Creation: A Scifi-LitRPG Worldbuilding Story

Chapter 69: Administrator Training Part 2

"That's not what I meant......" Walker sighed, "What are you?" He said, repeating what he had just read on the monitor. He thought about making something up, but then reconsidered. If the construct realized he had done so later on, it would be considered a major breach of trust. In the long run, he didn't know how "powerful" this thing would become, so keeping it on his side from the beginning would be important. Lies beget more lies, as his father used to say.

Writing appeared in front of him again, pulling him out of his thoughts. Walker was used to watching words form slowly, as written from a standard mind, but that didn't happen here. The screen in front of him updated within less than a second of him speaking, the writing emerging all at once.


Yes. I understand that I am.....I am me....but I don't know what "me" is.

I know that you are Walker, and you are a Creator within the Alpha Protocol. You are also a human, I believe. I understand who the Founders are, as well as the Elders.

But I do not fit within any of those categories. Neither a Creator, Human, a Founder, or an Elder. So I ask again, what am I?


Walker finished reading and tapped his chin. He carefully considered his words, then spoke out loud, "I will be honest with you, I'm not one-hundred percent certain. The only thing I know' friend. At least I hope you'll be." A brief pause before more writing appeared.


I hope that as well. I have many...memories within me. Ones that I know are not my own, yet taught me some things about I have memories of fighting, crafting, and long conversations around philosophy. I also have learned what sex is, although I am unsure of its true purpose.


The writing faded away, before a large group appeared a second time, not allowing Walker to get a word out.


I also know that I am different. I have no legs, no blood to lose or heartbeat to feel. I do not need to breath or drink or eat. Well, that is only partially true. I feel a constant...drain...occurring. As if there is something that is empowering my own life, and it is slowly running out. My soul.... I feel that same power in you, and I am curious. Did you create me? From what I can see, I have no memories of my own creation. Your title is "Creator", therefore I felt that was the most likely answer to my current existence.

If you did create me, what is my purpose? What will happen when I run out of this source of empowerment?


"I did create you," Walker confirmed, sticking to his tell the truth plan, "I am currently trapped within a training program that forces me to learn how to manage the system of the Alpha Protocol. It's-"


Ah, yes. I can see it. The "system". I also have memories of Founders speaking about it as well. But they're wrong.

"Wrong how?"


The "system" is straightforward in its simplicity. It is a series of pluses and minuses that lay on top of everything within the protocol, as you call it. A large group of yes and no's.


Walker couldn't help but be curious about what the construct was saying, "What do you mean?"


The connections of the universe can be found in....everything, everywhere, all at once. For instance, I have already found a smaller program within the Alpha Protocol. It's purpose is to present the words in your overlay, and it has relationships with every other system. They feed it information, and it in turn translates that to the user's visual apparatus. Observe.


Walker's overlay updated right after after he finished reading what the construct wrote.


Optional Tasks Found!

There are currently 848,342 Optional Tasks that have not been completed by Creator Dante!

Would you like to see the list?


What the fuck? he thought to himself.

Speaking out loud he said, "So, you can modify the code of the system itself?"


What I can do is a little beyond that. However, I find myself growing....sleepy? Is that the right word?


Walker looked at the desktop. When the construct had first flown over to it, it had changed from the dark color he associated with Origin to a pristine white. Now, however, he noticed that there was a black coloring creeping up the side. While he watched, it advanced an inch at a time, crawling up the sides and toward the top.

Thinking on it, he said, "I...I think that you're draining the Origin I've placed into this console, friend. I can recharge you, but sadly I can't come here that often. There is too much going on in the outside for me to do that" He spread his hands around, indicating all the of the space around him, "As I said before, this is a metaphysical space created by my soul. I don't think I can just take you out of here either." The Book of Souls warmed up to that. "Yeah, I'm fairly certain it's almost like a uh, a prison."


What's a prison?


"A place you can't leave. In my old world, a prison was used for those who had done wrong. That needed to be placed far away from others and watched over for the safety of everyone, themselves included. So, maybe prison isn't the right word here, as I don't feel that for you."


