Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 192

Help me buy a new computer :D


Crimson palace.

Lin Yuan stood below with the twelve senior brothers.

Master Red Kun (Red Kun Star Lord) sat on the high seat, and Lin Yuan glanced at the other senior brothers.

He noticed that they were all acting casually; Master Red Kun was not the type of teacher who demanded strict formality from his disciples. He favored an approachable demeanor.

"Everyone is here," Master Red Kun nodded slightly.

In reality, although there were many six-rank and seven-rank evolvers in the Red Kun Lineage, the core was naturally composed of the star lord and the peak masters.

In the Cosmic Human Alliance, the relationship between master and disciple went beyond mere kinship. Once the master-disciple relationship was established, it required genuine commitment.

For thousands of years, aside from not encountering satisfactory evolvers, Master Red Kun had refrained from taking disciples because taking on a disciple meant more than just lip service.

If a disciple caused trouble, Master Red Kun would have to intervene on their behalf.

The evolvers who passed the Seven-Star Cave Trial and joined the Red Kun Lineage were not technically disciples of Master Red Kun, or even disciples of the twelve peak masters.

They were merely members of the Red Kun Lineage, trained by the lineage and expected to serve it in return.

"Let's get straight to the point," Master Red Kun began.

"You've all heard about the recent activities of the insect race on the battlefield. Although our top diviners detected their actions in advance, the losses were not insignificant. We cannot let this slide easily."

Master Red Kun's tone was calm. Taking the example of the C24763 battlefield where Lin Yuan's Yin Spirit was located, the Black Abyss Clan aimed to cleanse the battlefield.

Despite many human evolvers scattering to escape, many seven-rank and six-rank evolvers still perished. In the grand scheme of war, these losses might seem insignificant.

However, such actions by the insect race couldn't go unchallenged by human civilization.

For over two million years in the cosmic sea, human civilization had been viewed by many other cosmic races as no different from demons. Daring to breach the rules of war and launch full-scale attacks was inviting the wrath of human civilization.

"You will lead the army of evolvers to the C34123 battlefield," Master Red Kun commanded.

"Second-in-command, you will lead the army of evolvers to the C459543 battlefield," he continued, giving out orders.

Not only in the Wan Yang Star Domain, but in the entire Star Alliance and many other star domains, forces were being mobilized and directed to the battlefields.

While human civilization had been initiating battles constantly since leaving its home planet, the intensity and frequency of these battles varied over time.

Before this recent insect race operation, human civilization had not invested much in the battlefields. However, now that the insect race had broken the unspoken rules, human civilization would naturally respond in kind.

"Once on the battlefield, all actions will be coordinated under the Goddess of Freedom" Master Red Kun declared.

The Goddess of Freedom was the central authority for human expansion and invasion operations.

With her guidance, every ounce of human strength could be fully unleashed, which was the key to human civilization's successive victories on the battlefield.

"Master, what about me?" Lin Yuan couldn't help asking when he noticed that all twelve senior brothers had been assigned tasks while he had been overlooked.

"Come here and familiarize yourself with the situation," Master Red Kun shook his head. He had invited Lin Yuan primarily to acclimatize him to the atmosphere of the battlefield.

As for sending Lin Yuan to the battlefield, Master Red Kun was reluctant. Despite being a talented evolver, Lin Yuan showed no signs of being held back by bottlenecks. It would be foolish to expose him to the dangers of the battlefield at this time.

"Junior brother, once you cultivate an avatar, you can go to the battlefield," the eldest senior brother said with a smile.

The twelve senior brothers, including Master Red Kun, were unaware of Lin Yuan's Yin Spirit and Yang Spirit, which were akin to two 'clones'. Although having Yin and Yang Spirits was not unique, it raised suspicions regarding Lin Yuan's path of martial evolution.

"Master, what exactly happened on the large battlefield, and what was the situation with the corpse of the extraterrestrial guest that drifted in from the permanent spatial rift?" Third senior brother asked, curious.

The insect race's breach of the unspoken rules was motivated by the appearance of this extraterrestrial guest's corpse.

This corpse had attracted the attention of several powerful beings from other major cosmic civilizations, who had personally intervened and eventually torn the corpse into pieces.

