Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 209

In fact, Lin Yuan had overestimated the ancestral demon tree.

The other party didn't have the courage to 'cut meat' and leave. This extradimensional evil god had completely turned red-eyed, pinning all hopes on Lin Yuan.


When Lin Yuan took the initiative to contact the ancestral demon tree, claiming to have grown to the fifth stage.

The joy in the heart of the ancestral demon tree can be imagined.

"An opportunity."

"The opportunity we've been waiting for has finally come."

Outside the Azure World, in a dark void somewhere, the ancestral demon tree stared tightly at the distant vast world, as if looking at a delicious cake.

After the Azure Alliance leader destroyed the battlefield of the gods, in order to prevent the ancestral demon tree from counterattacking, he deliberately left the World Sword.

In fact, such behavior was completely unnecessary. The current ancestral demon tree only had fifty percent of its origin source left, plus the loss of invading the battlefield, it was completely powerless to pose any threat to the Azure World.

"I didn't expect that the seeds planted back then would be the key to my descent into the Azure World," the ancestral demon tree thought joyfully.

From beginning to end, it never crossed its mind that Lin Yuan would deceive it. As a derivative born from its mother body, the latter had an almost instinctive loyalty to the former.

"The Azure Alliance leader and those people, didn't notice you when they returned, did they?" the ancestral demon tree inquired.

"Ancestor, I hid in the Black Mist Mountains, which are not conspicuous among the Ten Great Mountains, and didn't attract any attention," Lin Yuan said calmly.

"That's good."

The ancestral demon tree nodded.

It also thought so. If Lin Yuan had really been noticed by strong figures like the Azure Alliance leader, how could he still be in contact with itself?

"Now you start preparing."

"After three days, the space channel will officially open."

The ancestral demon tree gave a few instructions and then cut off the contact.

The reason for waiting three days to open the space channel was entirely the ancestral demon tree's own consideration.

Its current size was too large. Although it was inconspicuous compared to the entire Azure World, once it descended into the Azure World, such a large size would inevitably attract attention.

Moreover, the huge body posed a pressure on the space channel.

So during these three days, the ancestral demon tree planned to condense its body, shrinking it to within a hundred meters in size.

Only in this way could it hide itself as much as possible after passing through the space channel, giving itself enough time to merge into the world's source.

"As long as I can devour all the source of the Azure World, everything will be worth it."

The ancestral demon tree thought to itself, compressing its body size was exceptionally painful for it.

And it also had a certain impact on its own combat power.

In the extradimensional void, were those evil gods' sizes of hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles just for show?

Although the huge size reduced agility, in other aspects, it had many advantages.

The most obvious one was survivability.

In the extradimensional void, the survival ability was crucial. Even extradimensional evil gods spent most of their lives drifting alone in the void.

Encountering other extradimensional evil gods, or a world, was extremely rare.

This was also why the ancestral demon tree was so eager to descend into the Azure World.

Such opportunities were extremely rare.

Enough to make extradimensional evil gods advance further.

Black Mist Mountains.

"Three days later?"

Lin Yuan pondered in his heart. It was somewhat unexpected that the ancestral demon tree would open the space channel in three days, but it was still within Lin Yuan's plan.

After thinking about this, Lin Yuan looked down at the Azure Alliance leader and the others below.

"Have you brought all your reserves?"

Lin Yuan asked somewhat worriedly.

The Azure World still had many reserves.

These reserves were meant to prevent extreme situations, such as the ancestral demon tree invading the Azure World.

"Master, the diagram of the Yin-Yang Reversal Heaven and Earth Extinction Nine Heavens Great Array has been set up long ago, with sixteen Seventh Stage powerhouses, eighty-eight peak Sixth Stage powerhouses, and one hundred and ninety-four Sixth Stage powerhouses guarding the array eyes, so there's no problem."

"In addition, we've also brought thirteen Thunder Creation Beads."

"These thirteen Thunder Creation Beads are all the accumulation of my Azure World for millions of years."

"Absolutely no problem."

The Azure Alliance leader patted his chest and said.

"That's good."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, feeling satisfied.

The 'Yin-Yang Reversal Heaven and Earth Extinction Nine Heavens Great Array' mentioned by the Azure Alliance leader was the most powerful array in the Azure World since ancient times. Without this array, they would have to rely on the Azure World.

If it weren't for leaving the world's range, the power of the array would have greatly diminished, and it would probably have been brought to the battlefield of the gods long ago.

Such an array could only exert its maximum power inside the world.

