Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 179

The strength of the main world's ethnic groups is divided into Peak Ethnic Groups, Powerful Ethnic Groups, Ordinary Ethnic Groups, and Weak Ethnic Groups.

The Insect Race Grand Alliance is led by the Peak Ethnic Group of the Insect Race, uniting hundreds of powerful ethnic groups, as well as thousands of ordinary ethnic groups, to resist the expansion of human civilization and fight for their own interests.

In addition to the Insect Race Grand Alliance, there are six or seven similar ethnic group alliances, all centered around a peak ethnic group.

Of course.

Human civilization has also absorbed many alien races, so human civilization is also called the Human Civilization Alliance.

"The C24763 Alien Battlefield, with obvious spatial fluctuations and a permanent spatial rift, was caused by a high-level evolver holding an extremely powerful weapon millions of years ago."

Lin Yuan understood many details about this alien battlefield.

In the world of immortality, the reason Lin Yuan dared not send the Yang Spirit and the Yin Spirit to the Spirit Realm was because he did not understand it.

This means great risk. With the coordinates of the Spirit Realm in hand, Lin Yuan doesn't need to take such risks.

Other cultivators and demons are eager to ascend to the Spirit Realm, willing to pay any price for it.

That's because they have no other choice.

But Lin Yuan is different.

He has many choices.

Even without the coordinates of the Spirit Realm, Lin Yuan has almost infinite options.

"That battlefield will do."

Lin Yuan made a decision in his heart.

From the Red Kun Main Star to the C24763 Alien Battlefield, even if he could traverse wormholes, it would still take nearly half a month.

So Lin Yuan had to hurry.

"Goddess of Wisdom, I apply to go to the C24763 Alien Battlefield."

Lin Yuan connected to the Goddess of Wisdom and stated his request.

"Respected Level 6 Citizen Lin Yuan, with your identity, there is no need to go to the alien battlefield to battle."

The solemn and cold voice of the Goddess of Wisdom came, unusually starting to persuade Lin Yuan.

This was similar to Red Kun, which also did not recommend Lin Yuan to go to the alien battlefield. Even if he wanted to go, it would be best to go with a clone.

"Don't worry, I won't go there in person."

Lin Yuan explained.

"Respected Level 6 Citizen Lin Yuan, you can now state your request."

Suddenly, a cold voice full of killing intent came, completely different in style from the solemn and cold tone of the Goddess of Wisdom.

"It's the Goddess of Freedom."

Lin Yuan's heart stirred slightly.

In the human civilization alliance, there are three ultimate intelligent goddesses.

They are the Goddess of Wisdom, the Goddess of Freedom, and the Goddess of Justice.

The three goddesses are in charge of different areas. The Goddess of Wisdom is responsible for civilian life and is the goddess Lin Yuan has the most contact with.

The Goddess of Freedom, on the other hand, is responsible for war and aggression.

In short, the more than two million alien battlefields opened by the human civilization alliance are all allocated and dispatched by the Goddess of Freedom.

If Lin Yuan wants to go to the alien battlefield, anything that follows naturally needs to be connected to the Goddess of Freedom.

"Conceal my identity, I don't need to follow the team."

Lin Yuan's identity is the Thirteenth Peaks Master of the Red Kun Lineage. If he were to go to the alien battlefield with this identity, it would probably attract a large number of Rank 7 and Rank 8 alien powerhouses to a small-scale battlefield.

As for the strength of a single evolver without following a team, it is very small in the alien battlefield. To kill alien powerhouses and earn meritorious points, it would at least require several evolvers of the same level to join forces to have a chance.

That's why most evolvers on the battlefield choose to form teams.

But Lin Yuan doesn't need to.

He hadn't planned to fight desperately with alien powerhouses.

"Respected Level 6 Citizen Lin Yuan, your application has been approved, and your battlefield pass has been updated."

The cold and killing intent-filled voice of the Goddess of Freedom came.

The battlefield pass is very important proof, symbolizing Lin Yuan's identity in the human civilization camp, allowing him to enter and exit the human alliance territory on the battlefield.

Without a battlefield pass, in the alien battlefield, you are equivalent to a person without identity. Whether you are a human or an alien, anyone can attack you.

"It's almost ready."

Lin Yuan's mind moved slightly, and a hundreds of meters large spacecraft appeared in front of him.

The warship was entirely black, with a streamlined shape, exuding a sense of high technology.

The universe is too vast. For example, from the main star of Red Kun to the C24763 Alien Battlefield, even if you travel at the speed of light, it would take a very long time.

So for normal human evolvers on the road, they use warships for long-distance wormhole traversal.

However, wormhole traversal requires cooldown.

Unless a price is paid, continuous traversal is impossible.


A illusory figure walked out of Lin Yuan's body.

When appearing outside, it quickly condensed into substance.

It was Lin Yuan's Yang Spirit.

"Go ahead."

Lin Yuan looked at the Yang Spirit.

