Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 23

Luna was reminded of the day when she was hired as Bano's exclusive maid around ten years ago.


The reason why she was thinking about that day was because of the destination she was headed to.


After serving and taking Bano's desires into her rear hole, she was told to keep his semen inside her rectum for the whole day. But today was quite a hectic day for Bano, as he was currently stuck with preparing for the meeting after rushing for his breakfast. So until the afternoon time, when she had to accompany him to the castle, she had a couple of free hours to spare, so she decided to head to the marketplace to buy some fruits.


On the way, she had to shuffle her skirt around because of the butt plug that was inside her and stopped the semen from her rectum from dripping out.


"Uncle, please give me 6 of these fruits, and 4 of that over there." (Luna)


"Got it. Going shopping early today, little Luna?" The old man shopkeeper replied


"Yes. I have the morning free, so I'm going to visit my sisters." (Luna)


"What a great sister you are. I'll give you some extra. Eat well and grow up healthy, okay? You and those girls too." (Shopkeeper)


"Please, you don't have to do that every time. You have to make a living too, and your wife will get mad at you." (Luna)


"Gahaha! Don't worry about that, and my wife will also give you an extra or two." (Shopkeeper)


"Thank you very much. Then, I will take my leave. Have a nice day, uncle." Luna bowed.


"You too, take care!" The old man waved.


Leaving the marketplace, Luna headed to a large building that served as a dormitory. Climbing up to the second floor, Luna walked to a certain room.


*Knock* *knock*


"Please give me a minute. I'm coming~" A cheerful voice replied from inside.




"Who is–– Sister Luna!" A tall red-hair girl with bob-cut hair jumped and hugged Luna the moment she saw her.


"Please come in! Sis~ sister Luna is here!" The girl dashed straight back into the room.


Entering the room, before Luna could put down the basket of fruits she was carrying, another tall red-hair girl with long braided hair hugged her from the side, this time by two girls.


They were the twins that Luna cherished. The younger twin, Mino, had grown up physically yet retained her cheery personality with a tom-boy look. She kept her hair short in a bob-cut style. When Luna first met her, she was barely reaching her stomach, but now, she was as tall as Luna. The only thing that remained the same was her bust size. It was not as well-endowed as Luna.


And the older twin, Mina, had also grown to be quite a beauty herself. She carried herself with elegance in public, although right now, she was cheerfully hugging Luna like a kid. She still retained the same braided ponytail with her long hair. Although not as tall as Luna and Mino, she was only half a head shorter than the other girls. But the most noticeable growth of her body was her bust size. Her breasts were even bigger than Luna's.


Patting the girls' heads, Luna put the basket down and showed them the contents.


"This is a gift for you girls. I heard that you girls finally graduated from the mage squad training and officially joined the army." Luna gently patted their heads.


"Hehehe~ I'm amazing, you know. Sis and I passed with flying colors." (Mino)


"Is that so? Good job, you girls. I'm very proud of you. I'm sorry I couldn't come to watch your entrance exam." (Luna)


"It's fine, sister. We know you are busy with work." (Mina)


Just like the knight squad of Lutenburg, its mage squad was similarly in a prestige position. The requirements to enter were very harsh, and there was a limit to how many candidates could pass at one time. Once the candidates finished their training regime and officially enlisted, on top of having meals and a place to stay taken care of, their wage was also above the average.


Looking at the twins' achievements in front of her, Luna couldn't be more happy than she was currently. But as she was unable to show it with her expression, she hugged the two tightly.


They have been together for a very long time and through many hardships together. It was especially during the time Luna set out for her job to earn enough money to pay for Mina's treatment. Luckily, Mina was completely cured after five years. Luna could have stopped after paying off the debt, but she thought that she could use the money to get the twins some proper education for their future, so she persisted; moreover, it was not like her job was backbreaking. Unlike the chores maids, she only had to take care of Bano and let him use her body anytime he wanted.


The twins, especially the older one, were suspicious of her job. There was one time the twins had tailed her when she was going back to the mansion. Had the guards not told her, she wouldn't have known about their mischief. It was no wonder, though, considered how she could pay off Mina's medical bill by just working as a maid. Thanks to that, Mina could enjoy her childhood like other kids. Still, Luna thought that it was inappropriate to inform the twins about what she actually did as an exclusive maid. As long as they were happy, Luna would work to provide for them until they could stand up on their own feet.


