Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 10

Let’s turn back the time to a day ago.


The existence of the Knight Order was to protect the royalties, the country, and its people and maintain public order.


Lutenburg was no different. In this country, the existence of the knight order was greatly valued, no small part thanks to the effort and sacrifices it made during the United Front War. It could be said that the country would have been annihilated if not for their valiance.


From the elite Royal Guard to simply being a foot soldier in charge of patrolling and guarding the gate, their standard was a head above most other countries. However, even their recruitment required several strict conditions, and only after they had finished three months of harsh training could they be certificated as Lutenburg's knighthood.


A woman was walking down the street while holding a lantern.


She was a knight judging from her uniform.


She was a tall woman, about 170 centimeters. She had red hair that rested on her shoulder. Her arms and legs were long and thin. As a knight, her body was fitted with no excess fat. Although her chest left much to be desired, just past her thin waist, her good-child-bearing hips attracted a lot of attention from the opposite sex.


It was almost dawn; she had just finished her night shift. It was a boring and uneventful night of just following her patrol routes, a mundane task that took a toll on her mind.


Her name was Sara; she had just recently graduated and was granted knighthood, returned to her room inside the dorm to get some sleep.


"*Yawn~* I want to clean myself up and hit the sack. But I'm so tired~."


She was an orphan who turned eighteen years old a couple of months ago. During her childhood days, she was repeatedly told heroic tales and the glorious epic fights of Lutenburgh knights to protect the city.


Influenced by the tales, she yearned for action. One would say she was a foolish woman who knew nothing about the horror brought by the war.


She was very proud that she was chosen as a knight. She remembered bragging nonstop about it to everyone she knew for days.


But now, she started to regret her career.


Sometimes, she went on patrol; other times, she was assigned as a gatekeeper. The worse she had was to pacify some drunkards' fight.


Remembering it annoyed her as, during that incident, a drunkard exploited when she had her back turned and groped her butt. Needless to say, the man was carried to the hospital with a few broken bones despite the fight being just verbal.


Unfortunately, it was nothing close to what she envisioned when she applied.


"Sigh~" Letting out a deep sigh, she took off her equipment.


Her choice of undergarments was what one could say betrayed her age.


After unclasping her breastplate, Her bare breasts were revealed. The person herself thought she had no need for one since her breasts were small, which was her complex since all of her acquaintances were on the bigger side.


She then took off her half-plate cuisses, revealing a pair of frill black panties tied by a string on the side. Her healthy buttock dropped down on the bed, making a small creak as she lay on her back.


Turning her head to the side, she saw dim sunlight through her window.


She was not afraid of someone seeing her almost naked through the window, as she lived in a dorm provided by the country for the knight; her room was on the second floor.


"Soon, it'll be morning... hah" Letting out another sigh, the looked in her eyes was melancholy.


She brought her hands from the side up to her small breast.


"Muu~ I heard that massaging your breasts every day will make them grow bigger. But I can't see any change..."


It was her daily routine. One of her friends jokingly told her that when they were out drinking to celebrate her graduating from knight training. As innocent as she was, Sara believed every single word.


Since then, she had not stopped her "training."


She traced the fingertip of her index finger around her areola, occasionally giving the soft nipples a poke.


"Mmmhm... Muuhn."


Her face flushed. Even if she was the one doing it herself, it was still tickled when her fingernail brushed the tip of her nipples.


"Hahnn... Nnghnn."


She bit her lower lip lightly as her hands covered her small breasts.


She slowly massaged the petite mounds, moving them up, then down, to the left, then right, and then in a circular motion.


She also pinched her half-erect nipples from time to time, causing small sighs to escape her soft lips.


"Ahh~Haaghh... hyhn~hahhh..."


She could feel her face heating up, along with her entire body.


She unconsciously rubbed her thighs together.


Her inner thighs were getting damped from her sweat.


Her crotch became itchy, so she untied the panties and tossed them to the side, reviewing her trimmed pubic hair.


One of her hands stopped groping her boob and slowly crept its way down to her nether region, brushing her sleek pubic hair along the way.


Her hand stopped just below the thin bush– her clitoris.


Although a little hard, the small bean still shyly hid under its hood.


It had occurred to Sara that whenever she massaged her breasts, her crotch would become itchy like it demanded her attention.


The first time it happened, she just brushed it off. But then curiosity got the best of her, so she started exploring her body down there.


And then it made her feel good. Since then, this typical "exercise" had been included in her "training."


When she was young, she was told that only her husband was allowed to touch her vagina and the inside. So she avoided touching it and just moved around the cleft.


