Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 61

"Mmmh~ Humm, Hhhm~"  The red-haired young girl hummed a tune happily as she walked alongside another girl through the market.


Their hands intertwined as the young girl swung to the beat.


Next to her was another girl with the same facial features, though she possessed long-braided hair.


Those acquainted with them knew that they were twins.


The cheerful, short-haired girl was Mino, the younger of the twins. And the long-haired girl was Mina, the older one.


Mino's cheerful smile also brought a smile to people who caught sight of her. And Mina, although slightly troubled by how cheerful her sister was, couldn't help but share the same elation.


"Oh? Mino! You seem to be happy. Did something good happen?"  A stout bearded shop owner who was her acquaintance couldn't help and called out to the pair.


"Ah, Uncle Fish. That's right. I'm very happy right now. Can you believe it? Starting tomorrow, me and sis will officially become knights of Lutenburg. Hehehe."  Mino waved at the old man with her free hand and replied.


"Amazing, hahaha. It's reassuring to have you girls protect us. Take this. Consider it as a congratulations gift."  The man picked up the biggest fish, wrapped it, and gave it to the girl.


"Oh no, this is too much. We can't possibly accept this!"  Mina, who had been embarrassed at how merry her sister's behaviors were, declined the gift respectfully.


"What you are saying? This is the least I can do to show my gratitude to the soon-to-be knights, gahahaha."  Saying that, the man shoved the bag into her hand.


"Thank you..."  Mina reluctantly accepted and bowed her head.


"Thank you, Uncle Fish. We'll be on our way then, hihihi."  Mino waved goodbye.


"Good luck, girls! And my name is not Uncle Fish. It's Tan."  The man said.


"I'll remember it next time, Uncle Fish!"  (Mino)


"Seriously, hahaha. These girls are too cute."  The man shook his head in resignation. Despite knowing his name, Mino kept calling him Uncle Fish, since his merchandise was mainly seafood. He couldn't bring himself to get mad at that cheery girl. After all, that smile on her face was too endearing. The twins were the cutest customers he had ever had.


After their trip to the marketplace to buy all the items they needed for tomorrow, Mina and Mino made their way back to the apartment where they lived.


"Hm?" Mino stopped when they got to the floor where their room was.


"What's wrong?"  Mina asked.


"Nothing... It's just, look over there, sis?"  Mino pointed in the direction of their room. To be exact, next to their room.


"Is that... Miss Rika, our neighbor? And who is that lady with her?"  (Mina)


"Beats me... But that's rare. From what I've seen, she was quite a loner. But look at the way they interact with each other. Don't you think they are kind of intimate? Something smells fishy here."  (Mino)


"I don't know. And silly girl, it does smell like fish with the bag you are carrying, hihihi. Anyway, it's rude to be privy to other's business. Let's go."  Nudging her sister with her elbow, Mina urged the girl to move.




"Phew~ I am home~"  (Mino)


"Welcome home. Can you help me sort these packages? I'll make us something to eat meanwhile. It's almost dinner, so you must be hungry, right? Since we have this fresh fish here, I'll make your favorite dish."  (Mina)


"Yay~ Mina's signature crispy butterfish. Extra butter for me, please!"  (Mino)


"Fufufu. Got it."  (Mina)


Half an hour later, a delicious smell came out from the kitchen. It was the cue for Mino that dinner was ready. She went to wash her hands and helped prepare the table. Shortly after, Mina arrived at the table while carrying the piping hot dish.


The smell of melted butter caused Mino's stomach to growl loudly. Mina chuckled and set the food down.


Meal times could be said to be Mino's favorite moment. The expressive girl always showed the best expression whenever she ate, and that brought a smile to Mina's face.


After dinner, Mino helped Mina clean the dishes. Then, the two made a final check of the baggage they packed to prepare for tomorrow.


"Let's go to bed early today. I know we don't have to report to duty until the afternoon, but it's better if we have a refreshing morning."  (Mina)


"Okay."  (Mino)


"Make sure you brush your teeth."  (Mina)


"Yes, yes."  Mino waved her hand and retreated back to her room.


Mina couldn't help but smile at how energetic her sister was. She also returned to her own room and prepared to go to sleep.


It was a clear night, and the temperature was not too hot nor too cold. In other words, a beautiful night.


And yet, Mina was having trouble falling asleep. Perhaps Mino's excitement had rubbed off on her. She kept rolling on her bed for more than an hour already.


*Knock* *Knock*


Suddenly, there was a knock on her door.


"Come in."  (Mina)


"Sis~ I can't sleep. Can we sleep together tonight?"  The night visitor was none other than her younger twins, Mino. She was wearing a cute pajama, and her hands were hugging her pillow on her chest.