"Um, sister Luna, how long do you have until you return to work?" Mina asked with her upturned eyes.


"I have a few hours until afternoon." (Luna)


"Mu~ I know it's your job, but I want to spend more time with you... And soon, sis and I will have to do our duty in the mage squad, so we will have less time to spend together..." Mino sulked


"You silly. We can still see each other from time to time."


"Anyway, sister Luna, please sit down. You don't have much time until you have to return to work." Mino took the chairs from nearby and set them down around the table. Then she grabbed Luna's shoulder and pushed her down on the chair.


Mino had been doing that all the time, and even Mina gave up on telling her off since Luna didn't really mind.


However, today was unlike any other day; there was a hidden item in Luna's anus. 


It was the butt plug Bano put in her.


And when Mino suddenly pushed Luna down in the chair, her full body weight made the knot end of the butt plug knock against the seat and push it upward into her rectum. Luckily, the knot end was large, so the whole plug couldn't enter her body.




However, the glass plug made a clack sound when it hit the wooden seat.


"Hm? What was that sound just now?" Mino, who was directly behind Luna, asked.


"No. I didn't hear anything." Mina, still burying her head inside Luna's bosom, tilted her head.


"Let's sit down, Mino, Mina. Tell me, how was your life in the army?" 

Luna subtly changed the subject.


The three of them shared a few hours of chatting about their lives. When it was noon time, Luna said she would make lunch for all of them. However, the twins stopped her and made her stay put; it was her rare time off, so they wouldn't want her to move around much.


While the twins were making food, Luna stood up and went to the restroom. She had to fix the plug inside her ass, or it would lose its function of stopping the semen from leaking out.


(It went in a little too deep. Maybe because I got pushed by Mino, no good, at this rate, it would slip in further. If that happened, the young master's semen would drip out.)


Right now, she was wearing black panties. She had worn it before coming here. Even though Bano had told her not to wear panties when serving him, he didn't say that she was not allowed to wear them when she wasn't working.


Pulling the panties down to her ankles and squatting down on the floor inside the restroom, Luna tried to pry the half-submerge plug out, a task that proved to be quite difficult for her. The plug was what Bano had specially made just for her, so it fitted tightly inside her anus, which also made it hard for Luna to adjust it the moment it dislodged.


(This is bad. I can't seem to get it out.)


The knotted part that was half-submerged inside her anus made her asshole stretch to the maximum. To get it out, she had to somehow insert her finger between the knot and her asshole to pull it from the inside.


But the problem did not end there. Due to the large object inside her anus, her sphincter reflexively constricted in an attempt to return her asshole back to its original size. It meant that she had to focus on relaxing her muscles the entire time and try to push it out, or the moment she lost focus, her sphincter would squeeze down and swallow the buttplug deeper inside her rectum.


Little did Luna know what she was doing right now was similar to the act of defecating. However, as a member of the fairy race, her rear hole didn't have such a function.




(It's no good. I can't fit a finger inside. This is troubling. What should I do...)


*Knock knock*


"Sister Luna, are you in there?" Mino's voice came from the other side.




Due to the sudden call that surprised Luna, she lost focus on relaxing her sphincter, and so, by reflex, the muscle of her rear hole constricted fully, swallowing the whole buttplug into her rectum.


"Kuh... Yes, I'm inside." (Luna)


"Just want to let you know, food is ready~" (Mino)


"Thank you. I'll be there in a minute." (Luna)


Mino gleefully ran back to the living room and helped Mina set up the plates, not knowing that she had just caused trouble for her dear sister twice.


(This isn't good... It's completely inside my butthole...)


Luna let out a sigh.


With how deep the buttplug slipped inside her rectum, she could no longer reach it with her fingers. It could be worse if she inserted her finger in her anus; she might accidentally push it further in.


Luckily, with how the buttplug was currently positioned inside her rectum, it could still block the semen inside her. Luna could feel that there was no liquid dripping out despite her slightly gaped butthole.


(Sigh... It can't be helped. I'll ask the young master later to help me since he seems to be well-versed in this kind of subject.)


