Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 259

Nine Rivers Domain.

Huai Dragon Palace.

As a Dao Fusion-level force, Huai Dragon Palace was no weaker than the Daoist Immortal Sect, and even stronger due to being descended from aquatic dragons.

The true immortal-level combat power of Huai Dragon Palace was even stronger than that of the Daoist Immortal Sect.

Huai Dragon Hall.

Dozens of figures gathered here.

Huai Dragon Palace was not a human force, but one ruled by aquatic dragon descendants. The entire Nine Rivers Domain was basically the territory of the aquatic race.

"Everyone, our palace lord has decided that we will once again launch a large-scale war against the Daoist Immortal Sect. The essence of the celestial water is bound to belong to our Huai Dragon Palace."

The palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace was a middle-aged woman, whose true form was that of a true dragon. Although her bloodline had not reached the level of a true spirit, her strength was so great that she had hardly any opponents within the Dao Fusion stage.

"The essence of celestial water is the treasure of our dragon race, but it has been seized by the Daoist Immortal Sect. This time, we must reclaim it."

"Palace Lord, I also want to participate in this large-scale decisive battle and must kill several true immortals of the Daoist Immortal Sect."

"If not for the support of the Xuan King Palace, how could the Daoist Immortal Sect be a match for our Huai Dong Palace?"

Dozens of figures on the scene spoke one after another.

The so-called large-scale war was the fierce battle between Huai Dragon Palace and the Daoist Immortal Sect, where true immortals would take the field, and there would be no holding back from either side.

Such large-scale battles often did not occur for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years because the cost was too high.

Regardless of which side won, it would be a pyrrhic victory. The Xuan King Palace could not sit idly by and watch the Daoist Immortal Sect be defeated and would certainly intervene.

"The Xuan King Palace?"


The palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace snorted coldly.

In the past few large-scale wars, she had never been able to defeat the Daoist Immortal Sect due to the intervention of the Xuan King Palace.

But now, the palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace had already transcended the tribulation of the flesh, and her strength had greatly increased. Ordinary half-step Immortal Kings were not even worth her consideration.

Before transcending the tribulation of the flesh, she could rival half-step Immortal Kings with the help of her true dragon bloodline.

Now that she had become a half-step Immortal King, it would probably take three or four half-step Immortal Kings to contend with her.

This time, Huai Dragon Palace was determined to obtain the essence of celestial water.

The essence of celestial water had a significant effect on the transformation of dragon descendants into dragons.

If Huai Dragon Palace could obtain the essence of celestial water, its power would rise to a new level within at most ten thousand years.

It would even have certain benefits for the palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace to transcend the tribulation of the mind.

Normal Dao Fusion stage true immortals had a greater chance of transcending the tribulation of the mind than the tribulation of the flesh.

As a dragon descendant, the palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace had a strong physical body and was more likely to transcend the tribulation of the flesh. As for the tribulation of the mind, she needed to be more cautious.

Daoist Immortal Sect.

Cangqing Immortal sat on the high platform.

"What is Huai Dragon Palace plotting again?"

Cangqing Immortal frowned. He received intelligence from the battlefield that the true immortal-level combat power of Huai Dragon Palace was gathering towards the battlefield.

"Are they planning another large-scale decisive battle?"

Cangqing Immortal felt somewhat troubled. Even with the support of the Xuan King Palace, the Daoist Immortal Sect was already finding it difficult to cope with Huai Dragon Palace's repeated decisive battles.

The Xuan King Palace was the most powerful force in the Xuan King Domain, and the Daoist Immortal Sect, along with another major force, were known as the three giants of the Xuan King Domain.

"The essence of celestial water."

Cangqing Immortal thought of the culprit that had caused the endless warfare between the Daoist Immortal Sect and Huai Dragon Palace.

In fact, the essence of celestial water was not of much use to human cultivators.

But even if it had no effect, it absolutely could not be handed over to Huai Dragon Palace.

