Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 63

"Uggh... ngghh..."  A soft voice broke the silence of the room.


It was late at night, the time that most people of Lutenburg had fallen asleep.


And on this night, an elf woman looked like she was having a nightmare.


Her name was Corina. She was found unconscious in an alley and was carried to this orphanage, where she was settled in a small room.


From the time she was found until now, it had been over a day, but she still had not opened her eyes yet.


As expected from someone of elf race, her beautiful face and long blonde hair were mesmerizing to look at.


However, beads of sweat formed on her forehead, causing flocks of hair to stick to her skin.


Her eyes were fluttering, yet they showed no sign of opening. The breathing was uneven, bothering that of a gasp. Her eyebrows furrowed, creating deep lines on her forehead. Her beautiful face was contorted, like she was suffering from something unpleasant she could not escape. Her beautiful lips were trembling as if she was trying to seek help. Beads of sweat no longer contained on her forehead and trickled down.




Due to her sweat, the night breeze felt colder as it caressed her skin, further disturbing her sleeping breath.


However, Corina wasn't actually having a nightmare. If someone were to know what happened before she was found unconscious in the alley, they would come to the conclusion that she was too mentally and physically exhausted to have a dream. It was more correct to say that she passed out rather than sleeping.


No, the reason for her disturbed sleeping was something else.


There was something wrong with her body. To be precise, something was tormenting inside her body.


Under the blanket that covered her body.


Under the clothes that were provided to her.


On her stomach, there were distorted movements showed on her slender waist. It was a sight that would cause anyone to scream when they saw it.


It was as if Corina was parasited by worms inside her stomach.


"Uughh... Nnghh."


Each time the distortion part moved, soft gasps escaped her mouth. Had she been awake, she would definitely feel the severe pain that she had never felt before.


*Growl~* *Pfft*


Her stomach growled, and air leaked out from her anus. It was the sound that would make any maiden want to dig a hole and bury themselves. An embarrassing sound.




Corina's expression got worse. It was because her body reacted to the sudden bowel movements. Despite being unconscious, she felt a strong urge to defecate.




Her body reflexively tightened her anus, but it was no help at all.


Because the thing that was being pushed out– no, it was more correct to say that it was moving along the rectum toward her anus, wasn't her bodily waste.




Pushing apart the sphincter of her anus, causing it to pucker like a blooming flower, was a green tentacle-like thing.




Corina let out a painful gasp as she strained her lower abdomen.


Yellowish mucus spilled from the gaps as Corina arched her back. Her eyebrow furrowed to the uncomfortable sensation. However, what was even stranger was that the woman's hole above her anus, her vagina, was slightly damped and getting even wetter.


The green tentacle was coming out from her anus more and more. Its length had already exceeded more than ten centimeters, yet it showed no sign of the other end. The length explained the distortion of her belly. With such length, it could easily fit all the way into her ascending colon.


The overflowing mucus from her anus stained her panties to the point that it looked like she was wetting her bed in her sleep.


However, all of Corina's reactions were purely from her body's reflexes. She had no control over the reaction of her body.


The so-called urge to defecate was increasing, and her body was simply trying to respond to it on its own. Corina's body was 'complaining' that it wanted to get rid of the stuff that had accumulated in her intestines. Corina didn't know, but her body felt the things that had accumulated in her stomach were slowly moving toward the exit.




The head of a second tentacle slipped out of her anus while the first one was still moving out.




More mucus spilled out from her anus while making a pooping sound. Corina's eyebrows naturally furrowed as the urge to defecate grew stronger and stronger.




As the urge to defecate won against the sphincter muscles, the third tentacle exited through her strained anus.


They were the three eggs that were laid inside her rectum. Before she could get rid of all of them, she was caught off guard and knocked unconscious. And as time passed, these eggs matured and hatched inside Corina while she was sleeping.


To be parasited and give birth like this was a horrible experience that Corina luckily wasn't conscious of living through it. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that she didn't realize it.


