy Mantis on its side, and the picture quickly passed through the gap between the two Alchemy Mantises, drawing closer to the elemental mage’s heart remaining behind the Alchemy Mantis. Body.

The character of the broken heart is a black-haired and red-eyed mage. A cold inscription emerges on his hand. With the smile on his face, the magic inscription on his hand quickly condenses into frost. The picture Began to follow the bloom of the ice cones and began to zoom out quickly. The ice cones erupting from the ground instantly penetrated those alchemy mantises and then frozen into ice slag, and the picture was frozen at this moment.

Extreme ice feast, this is a skill that elemental masters can learn at 38th level. It should be learned in advance with some special equipment.

硬 What I have to say in this paragraph is actually a normal shield fighter gathering monsters, and then the elemental mage has a wave of seconds.


“It’s so handsome.”

“Abyss Shrine is a professional battlefield photographer? This is completely the level of game promotion CG.”

“Do we have such a photographer?”

While listening to the discussions of teammates next to him, Shi Mo, this kind of lens, and the sense of rhythm of editing, are not like a battlefield reporter carrying a photographic equipment.

This is the official recorded video. At the moment of the highlight in the best scene in the audience, with the close-up of the lens, the fast editing rhythm, and the performance of the skill itself, the moment of the extreme ice feast is released in the mind. It is exactly like a legendary caster who has mastered tens of millions of elements and can destroy all material creatures with a wave of his hand.

画面 This kind of picture should only exist in the CG of the game’s publicity, or the best of the three segments can already be used as the Holy Ghost’s publicity CG, or the type of passers-by who want to buy and buy after watching it.

Shi Mogui logged in to Youtu Video Network, found the official account of the Holy Spirit, and found this video called “The First Level Sacred Record of the Trial Tower-Temple of the Abyss”.

很少 There are very few barrage in this video, but Mo Shigui believes that it will not be long before the screen is full, and now there are some ‘million editors’ on the barrage. ‘Do n’t fool me with CG. ’And the like.

“Captain, do we have one?” A player remembered that they had also taken the sacred record of the first class before.

“No.” Mo Shigui found it on the official website. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the name of the jumping nuclear association. All other records were contracted by the Abyss Temple.

“Captain, why don’t we go to fight again? Can’t we recognize it in front of the Abyss Temple?” Ion Spark said.

“I think you want to go to TV.” Yu Zhongqu said mercilessly.

靠 “Fuck, don’t you want to be the best in the audience? I still knew for the first time that players’ combat performances could be used as CG 诶” Ion Spark said mercilessly.

I’m terrible.

Mo Shigui watched the three best performances of the audience once again, even if he has played the game for so many years, remembering that the scene that he performed best in the battle was so finely edited, he He also has an impulse to swell on blood.

He said that no matter how powerful the Leaping Nuclear Association is, it is only a group of young people with an average age of about 20 years old. Mo Shigui is only 27 years old this year.

As a young player, or what do all players want most?

Opportunity to pretend, every player who plays any online game will not miss the opportunity to pretend to be forced. In the MOBA game, the opponent is terminated in the form of five kills. On the battlefield, he ranked first with the most consecutive kills. Upload the operation to the video website for worship …

All of these are pretense opportunities that all players will not refuse. Of course, Mo Shigui knows how many wonderful operations he has made, and as a result, only he knows the loss.

But the Holy Spirit ’s best system seems to … help Mo Shigui or a lot of players who like show.

It will automatically record the wonderful operations of the players in the copy guide, and retain CG-level editing and footage.

Who can stand this!

When Mo Mogui thought that this sacred recording system was launched earlier, it is estimated that players will be thinking about how to play Sao operation when they copy.

The most important thing is that he will be hung on the official website of the Holy Spirit for passers-by to admire.

Now I don’t know how many potential players who want to play the Holy Spirit keep refreshing the official website of the Holy Spirit!

Shi Mogui knows that if he has won the sacred record, or even all the sacred records in the Holy Spirit, then he will bring the flow and popularity to the Jumping Nuclear Society … too terrible.

The premise is that he must make every copy record first!

“Hit, why not hit.” Mo Shigui felt that his long-lost blood had been burned.

“Chairman mighty!” Ion Spark just cheered for a long time, and Mo Shigui’s next sentence made him all silly.

“Ion sparks and fluffy rabbits, you go to rest first, you want to break the record of the Abyss Temple and replace them.” Mo Shigui said.

“Ah? President you … not mean! Am I not the highest attacker in the team?” Ion Spark still remembered the best on the entire network, and his brain-ridden operation was not even hit before he was attacked. Time to kick out the team.

“Although the record we just set is not the limit ~ ~, if we want to record, we can’t break the abyss temple. You and the fluffy rabbit operation are still … not fine enough.” Mo Shigui will still be Use of the adjective is not fine enough.

“President is mad at us.” The fluffy rabbit understood the meaning of Mo Shigui.

我们 “Our cuisine, president, wouldn’t you want to take two more professions? Are those great gods?”

Ionic sparks dare not continue to complain. Mo Shigui is the coach of the professional team. Yuzhong Qu is a retired professional player. God knows how many great gods the two still know.

“I don’t know, I have to ask … and I read the rules of the sacred record. As long as the guild members account for more than half of the team, the guild name can be left on the sacred record, so foreign aid is allowed.” Mo Shi Come back.

“Will the Abyss Temple also pull its own professional players to copy the records?” Ion Spark suddenly thought that the Abyss Temple could do the same.

“They are already doing this. Residual and eyeless are retired players, and there may be an anemia soldier and white-eyed sniper, so they are estimated to be on the All-Star team.”

Abyss Temple is also nicknamed the Valley of the Wicked in the professional circle, because their players’ IDs are all such disabled people.

“I’ve always wondered if there would be a nanny called a steel plate?” Ion Spark asked again.

“Yes,” Mo Shigui said.

“This copy of the Holy Spirit, how does it feel like playing in a disputed All-Star League.” Fluffy rabbit whispered.

“The flames of war have begun to burn, of course, the major guilds must go all out.” Mo Shigui said, “If I am not afraid that my boss will deduct my salary, I may pull the active players of our team over. Of course, this idea is only temporary. “

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