Hundreds of Sixth Stage starting strongmen operating it would elevate the power of this array to an unimaginable level.

Even if the ancestral demon tree was at its peak, if it accidentally fell within the range covered by this array, it would suffer severe damage.

As for the Thunder Creation Beads?

Lin Yuan had a profound understanding of their power. A single Thunder Creation Bead, when activated, would unleash terrifying power equivalent to the Eighth Stage.

The nine-day thunder of the Azure World, nurtured for millions of years, had only produced fifteen Thunder Creation Beads in total. After deducting the ones previously used, the remaining thirteen Thunder Creation Beads were all brought over by the Azure Alliance leader.

Of course, while the Thunder Creation Beads were indeed formidable, their drawbacks were also apparent.

That was, they took a long time to activate, and during activation, they emitted thunderous fluctuations.

At that time, even a fool could see that you were about to use a trump card.

Then, whether to temporarily avoid the edge, there would be ample time to consider.


The drawback of the Thunder Creation Beads.

For the impending arrival of the ancestral demon tree.

It was equivalent to nothing.

Lin Yuan could calculate the timing perfectly.

By activating the Thunder Creation Beads in advance, by the time the ancestral demon tree descended into the Azure World.

The activation of the Thunder Creation Beads would be nearing its end.

The ancestral demon tree probably hadn't even reacted yet when it would face the devastating power of thirteen Thunder Creation Beads.

"Just a bit more feeling off."

Lin Yuan's thoughts flickered.

A stone-like long sword flew out and landed in front of the Azure Alliance leader.

This world weapon could only be activated by the creatures of this world. As for Lin Yuan? Even if he could completely suppress the world sword, he couldn't activate it.

After all, the evil demonic power of the ancestral demon tree was diametrically opposed to the pure power inside the world sword.

During the time Lin Yuan wielded the world sword, his main purpose was to comprehend the operation of the Azure World through it.

"By activating this sword, do you have confidence in dealing with that extradimensional evil god?"

Lin Yuan looked at the Azure Alliance leader and asked.

The world sword was the strongest heritage of the Azure World, so Lin Yuan naturally couldn't waste it.

Since he couldn't activate it himself, he would let the original owner of the world sword do it.

After all, Lin Yuan had completely controlled the Azure Alliance leader now. The world sword in his hands was just a formality.

"Master, rest assured."

"With this sword in hand, just one of my subordinates is enough to suppress that extradimensional evil god."

The Azure Alliance leader's expression was exhilarated.

The closer the world sword was to the Azure World, the greater its power.

Now that the world sword was within the Azure World, its power was even more unimaginable.

"Almost there."

Lin Yuan checked again and nodded slightly.

In fact, even if the ancestral demon tree did its best to resist the 'Yin-Yang Reversal Heaven and Earth Extinction Nine Heavens Great Array', resist the world-shattering power of the 'Thunder Creation Beads', and resist the Azure Alliance leader wielding the world sword.

It still needed to face the most terrifying presence.

That was Lin Yuan himself.

For over a hundred years, with his Unrivaled Insight, Lin Yuan himself didn't know how strong he was because so far, no one had forced him to use his full strength.

Even when dealing with the Azure Alliance leader, Lin Yuan just did it casually without expending any effort.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

The ancestral demon tree was still a bit worried and confirmed with Lin Yuan one last time.

"Are you sure the surroundings of the space channel are safe?" The ancestral demon tree asked solemnly.

Lin Yuan glanced at the hundreds of strongmen who were on high alert, the Thunder Creation Beads emitting world-destroying fluctuations, and the Azure Alliance leader wielding the world sword with a terrifying aura.

"Absolutely safe." (chad)

Lin Yuan nodded, encouraging, "Ancestor, you can rest assured. Do you still not trust me?"

After reassuring the ancestral demon tree a few more times, Lin Yuan began to open the space channel.


The faint power of space began to fluctuate.

A faint entrance began to form.

Outside the world.

The ancestral demon tree's size was now less than sixty meters.

"Finally, the space channel is starting to open."

"We've been waiting for this day for too long."

The ancestral demon tree stared at the gradually forming space channel, eyes brimming with tears.

"Half an hour."

"At most, just half an hour."

"Then I can smoothly perform the secret technique and merge into the source of the Azure World."

The ancestral demon tree calculated the time earnestly.

Although the moment the space channel was opened, the spatial fluctuations generated would inevitably spread in all directions.

But by the time the strongmen of the Azure World noticed, it would have been a long time.

For the entire Azure World, a mere half an hour was too short.