After the endless suffering her body went through, a certain sense of freedom spread through her lower abdomen as the first tentacle completely exited her rectum, and her hips were lifted slightly.


Perhaps sensing the relief after expelling the first tentacle out of her digestive tract, Corina unconsciously strained her abdomen further and pushed the remaining two tentacles to leave her body faster.




Fart-like sound also came out from her anus, further intensifying the sense of release.


As the pain of pressure on her lower abdomen began to recede, and in its place, she felt a sense of relief. Through the long rectum, the remaining tentacles completely went through her rectum and exited.


Yellowish mucus gushed out of Corina's anus. Eventually, the momentum slowed down to a dripping motion. It couldn't be helped since her anus was still gaping, and her sphincters were still paralyzed from giving birth to three tentacles anally.


"Uuugh... haa, haah..."


A few minutes passed, and Corina's breathing slowly calmed down; her expression was that of ecstasy. By letting out what had been building up in her stomach, she was experiencing for the first time the stimulation that could be called pleasure.


Her body was defiled, yet it was trembling all over and convulsing repeatedly.


Two tentacles slipped out through the gap of her panties and disappeared in the darkness of the room, leaving one tentacle left. It was the first tentacle that rolled up itself at the bottom of her panties.


It was just a momentary peace for Corina. Before her gaping anus could close itself up, the tentacle made it move.


It uncurved itself and moved up the slit of Corina's crotch toward her vagina.


Incubating time was over; now was the time to breed, which was what the tentacle had in store for her.


By this time, her vagina had already lubed up with her love juice and readied for penetration. Though even if it was still dried, the tentacle itself was coated in her intestinal fluid.




The tip of the tentacle pushed apart her labia and entered her vagina. Her inside was moist, and the pinkish membrane was wet with love juice.


The tentacle slowly advanced toward the innermost part of her vagina. Its destination was her cervix, and past it, her womb. However, it couldn't just enter her womb without preparation. If not careful, the pain could cause her to wake up, and it was the last thing the tentacle wanted to happen.


And so, to prepare her womb for being inseminated, it had to make her relax first.


The tentacle slowly moved toward the entrance. It didn't completely exit her vagina; it moved the tip to the upper part of her vagina and caressed her there. Then adjusting the length, it moved slowly, advancing ever slightly toward the depths of her vagina.




Corina's body shuddered, and at the same time, the tentacle stopped. It had found what it was looking for.


Corina's G-spot.


Located a third distance from the entrance to her cervix, the tentacle focused the stimulus on that specific part of her vaginal walls.


"Nnngh, aah, mmgh..."


Corina's voice became more sensual. If the moan when she was giving birth to the tentacles through her anal was that of agony, her moan this time was more like a woman being sexually pleased.


Through the vaginal walls, more love juice gushed out, completely replacing the coating of intestinal fluid on the tentacle with it.




Her hips slightly rose, and her toes curled up. Corina was made to orgasm in her sleep.


Thanks to the climax, her cervix slightly opened, and her womb descended just a little.


That was the sign the tentacle needed to know Corina's body was readied to be bred.


Stretching its thin body, the tentacle once again made its way to the deepest part of her body. But this time, it had no plan to stop invading her baby room, nor could anything stop it from doing so.


The tip of its head made contact with her cervix. As expected, despite reaching a climax, it was still quite hard for anything to enter a woman's womb. But the tentacle didn't give up; it had an idea.


After pushing the entire length of its tentacle into her vagina, it curled up to make a pivot point. Then it twisted its body round and round slowly, making a motion of drilling as its head aimed to push past her cervix.


As expected, it worked. The tentacle's head successfully entered her womb. And once the head was in, the rest was easy.


"Guugh... haah, aah... haa..."


When the tentacle fully occupied Corina's womb, her breathing returned to normal as her facial expression relaxed.


Slowly, Corina returned to her regular deep sleep, none the wiser of what she was conceiving inside her body.




*Ding* *Dong*


A soft bell resounded throughout the city, signaling the time to be the fourth bell in the afternoon.


After introducing themselves to each other, the twins followed Elise and Sara on their patrol.


