Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 306 The Five Different Forms

Chapter 306 The Five Different Forms

Lyrian immediately went into a stance that he felt like he had performed thousands of times before in the past.

He took in a deep breath, and let out out as a very transparent smoke exited the sides of his mouth.

Unlike the panda's, which was a thick cloud of vapor, his was a little less honed.

With the use of Smithing, he made sure he would perform the martial arts perfectly.

But right now, Smithing was only a plus it seemed. He didn't even need to use it to perform the martial arts perfectly.

"Panda Kung-Fu: First Form: Tiger."

Lyrian's eyes didn't change like the panda's, but he knew how to move his body to match the tiger's stance.

He moved around quickly, lunging in and out with powerful attacks.

"The Tiger form is characterized by powerful and fierce movements. Practitioners mimic the strength and ferocity of a tiger, with techniques that involve strong strikes, grabs, and a low, stable stance to generate power."

Lyrian said to himself, regurgitating the knowledge he now owned.

"Panda Kung-Fu: Second Form: Crane."

Now, Lyrian's demeanor and stance changed to a calm yet mysterious one.

He felt the power to strike at any moment but also understood to look for perfect openings.

This fighting style would be great for opponents who fought recklessly.

The crane was easily the most dominant out of the five in the aspect of elegant fighting.

"The Crane form in Kung Fu is known for its elegance and balance. It incorporates flowing, bird-like movements and precision. Crane stylists often use circular hand motions and practice control and balance."

Lyrian practiced this form for a few seconds before moving on to the next.

"Third Form: Monkey."

Lyrian took in another breath as he closed his eyes. As soon as he opened this time, he quickly knelt on the ground.

He stuck one leg out and lunged as he tucked his head in. His arms were near his chest in the shape of 'c's.

Moving his head in an uncoordinated manner, he suddenly lunged forward with unpredictability, moving like a monkey.

Flips and kicks, swipes, and one-handed handstands. All were incorporated in his incredible style.

If the tiger was the one with the most brute force, and the crane was the most graceful, this monkey form was easily the most cunning and confusing.

"Playful and unpredictable tactics. Versatile techniques, including strikes and joint locks. Emphasizes adaptability in combat. The monkey is most cunning."

Lyrian flowed over to his next form without delay.

"Fourth form: Snake. The Snake form is characterized by fluid, sinuous movements that mimic the movements of a snake. It focuses on accuracy, flexibility, and the use of the whole body to generate power. Practitioners often employ striking and joint-locking techniques inspired by snake movements."

His movements used his entire body, generating power from his legs all the way up to power his fists.

This technique required him to stay put at times, but he could strike quickly due to that stagnation in position.

"And finally, the fifth and final form: Dragon."

Lyrian composed himself one final time before entering his last stage. The dragon's entire deal was a combination of all of the techniques.

Lyrian showed a hint of every fighting style as he danced across the ground, leaping and striking.

"Dragon Kung Fu is inspired by the dragon, known for its fluid movements, and a balance of soft and hard techniques. Practitioners emulate the dragon's grace and power with low stances, intricate footwork, and a variety of hand techniques. This martial art combines tradition with effective self-defense techniques and is deeply rooted in Chinese martial philosophy."

Finally, Lyrian came to a stop and placed his palms together. It was something that he felt he needed to do after using such a technique.

"It's definitely powerful and will be extremely useful in the future. I'm grateful that I got ahold of it."

Now, he sat down to fuse the panda's two souls into one.

"I promised to bring it back to life under me, and I intend to keep that vow."

As he entered Smithing mode, his concentration locked in once again and a canvas appeared in front of him.

Now, it was even bigger than what it was before, giving him more space to create.

He didn't need to do much here, since he didn't even have the choice to.

All he needed to do was fuse the two souls, and he had no other option to change the panda in any sort of way.

So, that's exactly what he did. The two souls fused in the middle of the canvas, as the attempt was flawlessly executed at once.

[Congradulations! Creature-link successful, you have created a new creature!

- You're new creature is Balance Panda

- Please give your new creature a name]

"He already had a name, so I won't strip that from him. Still, now that he has joined my team, his identity has changed..."

As Lyrian muttered this under his breath, a puff of purple smoke materialized into a small, cute baby panda cub right in front of his eyes.

"From now on, your name will be Panixu."

The panda stared at him for a while, and then uttered; "Is that right?" Panixu crossed his arms and looked at the confused Lyrian with an unimpressed face.

"What th--? How can you speak? You didn't have that ability before... Gear must have done something."

"I don't know that, and I also remember every detail from my past life. I said I'd serve under you, but now that I think about it... I don't know if I will anymore, hmph!"

Panixu turned away in anger.

"What? Is it because you don't like the name?"

"I mean... c'mon..." The panda muttered under his breath, "Panixu? I sound like a Pocemon or something..."

"A Pocemon? Isn't that a theater play for kids where you capture different animals in poce-cubes?"

"Yes... that exactly," Panixu seemed to be angry.

"Well, you don't have any choice," Lyrian stated blankly.

The panda turned toward him and was suddenly bewildered by the boy's demented smile.

"It's either you serve me willingly, or with force." Lyrian let out an evil laugh.

At that moment, Panixu realized the trouble he put himself in, "You bastard! You're the devil!"

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