Cangqing Immortal could imagine that once Huai Dragon Palace obtained the essence of celestial water, its power would definitely increase substantially within ten thousand years, surpassing the Xuan King Domain directly and becoming the most powerful force in the dozens of nearby domains.

By then, the Daoist Immortal Sect would have no resistance against Huai Dragon Palace.

"The essence of celestial water is rooted in the earth's veins and cannot be moved or destroyed."

Cangqing Immortal sighed lightly. Even if he used treasures to forcibly shatter the essence of celestial water, as long as the earth's veins remained, a new essence of celestial water would be born within thousands of years.

"Huai Dragon Palace dares to launch a large-scale decisive battle this time, there must be new cards in hand. Has the palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace transcended the tribulation of the flesh?"

Cangqing Immortal speculated.

After countless years of warfare between the Daoist Immortal Sect and Huai Dragon Palace, he was very familiar with the latter. The last time the palace lord of Huai Dragon Palace fought against Cangqing Immortal, she displayed a physical strength that was not far from transcending the tribulation of the flesh.

"I can't deal with a true dragon who has transcended the tribulation of the flesh alone. It's better to ask the opinion of the Xuan King Palace."

Cangqing Immortal was not stupid, and he naturally would not shoulder the pressure of blocking Huai Dragon Palace alone.

A moment later.

Cangqing Immortal, who had contacted the Xuan King Palace, frowned again.

"The Lord of the Xuan King Palace is in seclusion and cannot act for a short time?"

"How am I supposed to deal with that sinful dragon?"

Cangqing Immortal suddenly felt tricky.

"I still need to contact the Dao Fusion-level forces of other major domains."

Cangqing Immortal's thoughts converged as he looked at another piece of information.


"Has that little fellow Jun Wuji returned?"

Cangqing Immortal's eyes lit up.

He had been waiting for Jun Wuji for a long time. Originally, he thought that at most a few thousand years, Jun Wuji could ascend to the Spirit Realm, but hundreds of thousands of years had passed with no sign of him.

But Cangqing Immortal did not violate his promise because of this. After all, they had made a Dao oath.

Although violating a Dao oath was not impossible, it would also come at a great cost. For the sake of such a promise, making Cangqing Immortal violate his Dao oath would definitely be a losing deal.

"Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and that little fellow is still alive. He is at least at the peak of the Dao Fusion stage. Perhaps he has become a half-step Immortal King?"

Cangqing Immortal thought to himself.

He was well aware of Lin Yuan's talent. Being able to enter such a place in the mortal realm and forcibly reach the Dao Fusion stage could at least be called a seedling of an Immortal King.

Of course, even if one is a seedling of an Immortal King, crossing into an Immortal King is extremely difficult. It's just a possibility. Cangqing Immortal, no matter how highly he regards Lin Yuan, doesn't think the latter has become an Immortal King.

The transition from the Dao Fusion stage to the Tribulation stage is like a heavenly chasm. Cangqing Immortal knows this well. Despite transcending the Tribulation of the Mind and ranking as a half-step Immortal King, he understands that it's virtually impossible for him to become an Immortal King in this lifetime.

At most, before reaching the end of his lifespan, Cangqing Immortal might attempt to transcend the Tribulation of the Flesh. Even if he fails, it's within his expectations.

"However, if this kid has already become a half-step Immortal King, it might ease the pressure from Huai Dragon Palace this time" Cangqing Immortal suddenly had a thought.

When he negotiated with Lin Yuan, Cangqing Immortal agreed to allow martial arts to spread in the mortal realm and provide protection for martial practitioners to ascend to the Spirit Realm using the Ascension Platform after reaching the Sixth Rank.

In return, Lin Yuan promised to assist the Daoist Immortal Sect when possible in the future. Of course, Lin Yuan could choose to refuse. Cangqing Immortal was quite relaxed about this matter, as he hadn't invested much.

"So be it. It's been a while since I went out."

"This time, I'll go and see that kid from back then."

Cangqing Immortal rose slowly and disappeared from his original location.

As for the large-scale decisive battle that Huai Dragon Palace wanted to launch, preparing for such a level of battlefield would require a lot of time. At least ten years would pass before it could start.

