Creatures Lurking in the Dark



Five hundred years ago, humans, beast folks, elves, fairies, dwarves, demons, and other races waged war against each other to be the race that ruled the entire world. Each race had its own strength; the humans were known for their numbers and tactics, beast folks had superior strength, the elves had spirit magic to control nature, the fairies could use magic to control the weather, the dwarves were famous for their equipment and defense, and the demons could use destructive magic with their control and a vast amount of magic power.


The war, later known as the Great Racial War, lasted for three hundred years. However, there was no winner; countless lives were lost, and the environment was destroyed. From all those lost lives, regret, hatred, betrayal, and other negative emotions gave birth to something called miasma. As the death toll kept on increasing, so did the miasma. 


Until one day, the miasma crystallized, affected the animals and monsters alike and gave birth to creatures known as corrupted monsters.


These monsters retained some of their original traits; however, due to the corruption, their physiques were deformed and could be easily identified by the purplish haze they released. Their life force was boosted to the extreme, such as stronger muscles, withstanding wounds that could normally kill the original hosts, and especially their fast reproduction ability to constantly multiply and expand their territories. They indiscriminately attacked all the races. They killed the men, captured and copulated the women to give birth to more of their kind. And because of their particular trait of being infected with miasma, they didn't need a specific type of food to consume. They could eat anything and everything as what they ate would be turned into miasma to sustain itself. They spread destruction everywhere they went, and when they made a nest somewhere, the surroundings would become a dead zone where absolutely nothing could live nor grow on.


With the appearance of this new type of monster, realizing the threat looming over the world, all races agreed to sign the peace treaty unanimously and began to work together to eradicate their common enemy, the corrupted monsters. Thus came the end of the Great Racial War, and marked the beginning of another war, later known as the United Front War. Since then, every race had joined hands and worked together to destroy corrupted monsters and crystallized miasma.


That was one hundred years ago.


Elka Continent


A group of chosen heroes was moving cautiously. Taking the front was a red hair man in his 30 donning silver armor. His white shield was readied on his left while his right hand wielded a magic sword with a blue hue radiating around the blade. He was a chosen hero and the leader of this group, Masahito the Brave. Born in a poor farming village, his family lived every day running the field, and he was satisfied with it until that faithful day. His father had hurt his back, so he stayed home with Masahito's mother, and only Masahito went to the field. Shortly after, monsters attack his village and family. Later that day, when he returned, instead of his father holding a cane with his mother helping his father smiling at him, what greeted him was a. His father's body was half-eaten and lay in a pool of blood, and his mother was being raped by a monster. That was when he awoke his power as a hero and killed all the monsters that attacked his village and family. He was picked up by a caravan of merchants who frequently traded with his village and brought him to the capital, where he was then trained and recognized as the chosen hero.


Next to him was a beautiful blonde lady with her sword unsheathed and ready to fight at any moment. She had a slender figure, and her beautiful silky golden blonde hair was down to her waist. On her slim waist was a blue overskirt with an extended back that flowed down to her knee, her long and beautiful legs peeked out from her skirt and were donned in white stockings. She was known as Sword Princess, Marianne, hailed from Alte Kingdom, one of the continent's biggest and most prosperous countries. She was 25 years old and the eldest princess of Alte Kingdom; she had a younger brother Jin who was 22 years old and next in line successor, and the youngest sibling of the three, Emilly, 18 years old. At the age of five, she discovered that she was blessed with sword talent. Being a princess herself, she hated the fact that she would be married off to another nobleman or possibly another country, so she pursued the way of the sword. She was trained by the best of the best sword masters of the continent and eventually surpassed them. Her father also recognized her effort and allowed her freedom of love. She was said to be the strongest swordswoman in the entire continent, although not as strong as and possessed as much firepower as Masahito; her speed could rival him. Despite many voicing their disagreement, with her strong sense of duty and as a princess of the country, "What would I do with this power if I just stayed at the back and watched many lives I could have saved be lost!" was what she proclaimed as she volunteered herself to join the front line of monster eradication.