The Yang Spirit smiled and walked into the spaceship.


The spaceship started.

Flying away from the main star of Red Kun.

As the most prosperous planet in a star region, countless spacecraft come and go every day.

The spacecraft Lin Yuan was riding on was inconspicuous.


The black spaceship entered the star platform of the main star of Red Kun in an instant, ready to leave.

"I hope the improvement in understanding the rules of space on the alien battlefield will be helpful to me."

Lin Yuan thought to himself.

He specifically sent the Yang Spirit to the alien battlefield not only to comprehend the 965 spatial models as soon as possible.

But also to have a stimulating effect on the speed of comprehending the 7,782 spatial models later on.

"How come there's so much money added to my account?"

Lin Yuan returned to the main hall, casually glanced at his account balance, and found billions of civilization coins added.

Billions of civilization coins were not a small amount for fifth and sixth-Rank evolvers.

"Was I rewarded?"

Lin Yuan checked the source of the civilization coins and found they came from 'rewards'.

"The videos I uploaded?"

Only then did Lin Yuan remember that a few days ago, in order to make it easier for martial arts evolvers to practice and spread the path of martial arts evolution faster and wider, he had specifically recorded some instructional videos.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan immediately opened the account of 'Yuan' and checked the comments under the videos.


Lin Yuan raised an eyebrow.

The comments under each video exceeded a ten billion, and the vast majority of commenters were not martial arts evolvers.

"They're all urging me to update the instructional videos for the second half of Rank Three, Rank Four, and Rank Five?"

Lin Yuan scanned through and shook his head slightly.

Instructional videos like these weren't something you could just make.

It had nothing to do with Lin Yuan's understanding of the path of martial arts evolution.

Even if Lin Yuan understood deeply, what use would it be if others didn't understand?

So the production of such videos had to be explained and interpreted using ordinary language that ordinary evolvers could understand.

"The number of first-Rank martial arts evolvers has increased by a large margin?"

Lin Yuan glanced at the path of martial arts evolution, the real-time curve of the number of evolvers at each stage.

He found that from the day he published the videos, the number of first-Rank martial arts evolvers had begun to skyrocket.

In addition, the numbers of second-Rank and third-Rank martial arts evolvers also saw a significant increase.

"Not bad."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

The skyrocketing number of martial arts evolvers not only meant that Lin Yuan's income would skyrocket.

It also increased Lin Yuan's 'foundation' in a certain way.

The latter was even more crucial.

At the border of the universe's human civilization territory.

The void slightly distorted. A black spaceship appeared.

"The 862nd wormhole traversal is completed, and we are about to arrive at the C24763 Alien Battlefield."

The voice of the intelligent assistant inside the spaceship rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

Lin Yuan's Yang Spirit opened its eyes, looking ahead.

From leaving the main star of Red Kun to arriving at the C24763 Alien Battlefield, it took a total of eighteen days.

"Is that the alien battlefield?"

Lin Yuan's expression was somewhat shocked.

In the extremely distant place, a continent floated under the cosmic sky.

"The C24763 Alien Battlefield is overall shaped like a continent, with a diameter of 0.2 light-years, which is near two trillion kilometers."

Lin Yuan flashed through the specific information about the C24763 Alien Battlefield in his mind.

The universe is vast, and planets are just the most common celestial bodies. Besides planets, there are many incredible celestial bodies in the depths of the universe.

Landmass-shaped celestial bodies are not rare. Many alien battlefields are located on such huge entities measured in light-years.

"Where do I enter?"

Lin Yuan began to determine the direction.

The C24763 Alien Battlefield was too vast, with its surface filled with a mist of cosmic energy.

Generally, when evolvers enter such a battlefield, they randomly choose a direction to enter, and only when they are inside can they roughly determine their position.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuan controlled the spaceship and flew towards a direction.

At the periphery of the C24763 Alien Battlefield.

Several figures were standing in a valley.

These figures exuded a strange and dark aura, all from the Black Abyss Clan of the Black Abyss.

The Black Abyss Clan, born from the cosmic secret realm Black Abyss, practiced by swallowing the power of the Black Abyss.

Compared to normal cosmic energy, the power of the Black Abyss was treacherous and sinister. So when the Black Abyss Clan came into contact with the outside universe, they quickly stabilized their position.

Unlike other cosmic secret realms that were discovered and had their inhabitants directly kept captive, becoming the backyard of the peak ethnic groups, the situation for the Black Abyss Clan was not so miserable.

Of course.

The fact that the Black Abyss Clan could achieve this level was also somewhat related to their timely submission to the insect race, and offering the treasure of the Black Abyss Clan—the Heart of the Black Abyss.

With the protection of the insect race, most ethnic groups dared not have any thoughts about the Black Abyss secret realm.

Several figures of the Black Abyss Clan, with the leading figure staring at a slightly distorted spatial barrier in the corner of the valley.

The other members of the Black Abyss Clan were equally excited.

