Creatures Lurking in the Dark

Chapter 68

"Haa... haa... uugghh... doesn't look like it's gonna end anytime soon..."


A woman sat in front of her desk and muttered while breathing heavily. Her pink hair was sticking onto her sweaty forehead. Her white coat turned her flushed skin more amorous.


At first glance, with her flushed face and slumped shoulders, one would think that she had caught a cold or fever. And although her body was indeed feverish, it was just one of the symptoms that she was afflicted with.


The look on her face showed that she understood what was really happening to her. And she knew that it was just one of the relapses she was suffering from the condition of her body. It was a unique symptom that occurred to her from time to time. It was like a price she must pay for her power, but it wasn't exaggerated to call it fate. Usually, she would suffer from these symptoms about once a month, and the last time it happened was two weeks ago.


"*Sigh* Must be because of those girls, Rika and Yuri. I should have just stayed at home to take a break... No, no, no... The men were still tired and injured from the raid two days ago. I couldn't possibly afford to take a break like this."


The woman called herself Lily. She was one of the higher-ups working for Bruno's gang, one of the biggest gangs in the underworld. But the number of people who knew about her actual relationship with the boss could be counted on just one hand.


Normally, it would calm down if she took a full day of rest, but now she was stuck at work to take care of the members who looked up to her like their older sister. She could have taken medicines to suppress the symptom, but the backslash was no joke, so she could only consider it as her last resort.


Even though she knew no one would have minded if she were to take her day off, her pride still wouldn't allow it. In fact, they all knew she always looked out for them, so if they knew she was sick, they would have forced her to take her time off from work.


"Although there's a quick way to fix it... I feel reluctant to ask Bruno for help. That boy must be really swarmed with work now that we had taken down the rival gang. If only someone could help me with this... well, it's not like there's any better man than him that I can ask... *Sigh*"  Lily heaved another sigh in her monologue.


Although she looked out for those men, they were more like helpless brothers that she had to look after rather than men of her ideals. If she had to rank them, then Bruno was at the level where he was passable; the rest were just adolescent boys.


If they were to know how she viewed them, they would have cried blood, considering every single one of them could make babies cry by just staring at them.


Feeling hotter than usual due to the fever, Lily stood up and made her way to open the window. Perhaps the cool night breeze could calm her down.


In this part of the city, nighttime was when it got the most activities. It was no wonder, though, considered that this district was called the red-light district. It was a part of the city where desires took shape and fantasies came into reality, and it was where the brothel Lily was working located.


Despite being the sinful part of the city, there were still laws that its denizens and visitors must follow. Hence, the public order was relatively good as long as one stayed out of the dark alleys.




A voice leaked out when she was staring at the buzzing street below.


"Hooh... something interesting is going to happen."


A smile crept across her face the moment she caught sight of two familiar faces that were the cause of her melancholy, and they were accompanied by two unfamiliar faces.


Their destination? Lily was right on top of it.




"H-Hey, Miss Yuri. Are you sure we should be here? I mean, isn't this area called the red-light district?"  Mina nervously asked.


"Yup, and our destination is just right ahead. Let's go, girls."  (Yuri)


"Miss Rika, please say something to her!"  Mina looked at the last person who could help and asked.


"Give it up, Mina. I haven't known her for long, but I know that once Yuri was like that, she's unstoppable. Well, I don't think it's a bad idea though. And don't worry, it's a safe place."  (Rika)


"N-No way..."  Mina felt betrayed when she heard her answer.


As for Mino, the girl had been quieted the moment they stepped foot into the red-light district. The girl had been staring hole at the ground the whole way without uttering a single word. Her ears had been a lovely tint of red all the way to the tips.


It could be the see-through clothes the courtesan ladies were wearing. It could be the overly intimacy couples were acting in the middle of the street. Perhaps the sights that others seemed to take as normal were a little too intense for the young girl to keep her cool.


