Creating a Virtual World

Chapter 76 - Loving letter

Minjiang Bridge returned from the battle of the gods. The wasp knight captured by Jiang Bridge was still in a deep coma. It might take a day or two to wake up.

But Jiangqiao didn’t toss this Hornet knight who was brushed by thousands of players in turn, threw her into the ‘cage space’ created by the sea blue, and walked straight towards the Cathedral of the Resurrection.

Now is the twelfth hour that the battle of the gods is open. Jiangqiao has arranged a main story and a hidden story for this battle of the gods.

The hidden story is the hidden story that will be triggered after the doll has died three times during the battle of the gods.

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Minjiang Bridge is a little different from the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the players, because there is an extra desk in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Jiangqiao, and there is a mailbox next to the desk.

The friya of the river bridge, the legendary friya first machine, was sitting in front of the bookshelf and writing something with a pen.

“What is she writing?”

Er Hailan followed Jiangqiao to the Cathedral of the Resurrection. She got to the side of Fulia with Jiangqiao and watched Fulia writing with a pencil on a stationery … Chinese.

“Love letter.”

Minjiang Bridge came to his own Freya, who was still writing one letter after another on the desk without looking up.

After writing a letter, a little fairy came out and folded the stationery into the mailbox.

“What love letter? For whom?” Hai Lan looked aside for a while, and found that there was another stationery as a template in front of Freya’s table. The text on this stationery was also in Chinese. It’s from Jiangqiao.

“For the players, as a letter to promote the plot, of course, my Freya cannot write one for all players, so I only plan to write fifty or sixty templates, and then copy them randomly to all players.” Jiangqiao Say.

“唔, but your Freya is still a little unskilled in writing Chinese, can you just write a template?”

Hai Lan stood behind Fu Liya for a while, and the Chinese written by this doll was crooked really … very ugly, not as good as the names of several dishes written by Hai Lan. By contrast, Jiangqiao ’s handwriting is very beautiful Already.

“This will be recognized by the players at a glance is written by the programmer behind the scenes! Love letter, what you want is realism.” Jiangqiao said.

“What about the love letter?” Hai Lan asked again.

“This love letter will not be received until players have resurrected Freya, which is used to promote the plot of the story.” Jiang Qiao said.

“Thanks to the players?” Hai Lan always feels that the storyline of the game written by Jiang Qiao cannot be so simple.

“There is also a thank you part, but this letter is essentially urging players to hurry up and level up.”

Qiu Jiangqiao handed over the letter template she wrote to Hailan, who has already learned Chinese, otherwise she would not be able to understand so many dishes.

“Jiangqiao, you will really enter the copy if you do this.” After reading about the content of this letter, Hai Lan only came to this conclusion.

Uh ……………

‘Spirit Freya ’s soul has been restored. ’

After slaying and killing the Wasp Knight, Mo Mo returned to kill the Wasp Knight before he had time to settle the reward.

The location reached by Liehui City Art is in the center of Lionheart City. Mo Shigui hurriedly ran along the streets of Lionheart City to the Cathedral of the Resurrection. He directly opened the door of the Cathedral of the Resurrection and walked in.

When Mo Mo stepped into the Cathedral of the Resurrection, she saw Freya standing next to the stairs.

This is a common place for Fuliya, and she only sits on the steps waiting for the player to return in rare cases.


When Mo Mo Shigui saw Freya’s figure again, there was a general touch of meeting her long-awaited good friend, but this touch lasted less than a second.

Fu Liya saw Mo Shigui who was standing at the door. The first word she said made Mo Shigui stupid.

“Meet you for the first time, the good Holy Spirit … I am Fliya, the spirit guard who serves you.”


I heard that this line was a bit embarrassing for everyone when he remembered it. He remembered that he had heard this line before. When each player just built a number, Fuliya introduced himself to the player like this.

The problem is that Mo Shigui has been playing the Holy Spirit for almost half a month. Although he has not been in contact with Freya for more than 20 times, Mo Shigui has seen Freya.

意思 What does it mean to meet for the first time?

Qi Mo Shigui thought of a horrible possibility, that is, her own Freya … is it possible … amnesia?

“Don’t you remember me?” Mo Shigui went forward to verify this possibility, and found that Freya slightly tilted her head.

“What are you talking about the Holy Spirit?” Freya asked.

This line of words is also known by Shigui, when the player speaks something other than Freya’s preset lines, she will use this sentence to answer the player.


Qi Mo Shigui was really stupid this time. He took another deep breath and tried to adjust his emotions.

He is still suppressing his anger this time ~ ~ He now has the urge to go to the official website of the Holy Spirit to find the company address, and then send a lot of blades to the Holy Spirit Production Company.

到底 Who wrote this plot of heart abuse? Mo Shigui has been playing games for so many years, and this is the first time that I want to find a real production PK for the game production team.

The idea of ​​real-life PK just came out not long after, Mo Shigui suddenly received a new system prompt.

Congratulations on completing your mission: Fliya’s mind. ’

mission completed? Mo Shigui remembers this task … This task is one of the three task chains after the completion of the fifty-level main line task of the preparation of the battle of gods plunder, and the other two are the battle of gods plunder and the real Shield wall! ’

The main task of the battle of the gods plunder is related to the copy of the war of the gods. The required completion is that the Raiders process of this copy of the gods of war reaches 90%. At the same time, it will reward a prop named ‘The Queen of Maye’s God. This item can be exchanged for many things.

The real shield wall task is the awakening task of shield soldiers. The first stage of the task is to kill fifty living soldiers and block 10,000 points of damage with a shield.

Then there is the heart of the third main line task Freya. What is the completion condition of this main line task? , The reward is to unlock Freya’s second stage favorability.

At that time, Mo Shigui didn’t care much about Freya’s NPC, so she didn’t pay much attention to the third task.

But now that Freya has amnesia, he has completed Freya’s favorability task?

It’s ironic … no, no!

Mi Mo Shigui did not receive the prompt to unlock the second stage favorability of Fuliya, but received a letter.

A paper letter appeared in the hands of Mo Shigui.

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