She had learned that the small bean was very sensitive. It was not a feeling she disliked, so she actively sought it.


Sara touched her clitoris through its hood, pressing it down lightly.


"Ahn~ Mmmghh... Nmghh... Hngnh."


She could no longer prevent her moans from leaking out. Her eyes closed tightly, relishing in the feeling. Her breathing became faster. Her white legs straightened out as her toes curled.


And then, when her index finger stripped the clitoris off its hood, her middle finger accidentally scratched the engorged bean.


"AAAhn~ W... what was that!? It feels like I just got zapped by a bolt of lightning." Sara's eyes shot wide open.


She didn't know what had just happened. She looked down to figure out what had happened. However, she couldn't see anything beyond her red pubic hair.


So she raised her upper body up and leaned on the headrest to get a better view.


She saw her exposed clitoris standing tall in erect.


Trying to confirm the cause, she scratched it again with her nail.


"Hyah~ W...what is this!? It feels tingling when I scratch it."


Baffled at this new discovery, the elated Sara wanted to feel better.


She lay down once again, but this time, she put her pillow below her hips to raise her crotch up.


She resumed massaging her boob with one hand while the other hand tried out what she had just learned.


Her index finger pulled on her clitoris, stretching the hood. Then she pinched the sensitive clit with her thumb and middle fingers.


"Hahn~ Anngh~ hyangh~"


Her moans were getting louder. Her cheeks were dyed pink. Her body trembled every time she pinched her clitoris.


Even though her eyes were open, she couldn't see anything. Her mind only wanted to seek pleasure as her fingers moved faster.


Her hands were pinching the nipple and the clitoris. But instead of pain, all she felt was a sexual pleasure from violently stimulating her erogenous zones.




It didn't take long until Sara climaxed. Both her legs and toes straightened. Her moist eyes tightly squinted as she relished in the orgasm wave.


She also squirted, drenching the pillow under her without realizing it.


It took almost five minutes for Sara to calm down. Her seductive body was glistening in sweat and dyed in a red shade.


"Phew~ That was amazing. But I really need to clean myself." Sara thought to herself as she put a hand on her forehead.




She facepalmed when she found out that her pillow was no longer suitable to use.


"Urghhh... Guess I'll just take a bath and clean it."


In her dorm, each person was assigned a room with only a toilet. Luckily, they had a public bath, and it was free for anyone who wanted to use it.


Changing back into her nightgown, she dragged her heavy feet toward the bath, which was located on the ground floor. And since it was an all-girl dorm, she didn't have to mind her clothing.


As it was still very early in the morning, Sara got a whole bath for herself, and she very much enjoyed frolicking in it.


Feeling refreshed after taking a bath, she returned to her room to catch some z, albeit begrudgingly without a pillow.


It was her day off, so she wanted to enjoy it in her own way.


Inside this peaceful country, like many others, Sara drifted off into her dreamland.




Lutenburg's Royal Castle




A family of birds was chirping happily on top of a branch to welcome a new day.


They could see from below where they were a long hallway crossed through this yard.




Sounds of footsteps echoed from inside the hallway.


Beautiful ornamental armor and paintings decorated the aisle.


Morning arch shone through the glass windows, casting a shadow of a high-profile woman.


Her walking gaits were elegant. Her back was straight with each step. On the left of her hips, a beautiful estoc with a green gem inlaid at the bottom of the handle reflected the sunlight; It sat neatly inside its sheath without causing any noise when the women walked.


Her beautiful ponytail hair was braided from one side to the other and flown down to the middle of her back. The light green color hair was highlighted by small white flowers decorated on her head. Her strong-willed yellow eyes looked ahead as she walked.


Although only the sunlight shone on the left side of her face and cast a shadow on the other side, it did not diminish the charming face that could bewitch both sexes.


The woman who was idolized by many was Jenna, a member of the dryad race. Her appearance was that of a woman in her mid-20s.


At a young age, she led a platoon of knights and successfully pushed back the invasion of corrupted monsters.


It was also thanks to that feat she was promoted to captain of the Royal Guard.


On the top, her black uniform was decorated with golden threads. She had ample breasts that made her uniform look alluring and long sleeves that ran up to her wrists. Below, she wore blue pants, showing the long and thin legs.


To simply describe this woman, she was an embodiment of charm and elegance. A cool beauty with strength rivaled a small army.


At the end of the hallway was a door with intricate details and art.


Jenna was walking toward it.


knock knock


She knocked on the door, but a minute passed without a reply, so she knocked on it again.


"*Sigh*... I'm entering in. Please excuse me."