The situation on the large battlefield, named No. S111, where powerful beings had intervened, could not be concealed. Therefore, many people were very curious about this corpse.

An item capable of inciting powerful beings to fight over it was extremely rare. At the level of these powerful beings, every action was a manifestation of universal principles, and external objects were unnecessary.

Master Red Kun pondered for a moment before addressing the inquiry, and Lin Yuan also listened attentively.

Beyond the universe, there are chaotic streams of void that can be divided into different regions based on their intensity.

During Lin Yuan's fifth transmigration, the chaotic void outside the Immortal Dao world where he found himself was not too harsh; even a seventh-rank power could barely survive.

Nevertheless, Lin Yuan was unwilling to venture too far from the Immortal Dao world and would occasionally return to rest.

As for the chaotic void outside the main world, specifically the C24763 battlefield, Lin Yuan observed the permanent spatial rift and inferred that its intensity far exceeded that of the Immortal Dao world.

The oppressive aura that destroyed everything made Lin Yuan's scalp tingle.

Indeed, the Red Kun Lineage's records revealed that even the undefeated eighth-rank evolver, Master Red Kun, dared not easily enter the rift.

The fact that the extraterrestrial guest's corpse could withstand the chaotic void and enter the main world intact, maintaining its shape even in death without being torn apart, was truly baffling.

In large-scale alien battlefields, extraterrestrial guests often entered through spatial rifts, but they were always alive, using various methods or even weapons and treasures to resist the erosion of the chaotic void.

To rely solely on physical strength to withstand the chaotic void beyond the main world—how strong would one's body have to be?

"I don't know much about this matter," Master Red Kun shook his head. It seemed that only the powerful beings and top diviners knew the secrets of the corpse.

"Oh, I see," Third Senior Brother replied disappointedly. He had hoped that the master would have some insider information.

"Alright. You may all leave now," Master Red Kun waved his hand. "Prepare yourselves. It's time for the counterattack of our human civilization."

"Yes," the senior brothers nodded and left the crimson hall.

"Yes," Lin Yuan also intended to leave.

At that moment, Master Red Kun's voice rang in his ears.

"Good disciple, you stay."

In the crimson hall, only Lin Yuan and Master Red Kun remained.

Master Red Kun looked at Lin Yuan, his thoughts filled with emotion.

Before meeting Lin Yuan, Master Red Kun had thought that teaching disciples was a very difficult task. Different disciples had different characteristics, advantages, or disadvantages, and teaching had to be tailored accordingly to maximize their potential.

However, with Lin Yuan, Master Red Kun found that teaching disciples was not as difficult as he had imagined. In fact, it was quite simple. Since accepting Lin Yuan as his disciple, he hadn't done much, yet Lin Yuan had already reached the seventh rank.

"Normally," Master Red Kun began, "after you reach the sixth rank, I would give you some treasures."

For evolvers, the sixth rank was a critical period. When the twelve peak masters reached the sixth rank, they also received 'gifts' prepared by Master Red Kun.

"This time, I intended to give you a seventh-rank treasure. However, you've progressed too quickly, and I haven't had time to choose one. You've already reached the seventh rank," Master Red Kun said somewhat helplessly.

"Gifts" needed to be customized, and what was highly valued at the sixth rank would naturally decrease in value at the seventh rank.

"Master," Lin Yuan blinked.

In fact, he had already been suppressing his speed of advancement to the seventh rank. If he hadn't aimed to achieve a perfect seventh rank, he could have broken through to the seventh rank shortly after finishing his fifth transmigration half a year ago.

"Now that you're at the seventh rank, under normal circumstances, I should prepare a seventh-rank treasure for you. But I think you won't stay at the seventh rank for long, at most a few hundred years," Master Red Kun continued.

"In that case, a seventh-rank treasure wouldn't be of much help to you. In a few hundred years, how much could it assist you?" Master Red Kun shook his head.

"So this time, I plan to go straight to the point."

"From the sixth rank, to the seventh rank, and even to the future eighth rank, all accounted for."

With a flick of his hand, Master Red Kun revealed a fist-sized irregular metal floating in the air.

