Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 154 The Turn

Hearing Yesan be outright confronted like this was new, even to Julius, who looked at the conversation from afar. The new candidate was a teacher who had climbed up the ranks quickly with his prowess in magic, and skill in teaching. His name... Jalls Silandra.

Yesan looked at the rookie and grinned even wider.

"Do you want the true answer or the stage answer..."

Yesan deviously spoke, as Jalls suddenly felt a chilling feeling that caused a hint of cold sweat to form on his back. It was an ominous experience, as though he was inside a haunted house.

"I... want the true answer."

Jalls did not back away just because he felt that feeling. With a determined look in his eyes, he leaned in and spoke those words.

"The true answer... is an analogy. How does the strongest lion teach his cub with the most potential how to hunt?"

As Yesan said this, a confused expression shadowed Jalls' face.

"I'm sorry? I don't understand what you are saying..."

He said, wanting some clarification. Yesan paused for a moment, and Julisu already knew what Yesan was implying.

"The answer to my question is the answer to your own."

Yesan said with a polite smile this time, as the creepy feeling around Jalls suddenly disappeared.


Back in the Black Stone Tower, tensions rose as more and more Magma Dwellers began pouring into the arena grounds. However, the appearance of a few unfamiliar figures stopped this at once.

Two Magma Dwellers, short in stature but controlled in their demeanor, suddenly entered the king's seat box, before making their way towards the deceased body of the king.

As they showed their presence, the crowd seemed to calm down a little. It wasn't as if their presence seemed reassuring, but rather, confusing to the crowd. The examinees who were nearly having panic attacks also took a breath of relief but were still wary of the unknown, which was those two dwellers.

They looked old. As they walked to the body of the king, they turned around and faced the examinees.

"Our prophecy has come true! Our king has fallen, and our society will now be destroyed by these humans who have come here!"

One of the two yelled, causing a collective gasp of astonishment from the crowd. They seemed to be shocked by what one of the dwellers said, as though a realization had hit them.

"Do not listen to these con artists!"

Another voice suddenly echoed from the king's seat box, as three larger dwellers made their way out into the arena and towards the two older ones. They walked with prestige, their heads held high and their hands behind their back.

More gasps sounded from the crowd, seeing these figures. This time, the crowd actually calmed down with a sense of comfort, not confusion.

"You! You were the clowns that the king banished, for banishing his father on false claims many years ago! How dare you show your face here, when the king has died."

The crowd seemed understanding of these new voices, switching sides again to become angry at those elders now. Noticing the crowd angry at them, the two elders quickly tried to make their case seem plausible.


One of the elders said, throwing his hands in the air and waving to catch the crowd's attention.

"Listen! Magma Dwellers of our kin! The proof is right here! The proof that we are right and that these new council members are wrong! You may not like this truth, but the fact is that the king is now dead! Are you going to accept that nothing bad has happened, as these false tellers claim!?"

The old elder yelled, beginning to make the crowd of Magma Dwellers think some more.

"Be quiet! Heathen! You deserve death!"


Julius now looked at his crystal ball with a slight smile on his face.

"It seems... the problem will resolve itself..."

He said, still cautious of the possibilities.


"The one who deserves death... are them! Our common enemy!"

Both of the old dwellers suddenly turned toward the examinees, as did the newer council members, and so did the entire crowd.

"Shit... get ready, we have to try and make it out of here still in the exam at the very least..."

Uis said, looking over to his faction leader comrade, Nelmis. Now that the Magma Dwellers who were fighting amongst each other were teaming up against them, they too knew that teaming up would be the only option to escape.


Julius now thought something different, a frown appearing on his face.

"Ah... or not."


Out of nowhere, the five old and young Magma Dwellers in the middle of the arena next to the king's body leaned in, having a private conversation as the examinees prepared to fight the mob of dwellers in the crowd that was eager to lash out at them.

"Listen, boys. You must understand our concern. We are not fools, we are not false tellers. We have no merit, no fame, nor fortune in telling those lies."

One of the elders said as the young council members retorted.

"You committed a sin, banishing a future king for no reason. Actually, you had a reason, but a false one. One that you crafted out of thin air. It was because you hated the father of the king."

One of the elders tried to reply, but the other one butted in, seemingly more angry.

"Listen here, you brats! We loved Krota more than you could ever imagine!"

On saying this, the younger council members were taken aback. Shocked by what they were hearing.

"That's right! Who do you think you are to lecture us on such a topic!"

The younger council members were at a loss for words.

"The reason why we did what we did... was because that wandering traveler, Cronos Helnish, told us to do it. Without him, we would not have performed such an act, but we did it to preserve society, you see. And look, now, what has happened."

The elder gestured to the king's deceased body, as looks of concern and truth veiled the younger council member's faces.

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