Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 38

*Knock* *Knock*


"Come in."  (???)


"Boss, we have a problem."  That was the first thing the man said after he entered and closed the door behind him.


Inside the room, two men were talking. Judging from their tones, one must be in a lower hierarchy than the other. However, they were not the only people present inside the room. One man was standing with a strained expression, the other man was sitting comfortably on a couch, and a girl was kneeling in front of his crotch.


She could be easily identified as a slave, seeing as how a chain was attached to her neck, and the man she was kneeling before had one end of the chain in his hand.


She wasn't just kneeling. The man had his pants lower to the ground, and his erect penis was exposed. And the girl's mouth was running up and down on his penis. The tears at the corners of her eyes were more than enough to know that she was unwilling to do so. The girl looked like she was in her early 20s. Her cute short hair had lost its luster due to her poor condition. Her face was well-ordered with a few freckles marks.


The girl's name was Yuri.


She had just married the person she loved in a small countryside village. Her husband suggested they should go to the capital to start a new life, and she agreed to his idea. She thought that her life would get better after leaving the poor village. However, fate was as fickle as candlelight on a windy day. Her husband was tricked by a loan shark when he needed money to start their small business.


As the debt got out of their control, they pleaded to the boss of the group that they owed. The boss at that time acted like a gentleman and promised to create an opportunity so they could pay back the money they owned. Grabbing at the last straw, they both agreed and signed a contract that they would regret for the rest of their lives.


One day, the boss hired her husband to transport some merchandise for him. She thought it was as usual since her husband had done it many times before. But later that day, she was told that her husband had stolen the merchandise and ran away. She couldn't believe what she heard; how could a loving husband who shared the same hardships with her would do such a thing? But she had nothing to prove aside from her own words.


A few days later, she was informed that her husband had hooked up with a rival gang and betrayed them and that they only found it out after raiding their hideout. Her husband was executed on the spot for his betrayal. When she heard the man she loved had perished, with nothing in her possession, and a massive amount of debt hanging on top of her head, Yuri was forced to become a sex slave.


Later, she found out the truth about her husband when she heard a drunk member of the gang blabber in his drunken state. She was forced to spread her legs and let the man do whatever he wanted. Probably due to how unresponsive she was, the man talked about what had actually happened to her loving husband.


On that fateful day, her husband accidentally found out that they were actually dealing with illegal contraband. He confronted Oris, the boss of the gang, and asked to be pulled out. But Oris was not appreciative of his complaint, so he ordered his men to kill him and threw his body in the forest.


Yuri was forced to hear all of that as the man tortured her physically and mentally. That day, she cried and cried for the entire day. As the man was aroused from seeing the reaction he had been waiting for, he had his way with her body and even called his friends to join in until her whole body was covered with semen.


The next day, after her tears had dried, she thought it through and finally realized something. It wasn't despair that she felt; it was relief and regret. She was relieved that her husband was now in a happier place and not this hell hole but regretted that she couldn't protect her purity and dignity when she could finally reunite with him on the other side.


Her sole salvation was that she had offered her virginity to her husband. She was delighted when these men were disappointed that they couldn't take her virginity.


'At least, before I can meet him again, I will take revenge on the man who destroyed our happiness.'  She thought. Since then, she patiently waited for the moment she could enact her revenge and obediently listened to these men.


There were days she was forced to serve multiple men at the same time. They would use her mouth, her pussy, and even her butthole to satisfy their twisted desires. They didn't care whether she was enjoying it or feeling pain. To the men, a fuck hole was a fuck hole, and they were just coincidentally on her body, her human rights be damned. Even when she passed out from exhaustion, they would rock their hips, slap her face, and bite her nipples until she woke up.


Despite the inhumane treatment, Yuri endured it all and kept on waiting.


And finally, this day had come.


Today, as usual, she was being used as a sexual slave by Oris. The man was none other than Oris, the current head of the top gang governing the slum, the culprit that destroyed her happiness.


In the past, he acted like a gentleman, sincerely helping her and her husband. But the moment she became a slave, his attitude did a full 180. He dropped all his acts and abused her body anyhow he liked.


"Speak. What happened?"  Oris said arrogantly.


"Boss, the noble who we sold a few sex slaves had been arrested by the guard."  The man handed Oris a paper.


"Tsk. That fucker. Lay low for a few days, and increase the surveillance. Make sure you report to me anything suspicious, whether big or small. And tell the men to keep an eye closely on Bruno and his men. Those fucking hyenas won't miss such a good chance to attack us. By now, they must have heard the news too."  Oris clicked his tongue and gave his orders.


"And who the fuck told you to stop?"  He grabbed Yuri's hair and yelled at her.


"I'm sorry, master."  Yuri resumed moving her mouth and tongue on his cock.


She was listening to their conversation and forgot to service the man, which in turn annoyed him. She begrudgingly put the manhood that was not her husband's into her mouth and moved her head up and down.