Surprisingly, they were just a few months apart in age, and Elise and Sara had just graduated a semester before them, and they had just finished their training period.


Perhaps being close in age, the four hit it off immediately.


"Heeh~ So you two are mages, that's amazing. The most I can use magic is to get drinking water and basic cleaning spells."  (Sara)


"At least you can still use magic. I can't even control it properly."  (Elise)


"Hehehe, It's really convenient, you know. And sis is really amazing; she can use combined magic to create hot water or ice. I can't imagine life without her anymore; I dread those cold nights when I have to clean myself with freezing water."  (Mino)


"You are amazing yourself, too, Mino. With your physical enhancement, you can lift all the heavy stuff. I'm not as adept as you in that type of magic. By the way, do we have any area we focus on patrolling?"  (Mina)


"Not really, but I suggest we should patrol around the adventure guild, bars, and areas near the slums. By the way, we are forbidden to enter the slum area. That place is too dangerous even for the knight."  (Elise)


"Hey Elise, on the way, you think we could stop by the orphanage? I want to check on that girl."  (Sara)


"Yeah, that's my plan, too."  (Elise)


"Um? What girl are you talking about?"  (Mino)


"There was this girl we found unconscious in the alley. One of our friends helps with the management of an orphanage nearby, so we took her there to have her looked after. She had been unconscious for a day the last time we checked, so we hope she has regained consciousness. It could be a crime, so we need to ask her a few questions."  (Elise)


While chatting about various topics, mainly about the personal experiences Sara and Elise had, the group made their way to the orphanage.


Soon enough, the building came into their view. Nestled between the noble district and the residential district, it was located next to the church of goddess Retina.


It stood as a testament to resilience. Although it received donations and subsidies from the country, the amount of funds was just enough for the children to get by, so the building itself was not as fancy as the ones in the noble district, but the people who lived there kept it clean. Weathered but welcoming was what one would describe the orphanage.


Hearing the laughter of children echoed from the backyard as the four approached, the gatekeeper noticed them. He swung open the wrought-iron gate and walked toward the group with a knowing smile creeping across his wrinkle-filled face.


"Elise, Sara! You came to visit?"  The old man said.


"Old Hugh, good afternoon. We were here yesterday, too, but you weren't here."  Sara hugged the man as her eyes sparkled.


Back when Sara was still living in the orphanage, he usually snuck some candies for her, so she was quite attached to the man.


"Hahaha. I hurt my back a little, so I stayed at home yesterday. This body of mine was getting old."  (Hugh)


"Old Hugh, shouldn't you be resting today, then?"   Elise also approached and gave him a hug.


"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's just too boring lying on the bed and not doing anything. Seeing the smiles of these kids and hearing them laugh without care is what I live for. By the way, how about you introduce me to these lovely young ladies?"  (Hugh)


"Oh, right! Girls, come over, please. This is Hugh; he had been taking care of us when we were staying in the orphanage."  (Sara)


"Hello, Mister Hugh, my name is Mina. This is my twin sister, Mino."  (Mina)


"Good afternoon."  (Mino)


"Hahaha, knights these days are so cute. It makes me want to trade these two rascals for you two."  (Hugh)


"T-Thank you."  Mina blushed.


"Ehehehe." (Mino)


"Well, let's come inside. You're here to visit Finia, right? She's looking after the kid in the backyard."  The old man guided them into the building. They chatted for a short while before he had to return to man the front.


To get to the backyard, they had to go through the large mess hall. However, it was convenient that the person they were looking for was already in the mess hall.


"Sara! Elise!"  A voice called out to them. A figure of a slender elf came running toward them.


"Finia! We are looking for you."  Sara ran to meet up with her halfway and gave her a hug, then they regrouped with the other three.


"Finia, how are you doing?"  Elise asked.


"I'm fine. What about you guys? Did you encounter any trouble?"  (Finia)


"Nah, we're fine. By the way, let me introduce you to these two girls. This is Mina and Mino. They are twins, and today is their first day in the uniform."  (Elise)


"Hi, I'm Mino."


