Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 28

Somewhere in Lutenburg's castle


"Jenna! Are you okay!?" Eris barged into yet another room for the nth time today.


"Woah!! What??!! Enemy???!!!" One of the soldiers inside the room instantly stood up and grabbed his weapon next to him. This also alerted the other soldiers as they rushed to get their equipment and grouped up in front of the door.


This time, Eris barged into the room used as a breakroom for the soldiers in the castle.


"Lady Eris! Are we being attacked? Where do you want us to be deployed?" A man with equipment indicated that he was the captain saluted in front of Eris.


"How there they attack our capital?! They must be tired of living. I swear I'll kill them on the spot!" One of the soldiers behind said.


"No, I'll be the one to strike him down." Another said.


"How about the one that got to him first will be treated to a drink by everyone?" Another soldier suggested.


"Oh! That's a good idea." The rest agreed.


The reason why they could compete with each other like this was because this platoon was one of the best in the country. That was also the reason why they were mainly stationed inside the castle to guard the Royal family.


"Shut up, you morons! Get in line and act professionally! Seriously." 

The captain turned around and shouted at his men. "So, Lady Eris, what is the situation? And how many assailants we expect to face?" The captain turned back and asked Eris.


"Ababababa..." Eris was in a state of panic.


"Lady Eris?" Due to the difference in their height, the captain crouched down to meet eyes with Eris. And what he saw was Eris's pale face and spinning pupils.


"Um... Eh... I... uh... I'M SORRY!" Eris teared up.


After calming down and explaining to them that it was just a misunderstanding, the captain gave her a cup of water when he noticed Eris was out of breath after running for so long. The soldiers somehow had a disappointed look in their eyes as they returned to what they were doing.


"How do you feel now, Lady Eris? Have you calmed down yet?" 

The captain took the cup Eris handed to him.


"T-Thanks. And I'm sorry about that..." Eris timidly said.


Currently, Eris was quite a shy person. She realized that she hadn't learned her lesson yet despite the numerous times she barged into a room in a rush. And her shut-in nature didn't help her communication skills and knowing the layout of the castle. If this was reported to the King, he would totally tell Jenna, who acted as her chaperone, and she would be lectured by the woman with a devil-like face. Just thinking about it made her body shudder. So she tried to make herself look as small as possible and hoped for the best.


"So what brings you here today, Lady Eris? I heard you call Lady Jenna's name. Are you perhaps looking for her?"


"T-That's right! I need to find Jenna. It's very important!" Eris stood up.


"I see. Then you went to the wrong place, Lady Eris. High-ranking personnel were assigned a living quarter on the opposite wing, which is quite far from here. And If I remember correctly, her room should be on the second floor, as for the exact location, I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful. So I suggest Lady Eris ask any maids working around that area. They should know her exact room." The captain said.


"Um, thank you for telling me. Then I will excuse myself. Sorry for the intrusion." Eris ran out of the room.


"You are welcome." The captain waved at her.


"Captain, Lady Eris sure is cute, huh?" One of the men walked over and said to him.


"I wish my daughter was like her..." Chimed another one.


"Idiot. Even your grandma's age is a joke to her. The moniker Eternal Witch ain't for show, you know."


"Heh, you morons can say that because you haven't seen her in action. It is a good thing that she has a timid personality. If she was like your batshit crazy girlfriend, this country wouldn't last through a night." The captain sneered and pointed at one of the men.


"For real? I know she's very strong, but isn't that just overexerted?" 

The man laughed awkwardly.


"Pfft. You know the town just a day on foot south of this place?" 

The captain asked.


"If I remember correctly, it's Rakit town, right?" The man answered.


"Wait a minute. Wasn't that the town that was too ravaged by the war that the higher-ups deemed unable to rebuild?" Another man chimed in.


"That's right. That's how it was supposed to be. But thanks to Lady Eris. The town had been rebuilt and now only waiting for people to move in. Do you know what outrageous things Lady Eris did to rebuild it? She flattened the entire town, which used to house more than twenty thousand people, in one night, and the next day, she finished rebuilding the wall and ramparts. 