Xiaoyao City, Martial Temple.

Cangqing Immortal's figure appeared silently.

"Lifting the restriction on martial arts?" Cangqing Immortal glanced at the recent events in Xiaoyao City.

Step by step, Cangqing Immortal walked towards the depths of the Martial Temple, surrounded by a faint illusionary domain as a half-step Immortal King who had transcended the Tribulation of the Mind.

As long as he wished, even someone as powerful as Li Qing, at the peak of the Seventh Rank of martial arts, would find it difficult to detect his presence.

After transcending the Tribulation of the Mind, Cangqing Immortal's soul had greatly improved, enabling him to easily deceive and manipulate the perceptions of others in the realm of the soul.

"There haven't been any changes."

"Has that kid really come back?"

Cangqing Immortal arrived at the main hall of the Martial Temple and took a casual glance around, finding nothing unusual.

Just as Cangqing Immortal was wondering whether to reveal himself and ask Li Qing, the guardian of the temple, about it, suddenly...


The surrounding void began to blur.

Scenes began to unfold one after another. Cangqing Immortal found himself outside Xiaoyao City again, as if everything he had just experienced was an illusion.


Cangqing Immortal's pupils contracted, and his heart surged with immense waves.

An illusion?

Even he, a half-step Immortal King who had transcended the Tribulation of the Mind, could be silently plunged into an illusion?

Although in terms of strength, a half-step Immortal King who had transcended the Tribulation of the Mind was not as powerful as one who had transcended the Tribulation of the Flesh, when it came to mastery of soul illusions, a half-step Immortal King who had transcended the Tribulation of the Mind was far superior.

Yet now, Cangqing Immortal had silently experienced an illusion. If the other party had not intentionally dispersed the illusion, Cangqing Immortal would probably still be immersed in it.

"Too terrifying."

"What kind of illusion is this?"

Cangqing Immortal's mind trembled. Someone who could freely manipulate him, a half-step Immortal King, in the realm of soul illusions... Cangqing Immortal already had a guess.

"Could it be..." Cangqing Immortal calmed his mind and walked into Xiaoyao City again.

This time, Cangqing Immortal didn't use any means and simply walked on the streets, finally arriving at the gate of the Martial Temple.

After hesitating for a moment, Cangqing Immortal said to the guardian, "I am Cangqing, here to visit the Martial Ancestor."

"Come in."

As if having received prior instructions, the guardian led Cangqing Immortal to stop in front of the main hall of the Martial Temple.

Cangqing Immortal paused for a moment, but eventually entered the main hall of the Martial Temple.

The current main hall of the Martial Temple was no different from the one Cangqing Immortal had experienced before.

The only difference was that there was a figure sitting in the main seat.

The figure was a young man. Although he was just sitting there, Cangqing Immortal had an illusion that he was facing the vast Spirit Realm.

"Long time no see," Lin Yuan looked at Cangqing Immortal and smiled slightly.

"Are you really Jun Wuji?" Cangqing Immortal was stunned for a moment. If he had only speculated earlier that there was a Tribulation Immortal King in the Martial Temple, as only an Immortal King with a high status could casually immerse him in an illusion without his knowledge...

Then now, upon seeing Lin Yuan, Cangqing Immortal could almost confirm his earlier speculation. Moreover, this Tribulation Immortal King was none other than the kid from back then—Jun Wuji.

"More or less."

Lin Yuan nodded with a smile. Although he had changed his physical body, his true spirit consciousness remained the same, similar to a reincarnation of a Dao Fusion True Immortal.

"Jun Wuji..." Cangqing Immortal was shocked.

Even though he had long believed that Jun Wuji was a genius at the level of a seedling of an Immortal King, facing the real Tribulation Immortal King Jun Wuji still stirred immense waves in Cangqing Immortal's heart.

Immortal King!

This is a Tribulation Immortal King! Even though there are geniuses who are expected to become Immortal Kings, there are probably only a few out of tens of thousands of Immortal King seedlings who can truly become Immortal Kings, right?

"Please sit."

