Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 43

Rika's figure ran deeper into the basement. Yuri had told her that there was one more cell holding the captive girls located deeper. And sure enough, she found what she was looking for. The lighting was a little insufficient, but she could make out there were a little less than a dozen girls inside this cell.


As for the captive girls, they didn't know who was coming. The moment they saw a silhouette, they hurdled closer to each other, crying and begging for mercy.


"I'm not the enemy. I'm here to help, nyah!"  Rika called out to them.


Hearing a woman's voice with a weird accent, they somewhat calmed down but still fearfully observed the figure walking toward them. When Rika was closed enough for them to see, the expressions on their faces started to brighten up.


Indeed, help had arrived. The cat girl in front of them was wearing similar clothes to them, and she even had a collar on, so there was no way she worked for Oris. And sure enough, the cat girl deftly picked the lock of the cell to release them.


When the heavy cell door slid open was the moment tears fell down from their eyes. They were tears of happiness. They could finally escape this place where they were tricked or kidnapped and became the playthings of the men running this place.


"Nyah, I know everyone is happy. But please calm down; we haven't actually escaped this place yet. Please follow me, and I will lead you to a safe place.


Following Rika, they regroup with the other girls. Including herself and Yuri, their number was 22 people. With such a huge group, it was impossible to escape without drawing unwanted attention.


"Is this everyone, nyah? Do you know someone else who is currently missing?"  Rika asked as she looked at the girls as they all shook their heads.


"Good, I guess this is everyone, nyah. Let me tell you the situation. First of all, Oris is dead. Secondly, right now, Oris's men are fighting outside with a rival group."  Rika paused for a moment to let the girls take in the information.


The girls were relieved to hear what had happened to Oris, but it was short when she heard another gang was attacking them. This is a slum area where gangsters gather. To these girls, escaping from a gang only to be captured by another gang was meaningless. The hell they had gone through would just repeat itself. They became anxious again when they imagined falling into the new captor's hand.


Rika continued, "But don't worry, I promise with my life that I will let you girls escape unharmed. However, to do that, I need information. Escaping from the front gate is impossible with the chaos ongoing outside. So does anyone know another route we can take to get out of here?"


No one said anything. Rika expected that much since it would be beyond stupidity if the men let them find out any potential escape route they could use to make a run.


"Nyah... can you girls help me look around this area? We might find something useful. Yuri, I need you to go and keep watch at the entrance. Please shout and run back if you see anyone."  (Rika)


"Yes."  Yuri walked back to the entrance.


"Now then... Let's see... nyah!?"  Something caught Rika's eyes.


In the corner of the basement, there was a drain hole covered by a metal cap big enough to fit a person. Normally, it wouldn't catch Rika's eyes. But there was something strange about it. She remembered how rusty and dirty the ventilation cover and shaft were, so it was clear that the men here wouldn't bother to clean anywhere unimportant. But this drain hole was unusually clean, and there was also no rust on the metal cap too.


Curiously, she walked over to examine it. She didn't find any dust residue around it. It was proof that someone had been using it until just recently. She pried the metal cap with her weapon, and sure enough, the lid could be shifted effortlessly, albeit a little heavy for a girl her build.




"*Huff* Phew~ So heavy, nyah. It looks like it'll lead to the sewage."  Rika took a deep breath and peered inside.


After confirming a potential escape route, Rika stood up and dusted her hands. She walked back to the group, but before she could tell them her finding, the girls screamed at the door direction.




Rika turned to look in the direction of the scream and saw Yuri was caught by a man, followed by two other men.


"Oi! Who allow you bitches to be outside!?"  (???)


The man yanked Yuri's hand and grabbed her by the neck.


"Yuri!!! Release her right this instance!"  Rika rushed forward to confront the man.


"Hah? I don't recognize you. Who the fuck are you!? Did you let these girls outside the cell!?"  The man glared at Rika.


"N-No... Why is Stid here...? We can't run away from him. It's over *sob* *sob*"


Rika heard the girls murmuring in despair when they saw the men. She heard they call this man Stid. From what she knew, Stid was Oris's right-hand man. He was said to be a cruel man and good at fighting.