And it only took her a week to build all the houses and facilities." 

The captain reached out to get his cup and down everything in one gulp. "Remember this, son; there are people out there you shouldn't mess with. Just between us men here. This is not official, but the higher-ups are planning an expedition to restore the trading route between Lutenburg and Elk. Lady Eris will also personally participate in it. You can sign up for it if you want to witness her power firsthand. Okay, enough chit-chat. Those on duty tonight, get back to your post. And as always, be vigilant at all times."


And so, the men returned to their business, holding their respect for Eris.




Jenna's room





A sound of water splashing echoed in this steamy bathroom.


Currently, sitting inside the bathtub and submerged under the water up to his neck was Bano.


However, he was not alone.


Jenna was also sitting with her back leaning against him; her waist was being held by his hands.


"Haah~ This is paradise~ I must have died and gone to heaven~" 

Bano sighed in pleasure as he leaned against the bathtub.


"Oh? So you want to die, huh? I'll grant you your wish." Jenna leered over her shoulder at Bano and swung her fist at him.


"Woah there, what's that for?" Bani dodged her lightly swung fist. Lucky for him, she didn't have real intention to cave his face in, or he wouldn't stand a chance against her at this distance.


"You deserve it! I'm serving you the justice you deserve, you womanizer." Jenna angrily glared at him.


"That's not true. It's just that I'm captivated by your body. I've been with many women before, but you are the only one I would never get tired of." 

Bano leaned forward and kissed her neck.


"S-Shut up. Could you not make it sound like I'm the one at fault for tempting you? What is so good about me anyway? Unlike other women, I'm not pretty. I'm just a rigid woman. I can't smile or charm men like others. I've spent all my life training in the army." Jenna felt tickled when he kissed her neck.


"Hehehe. That's not true. Our lady knight seems to have low self-esteem. Don't sell yourself short, Jenna. Let me tell you this. These massive knockers hook me up. I remember you said your lover left you because of these tits, but I dare to say he's a sissy ladyman. But, unlike him, I know how to treasure my woman." Bano caressed her areolas and brushed against her still-hardened nipples.


"Mmmngh...Don't talk badly about him. Unlike you, he knew how to treat me well and respect my personal space... haah... You should be reborn and learn from him." Jenna squirmed to his touch.


"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure we had this conversation before, but I'll ask you again. First of all, who was the one that left you? And tell me truthfully, had he ever made you satisfied in bed?" Bano whispered into her ears and bit her earlobe.


"Nnghh..." Jenna couldn't answer. She didn't know about other women's libido, so she couldn't compare to them. But the fact was that she didn't climax whenever she had caring sex with her ex. On the contrary, rough sex with Bano was like a whole new world to her. Not only was she made to orgasm repeatedly, but Bano's vigor was also incomparable. He could go on even after she was exhausted.


"*Kiss* So? I'm still waiting for your answer." Bano kissed her reddened cheek.


"J-Just forget about it! Don't talk about him anymore. I already broke up with him." (Jenna)


"Sure sure. Whatever you want, milady. Just know that all I want is to make you my woman, Jenna. I don't want just your body; I want your heart, too. It's such a waste for a beauty like you not to know the touch of a man like me. Bano once again hugged her tight waist and whispered sweet words into her ears.


"Then can you stop violating my personal space? I want to enjoy my bath in peace." (Jenna)


"Now now. What are you saying? We've done things more shameful than just bathing together, no? I have always wanted to cuddle with my woman in the bath like this." Bano snuggled closer to her nape.


"W-Who is your woman?! You womanizer!"  


Jenna objected to his claim. However, somewhere deep inside her consciousness, she was happy that a man wanted her strongly like this. 


In the end, she still let Bano hug her. It was not like she could refuse him even if she wanted; indeed, just like Bano had said, she had done many things more shameful with him than just hugging each other naked in the bath.