"We're here, girls. Let's go inside."  (Yuri)


"Uggh... Do we have a choice..."  Mina reluctantly followed after Yuri.


She and Rika spoke with the receptionist at the front desk, and then they were guided upstairs.


The four of them stopped in front of the door Rika and Yuri recognized. Their guide gave a small bow and returned to downstair.


Yuri knocked on the door.


*Knock* *Knock*


"Come in."  A voice answered them from the other side.


"Excuse me, sister Lily."  Yuri entered, followed by Rika.


"Ara? Welcome, girls. It hasn't been that long, though. Is there any trouble that you need my help?"  (Lily)


"Oh, no, there's no trouble, but yes, we need your help with something."  (Yuri)


"Wait, Yuri. I should be the one asking this. Leave it to me."  Rika stepped forward.


"Lily, I need your help with something."  Rika turned around and called out to the twins, "Girls, come on in. Let me introduce you."


"Oya? These are two new faces I haven't seen. I'm called Lily; what are your names?"  (Lily)


"I'm Mina."




"Fufufu~ There's nothing to be shy about. So, what do you need help with?"  (Lily)


"I'd like for the girls to have experience with men, so we thought that maybe this place is the best place to give them that. Can you arrange for someone with experience with this? Of course, I'll pay for the service."  (Rika)


"Hahaha, I'm glad that you regard my establishment that high. Yes, of course, we have someone that can help with that. But instead of someone like that, I have a better suggestion. About the price, don't mention it."  (Lily)


"No, please, at least let me pay for it. You have been so generous to us, Lily. I don't want to take advantage of you more than I already had."  (Rika)


"It's fine, it's fine. There's a reason for that, and you'll know soon enough. Let's change our location. I know a good place that we can use to prep these two cuties up. Follow me."  (Lily)


After telling the receptionist that she would head out for a while, Lily, along with the four, headed deeper into the pleasure district.


Their destination was what Lily called her best recess spot.


'Miracle Soapland' was what was written on the large, colorful signboard.


"Well, well, well. Look who's the angel that comes to visit this old lady."  The old lady sitting at the front counter cackled when she saw Lily and her group enter the building.


"Heya, madam, how are you doing?"  Lily waved.


"I'm good. Thanks to your medicine, I'm back to my best once again."


"I'm glad to hear it. But don't force yourself, okay? Your back may be fine now, but you never know when it hurts again. Don't hesitate to call for me if it hurts."  (Lily)


"Kekeke, alright. Now then, what brings you here? It isn't just your regular checking on me, is it?"


"Yeah, I'm actually here for business. I'd like to rent a VIP room for a few hours. Just the room is fine; I don't need any staff."  (Lily)


"Got it."  The old lady retrieved a key under the counter and gave it to Lily. "I felt like the goddess might smite me if I charge you after how many times you have helped me, so don't worry about the fee. Just return the key once you're done."


"Hehehe. Love you, madam."  (Lily)


Lily then took the group to the top floor of the establishment and used the key to enter the only room on the floor.


It was nothing short of grandiose.


Pinkish carpet decorated the floor, fully furnished with a circular bed that could easily fit five people, a glass rooftop that gave an unobstructed view of the starry night, and a large bathroom.


"Fufufu, come on in, girls."  Lily chuckled and urged the others to enter when she heard various gasps and amazement from them.


*Clap* *Clap*


"Okay, focus, everyone. We're not here to go sightseeing. Rika had asked me to give you your first experience. Now, the reason we're here for that is because I will be the one to personally help you girls with that. Rika and Yuri, you two will be my assistant. Any question?"


"U-Um, I have a q––"  (Mina)


"Okay, good, no question then. Let's go to the bathroom. Everyone, follow me."  Lily cut off before Mina could ask.


"Uuu..."  (Mina)


She forcefully led the twins to the bathroom with Yuri and Rika following behind and had all of them change into swimsuits.