Saying so, she opened the door and closed it once she was in.


The sight that greeted her could make anyone scream in frustration.


On the floor, countless papers were disorganized everywhere.


Trinkets and parts of unknown creations were scattered.


At the corner of the room, countless magic stones were stacked to the point of potentially collapsing at any moment.


And the owner of the room, a petite figure, was sleeping on a couch at the back of the room.


To say "sleeping" might sound like pushing it. It could be more accurate to describe her state as "passed out."


"*Sigh* Again?" 


It was just early in the morning, but Jenna was forced to sigh in resignation more than once.


Thinking as such in her mind, the woman walked over to the slobbish girl sleeping on the couch.


It was a sight unbefitting for a lady.


Her oversized hat covered half of her face, exposing her drool-dripping face.


One of the shoulder straps of her dress slipped down to her arm, showing her cute collarbone and the frilly black bra.


Her skirt rolled up to her thighs, barely covering the black panties underneath.


The young girl was famously known as the Eternal Witch Eris.


As a magician and inventor, her room was a mess with her theory documents and prototype creations. And the person herself claimed that she could find anything she needed despite the chaos.


Such a sight almost broke Jenna out of her expressionless face as her face twitched.


"Lady Eris, please wake up." Stifling her laugh, Jenna attempted to wake the girl up from her slumber.


And that was a task proven to be difficult as the girl rolled on her side and faced away from her.


"Wake up, lady Eris. This is not a place to sleep." 


Jenna tried to shake her shoulder again.




But the girl still refused to wake up.


"Lady Eris, if you don't wake up, I will do something horrible to you."


She leaned over and whispered directly into Eris's ear.


"Myughnn~" But the girl only squirmed.


"Hee~ You asked for it."  


Feeling blood vessels form on her forehead, Jenna cast her magic to create an ice cube and–


-Moved the girl's dress collar and dropped it inside.




The coldness crept alongside her spine and jolted the small girl's consciousness awake. The sudden movement caused the wand the girl put on the backrest to fall and bonked the girl on her head.


Finally, unable to keep up her expressionless face, the woman giggled in glee.


"Unbelievable! Is that how you wake a young and delicate girl from her slumber?" Eris complained with teary eyes as she rubbed the bump on her head.


"Young? Delicate? With all due respect, lady Eris. Those words are tainted coming from a 3-" (Jenna)


"Wait! I'm sorry! Do not finish that sentence. Are you a sadist!? Why do you keep bullying me!?" (Eris)


"*Sigh* Okay okay, I have a candy here, as an apology, you can take it." (Jenna)


"Nununu, are you looking down on me!?" Eris said as she took the candy and tossed the content into her tiny mouth.


"I would never." Jenna smiled as if looking at a child as she took the wrapping from Eris, folded it, and put it in her pocket.


"So, why did you come so early and ruin my sleep?" (Eris)


Jenna's smile twitched as veins once again appeared on her face.


"Did you forget, You were the one call for me to come as soon as possible." (Jenna)


"Ah! That's right! You are going to the forest for the scheduled monsters sweeping, right? I need you to get me something from the forest. I need it for my experiment to make a prototype item that might change the world." (Eris)


"*Sigh* I got it, then I will prepare to set off right away. Do you need anything else?" (Jenna)


"Uhm, that's all. Here is the list. *Yawn* I'll go back to sleep then." Eris said as she stood up and walked to her bedroom while scratching her butt.


Such manners were unbefitting of a lady.


All of this was seen by Jenna as she put on a wry smile.


Just like everyone, she held a lot of respect and gratitude for the Eternal Witch, whose help tremendously recovered her country back to its feet.


And it must have been a culture shock for her as how Eris quickly showed her sloppy side the moment Jenna was appointed as her attendant-cum-handyman.


Luckily, Eris lived in seclusion as her room was in a far corner of the castle, so her image as a revered Witch was protected.


Jenna shook her head as she exited the room. She felt that it was excessive to have a Royal Guard Captain run an errand. Still, she also wanted to fulfill Eris's wishes to repay her benefactor.


"Let's get this over quickly. I still have to finish reviewing the army budget and equipment audit." Muttered to herself, she quickly retraced her step back to her quarters to prepare.


Although she was overloaded with work due to lacking personnel, she didn't mind it at all. One could say that she was a workaholic.


Back to her room, she changed out from the ceremonial uniform. Her pink bra and panties were a sight to behold as they barely covered her bountiful breasts, and her T-back string panties exposed her alluring buttocks.