"A-Anyway, what brought you here to the castle today? You barely visit it. I was out running some errands. Did something important happen?" 

Jenna decided to change the subject to hide the weakness in her heart.




And so, Bano told her about the meeting with Gellard and Ford and that he would depart for the expedition in two weeks. How he would rebuild and reestablish a trade hub between Lutenburg and Elk, and that Eris would be tagging along.


"What! Lady Eris will be coming too?" Jenna rubbed her forehead. With how sloppy Eris lived her life, she was worried that Eris couldn't take care of herself. 


And then, she realized something. She had truly become accustomed to taking care of Eris, someone akin to her mom, despite the latter being a few centuries older than her. Seeing Eris off on a trip alone was a cause of great distress to her.


"Yeah? They said with her power, we can build a town within days. Though I found it too hard to believe." (Bano)


"I see... With her power, she can definitely do that." Jenna nodded.


"Wait... For real!? I thought everyone was just exaggerating. Is she that strong?" Bano gasped.


"Fool. You haven't seen her in action yet since she's kind of living in seclusion right now in her... erm... lab(?). Good for you; you will be able to witness her strength on a front-row seat. So you better keep your hands off her." Jenna turned to glare at Bano on her last sentence.


"Okay, woman, wait a minute. I know I'm a scumbag, but even I have my standard, alright? I'm not a pedophile." (Bano)


"Is that so? Heh, I thought you would even stick your penis into a goblin." Jenna sneered.



"Okay, that's enough, woman. You are getting quite naughty. It's time for your punishment." Bano pulled on her softened nipples.


They had only been cuddling inside the bathtub for a while, and so, without sexual stimulation, her erect nipples slowly lost their hardness and partially retreated back into her areolas.


"Kyaah! Y-You! Haven't you had enough!?" Jenna yelped at the surprise attack.


"Hehehe. I told you, your body is the best. I would never get tired of it." Bano licked her nape.


"Stop it! I'm tired. We've been doing it for hours, and it's late." 

Jenna tried to get away from his firm grip, but it was to no avail. She could feel his erect dick poking at her butt.


"Don't worry. I'll be the one doing the work this time. So just sit back and enjoy. Heck, I'll even give you a massage. Now come, come. Staying too long in the water will get your skin wrinkled." Stepping out of the bathtub, Bano laid down a mattress and told Jenna to lie down on her stomach.


"I-is this okay...?" Jenna asked.


"That's good. Now lay your hands along your body. I will also massage it." (Bano)


"Like this?" Jenna put her hands parallel to her body.


"Perfect, hehe. Now then, milady, welcome to Bano's special massage course. What would you like to request for today?" Bano rubbed his hands to wet them with body lotion.


"Idiot... Well, since you are giving me a free massage, I'll accept it. You can do it your way." Jenna relaxed her body.


Unfortunately, her naive thinking prevented her from suspecting Bano's kind offer. And the fact that she was lying face down made her unable to see Bano's lecherous smile and his hands' obscene movements. However, she could feel his perverse gaze traced across her back, down to her butt, but she ultimately decided to dismiss it since it was Bano she was talking about. His lecherous stare was nothing new to her.


"Well then, allow me to start. I will show you the Gremhandlr's legendary massage technique that can make all women squirm in pleasure. Now, before we begin, let me apply some lotion." (Bano)


He poured out some lotion and dribbled it onto Jenna's body. He then spread the viscous liquid onto her back, butt, and breast. Once her entire body was covered in the liquid, with his slimy hands, he lightly kneaded her nape and moved to the shoulder parts. At the same time, he increased his strength a little, forcing a moan out of Jenna's mouth.


"Mmnngh~" (Jenna)


"Hehehe. Milady's shoulders are a little too stiff. These huge melons here must be the cause, eh?" He slipped his hands under her armpits and touched the side of her boobs.