"Moou, you are already an adult, Mino..."  (Mina)


"But... but~"  (Mino)


"*Sigh* It can't be helped. Just for tonight, okay?"  Scooted over to the corner, Mina patted at the empty spot on the bed. She was too shameful to admit that she was having trouble sleeping, too. After all, she had to protect her dignity as the older one.


"Hehehe, thank you, sis."  Mino wasted no time and rushed over to that empty spot.


"Sis. How do you think our lives will be in the army?"  Mino asked.


"I don't know. But no matter what, I'm sure we can get through. We can't let Luna down, after all."  (Mina)


"That's right. It's thanks to sister Luna that we can join the army. We owe her a lot."  (Mino)


"Yeah. The fact that I can be here with you and even obtain knighthood with you. All of it was thanks to her support. So let's do our best."


"Un!"  Mino rolled over and hugged her sister.


She knew they were supposed to sleep, but like a child who was excited about going on a trip the next day, there was no way she could fall into slumber anytime soon.


"I still can't sleep... Ugh... Can I open the window? Maybe getting some night breeze will help."  (Mino)


"Sure."  (Mina)


Mino stood up and walked toward the window. A pleasantly cool breeze blew past her the moment she opened it.


Taking a deep breath of clean air, Mino returned to the bed and went straight to snuggle with her sister.


Thanks to the cool air filling the room, the twins felt like their eyelids starting to grow heavy as their brains relaxed.


However, just when they were about to enter their sweet dream, Mino, who was closer to the window, heard a strange noise.


It was a woman's voice that she knew. However, that person sounded like she was in pain?


"Sis, did you hear that?"  (Mino)


"Hm? Hear what?"  (Mina)


"I think I heard a voice... There, again."  (Mino)


"Oh, I think I heard it too... Is it coming from the window?"  (Mina)


"Hm... Lemme check."  Mino stood up and approached the window.


"Ng... ah... haa..."  (???)




Mino gasped when she finally made out the sound.


It wasn't a cry in pain. It was a moan of pleasure. Moreover, it was coming from someone she knew.


She and Mina had lived in this apartment complex for almost a year already. When they moved in, their neighbor, a catkin woman named Rika, welcomed them with open arms. She even helped the twins move their belongings into the room.


From their many interactions, they came to know that despite being fashionable, Rika seemed to be quite a loner, with no friend ever coming to visit her.


And currently, the owner of that voice was moaning so loud that she could hear from this room.


She recalled seeing an unknown woman coming into the room with Rika, the first person to ever visit her apartment.


And now Rika was moaning in pleasure.


No matter how she looked at it, it couldn't be a coincidence. As a girl of that age where she would be curious about sex, Mino's heart fluttered as her imagination ran wild.


"Mino, What's wrong?"  Mina saw her sister holding her breath in shock.


"S-Sis! Come over. Something amazing is happening!"  (Mino)


"Hm? What has gotten you to be flustered like that?" Tilting her head, Mina walked over to her sister at the window.


"Shhh! Be quiet and listen."  (Mino)


"Aah! Ahh, nnh, guuh...!!!"  (???)


"E-Ehhh!?"  Mina couldn't help but yelp.


"Shhh!"  (Mino)


"T-That voice, isn't that Miss Rika!?"  Mina whispered in a panic.


"Yeah, that is definitely her voice. I think she is doing something lewd. Do you remember the other lady we saw in the hallway? You think she and Rika are doing it?"  (Mino)


"...H-How do I know? But wow, I can't believe she can make that kind of voice..."  (Mina)


It was exactly like Mina said; they couldn't believe in their eyes that a lady like Rika could possibly produce such a sensual moan.




A loud gulping sound entered the twins' ears. They didn't know exactly which one of them made it. It could be both of them as they strained their ears to make out each and every sound coming from the room next door.


Normally, one would have enough courtesy and close the window. Yet the thought never came across their minds.


At the age when they were interested in this type of subject, coming into contact with such a scenario, albeit only hearing, they couldn't help but get enchanted by it.


At one point, both girls felt a strange heat coming from the depths of their core. Their bodies felt hot, and a strange feeling was creeping from between their legs.


The two unconsciously rubbed their thighs.


"M-Mino! Let's go to bed. It's bad to eavesdrop on them."  Mina was the first to break out of that trance. It wasn't through her will. It was because she felt that her panties were getting uncomfortably damped. And that uncomfortable sensation brought her back to her senses.


Closing the window, she took Mino's hand and led her back to the bed. Mino seemed like she still had something to say, but in the end, she kept it to herself and obediently got to bed with a blushed face.


*Chirp* *Chirp*


Time waited for no one, and soon, morning came.


Normally, a refreshing sleep would make one's mind feel revitalized and readied for the long day to come.


Yet, for the unfortunate twins, it was the longest night they had ever had.