But she heard something good just now from their conversation. The guard and the rival gang might make their moves. So Yuri began to think of any way to stir up the situation. She would preferably have the guard come and arrest Oris rather than the rival gang, however. She knew the rival gang, which was led by a man called Bruno, was just as ruthless as Oris. They were rivals because they both dealt with illegal sexual slaves. So what was the point if she escaped from her sex slave life only to fall into another sex slave life of another organization?


"Tsk. Useless bitch. Oi, take this whore away. I'm bored of her. Get me another bitch. Have the men rape her one full day to give her a lesson."  Oris grabbed her hair and pushed her away.


"EEK! P-Please master! Please give me another chance. I promise I will make you feel good!"  Yuri crawled toward Oris and hugged his legs, begging.


"Get out of my face!"  Oris kicked her away.


And so, the man dragged her away.




"Now then, how do I break in..." Rika quietly mumbled.


In front of her was the building that Oris's gang used as their hideout. She was hiding in the ally opposite the building across the street. The street was wide enough for two horse carriages passing side by side, so the distance was not far away, but thanks to the moonless night and the lack of street lamps, the darkness of the ally was enough to hide Rika away from the watchful eyes of most people.


Despite the lack of lookouts, she knew the people who were acting like beggars were actually disguising themselves as such and keeping an eye around the area. And it wasn't just them; the windows of the building had someone hiding behind the curtains and overlooking the street.


"I need to create a distraction... I can hide away from the guys near the windows, but the problem is the ones on the street..."  Rika rubbed her chin and thought.




Suddenly, there was a loud metal sound breaking the silence of the night.


"Hm?! What was that?! It's coming from the alley over there."

Rika crouched down and reached toward her weapon as her eyes scanned the area.


"The noise came from the alley where the couple were having sex. So maybe it was them?"  Rika thought.


*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*


Rika could see eight men dressed like beggars all walking toward that alley with long strides to investigate.


"Welp, I don't know who you are but thank you for helping me out. Happy National Public sex day~ " 


Making use of the distraction, Rika rushed forward to the left, opposite direction to where the men were going, and ran along the wall of the buildings, right below the roof.


When she got to a blindspot from the windows, she dashed to the other side of the street and once again stuck close to the wall of the buildings. Once she got to the front door of the target building, she frantically knocked on the door.


"Hey! What happened? What was that noise?"  A man opened the door and asked. "Huh? Who the fuck a— Garghagh!!!"


Before he could finish, his throat was pierced with a big needle. He died with his eyes opened in disbelief.


"Yosh, that's one down."  Rika dragged the body into one of the shabby rooms and stacked furniture on it to hide.


"Crap! I forgot to ask for information!


Logically, the boss's room should be on the highest floor, and the place where the captives were held should be in the basement, but I don't know how to get there!"  Rika held her head and lamented her rash decision.


"Can't be helped. Let's just look around."  Rika wiped and put the needle she had just used back into the makeshift holder on her thigh and aimlessly walked her way up to the higher floor.


Despite the shabby appearance of the exterior, and not counting the unused rooms, the inside was quite well-decorated and had amble lights to light up the hallway. It was like an abandoned mansion.


Despite the time being late into the night, there were still armed people patrolling the hallway. Rika avoided confronting and killing them. Having too much body count would surely compromise her infiltration.


Aside from the man answering the door and three other men who almost caught her when she was aimlessly walking around, she could count that the total of men working here exceeded twenty. It was a little more than what she had expected, but it was still within her ability to sneak around.


"... this place is huge, befitting a big syndicate controlling the slum."  (Rika)


"No! Please stop! Let me go!"  (???)


Walking past a closed room, Rika heard a woman's scream from inside.


"Nyah?! Doesn't it sound like someone is in a pinch?"  Rika stopped and put her ears closer to the door.


"Shut up, slut! The boss has ordered us to teach you a lesson. So you'd better be a good bitch and spread your legs for us, or I'll fucking hit you until you become obedient."  A man's voice yelled.


"Please don't hit me. I will listen. Just don't hit me!"  The girl begged.


"That's more like it. Now take off that rags on your body and kneel."  Another man's voice said.


"Nyah nyah!! I need to help her fast! But how should I do it... hm?"

Rika looked around to find a way to break into the locked room. She soon found a way as she looked up at the ceiling.


There was a small ventilation opening. She suspected it was possible to enter the room through the vent shaft. Picking up a stool from nearby, she set it down and used it to reach up and pull the covering lid. It was a little rusty, so the creaking noises were quite unpleasant for her sharp ears and caused her goosebumps. Luckily, the screaming voices and yelling voices of the room were louder, so no one heard the covering lid being opened.


Putting the stool back, Rika jumped up and climbed into the vent shaft. It was an easy feat for her, thanks to her cat's racial ability.