On the alien battlefield, countless powerful beings fought. Occasionally, one would end up fatally wounded and unable to return to their own camp, forced to hide and recuperate in some hidden location. But often, their injuries wouldn't heal in time, and they would perish from the backlash.

Of course, before dying, these powerful beings would have made preparations.

Obtaining the treasures they left behind wouldn't be an easy task for outsiders.

For instance, this spatial entrance, capable of creating a stable space, undoubtedly required a deep understanding of spatial rules. And if it had remained stable for so many years, it had likely comprehended at least 965 basic spatial models.

This meant that the being who created it was at least a seventh-Rank king proficient in spatial laws, or possibly even an eighth-Rank powerhouse.

The mere possibility that it was the legacy of an eighth-Rank powerhouse excited the Black Abyss Clan members.

All of them were sixth-Rank powerhouses, so facing the potential legacy of an eighth-Rank powerhouse required considerable restraint to remain rational.

"It should be left behind by a human evolver," the leader of the Black Abyss Clan observed carefully, his brow furrowing slightly.

If this spatial entrance had been left by an eighth-Rank member of the Black Abyss Clan, they would dare to enter directly. Since they belonged to the same clan, any traps set would likely be targeted at other alien races, and the creator would naturally hope that the legacy would fall into the hands of their own kind.

Therefore, the Black Abyss Clan members just needed to display their clan's aura to obtain everything smoothly.

But humans... They were in an antagonistic relationship with the Black Abyss Clan. If they entered, it would undoubtedly trigger various traps left by the creator.

A legacy left by a being suspected to be an eighth-Rank powerhouse would still possess significant power even after hundreds of thousands of years.

"You go first," the leader of the Black Abyss Clan said casually after scanning the others.

"Captain Weiqing, I'm not the strongest. It might not be wise for me to enter such a level of spatial entrance without being sure," the Black Abyss member named Ranfen cautiously suggested, watching the leader, Captain Weiqing, for a reaction.

Although the prospect of obtaining the legacy of an eighth-Rank powerhouse tempted him, the prerequisite was being alive to claim it. The first person to enter would undoubtedly face the greatest risk.

"Ranfen, although you're not the strongest, you have excellent survival skills. If you go in according to the predetermined rules, you'll get a 30% share of all the gains," another Black Abyss member spoke up.

"Captain Weiqing, you heard that."

Ranfen acted, mainly because he had no other choice. If he didn't go in, Captain Weiqing would likely 'invite' him in.

A moment later, Captain Weiqing furrowed his brows.

"He's dead," Weiqing announced.

Ranfen hadn't been in the entrance for long before completely losing contact, indicating his demise.

"Ranfen's ability to survive, even if he were a seventh-Rank powerhouse, wouldn't be killed so quickly, right?" the other Black Abyss Clan members immediately felt the situation becoming tricky.

"This also indicates that this spatial entrance has greater value."

Weiqing concluded.

The group had stumbled upon this place by chance while passing through.

They had only discovered the spatial entrance when they decided to rest in the valley.

The entrance's aura was concealed, making it impossible to detect with perception alone. Only by approaching a certain distance could anomalies be noticed.

So over the years, this spatial entrance had remained undiscovered.

The C24763 Alien Battlefield was too vast, with a diameter of 0.2 light-years, likely many times larger than a typical planet.

"What about you?"

Weiqing glanced at the remaining Black Abyss members.

"Captain Weiqing, if even Ranfen died, entering would mean certain death for us too. There's no need for it," the other Black Abyss Clan members expressed nervously.

"That's true."

Weiqing pondered.

He didn't mind the life or death of the other Black Abyss Clan members, but only if they could obtain the legacy within the spatial entrance.

"Do we have to report this to the clan?" Weiqing felt somewhat reluctant.

With the Black Abyss Clan's strength, they could send out powerful beings who would surely retrieve all the treasures from within the spatial entrance. But in that case, Weiqing would only get a small share. The bulk would undoubtedly go to the clan.


At that moment, Weiqing seemed to sense something and looked towards a certain direction.

A black spaceship was flying in their direction.

"Is it a human evolver?"

Weiqing immediately deduced that the Black Abyss Clan didn't have the technology to create spaceships capable of traversing wormholes. Therefore, they rarely relied on spaceships for travel.

"Captain Weiqing, we can capture this human and force them to enter the spatial entrance."

"He's human, and the being who left behind this spatial entrance should also be human."

"If a human enters, they probably won't encounter traps meant to kill them. We can wait until they obtain all the treasures, then take them from him."

A Black Abyss Clan member immediately suggested.

The other members of the Black Abyss Clan agreed.

In this way, they wouldn't need to venture into the unknown, nor would they have to report to the clan and relinquish the lion's share of the loot.

Weiqing's eyes lit up slightly, nodding:

"Good idea."

Then he looked up towards the position of the black spaceship, a smile playing on his lips.

"Luck is on our side."



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