"Good afternoon, I'm Mina."


"Nice to meet you, girls. My name is Finia."  Finia greeted them with a slight bow.


"Oh, please don't use formal speech with us. We heard about you from Elise and Sara. We are also close in age. So please treat us like friends."  (Mina)


"Fufufu, Finia is always polite to people she meets for the first time."  (Sara)


"Isn't that normal during the first meeting? You should learn from her, Sara."  Elise chopped on Sara's head as the latter stuck her tongue out laughing.


"By the way, I heard that we are here regarding the woman Sara and Elise found unconscious. How is she?"  (Mino)


"Ah, about that. She regained her consciousness this morning. But sadly, I don't think she is able to give you any information."  Finia made a troubled face.


"Hm? Why's that?"  (Sara)


"Come with me. It's better if you talk to her directly. She's playing with the children in the backyard."  (Finia)


After saying that, Finia led the group to the backyard.


Surrounded by almost a dozen children stood an elf slightly taller than Finia. She looked genuinely happy as she played with the kids.


"Corina, can I talk with you for a minute?"  Finia called out to the elf.


She gave a slight wave and told the children who were holding the sleeve of her tunic as if reluctant to let her go. After convincing them with an awkward smile, she was finally released and made her way to the group.


"Finia, you call? Who are they?"  The elf, whom Finia called Corina, saw the four people wearing knight uniforms and slightly put up her guard.


"Don't worry, Corina. These two are the people who found you unconscious and brought you here. The other two are their co-workers."  Finia explained to Corina.


"Nice to meet you. My name is Elise, and this is Sara, the short-hair is Mino, and the long-hair is Mina."  (Elise)


"Oh, how rude of me. Please excuse my behavior and accept my gratitude. Thank you for saving me."  Corina bowed her head deeply.


"It's fine, It's fine. It's our job, after all. We are here today to check up on you. How are you feeling?"  (Sara)


"Thank you for asking. Aside from a little headache, I don't feel any pain anywhere else."  (Corina)


"I see. You were passed out for more than a day, after all. Make sure to take it easy and tell Finia right away if you feel anything strange with your body, alright?"  (Elise)


"Yes, I will. Thank you for your concerns."  Corina bowed.


"Do you know what happened that left you in that state in the alley? When we found you, aside from the ragged clothes that were on you and the injury on your head, we couldn't find anything else, and the people around that area said they didn't see or hear anything strange."  (Sara)


"I'm sorry... To be honest, aside from my name, I couldn't remember anything else... If not for Finia, who suggested I should play with the children to let my mind off it, I would be in quite a terror right now. It's just that no matter how I try to remember, I can't recall anything, and it's horrifying."  Corina said as depression showed on her face.


"I see... Don't worry about it. For now, you should focus on recuperating first. We will investigate from our side. If you are able to remember anything else, please tell Finia to contact us right away."  (Elise)


Suddenly, a group of two girls and two boys ran toward them.


"Finia, Finia. We saw a big worm over there!"  One of the boys shouted and pointed at the place where they grew flowers.


"Leo, we are talking to our guests, so can you give us a few minutes? I'll be right there with you. And they are good worms, you know? They help us grow beautiful flowers. I know, how about you give it some water? Maybe it's thirsty."


"I see. Guys, let's get some water for the worm. Come play with us when you're finished, alright?"  The boy said and ran back to play with his group.


"Leo, isn't that worm too long for a worm? Plus, it's green."  One of the girls asked.


"I don't know. But Finia said it's a good worm, so it must be true. Let's go."


Looking at the kids running, Sara and Elise couldn't help but smile at them. After all, they were once like them.


"They are cute kids."  (Sara)


"Yeah... Well, that's it from us then. We have to go now."  (Elise)


"Ah, please wait a moment. I think sis can help with that. Sis, think you can use that special magic to check her body?"  (Mino)


"Yeah, I can. I'm actually planning to ask. Miss Corina, may I use magic to diagnose you? Maybe I can figure out something."  (Mina)


"I don't mind. Please go ahead."  (Corina)


"Then, please excuse me."  Mina took Corina's hands in hers and closed her eyes to concentrate.