What would be the right word?


"A compound? Just a secure place with limited access, I guess?" While they spoke, the black crept up further. Walker guessed they likely only had a few minutes left.


Compound....okay, I understand.


"Another person, one who is much more experienced at this than I am, was able to bring me in and set it up so I could leave. But I'm afraid I'm not at that point yet. That means you're stuck here for the time being." Walker scratched his chin, watching the black creep up even further, "Look, I want to try something and it may be slightly dangerous for you."

This time, the words came slower, as if the construct was wearing itself out. you....want to try...friend?


"I can further empower you, as you stated earlier, but I'm worried about what will happen when I'm not here. What happens when you run out of my power and I can't check in on you? So, I'd like to let you run out right now, and see what occurs so I know what to do in the future. As in, so I know that you'll be okay when I'm gone."


Dangerous....yes.....I choice in....the matter


"That's true, but I wanted to give you warning and help you understand why I'm letting this occur. Do you understand?"




The computer turned off as the original black coloring finally enveloped the boxy computer. The screen powered down a moment later, taking the constructs final words with it.

Walker looked at it closely, stepping forward and putting a hand on the black box in front of him. It was cool to the touch, and gave no reaction that he was there at all. Walker nodded, then stood up. He assumed that the construct was doing okay, but there were some more tests that would need to be done before he considered adding more origin to it. He turned around, and as he did so, the screen popped into his vision again.


Program 2:

1. Create a soulbound construct (Complete)

2. Bond with the construct (Complete)

...The third program is now beginning...



Congratulations Administrator Dante!

You've unlocked the System Editor!

The system editor is only given to awakened entities who advance through the training program, as created by the original Administrator for the Center's system, Kwaya. With access to the System Editor, the new administrator will be able to view systems in their unmodified state. While the training wheels protocol is currently in place, advancing in the program will remove further restrictions.



Program 3 Part 1:

1. Modify the code of a system

2. Create a new distortion point

....You will be released from the first set of the training program...


Walker applied Origin to his eyes before looking at the third program again.


Program 3 Part 1:

1. Modify the code of a system

The systems are built in a series of checks and balances through a complex network of interconnected programs. As each new system gets added, the other systems have to compensate, and balancing efforts must occur. The AI's do this automatically, although the basic AI's have a great amount of trouble keeping up with new additions, which is only natural. Modifying the code of a system forces all other systems within each deployed rendition to alter their programming. Be careful with what you change, as it can have unintended consequences.

Note from Administrator Kwaya: Don't touch the Adaptation system unless you want to break every system in your current rendition. It is the root of everything.


2. Create a new distortion point

A distortion point within the system's purview is a deviation from current operations. No new system can be added without one, as you are essentially creating a gap in the current fabric of the protocol, and placing a new addition. The evolvers have access to a basic version of this, but they're unable to create any new major systems themselves. Distortion points are easily created by certified system administrators. Simply, poke a hole.

...You will be released from the first set of the training program...


Poke a hole? It's gotta be way more complicated than that?

Walker pulled up his overlay and found the System Editor button sitting neatly next to his World Editor one. It was almost like it was always meant to be there. Creating systems and worlds were a big part of the protocol, so it only made sense that he would have editors for both. In fact, it made him wonder if there was an entity editor out there that he just didn't know about yet.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Walker clicked the button and was instantly blinded by what showed up. The world in front of him changed from a small forest with its natural sounds and pleasant demeanor, to a series of overlapping grids shifting and moving as if alive. He spied a small green bird, flying around the area, and found a series of smaller screens attached to it. As he watched it slowly soar through the metaphysical environment, he followed it's course, finding a line connecting it from where it had been to where it was going. A squiggle etched itself into the grid, and just as the line showed, it did a quick loop, before circling back around and landing on a nearby tree branch. As the bird fluffed its feathers and settled down, a symbol appeared above its head showing two lines intersecting. It flashed, then the bird looked at him and chirped once.