Her body was perfect in every way. Her skin was white and smooth to the touch. Her thin arms were long and looked delicate. Her breasts were so big that an adult man could not hold them fully. Her tight waist made most women jealous of her. Her long and supple legs, although still covered in stockings, couldn't hide the beautiful shape.


Hanged on the wall was her battle uniform. It was a two pieces dress.


The top part was primarily green in color and embroidered with silver threads and flower ornaments. The breastplate was sewed directly on top of the chest part in an ash color. The area around the stomach was covered thinly with a transparent white cloth.


The bottom half was similarly green in color. It was a skirt that ran slightly past her knee. The hip area was fastened with a brown leather belt, which also served to equip her weapon and small miscellaneous items like potions. On the sides, plate armor was fitted to provide minimum protection, which Jenna deemed to be unnecessary due to her battle style favoring speed and precision.


After checking all her gears were good and equipped, Jenna walked over to the horse staple and mounted her trusty steed.




At the gate post, a redhead guard slumped listlessly on a table.


She regretted the fact that she had overslept and wasted her day off the day before.


While feeling down about it, a make knight called her from behind.


"Hey, Sara! The Royal Captain wants to see you. Did you do something you shouldn't?"


"Huh? No, oh crap! Did I mess up something?" (Sara)


"Don't know. Well, she's waiting for you outside. So you'd better not make her wait."


"Ye-yeah." Sara said as she rushed out to meet Jenna


Just like the knight said, Jenna was waiting for her while feeding her steed water.


"Mi-Miss Jenna, I heard that you called for me. How can I be of your service?" Sara said between her ragged breath.


"Calm down. So your name is Sara?" (Jenna)


"Y-yes!" (Sara)


"I see. There's nothing wrong, so don't worry. As for the reason I called for you when I asked the captain of this post to call for his best available men, he preferred you to me. As for why I need help, it's something troublesome that I need in the forest." (Jenna)


"Uhm, may I ask what that is?" (Sara)


"It's an Earth Ore." (Jenna)


Elemental ores were ores that were formed from absorbing the element in their environment. For example, aqua ores could be obtained at the bottom of a lake; fire ores were near volcanoes. In this case, Earth ores could be found underground. However, to get it, they would have to dig deep underground and rely on their lucks to find it.


Looking at Sara's uneasy face, Jenna could guess what she was thinking.


"Don't worry; I know the place to get them without requiring any digging. But as you know, we knights have to go wipe out the monsters in the forest from time to time, so I need your help to make it fast. Of course, there will be a bonus, and I'll let you have a paid day off after we finish. Now get yourself ready. We might need to camp at night, so keep that in mind." Jenna reassured her.


"Then I will get ready right away." For Sara, who had just wasted her day off and itching to fight monsters, this job was like a god sent to her.


Jenna and Sara departed from the gate on foot a few minutes later. As the forest was not a good place to ride on a horse, Jenna left her horse at the guard post and now traveling on foot.


On their way, they met Aina's group as the latter made their way back to the city.


"Oh? Miss Jenna, are you on your way into the forest with Miss Sara?" Aina noticed Jenna and greeted her.


"Hello, Aina. Yes, we have some errands to run. I see that you are with Miss Lainey and Miss Lynn." (Jenna)


"Oh~ It's Miss Jenna. We are returning from a request." Lainey chirped as she waved her hand.


"Um, Did everyone know each other from before?" (Sara)


"Yes, the knights occasionally require help from adventurers. So we have worked together before." (Jenna)


"We also met with Miss Sara at the gate whenever we exit the city." (Lynn)


"Fufu~ What a small world. Well then, we still need to report to the guild. It's a pleasure to talk to you." Aina said as she bowed.


"The pleasure is mine. We also have to run some errands. See you later." (Jenna)




Aina's side


Aina, Lainey, and Lynn went to the guild and met with the guild master to report about the completion of the request in Kato village in his office.


After that, Lainey and Lynn went out to the lobby and waited.


"I see. Then Aina, please finish the paperwork and hand them the rewards. When u finish everything, you can take your vacation. I'll also give you a bonus for troubling you."


"Thank you, guild master. Well then, please excuse me." Aina said and left the office.


Sadly for Aina, it was not until late into the evening that Aina could finally leave for home. And she fell asleep immediately when she got to her bedroom.




Jenna's side


After parting with Aina's group, she and Sara headed deeper into the forest. They planned to perform the sweeping first before collecting Earth Ores.


Unknown to them, they have a company.


It was a tiny insect that was hiding in a bush.


From within the gap between leaves, a pair of crimson eyes followed Jenna and Sara's movement.







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