Slightly behind them were two other women. The woman on the left had long, pointed ears, a particular trait of a race called Elf. A cool beauty with a beautiful face that looked no older than Marianne. No one would have believed if they had been told that she was 80 years old. Because the Elves race had a long life span of about 300 years, she was considered to be young. She had silvery blonde hair, unlike Marianne's. Her breast was a size smaller than Marianne's but still bountiful. She wore a green and white tunic that was traditional clothes for Elves. She had her bow, which was almost as big as her figure, readied. Elf Huntress Stella was what people call her. As the daughter of the chief of an elf tribe famous for their hunting skill, she had been trained in tracking skills and wielding a bow since she was young. When she was young, her village was attacked by a pack of corrupted monsters. During the chaos, she was separated from her parents as their split off to help their fellow tribespeople. When she found her parents, she witnessed the monsters devour her father and rape her mother with her own eyes. By the time reinforcement arrived, only a handful of people in her village were saved. The people at that time said that if not for her skill and bravery, none of them would have made out of their lives. As the miasma had already corrupted her mother, her mind was broken. Stella's mother had lived a vegetative life in Alte Kingdom under the special care unit that Marianne had assigned to her since then. She had always been blaming herself for not being there to save her parents when they needed her the most. She vowed to avenge her parents and trained hard every day. Finally, she was chosen to join this party. On her neck was a yellow flower necklace, a memento of her mother.


Next to Stella was a small girl with an oversize, pointed hat holding a small wand with a blue aquamarine gem decorated on the tip. She wore a dark purple one-piece dress with a cape on her back tied by a purple ribbon in front of her chest. Tiny as she looked, She was a full fledge adult and the oldest of the group, known as Witch of Eternity, Eris. As a member of the demon race with vast magic power, Eris's physique had stopped growing a long time ago, so she looked just like a child while, in fact, she had lived for over 300 years. She had contributed many valuable inventions to the world. In addition, the fact that most of the current magic system was modified and simplified to be easier to use for even races with low magic power and control proved that she was an excellent mage. Personally witnessing the birth of monsters and the destruction and horrible acts they brought, Eris swore to herself that she would kill to the very last monster. She was also a magic researcher and worked as the witch general in Alte Kingdom. She invented and improved many magics to enrich people's lives and to combat monsters. Masahito the Brave was also trained under her.


The last person in the group, known as the Saintess, Serra. Though not as old as Eri, she had lived for over 100 years, she was half human, half dryad. Her father was a priest who fell in love with her mother, a dryad, during one of his pilgrimages. Her mother had saved her father, who tripped and almost drowned in the raging river. Serra was a priestess of the goddess of Light and Harmony Retina (the most prominent religion of the entire continent) before being chosen as the saintess, which was equivalent to a Pope. Her white and green dress emphasized her rich bosom, it could be clearly seen that she had the biggest breast of all the women here. Her silvery hair flowed down her back, she held a long staff with a crescent moon and sun design at the tip (symbol of goddess Retina faith.) She lived in a temple in Alte Kingdom and managed an orphanage. Although she had the weakest offensive power among the group, her barrier could withstand Eris's strongest attack (which could permanently change the landscape) once. Her healing was also second to none, she could nullify any poison and cure any physical wounds as long as the person was still alive.


Their destination could be seen right in front of them. The surrounding scenery was dreadfully quiet and eerie. Located South of the continent, this area used to be the capital of a prominent country, Lamiryu, but it was destroyed due to the creation of crystallized miasma and the birth of monsters. In other words, this was where the first crystallized miasma and monster were born. Where used to be a green lush of grass was now a barren land with cracked earth. Bones of dead animals litter here and there, and dry wind would occasionally pick up dust. At a short distance away, a black castle could be seen with whirling dark clouds above it. Occasionally, thundering roars and flashes rang out as if to emphasize the silence of their surroundings. 


"Just a little more, everyone. We've finally made it this far." (Masahito)


"Umu, we can take a break here. I just finished checking the area with my search magic. It seems that those disgusting monsters aren't around. It'll be just the guardian between us and the crystallized miasma." (Eris)


"As expected of master, make me wish every house would have an Eris-chan-sensei. Life is so convenient!" (Masahito)


"Humph! I won't give you candies even if you praise me." (Eris)


"Ah~~ I could really use a break now. We've been fighting nonstop since coming here. I'm so tired!~" (Marianne)


"I agree. Let's set up camp here and do our final preparation." (Stella)


"Fufufu~ even princess Mari couldn't keep up her elegance when she's tired. Then I'll set up the barrier just in case." (Serra)


"Moou~~ Stop teasing me, Serra-san. You know that I hate acting all prim and proper like that. It's such a bother having to pretend to smile whenever I talk to someone in the palace. As expected, this is where I belong. I don't have to act all prim and proper to please others and just be myself here. I don't want to go back." (Marianne)


"Hahaha. Don't say that, Mari. I will also be with you after we get back. I've said it before, right? I will always be with you." (Masahito)


"uhm.." (Marianne)


Blushing, Marianne touched the ring on her left ring finger. The same ring was worn by Masahito. In the Retina religion, couples would wear identical engagement or wedding rings on their left ring finger as proof. That's right, Masahito and Marianne were an engaged couple. They planned to hold their official wedding after the battle.