"Quit it! It's not like I want them to be this big. They're just a nuisance. And when I buy my equipment, they don't have armor my size, so I had to order a custom made every time. They are just useless fat." (Jenna)


"That's not true, hehe. These knockers are every man's romance. They are my favorite." Bano continued to fondle her boobs.


"Mmngah...They're not yours." Jenna moaned when his fingers brushed past her nipples.


Then he resumed moving down and continued massaging her white back and slowly moved down to her buttocks. She thought that he had stopped fooling around, as Bano didn't do anything uncalled for, so she let her guard down.


She had clearly underestimated Bano's perversion.


Time slowly passed, one minute and then five minutes, yet Bano still continued to massage her buttocks. And then, ten minutes later, he still hadn't moved to another area.


"Hey... Is it just me, or have you been touching my bottom longer than necessary?" Jenna looked back and saw Bano's drool-dripping face.


"*Sllrrpp* Hm? Sorry, what did you say?" Bano wiped his drool away with the back of his hand. He was mesmerized by the way his fingers sunk into her voluptuous ass. It was like his fingers were dancing on a top-tier bed.


"You..." Jenna squinted her eyes and gave Bano a silent glare.


"Ehem, anyway. Let's continue." Leaving her bouncy ass, he moved down to rub her thighs. His hands sometimes subtly slipped into her inner thighs. 


Of course, his subtleness didn't escape Jenna since it was her body he was touching. But she decided to let it slide since it was still in the gray zone. She had to admit, however, that his skill was quite good for a man born with a golden spoon in his mouth. She could feel her fatigue slowly fading away, and the stiffness of her muscles slowly relaxed. If not for his many attempts of trying to touch her private parts or the many times he attempted to make her feel sexual pleasure.


When Bano finished massaging her feet, he worked his way up and once again focused on her ass. This time, he didn't hide his intention and fully grabbed Jenna's buttcheek and rolled down in a circle.


"So, how does it feel? I can tell that your body has slightly relaxed, and the stiffness seems to have disappeared." (Bano)


"Nnngh~ I-I'll at least praise your skill. But must you focus solely on my butt?" (Jenna)


"But of course. This is where the buildup of fatigue accumulates. I'm going to massage it to help you clear it out." (Bano)


With how her buttcheeks were moving in a circular motion, from time to time, they were spread and revealed her little anus hiding between the valley.


"Anngh...! Mmngh... haah... nh..."


(Kuh! I'm sure he can even see my butthole too. How embarrassing!)


She could feel the slimy liquid slowly pool in from her buttcheek down to her buttcrack and wetting her anus, and it even dripped down to her vagina. From time to time, the coldness of the room would blow past her butthole, making the little hole twitch as if it was anticipating something.


And Bano, with his front-row seat, didn't miss it since he was fully focusing on her butt. A small grin formed on his face, and his hands changed their movement.


"Hyyah! W-Wait! Do you have to massage there, too!?" Jenna yelped 


(I feel like the way he's touching me is getting dirtier... But his massage does feel good... Kuh! What's wrong with me...)


She could feel his hands spreading her asscheeks apart. Then he started jiggling her butt, causing more of the lotion to spread to the edge of her anus, and his fingers were also moving closer to her anus.


"Yes, milady. This is where your impurities are collected. So it is important to dissipate them before they could cause harm to your body." (Bano)


"Aangh... Then why does it feel like your fingers are moving obscenely?" (Jenna)


"Hehehe. Maybe it's just your imagination? Anyway, please don't wriggle too much. It's dangerous for you to rampage during the massage." Bano smirked.


"F-Fine... fuuuhh... Just make it quick..." (Jenna)


"Your wish is my command, hehehe. So, how is it? Our family's technique is legendary, right? It seems that you are feeling good with how much you are moaning right now." Bano lightly tapped her buttcheek.


"Nnngh... I guess..." Jenna bit her lips to stop her voice from leaking out when she heard Bano's words. But it was futile, as her body had clearly become captive to Bano's touch. She felt like her strength was leaving her body, like it was an instinct to entrust her body to Bano.