"Eergh... There are so many cobwebs in here..."  Rika flinched the moment she entered the narrow vent. "Ugghh… mister spider, I come in peace. Let's pretend we don't see each other and mind our own business, okay?"


It was not regularly maintained, so pests like spiders made their nest in places like this. Rika's goosebumps got worse when she saw a big black spider the size of her palm staring straight at her with its many eyes. Staying as far away from the creeper as she could, Rika crawled through the shaft toward the direction of the room.


It was dark inside the shaft, so it was easy for Rika to see the light leaking through the vent cover on the room's ceiling. Rika made her way to it and peeked down at the room.


An inhumane act was being carried out inside the room.


On the floor, Rika saw the girl, who she assumed to be the one screaming just now, kneeling with her head hitting the ground and nothing to cover her naked body. Surrounding her were three men laughing and sneering at the sight of the girl.


The man in front of her was pushing his foot into the girl's mouth. He pried her trembling lips open and stuck his toe inside to defile the girl's oral cavity.


The second man, who was standing behind her, was grinding his foot into the girl's private parts. Rika couldn't see clearly, but she didn't need to see to know that his toe was poking at the girl's vagina.


The last man was sitting on the chair and laughed as if he was watching a good show. He happened to sit with his legs wide open, so Rika could see the bulge on his crotch.


"Your tits are small, but you have a plump ass, hahaha."  The man sneered and stepped on her butt.


"Guh!"  Yuri fell flat on the floor due to the extra weight of his foot.


"Oi oi, I did not tell you to lie down like that. On your four, or I'll make you."  The man ground his dirty feet on her white buttock.


"Y-Yes."  (Yuri)


As she tried to push her bottom half up with her knees, the man increased his strength more to push her down. He wanted to torment her with his twisted entertainment.


Pushing her down a few more times, the man moved his foot and stepped on her crotch.


"Gahaha, you're fucking wet. What a masochist."  The man smirked when he felt some moisture on his toe.


She was sweating, but it was clearly not her sweat that the man felt. It was sticky, and it concentrated in the middle of her crotch.


Yuri bit her trembling lips. No matter how much she had gotten used to being abused, it was still embarrassing when someone looked at it, much less at one of her tormentors.


"Nnguh!"  Yuri winced.


The man didn't only tease her vagina. His dried, filth-soiled toe caressed her puckering butthole.


The man smeared her dripping love juice across the slit. Yuri's vagina, which was once a sacred place that only her husband was allowed to touch, was now just an entertaining hole for the men. She dreamed of the day she would bear the child of her husband, but that dream was shattered the day she became a sex slave. And right now, the man continued moving his toe along the slit as he had done numerous times before.


"Gehehe, as expected of a woman's body. Every part of her is so soft."  The man said as he looked at how he had turned Yuri's private parts into a sloppy mess.


He stopped prodding at her holes and jammed his toe inside.


"Aahn! Mmnguh!"  (Yuri)


He didn't move; he just kept it there. And moments later, his toe was drenched in her love juice. When he pulled his toe out, a string made of mucus bridged his toe to her vagina.


A sweet feminine scent tickled the beasts inside these men. Her womanly pheromone was inviting the men.


Yuri hated herself. She hated her body for reacting to these abusive men. She could feel her voice slurring the more her love juice dripped out. She knew that it was just her body's defense mechanism to protect her from harm. But if she could choose, she would choose not to secrete love juice. Because she knew once she was wet enough, she would be forced to take their manhood inside her.


"It's time for the main course. Stand up."  The man grabbed Yuri's hair and pushed her down on the bed.


He picked up her legs and spread them wide open, laying bare the most secret parts of her body.


When Yuri tried to cover her nether regions with her hands, the second man gripped her hands strongly and pinned them atop her head.


Tears threatened to overflow from the corner of Yuri's eyes. She had been subjected to similar torture before, so she knew that it wouldn't end until they had all been satisfied. Crying here would just arouse their sadistic nature and extend her torment. She bit her lips to hold back the tears and voice.


"Gehehe, that's how a woman should look in bed."  The man said as he peered at her pussy.


Her vagina was spread open, love juice dripping out from within. Despite being passed around by many men in this place, her labias' shape still retained the beautiful pinkish flower petals. And her birth canal was still too tight.


It was thanks to this flexible trait that her body still retained its pristine state. But it was also due to this trait that she became these men's favorite public toilet.


"Bahaha, your tits are small, but at least they are perky. Look at how hard they have become. Are you getting horny already?"  The second man sat down on her hands to keep them in place and started molesting her breasts and playing with her nipples.


No matter how sensitive or unresponsive a woman was, having her female parts probed and stimulated for a long time would make her react. Yuri wanted to retort, but she knew it was unwise and uncalled for. She silently looked up at the ceiling to escape the men's vulgar faces.


At that time, something caught her eye.


She saw a small reflection through the gaps in the ventilation cover. She squinted to make out what it was and figured it out.


It was a pair of eyes looking at her.






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