As soon as this irregular metal appeared, it began to subtly influence the surrounding area, even causing the spatial energy to fluctuate slowly.

"What is this?" Lin Yuan observed carefully. This irregular metal gave him a special feeling, making him almost unable to resist the desire for it.

To obtain it.

He must obtain it.

"Hmm?" Lin Yuan's mind stirred slightly.

All distractions quickly vanished.

"This object," Lin Yuan's eyes widened in amazement. After staring at it for a while, he felt its inexplicable influence.

"This is called 'Primordial Essence Gold.' Back then, I fought with several other powerful beings for hundreds of years just to obtain it. If I hadn't timely retreated to the territory of human civilization, I'm afraid it would have attracted the intervention of ninth-rank aliens" Master Red Kun said with a smile.

"This..." Lin Yuan couldn't help but hold his breath.

Master Red Kun was an undefeated eighth-rank existence.

What is meant by being invincible at the eighth rank? It doesn't mean that Master Red Kun has no opponents at the eighth rank, but rather that at the eighth rank, in a one-on-one situation, nobody can completely defeat him.

Of course, this statement isn't entirely accurate. If a certain eighth-rank evolver wielded an ultimate weapon, Master Red Kun would probably have to flee.

However, how many ultimate weapons are there? And even if Master Red Kun fled, it wouldn't mean his demise.

When Master Red Kun mentioned fighting with other eighth-rank extraterrestrials for hundreds of years, it was undoubtedly because those eighth-rank extraterrestrials were also invincible at the eighth rank.

To make an invincible eighth-rank evolver risk their lives and even attract the attention of ninth-rank aliens...

"Master, this is too precious, I can't accept it," Lin Yuan said.

Although he didn't know what 'Primordial Essence Gold' was, from Master Red Kun's description alone, he knew that its value definitely reached the ninth-rank level.

"Although Primordial Essence Gold is precious, it's of no use to me," Master Red Kun shook his head.

What he craved most now was stepping into the ninth rank. As for Primordial Essence Gold, while it could indeed enhance his strength further with some effort, improving his strength by a point or two when he was already invincible at the eighth rank wouldn't have much practical significance.

"In that case, thank you, Master," Lin Yuan expressed his gratitude.

Previously, the 'Rule Crystal' that Master Red Kun had given him allowed evolvers to comprehend the fire rules.

The Rule Crystal was part of Master Red Kun's collection, so giving it to Lin Yuan was inconsequential.

But just from Lin Yuan's initial feeling about Primordial Essence Gold, it far surpassed the Rule Crystal.

"Primordial Essence Gold is a growth-oriented treasure, best nurtured at the seventh rank."

"Its most precious aspect, aside from its growth-oriented nature, is its malleability. When you nurture Primordial Essence Gold, you can shape it according to your desires, whether it's into an offensive weapon, a defensive weapon, and so on," Master Red Kun continued.

"In theory, the limit of Primordial Essence Gold depends on the evolver's limit. If you reach the eighth rank in the future, you can elevate Primordial Essence Gold to an eighth-rank quality. If you can breakthrough to the ninth rank, you can continue to elevate it."

Master Red Kun looked at Lin Yuan.

Feeling a little more comfortable, he no longer needed to worry about Lin Yuan's rapid progress this time.

"I'll send you an email with the specific nurturing methods for Primordial Essence Gold. It will provide detailed instructions," Master Red Kun said.

"Yes," Lin Yuan nodded.

"Alright then," Master Red Kun said, his thoughts shifting slightly.

The irregular metal floating in front of him flew towards Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan reached out and grasped it.

"This feeling?" Lin Yuan marveled inwardly.

At first glance, Primordial Essence Gold appeared to be a metal and should be incredibly hard.

But in reality, after taking hold of it, Lin Yuan's initial impression of Primordial Essence Gold was that it was soft.

It felt like a ball, slightly pressing on it would cause it to deform.

"Truly miraculous," Lin Yuan observed repeatedly, continuously touching it.

"That's enough," Master Red Kun waved his hand. "You can study it further when you return. If you have any questions, you can come to me."

"Yes," Lin Yuan put away the Primordial Essence Gold and left the crimson palace.


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