Taking out the same handkerchief that she used to wipe Bano's dick this morning from inside her pocket. She folded it and put it inside her panties to make a makeshift diaper in case the buttplug failed to block the semen inside her rectum when she walked.


Luna pulled up her panties and skipped lightly to check the condition of the plug and her panties. It felt a little uncomfortable since there was such a large object inside her. But there was nothing she could do about it until she met with Bano later. 


After washing her hands and fixing her clothes, Luna joined the twins at the table.


Although the quality is about average, the feast boasted a large number of dishes that the twins assumed were Luna's favorite.


"Girls, I already told you, this type of luxury does not suit me. I am fine with having fruits for meals. You girls know that I am a 


member of the fairy race." Luna couldn't help but comment upon seeing the food.


There were only three of them, but there were ten different dishes on the table.


"What are you saying, sister Luna. It's not every day that we can eat with you. This much is normal. I've learned to cook many different cuisines so we can eat together like this." (Mina)


"Of course, I helped her too!" (Mino)


"Right... If you can call taste-testing as helping." Mina sneered


"It's important! Someone like me is necessary to guarantee your foods are suitable for sister Luna!" Mino proudly hit her flat chest.


"Right... Whatever you say, my dear sister." (Mina)


"Thank you, girls." Luna patted them.


Remembering the past when Mina was constantly resting on her bed due to her illness, and her current self could cook so many delicious foods. She had visited them many times before, but it seemed like every time she came, Mina always treated her to a new dish that she just learned; Luna thought that it was her new hobby. Luna was happy that everything she did was not in vain, seeing Mina actively engaging in her hobby and Mino's cheerful laugh when she spent time with her.


And so, the three sisters happily dined together like they always did.


Sadly, happy times did not last forever, as it was time for Luna to get back to work shortly after lunch.


"Girls, it's about time I have to return to work." (Luna)


"Um. I'll work with you to the mansion." (Mina)


"Me too!" (Mino)


"You don't have to, you know..." Luna sighed. It was the nth time she tried to dissuade them. But as always, they insisted on going with her until the mansion gate. So Luna had partially given up and agreed.


""Nope!"" (Mina and Mino)


The twins just wanted to spend even a second longer with her dear sister.


It was a fifteen minutes walk. Had it been their old lodging, the distance would be triple. However, thanks to their acceptance to the mage squad, they were assigned to a new drom affiliated with the army in the noble district. That was why Luna could visit them more regularly.


With the mansion gate in sight, Luna turned back and gave each of them a pat on their heads.


"Thank you for walking me back." (Luna)


"Um, anytime for you, sister Luna." (Mino)


"Take care, sister Luna." (Mina)


The twins turned back and walked home. Luna looked at their backs until they completely vanished from her sight before walking to the gate.



"Hahaha, It seems that Miss Luna and your sisters are very close to each other." The guard greeted Luna and opened the door for her. With her position as Bano's exclusive maid, even the guard had to be polite to her despite the person herself couldn't care less about it.


The guard was the same person who informed Luna about their tailing her to the mansion. At first, she didn't understand when she heard two suspicious people were stalking her. But she soon realized when she heard the guard describe them, she couldn't mistake anyone else for a short hair redhead and a long-braided hair redhead.


"Yes, they are very special to me. Have the guest who came to visit the young master finished their business?" (Luna)


"Not yet, it seems. Their carriages haven't departed yet. But I assumed they are almost done since it is near the appointment time when the young master has to depart to the castle." (guard)


"Thank you." Luna bowed and entered the mansion.


Meanwhile, the meeting inside Bano's office is concluding.


"Thank you, gentlemen. As per our agreement, I will provide you with the items on the list on the date we have agreed. If there are any changes or additional orders, please contact me as soon as possible. Is there anything anyone to add before we sign the contract?" (Bano)


"No, I'm good."


"Me neither."


"Sounds good to me."


"Okay, since everyone has agreed with the conditions and the materials cost. Please read it to make sure there are no missing items and then let us sign the contract. Nak, give one copy to everyone." (Bano)


"Yes, young master. Everyone, here is your copy." Nak handed the paper to everyone.


Ever since Bano took over his father's position earlier than planned due to his illness, Nak had become sort of his secretary. And as usual, his presence was required in this meeting.