"No, I'll just stand."

Cangqing Immortal immediately realized and didn't dare to sit down.

What kind of joke was this? Sitting together with a Tribulation Immortal King? Cangqing Immortal was well aware of his own identity. He was not Lin Yuan's junior, nor had he bestowed any great favors upon Lin Yuan.

The only thing he had done right was to keep his promises over the years, but that was what he was supposed to do.

Cangqing Immortal was extremely grateful at this moment. Years ago, when Jun Dongjin and others ascended to the Spirit Realm, some members of the sect had objected, hoping to stop favoring the Jun family with resources.

At that time, Cangqing Immortal directly refused.

Firstly, providing resources to the Jun family was like a drop in the ocean for the Daoist Immortal Sect at the time. Those short-sighted people in the sect cared about it, but Cangqing Immortal didn't.

Secondly, Cangqing Immortal was still looking forward to Jun Wuji's ascension to the Spirit Realm.

As time passed, and after Cangqing Immortal's resolute refusal, no one else in the sect dared to bring up the matter.

"You've done well these years."

Lin Yuan nodded. At least he hadn't mistreated the Jun family and had also protected the martial arts cultivation system.

"It's nothing, it's nothing."

Cangqing Immortal immediately replied. Through Lin Yuan's words, he realized that the other party knew everything he had done over the years.

Therefore, Cangqing Immortal felt even more terrified. If he had made some mistakes back then, he would probably be facing the wrath of a Tribulation Immortal King right now. That was something that the entire Xuan King Domain, and even the Dongyun State, couldn't bear.


"What do you want me to help with?"

Lin Yuan said directly. The Daoist Immortal Sect treated the Jun family well and sheltered the martial arts evolution path. As part of the negotiation conditions, Cangqing Immortal needed help with something within Lin Yuan's capabilities.

"Help with what?"

Cangqing Immortal's spirit shook suddenly. Almost immediately, he wanted to ask Lin Yuan to help him transcend the Tribulation of the Flesh. But this thought was quickly dismissed by Cangqing Immortal.

Whether it was the Tribulation of the Mind or the Tribulation of the Flesh, external forces had almost no effect. It could only rely on oneself.

Otherwise, why were Tribulation Immortal Kings so rare in the Spirit Realm? Leaving aside others, shouldn't the friends and offspring of those Tribulation Immortal Kings be able to cross the Tribulation?

From this, it could be inferred that even Immortal Kings found it difficult to interfere with the Tribulation of the Flesh or the Tribulation of the Mind.

Even if they could intervene, they would pay a heavy price, which was not in line with the "within one's capabilities" that he had promised.

"I hope..."

Countless thoughts flashed through Cangqing Immortal's mind. Apart from himself, the thing he cared most about in his life was the Daoist Immortal Sect. At present, the biggest crisis facing the Daoist Immortal Sect was the Huai Dragon Palace.

Cangqing Immortal couldn't think of any means to deal with the Huai Dragon Palace's master, who had transcended the Tribulation of the Flesh.

"I hope the Martial Ancestor can intervene and resolve the Huai Dragon Palace issue."

Cangqing Immortal steadied his mind and respectfully said.

"Huai Dragon Palace, huh."

Lin Yuan nodded. Even if Cangqing Immortal hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't let Huai Dragon Palace off the hook. According to Li Qing's meaning, Jun Dongjin had been heavily injured by the experts of Huai Dragon Palace at the time, which led to his subsequent breakthrough failure.

Lin Yuan stood up and walked out of the Martial Temple.

Cangqing Immortal immediately followed.

"Martial Ancestor, Huai Dragon Palace is a water race dragon descendant, and its master is said to have true dragon bloodline. He should have transcended the Tribulation of the Flesh by now."

"There is also the Nine Rivers Domain, which is said to be related to a Dragon King Tribulation expert."

Cangqing Immortal quickly introduced the strength of Huai Dragon Palace to Lin Yuan.

But before he could finish speaking, Lin Yuan interrupted him.

He said directly, "Where is Huai Dragon Palace? Give me a direction."


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