"Mino, what is she doing?"  Sara whispered.


"Sis can send her magic into another object or people to detect abnormalities. I'm not quite sure how, but from what she told me, when she sent her magic out and drew it back, she could receive the information like if there was any magic used on them or any disruption in their magic flow and such. She can even tell if the person is sick or pregnant, too. Amazing, right?"  Mino explained proudly.


"Heeh... That's amazing. She's like a doctor."  Elise nodded.


"I know, right? Too bad, aside from basic healing magic and knowledge of herbs, all she could do was perform first-aid."  (Mino)


"That's too bad... Oh, looks like she's finished."  (Sara)


"Phew~"  (Mina)


"Sis, did you find anything?"  (Mino)


"I'm sorry. Aside from the slight disruption of magic coursing through her body, I didn't find anything else out of place."  Mina looked dejectedly.


"It's okay. We'll then guess we will have to go with the old-fashioned way. We'll check the area where we found her again. Maybe this time, with Mina and Mino here, we might be able to find something."  (Sara)


"It can't be helped. Well then, we'll be on our way. Corina, please take care of yourself and take it easy. Finia, see you later."  (Elise)


"See you~"  (Sara)


The twins also nodded, and together with Elise and Sara, they left the orphanage and headed to the place where Corina was found.


On the way, Mina looked like she was musing something as she slowed down her walk pace, and Mino was the first to notice and ask.


"Sis, what's wrong?"  Mino turned back and asked.


"Actually, there was something I kept from everyone. I might be wrong, and It could make Miss Corina worry unnecessarily."  (Mina)


"Is there anything wrong with her body?"  (Elise)


"Mino, you know how I could diagnose if a woman is pregnant or not with this spell, right?"  (Mina)


"Yeah, not that I get the theory you explained to me, though. but what about that?"  (Mino)


"Mino... then, since Elise and Sara are here, let me explain it to everyone. I can send small waves of magic particles into a target and withdraw them. If the magic particles came into contact with other magic particles that were not originally from the host's body, the feedback I received would let me know about it. For example, if someone was hit by a fire spell, then my magic particles can tell me the type of magic and the place where that person was hit. Everyone understands so far, right?"  Mina stopped and looked at each of them to confirm.


"That's a unique way to use your magic. It's amazing."  (Sara)


"I can kind of understand. Well, I'm not really well-versed in this topic, but I can imagine with the example."  (Elise)


"Well, when I was young, I was afflicted with this rare disease, so I am kind of sensitive to magic particles. Oh, but I'm completely cured, so I'm not sick anymore. Seriously, the only good thing about that disease is that. Anyway, back to the topic. If the host is pregnant, then I would receive another feedback about the source of different magic particles from the host. That's why I can tell if the host is conceiving a child. And now, here's the strange part. Normally, the feedback I receive from the fetus is clear, and it doesn't disrupt the flow of magic in the mother's body. However, I detected something I had never seen in Miss Corina's body. I can't tell if it was a fetus or not, but it had some of its characteristics. But here's the strange part, the magic flow inside her body was redirected mostly toward that fetus. It's like something was forcibly drawing magic from her body. Luckily, the amount is smaller than she could regenerate, so it doesn't seem to cause any danger to her body. It's just I can't say for sure what was inside her body, so I refrain from saying it there."  (Mina)


"Just in case, I'll ask Finia to keep her eyes on Corina."  (Elise)


After thinking about what Mina said, Elise proposed an idea. It was true that this was the first time she had heard anyone could use magic like Mina; even the person herself said she wasn't able to pinpoint the problem. However, they were in the dark about what had happened to Corina, and they didn't want to take chances. So the best they could do was to ask someone close to her to keep an eye.


After that, they went back to the place where Corina was found. Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything else that could give them a lead.


In the end, they decided to spend the remaining time on patrol until it was time for the twins to return to the castle.







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