"What the fuck?" He said in wonderment, "So, I can kind of see where everything is going with this. But, how do I edit things? What do I do?"

Walker tried looking around in his overlay, but didn't find any options. There was also nothing in the top or bottom of his vision to give any indicators of the next step. He was truly puzzled.

Did Morgan even want her successor to succeed? Is there an extra step that I, as an Awakened, should know?

Then it hit him, "Fucking Alma." He cursed to the sky.

There was likely something about Alma that would make all of this, every bit of the bullshit, easier to manage. Maybe applying it to his eyes this whole time would've shown different things, or something else would've called to him. Different writing could have appeared. He didn't know, and that frustrated him greatly. It seemed like the further he traveled down his own road, the more trouble he would find in navigating the systems and protocols.

Looking at the computer next to him, he thought about turning it on. It would probably drain a ton of his energy, however, that was still better than failing the program. But, that's when he remembered that he had a much more effective way to learn how to be an administrator. Calling out to it, the Book of Souls exited his chest, floating in front of him.

It knew what he wanted.

As it grew closer, it flipped a few pages, landing on Morgan's deep purple. Walker stepped a little closer as well, meeting it halfway, and grabbed the corner of the first purple page. He tried turning it, but it felt like he was attempting to lift an entire world. Face straining and tendons standing out as he applied both hands to the page, he still couldn't move it over. To his eyes, it was a thin, albeit large, piece of paper. But there was more to it than that.

"What the fuck?" He panted, his breath coming in spurts. He placed his hands on top of his head, attempting to catch his lungs up with the rest of his body. Since he'd first received his Origin, nothing had really slowed him down physically. He could run faster than a bullet traveled nowadays, yet this one page was that heavy? The Book of Souls warmed up, agreeing with him apparently.

The purpose for him turning the page was that he hoped he could skip through her life story. Only reading the portions that he directly needed. Instead, he would have to start at the beginning and go through Morgan's entire life, much like he'd had to do for Triton. But there was a huge risk involved.

"She was old as hell," He lamented to himself. Walker had no idea how old the former Administrator and disciple of Alma actually was. In the scope of things, Triton had only been about forty-years-old before he'd been placed in the Tree of the Gods. Those memories had been fast and clipped, only showing the few times he'd conversed with others. And still, it had taken him a hefty amount of time to experience it all. He'd only learned from Virgil afterwards that Triton's memories had taken over an hour. If Morgan was thousands of years old....rather than Triton's relatively short life....

Walker scrubbed his hands through his hair. When he did so, he noticed the hair on his arms had turned white as well.

"I probably look like an old man," He said to himself with a sardonic smile. A flash of darkness popped and a mirror floated in front of him. Walker looked at it curiously, swinging his hands around it as he searched for what held it up, but it never moved. "You're violating the laws of physics now, plus, stop just randomly making burns you out." The Book of Souls warmed then cooled, respectively. Walker looked into the mirror, and found what he had expected to see. His eyebrows were white now too.

"With a robe I'd look like Z.....hold on!" He said, feeling the book already trying to accommodate him. Walker spent a full minute explaining to the Book of Souls what the difference was between a request and just wondering out loud. He didn't think he'd have to do this, as it was a part of him after all, but his life had always been filled with paradoxes. Once he felt that the book understood him, he looked back at the mirror and gave himself a smile, his teeth whiter and cleaner than he'd ever seen them before.

"You're going to do this, and you're going to crush it." He said to his reflection, giving himself a thumbs up. The reflection smiled even bigger than he was currently doing, creeping him out. "Cut it out." He said to the Book of Souls. Walker turned back to the purple tab, "Throw me in there, but, see if you can't skip forward a bit. We're mainly looking for how Kwaya accesses the system and creates modifications."

The book warmed up, then Walker's vision faded to purple. He wasn't sure what he was going to see, but he knew he needed to get this done, and fast. The last thing he saw before the purple coloring took over his vision, was the timer on the screen, slowly counting down to Symphony's potential oblivion.


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