"Now then, shall we start the 'internal massage'?" Bano stopped his hands and picked up the body lotion.


"Huh? What do you mean by 'internal massage'?" Jenna had a bad feeling about it.


"You see, milady, the Gremhandlr's massage technique utilizes massaging the body externally and internally to achieve maximum effect. What I did just now was the external body massage. And now, for the internal body massage, I will do it through your rectum." Bano poured another batch of the viscous lotion directly onto her buttcrack.


"Hyyyah! W-What the hell!? Who would want that!!??" Jenna yelled.


"Calm down. It's just a massage; it's completely normal. In the capital, some masseurs do that for their customers. Everyone is surprised on their first try, but they all quickly get used to it. I guarantee you it will feel great, and once I'm done, you'll feel like you are reborn anew." Bano explained with a serious face.


(Though that was a lie. Hahaha) He said inside his mind.


"I-Is that true? How come I haven't heard about it?" Jenna wavered.


She didn't have the time to enjoy going to a massage shop, so she had no clue about it.


"For real. And think about it, would they disclose their techniques to others? They wouldn't, right? Or their business would go down. That's why no one talks about it." Bano answered.


"I-I see. Then go ahead... But please be gentle... i-it's my first time..." Jenna reluctantly agreed.


(Hook, Line, and Sinker. A gullible female knight's anus gets!) Bano flashed his usual pervy grin.


"Got it. Then can you spread your legs a little wider for me?" (Bano)


"Ugghh... Okay..." Jenna spread her legs apart, making her glistening anus and her vagina a little below fully bare under Bano's burning gaze.


She couldn't believe that she would be put into such a humiliating pose just for a massage. As if adding salt to the injury, her glistening butthole twitched uncontrollably. And to make it worse, her vagina was moist with not only the lotion, but also with her love juice. She could only hope that Bano didn't notice it.




"Fwwah! W-What are you doing?" She shrieked when her butt was hit. She turned around and glared at him angrily.


"Hm? Nothing. It's just that your ass muscles were a little tense just now, so I applied more force to relax them. This technique is called 'meat tenderizing,' one of my family's 48 massage techniques." Bano faked a serious face.


"W-Why do I feel like your household is full of perverts..." Jenna scowled.


"Thank you for your praise, milady. Let us move on." (Bano)


"It's not a praise, idio ––Uwwah!" Jenna shrieked again due to Bano spanking the other side.


After hitting each side three more times, Bano lovingly caressed the swollen red buttocks. With her legs spread, her labia were also slightly separated, showing off her moist inner folds. By this time, Jenna's vulva was dampened with liquid, which Bano easily identified to be mostly made of her love juice.


(She had a masochist tendency, hehehe.) Bano thought to himself.


"Hehehe, I knew it... Your butthole looks so lewd yet beautiful at the same time. It's twitching like crazy even though I haven't even touched it yet." Bano said.


"Wha...! S-Stop with the commentary!" (Jenna)


She felt ashame having her butthole talked about like that. She wanted to curse him to dead but didn't dare to say anything longer, or her moans would leak mid-sentence. She felt like more than his massage, his words shame her even more.


Her butt jiggled here and there whenever Bano lifted them up and released them, making her butthole look like it was breathing.


"Fuuhh... haah...nnh...aah...mmngh..." Jenna rubbed her face down hard on the mattress, trying to muffle her voice. But it was clearly unsuccessful.


As for Bano, the way her voice leaked through the gap between her face and the mattress, combined with how her anus responded to his touch, aroused his male instinct. He could feel his erect cock dripping with precum, but he calmed it down since it was not time yet.


He had to be patient. He already had a plan to train Jenna's new pleasure hole. However, Jenna needed to be prepared more. Just like how the wine tasted better the longer it took time to make, Bano knew that he would reap his delicious reward the longer he spent doing the prep work.


It had passed midnight, yet the night was far from over for the two in this steamy bathroom.








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