"Sis... your face looks terrible..."  Mino said while looking at her sister.


"Like you're one to talk..."  (Mina)


Like two rare types of animals, the girls' expression was absolutely the worst. Their eyes looked exhausted, with heavy bags under their eyes and unkempt hair.


They had planned to have a perfect morning today, but that plan changed into torturous hours of being unable to sleep.


The cause was their neighbor, Rika, who was none the wiser.


"... What time do we have to report to duty again?"  Mino asked.


"Afternoon, at the third bell..."  (Mina)


"Let's sleep in for a little bit..."  (Mino)


"Good idea..."  (Mina)




"I'm done here. What about you, sis?"  (Mino)


"I'm good too. Well then, let's go."  (Mina)


"Yeah. It was unfortunate that we started this day with a little peeved, but I can't let it ruin the whole day now, can I? It's just I don't know what face to make the next time I see Miss Rika..."  (Mino)


"Me too. Let's think about it when it happens."  (Mina)


Just as confused as her sister, Mina decided to push it to the back of her head and deal with it later. After all, it was time for them to report to duty on their first day.


However, fate was such a fickle thing. As soon as Mina opened the door, their neighbor, the source of their dilemma, also exited her apartment with that woman they saw yesterday.


"Oh?" (Rika)


"H-Hi." (Mino)


"G-Good afternoon..."  (Mina)


It seemed that they couldn't avoid meeting with her after all.


Rika, who nonchalantly greeted them, continued with the introduction.


"Let me introduce you. Girls, this is Yuri. She will be living with me starting today. Yuri, meet the twins that are our neighbors. The long-haired girl is the older twin, Mina. And the short-haired girl is Mino."  (Rika)


"Nice to meet you, Mina, Mino. My name is Yuri. I hope we can get along as neighbors. I'm confident with housework, so please feel free to call me if you need help with anything."  The lady called Yuri smiled and waved at the girl.


"H-Hello, my name is Mino."  (Mino)


"M-My name is Mina. The pleasure is mine, Miss Yuri."  (Mina)


Mina and Mino awkwardly introduced themselves while looking at the ground. To bystanders, they looked like they were quite a shy pair, but the truth was far from that.


After all, they couldn't get the moans Rika and Yuri make out of their heads yesterday.


Mina couldn't take it anymore and decided to run away. She took Mino's hand and led her away.


However, before they exited the hallway, Mino told her to wait and made her way back to Rika and whispered something into her ear. Then she dashed back, with her blushed face, took Mina's hand, and ran.


"M-Mino, what did you tell her?"  Mina asked when they exited the building.


"N-Nothing, sis. I just told her that they shouldn't leave the window open at night."  (Mino)


"This girl..."  Mina heaved a long sigh. She feared how awkward the next time she faced Rika. She could only be thankful that with this new schedule, she and her sister would get home late at night and potentially reduce the chance of encountering Rika.


Thinking about how to act the next time she met Rika, Mina absentmindedly made her way to the royal castle next to her sister.


It was not far away, plus they decided to leave the house with plenty of time to spare, so when the two made it to the royal castle, they still had almost an hour before the reporting time.


Arriving early might give out a favorable impression, but being too early might have the opposite effect, so they decided to look around the parts of the castle that were open to the public. Since it was so huge, they thought it would be better to learn the location of each area.


Unlike other countries, the Lutenburg army's headquarters was located inside the castle. Its army had three branches: the royal guard, the army, and the magic corp.


The royal guard was the smallest of the three, as its members were handpicked from the best of the best and further trained to protect the Royal family. In other words, they were the last line of defense if the castle walls were to be breached.


The army branch was the largest of the three. They were tasked with patrolling, maintaining public order, stopping and investigating crimes, guarding checkpoints, and other tasks. In short, they were a type of handyman. Although the prerequisites to join were extremely strict, Lutenburg's army was said to be the strongest and most disciplined in the continent. Proof of that was the country itself served as the frontline of the war against the corrupted monsters.


Last but not least was the magic corp, which Mina and Mino belonged to. Unlike the army, its members were evaluated based on the magic they could use. Not all of its members were adapted to fighting; they were more of a research department that supported the army. The magic corp was further divided into different branches. One of the branches was Magic Knight, also known as combat mage, which the twins were assigned to.


Making sure that they still had around fifteen minutes left, the twins went to the front desk to present their documents and were told to report to the training ground.


When they arrived there, they saw a large group of more than fifty people gathered in lines, so they also lined up. They could guess that these people were also new recruits just like them since they saw a few familiar faces.


When it was the designated time, a group of five officer-looking people walked to the front. Walking in the front was a woman that no one in Lutenburg didn't know.


The twins knew that this was the time they would be assigned to a post. They waited with bated breath, waiting for their names to be called.







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