"Thank you, gentlemen. It is my pleasure to do business with everyone. I will walk you out." Bano shook each of his customers' hands and exited the room.


When he opened the door, he was greeted by Luna, who was standing by outside the room waiting for him.


The men followed behind him all looked at Luna like they wanted to devour her.


She was no doubt a beautiful woman. Her expressionless face was mesmerizing, her body proportion was perfect, and her breasts were just right to fit in one's hand. They had met her several times whenever they came to meet with Bano. They could never get tired of Luna's ripe body, but they knew better than to touch Bano's property without his permission. Bedding with a beauty for one time and having your career and life ruined or being wise and kept clear, the option these men chose was obvious. In the end, they did not dare to take the risk.


Their lew gazes, of course, could not escape Bano's eyes. He had been trained since he was a kid, and had dealt with all kinds of men, so their lecherous gazes were obvious to him, but he didn't say anything to them. In fact, he was quite proud of himself.


(Keh! Fuck you, morons. She's mine. Bet y'all don't know. I was just fucking her ass this morning. But this sir Bano is kind, so I will at least let you look at my maid and maybe use her lewd body to fap tonight. Be grateful for my kindness.)


Bano spat at them in his mind.


"Well then, gentlemen, I wish you a very nice day." (Bano)


After the carriages left the mansion, Nak, who was following behind Bano, leaned in and whispered.


"Young master, it's almost time for you to go to the castle for your next meeting." (Nak)


"Tsk! It's already time, huh. Okay, prepare my carriage." (Bano)


"Understood." (Nak)


(Goddamn it! I've been running around with work these past few weeks. What's the point of having a dick if I can't use it!)


A large amount of work and meetings had indeed occupied most of Bano's time. Before, he would spend each night having sex with Luna, but now, he refrained from doing so because of the work draining all his energy.


He wanted the warmth of a woman's body. That was why he had a tryst with Luna this morning. But clearly, it was not enough.


Currently, he was very sexually frustrated.


And the presence of Luna standing behind her did not help. Her sweet scent assaulted his nostrils, and her soft body attracted his eyes.


And so, he leaned over to Luna and started to grope her buttocks over the maid's outfit with his hand.


*Squeeze squeeze*


"Young master, I'm sorry, but I don't think you have enough time for this?" (Luna)


"Heh, true. Sadly, I don't have the time for it. So just stay still like this." Bano massaged her bountiful butt with a slobby smile on his face.


*Squeeze squeeze*


"Damn, I can never get tired of this. Your body is superb." 



"Thank you for your kind words, young master." (Luna)


*Squeeze squeeze*


"Did you remember to keep the semen I gave you this morning inside your ass?" (Bano)


At this question, Luna's brow slightly twitched. It was a subtle change in her expressionless face. However, having been together with her for almost ten years, Bano could see through her subtle change.


*Squeeze squeeze*


"Heh, lemme check it." Bano stopped squeezing her butt and moved his hand to the crack between her buttcheeks. Positioned his index finger on top of her anus, Bano poked lightly at her butthole. He was expecting to feel the solid object sticking out from her anus, but it was missing.


"Well well. Pray tell where has the plug gone... Don't tell me... you took it off without my permission... he... hahaha" Bano broke out in a laugh. In his mind, he was planning all kinds of sexual punishment to discipline his naughty maid.


"Actually, young master, I am in need of your assistance regarding that matter." (Luna)


"Ho hoh... Feel free to ask." (Bano)


"Young master! The carriage is ready!" Nak, who went to prepare the carriage, returned at this moment and called out to him.


"Let us depart then. I'll hear the rest inside the carriage." (Bano)


"Understood." Luna walked over and opened the door for Bano.


And then the two departed to the castle.









Author's note:

Everyone, I have bad news, and no, it has nothing to do with the release date. As I have promised before to upload a new cover for this work at the same time the character on that cover makes an appearance. I did mention it will be around chapter 40-ish. Well, I kinda went mad on introducing a few more new characters and focusing on world-building and relationships between characters, so the chapters in my stock are currently past chapter 50 without the chance to introduce that special character. It is possible that it will take around chapter 60~70, as it is getting really close. I hope everyone will stick with me until that time.

Thank you.

P/S: This work is free, btw. So feel free to upload it elsewhere.


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