A troublesome opponent for Rika. With her current state, she could not protect the girls and fight the three men at the same time with an injured foot. Moreover, he currently had Yuri as a hostage.


"There's a drain hole at the back that could lead to the sewage. Take the girls and escape from here. I'll hold them back."  Rika whispered to the girl next to her.


She was scared stiff, but the world 'escape' broke her fear. The girl tearfully nodded and wished Rika luck. Then she led the other girls and ran to the back. She, at least, knew that by staying here, they would just be a burden for Rika to fight. There was nothing they could do to help the cat girl.


"Oi! Are you deaf? I'm talking to you! Who the fuck are you?"  The man shouted.


"Sir, the girls are running! We'll go catch them." The two men behind him saw the girls retreating deeper into the basement and gave chase.


"Wait!"  Stid yelled.


But it was too late.


*Slash* *Swoosh*




The moment they stepped into Rika's attack range, they were mowed down. Rika slashed open their chest at a speed too fast for them to notice and guard themselves. All they felt was a burning pain in their chest, and they collapsed. They died without knowing what had just happened.


But Stid was different. He could see the cat girl in front of him slashing at the two men with the dagger she had hidden behind her the entire time.


"How can you attack them? Are you not wearing that slave collar!?" (Stid)


The slave collars that they put on the girls forbade them to run away or harm them. In case they did, the collar would send an electric shock and cause excruciating pain to the girl.


But just now, Rika attacked the men without getting hit by the collar. He also noticed that the girls could run away freely.


"Nyah, this is just a fake collar. And even if it was real, it would cause no harm to us anymore. I heard that these collars were registered under Oris. Too bad for you, I've already put him six feet under, nyahhahaha."  Rika mocked the man.


She made a gamble to piss Stid off and engage in a duel with him, creating a chance for Yuri to escape. And sure enough, he took the bait.


"You bitch!"  Stid shoved Yuri to the side and rushed at Rika.


"Aghh!"  (Yuri)


"Yuri, run! Damn it, nyah!" (Rika)


*Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*


Sparks flew as Rika defended against the incoming blades.


Rika's forte was that she was well-versed in all types of weapons. However, that was also her weakness, as she was a jack of all trades, master of none. Her mastery over the use of dagger fell short compared to Stid, whose mastery was dual dagger wielder.


All she could do was defend, but she was slowly pushed back as the attack increased its intensity.


*Clank* *Clank* *Swoosh*


"Nyah!"  Rika cried out in pain.


She felt a burning pain in her right arm. Just now, Stid's blade managed to slip past her defense and scratch her.


Rika jumped backward to create some distance between them as she tried to catch a breath.


"*Huff* Huff* Nyah, it hurts! Is that how you treat a lady?"  (Rika)


"Heh. If you surrender to me now, I'll at least let the other girls escape and keep you as my pet. If not, then after I'm done cutting your limbs off and letting the dog fuck you, I'll hunt every single one of them down and let them join you."  Stid licked off her blood on his blade as he smirked.


"Nyah! Both options are the same! No, thank you, nyah! Catch me if you can, Peeeh~"  Rika stuck her tongue out and taunted him.


"Suit yourself."  Stid shrugged and slowly closed the distance between them.


(Damn it, nyah! If only I was in my perfect form and had a weapon better than this short dagger. Aarrgghh! I hate this!)  Rika screamed in her mind.


She held the dagger with both hands. The pain was the least in her mind. She could not afford any mistake, or she would surely regret it. That was how much of the gap between them right now. Her eyes closely observed every single step when Stid walked toward her.


Stid stopped just before they were within each other's attack range. He looked down on Rika menacingly.


"So? Go ahead. Hit me with your best shot."  (Stid)


"Thank you very much! Don't regret it, nyah!"  Rika took a step forward and lunged at Stid.


She aimed her thrust at his neck, but it was just a feint. In the last second, she changed the trajectory of her blade to slash downward.