Lily also changed into a sexy string swimsuit that barely covered her private parts.


They then regrouped at the showering area that was big enough to accommodate all of them with plenty more space to spare.


Lily looked like she knew what to do as she took out a foam sheet and spread it on the floor. She also set down a couple of lotion bottles on the side.


Once everything was set, Lily turned around and nodded meaningfully at each of the girls in dazzling swimsuits.


Rika was in a blue sporty one-piece with exposed back.


Yuri was in a cute and frilly pink one-piece.


Mina was in a white bikini.


Mino was in a yellow one piece.


In Lily's eyes, all of them had bodies that were worth touching, like they were inviting her to play a prank on them right away. Causing mischief was her purpose in life. If one were to know Lily well enough, one would realize she was quite a troublemaker.


But who could blame her for wanting to have a jump at the delicious fruits in front of her, ripe and ready to be eaten. Just looking at their butts made her salivating.


Luckily, she managed to hold back.


Her objective today is the twins in front of her. Only after that, she would have her way with all of them. There were priorities, but she swore to herself that she would never let any of them leave this place without tasting them once.


Plus, looking at how shy the twins were, she would risk having the girls start to avoid her if she was too aggressive.


Lily looked at the twins up and down as if she was a predator.


The two flinched when they felt the intense stare coming from Lily. Had they not resolved themselves for this, they would have fled from this place long ago. It didn't look like she was going to cause them harm, and Yuri and Rika seemed to trust her enough to ask for her help.


The twins once again steeled their resolve.


Mino was unexpectedly too shy about this topic. The younger twin barely spoke any word so far. She tried to avoid looking directly at Lily's eyes as much as possible.


And then there was Mina, who had the biggest breasts out of the four, albeit smaller than Lily's. Her innocent look made Lily want to devour her.


Understanding that Lily was about to start, Yuri and Rika nodded at Lily and stepped back to give the three some space.


"Let me explain to you girls what we are about to do. Since this is the first time for the two of you, I figure giving you an oil massage is the best course of action."  (Lily)


"Oil massage?"  Mina asked. It was the first time she heard about it.


"Yes. I will give you a massage using this medicinal oil to relax your body and mind."  Lily pointed at the bottles on the floor and explained with a smile.


"U-Um, it's my first time getting a massage like this... It's kind of embarrassing. Aha...ha..."  Mina fidgeted and murmured.


"It is important to make your body as relaxed as possible. If you have sex when your body is so tense, it will most likely cause more harm than good. Having sex the right way brings a lot of benefits, you know? It can help regulate your blood circulation, provide stress relief, improve sleep, regulate your hormones, and much more. That's why it is important to have the correct physical, emotional, and psychological condition before having it. I know you two are afraid since it was your first time, and I don't blame you for that. That's why I took it into consideration and prepared all of this for you two. These oils will help you relax your mind, and I will help you relax your body."  (Lily)


"Doing all that for us..."  Mino muttered quietly.


She felt conflicted about herself. She had agreed to do this, but now that she was actually about to start, she got cold feet. Even though Rika and Yuri went out of their way to ask Lily for help, and Lily even prepared everything for them, Mino was still afraid of taking that last step.


Lily saw the conflicted look on Mino's face and decided to let Mina go first.


"Mina, how about you go first. Let's give your sister a demonstration."  (Lily)


"Y-Yes."  (Mina)


Mino felt guilty for being relieved when her sister was the first one to do it. It wasn't that she wasn't curious about the act. In fact, she was kind of looking forward to it. But for some unknown reason that she couldn't explain, she felt scared. She heard that the first time was painful for women. But she was reminded about the animal-like sound Rika was making when she overheard them from the next room. Not that she had actually seen it, but her imagination made up for the lack of visuals.


Perhaps watching her twin sister making noises like that would give her the last boost she needed.


As Mino was thinking about it, Mina nervously lay down on the foam sheet on her back as instructed.







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