Unless it descended in the past, facing a large group of strongmen of the Azure World waiting in battle.

Otherwise, no one could stop it from merging into the source of the Azure World.

As long as it succeeded in merging and devouring all the sources of the Azure World, the ancestral demon tree would become unprecedentedly powerful.


"The Azure World, here I come."

The ancestral demon tree waited patiently for a moment, confirmed the successful opening of the space channel, and then boldly entered the entrance of the space channel.


The next moment.

It was as if crossing an infinite distance.

When the ancestral demon tree stepped out of the space channel.

It had already arrived at the deepest part of the Black Mist Mountains.

"Where is this?"

The ancestral demon tree hadn't yet seen its surroundings clearly but caught a scent, its expression filled with enjoyment.

"A delicious scent."

The ancestral demon tree felt exceptionally comfortable through every pore, compared to the harsh environment outside the domain.

The environment within the world was filled with gentle power everywhere, seeming like heaven to it.

"Hurry up and perform the secret technique."

The ancestral demon tree knew the importance of the matter.


The ancestral demon tree began to observe its surroundings.

Soon, it spotted Lin Yuan.


Upon losing the barrier of the world, the ancestral demon tree immediately perceived that Lin Yuan had grown to the sixth stage, and it was the limit of the sixth stage. Far from the scale of just entering the fifth stage.

Furthermore, the ancestral demon tree was also shocked to find that it could faintly sense a breath from Lin Yuan that made its heart tremble.

How could this be possible?

Although the ancestral demon tree now only had half of its source, its strength was far inferior to its peak period. But facing its offspring, even if it only had one-tenth of its source left, it shouldn't be like this.

"Something's wrong."

The ancestral demon tree suddenly became clear-headed.

Just as it was about to turn around and return to the outside world through the space channel.



The space channel in front of it collapsed inch by inch.

The ancestral demon tree was stunned in place.

The next moment.

A terrifying aura rose into the sky.

A set of formations faintly emitting infinite power unfolded, and the power of the Yin-Yang Nine Heavens Extinction filled and spread.

Immediately after.

One Thunder Creation Bead after another began to emit extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

The terrifying power of thunder pervaded, turning the surrounding million miles into a nine-day thunder pond. Under the extremely strong thunder power, the ancestral demon tree felt its consciousness dimming, and its remaining power was once again suppressed.


This was far from over.

The Yin-Yang Reversal Heaven and Earth Extinction Nine Heavens Great Array was completely activated, and hundreds of strongmen simultaneously made their moves.

Once again, it was the Azure Alliance leader wielding the world sword, pouring all his strength into a strike. The space was instantly torn apart, and terrifying power descended.


Seeing this scene, the ancestral demon tree's scalp exploded.

"I am the ancestral demon tree!!"

The ancestral demon tree began to reveal its true form without hesitation, its sixty-meter body began to swell up.


In just an instant, the ancestral demon tree's body was torn apart by more than half.

This made the ancestral demon tree shudder in horror.

Before it could make any move.

The next round of attacks came crashing down again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The ancestral demon tree suddenly emitted a terrifying mental fluctuation.

Because it knew that it was unlikely to walk out of the Azure World alive.

Boom boom boom.

Terrifying energy fluctuations covered the sky as if pouring down.

Before it died.

Countless thoughts flashed through the ancestral demon tree's mind.

Until this moment, it still didn't understand what had happened. Why were there so many strongmen ambushed outside the space channel? And why was the strongest heritage of the Azure World activated? Could it be that its offspring, the demonic tree, had sided with the Azure World? But this was even more impossible.

Whether it was the demonic tree offspring or the ancestral demon tree itself.

Both were in opposition to the Azure World and could not be reconciled.

If it wasn't the demonic tree offspring defecting, then was it the Azure World controlling the demonic tree offspring? But this was equally impossible. As the offspring of an extradimensional evil god, if it were so easily controlled, how could the ancestral demon tree have roamed the extradimensional realm for so many years?

And in that brief moment just now, the ancestral demon tree perceived that many strongmen from the Azure World, including the one holding the world sword, the Azure Alliance leader.

All showed utmost respect to its demonic tree offspring?

Why was that? In the blink of an eye, one doubt after another flashed through the ancestral demon tree's mind.

Boom boom boom.

The massive body of the ancestral demon tree was torn apart.

Countless sources scattered, and extremely pure evil power emerged.


Seeing this, Lin Yuan's thoughts flickered slightly.

The remaining fifty percent of the ancestral demon tree's source began to gather towards him and were eventually swallowed in one gulp.


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