It was executed perfectly. Countless of her enemies had fallen for this feint attack. So she knew for sure that this was the end.


However, Rika forgot something. She was using the weapon that her opponent knew the best. He had full control and knowledge of how a dagger could be used to attack.


That was why Stid didn't fall for her trick. He just simply took a step back and watched as the blade cut through the empty air.


This swing left Rika wide open to counterattack, which Stid utilized by kneeing her in the stomach.


"Ggaargh!"  Rika fell to the floor and dropped her weapon.


She momentarily lost consciousness. But thanks to the contents in her stomach rising up to her mouth, burning her throat in the process, she regained her vision and saw the cold ground pressing against her cheek.


"Is that all you've got? Fuck you!"  Stid flicked the dagger away with his feet and kicked Rika, sending the cat girl rolling on the hard ground.


"Kuhaah!"  Air escaped Rika's lungs. She felt like her rib had just broken from that kick.


Despite the cat girl lying limply on the ground, Stid didn't stop kicking the girl. He mercilessly stomped the girl as if she was just a bug.


There was nothing Rika could do but curl herself into a ball to guard her vital spots.


"No! Please stop!"  Yuri couldn't bear to watch anymore and ran to hug Stid's leg to stop him.


When Rika told her to run away, Yuri didn't run. She only hid herself and watched from the corner of the room. She knew she wouldn't be of help even if she stayed. But she also couldn't stand running away while her savior was risking her life to protect them.


"You stay there and wait for your turn! I'll make quick work of this bitch first."  Stid kicked Yuri away.


"Kyah!!!"  (Yuri)


"S-Stop! D-Don't touch her."  Rika grabbed one of his legs and bit down with all the strength she could muster.


"Argh! Fuck you!"  Stid kneeled down and punched her in the face.


Rika was knocked back, along with four broken teeth.


"I'm gonna fucking kill you!"  (Stid)


Stid walked toward Rika and used his foot to turn her body onto her back.  He flicked one of his daggers into a reverse grip and sat on top of Rika.


"Any last word, huh?"  Stid coldly said as he stared into her eyes.


"Ptooey."  Rika spat one of her broken teeth at Stid's face, along with her spit and blood.


"Heh."  He wiped his face with the back of his hand and leaned over to lick her face.


Rika got a goosebump when his tongue ran across her face. She could have headbutted him had she still had strength.


"Tastes like a dying bitch."  Putting back the other dagger into his belt, Stid grabbed the handle of the reverse grip dagger with both of his hands. "I heard that when a cat dies, it screams a beautiful melody. Let's check that, shall well?" He aimed the tip of his dagger at Rika's chest and slowly traced it down to her solar plexus.


Rika felt a prick slightly on top of her stomach, and it slowly became painful. She would surely die if she didn't do anything. With a new influx of adrenaline bumping into her brain, she gripped Stid's wrists and stopped them from moving down.


"Aarrghh!!!"  Rika screamed in pain.


It was in vain. How could she win against him in her current state? At most, she could only slow down the inevitable. The blade sunk slowly down into her skin.


"Hahahaha! So it is true! What a beautiful scream! More! Make more noise for me!"  Stid laughed like a maniac. He could feel Rika slowly losing her strength, trying to stop his wrists.


"Gaargh! S-St...op. N...o."  Tears fell out from the corners of her eyes.


Rika was scared of dying. Who wouldn't? She was used to taking others' lives. Although those she killed were villains, it didn't change the fact that she denied the continuity of their lives. She didn't remember they begged for their lives since she always attacked and finished them off before they realized what had happened. But surely they would beg for their lives the way she did right now.


With half of the dagger submerged into Rika's body, Stid released the handle. He wiped some of her blood from the wound with his left index finger while reaching out to wipe the tears falling on the sides of her head with his right index finger.


*Lick* *Suck*


"Hahahaha!!! Delicious!!!"  He licked a bit of each of his hands with the tip of his tongue, then stuck both fingers into his mouth to devour her bodily fluids. He repeated the action three more times and laughed as if her bodily fluids were some kind of drug.


Rika could only look up fearfully and tearfully at the man's strange behavior in her position. She tried to reach for the dagger and pull it out, but Stid grabbed both of her hands and pinned it on the top of her head.


She had become so weak now that he could pin her down with one hand. He balled his right hand into a fist and moved it just below the handle of the dagger, impaling Rika.


"Let's finish this. I still have one more bitch to take care of and get away from this place." He raised his hand high above his head.


"Die!"  Stid slammed his fist downward with all of his strength.


Rika squeezed her eyes shut. She could see her life flashing before her in her mind.




*Drip* *Drip*


A viscous red liquid dripped out from the tip of the blade.


And fell down on Rika's face.


Feeling the sticky and hot liquid dripping down her face, Rika slowly opened her eyes.


In front of her was Stid mounting on her body; his fist was swung halfway down.


A short sword ran from behind him and out to the front, his blood dripping across the blade toward the tip and falling on her face.


Behind him stood Yuri. She had stabbed him in the back with the short sword Rika had given her for self-defense.


Stid looked down, not believing what he saw. The blade of the sword cleanly impaled him from behind. He had made a fatal mistake. In the midst of his frenzy, he had dropped his guard, allowing Yuri, a girl who had no experience with the sword, to stab him.


And then Stid died just like that.


Yuri moved and twisted the sword to the side so his body would not fall on top of Rika, or it would cause the dagger to stab into her body completely.




His body fell to the side.


However, right at that moment, fate would have the last laugh at the two girls.


Yuri heard several footsteps coming toward her.


Yuri crouched down to withdraw the sword from the body and stood up to face the new threat.


Her hands were shaking. A person like her couldn't even put up a fight against a mere goblin. But she had nothing to lose, so she had nothing to fear. She wanted to at least save the cat girl savior behind her. She knew she wouldn't be of help, but she hated giving up without trying, or she would have no face to show to her husband, who was waiting for her in a better place.


"Oi! Someone is here!"  A man showed up and saw Yuri pointing the sword at him. He stopped and shouted aloud.


Soon enough, one man and two women appeared behind him.


"Please put your weapon down. We are here to help."  One of the women said to Yuri.


However, she couldn't take any risks. She had been tricked and had her life turned upside down, so there was no way in hell she would foolishly believe someone that easily anymore.


"I know you don't believe in us. But we are really here to help."  The woman sheathed her sword and slowly approached Yuri with both hands raised. "You guys, too, put away your weapons."  She turned back and told her comrades to do the same.


Yuri carefully observed the woman. Just now, when she sheathed her sword, it had a particular design with a curve and a single-edge blade, the like Yuri had never seen before. She had a pair of small horns on top of her heart and a furless tail with a heart-shaped tip. As for her clothes, the woman's choice of clothes clearly said that she chose to don little to no clothes.


But none of that mattered; Yuri was currently facing a life-and-death situation. Despite her shaky hands, she still had the tip of the sword pointed at the approaching woman.


"Are you protecting the cat girl lying over there? Oh no! Her wounds looked horrible. You can stab me or slash me however you want later. Well, not that you have any other option but to trust me, though. But we really need to give that girl medical attention. I know a little first-aid. Let me take a look."  The woman casually brushed off the sword with her bare hand.


It was so natural that Yuri was stunned for a moment, but then she quickly regained herself. She dropped the sword next to her before kneeling down to put Rika's head on her lap.


"No, Miss Rika! Please stay with me!"  Yuri cried.


She could see the heaving on Rika's chest becoming slower and slower. Her eyes were staring dazedly in front of her without focusing on anything.


"Please! Please save her!"  Yuri screamed at the women coming toward them.


However, Rika couldn't hear any of it. No, she could hear the sound, but that was it, just the sound. She couldn't make out what they were talking, yelling, or crying about.


She felt tired, and her body was turning into lead. Even her eyelids were stone-heavy. Right now, she just wanted to close her eyes and forget about everything.


"It…is… cold... ny...ah..."  The cat girl muttered weakly.







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