""Uwa~~ so sweet. I think I might get diabetes."" (Serra and Stella)


"Fufufu, to be young~ " (Eris)


"Mou~~ stop teasing me!!!" (Marianne)


"Ahahaha..." (Masahito)


The group chatted and laughed together for a while, recounting the memories and hardships they had gone through together. They had been together for more than five years, and finally, the end of their journey drew near.


"Yosh! Everyone, are you ready!? This is it, the final battle to bring peace to our world!" (Masahito)


"I'm as ready as can be!" (Marianne)


"I'm ready. " (Stella)

[Dear father, dear mother, I will avenge you. Please watch over me.] (Grasping her necklace, Stella whispered)


"Umu, let's do our best. There is no place for these monsters in this world!" (Eris)


"Goddess Retina, please grant us your power to vanquish the evil." (Serra)


They advanced through the castle gate to the audience hall in silence. Along their way, cracks could be seen along the wall, and some walls were missing sections. Windows cracked and covered with rotten vines. What used to be a hallway was no different than a haunted castle. Such was the fate of the castle abandoned for hundreds of years.


Inside the audience hall, a giant creature opened and revealed its crimson-red eyes, directing its gaze toward the audience door.


The group finally arrived at the door leading to the audience hall. They could feel a disgusting feeling sending their hair standing. Then Masahito took a last look at everyone to confirm their resolve. Everyone nodded, readied to put an end to this calamity. Entering the audience hall, they saw a black and purplish crystal hovering above the throne. A black liquid was oozing out and covered half of the throne in the liquid. A mutate of what looked like a 4 meters bipedal alligator stood on the ground, bathing in that liquid. It moved its eyes to observe each of the trespassers of its domain and howled loudly, causing all the glass windows around them to shatter.


"Protect us from the evil, dome of light!" (Serra)


Normally, a person would have their ear ruptured and their head exploded facing that howl attack. However, thanks to Serra quickly setting up a barrier, they withstood the initial attack, thus beginning the battle that decided the world's fate.


"Raging Inferno, heed my call, gather and destroy my enemy!" (Eris)


"Go! We will provide cover. Wind spirit! Please lend me your strength! Sonic arrow!" (Stella)


Masahito and Marianne immediately ran toward the monster, and then they split up once they were close enough. Masahito continued running straight toward the monster, tanking all its attacks while Marianne ran around to the flank and hit its blind spots.


"Your target is me! Rise up and protect my allies! Fortress!" (Masahito)


All this while Stella and Eris bombarded it with magic and arrows. Because monsters created by the crystallize miasma constantly release miasma, Serra also countered it by casting barriers on everyone. The fight slowly turned in their favor as they pushed back the monster. Its movement became sluggish after receiving attacks from Masahito and Marianne, while Eris and Stella kept dousing it with magic and arrows.


"This is the end! Smite my enemy, judgment sword!" (Masahito)


 As expected of the hero party, the monster soon succumbed to their relentless attack and collapsed. However, none of them let their guard down for about 10 minutes. Then, when they were sure that the monster could no longer move anymore, they proceeded to destroy the crystallize miasma.


"YOSH!! This is our victory!!" Masahito yelled, pumping his fist in the air.


"We finally did it!" Marianne ran up and hugged Masahito.


"Hah hah... I'm out of juice!" Eris said, kneeling on the floor with all four.


"*Chuckle* it's because you kept pumping big magic after magic. Dear father, dear mother, did you see that, I've avenged you." Stella said with moist eyes, grasping her necklace.


"Fufufu~ It's not done yet, everyone, not until we destroy the crystallize miasma." Serra smiled, looking over them


"The stage is all yours, Serra-san." (Masahito)


"Leave it to me. It shouldn't take long." (Serra)


After they destroyed the crystallize miasma, they would go home, announce the news to the world, celebrate, rest up, and start recovering from all the damages caused by the monsters. 


That should have been the case.

Unbeknown to them, The monster was still alive. Its existence was known as the primordial one, the very first corrupted monster. It had lived far too long and was very smart. Maybe because it had existed for hundreds of years, the miasma formed inside it developed an "ego." However, it knew that it was the very last of its kind, and it knew that it had been cornered; the power of the heroes party would be too much for it to handle. So it came to a conclusion to preserve its kind by overloading the crystallized miasma and spreading the miasma worldwide, infecting other animals and creatures.


It was waiting, waiting for the moment these trespassers would let their guard down, and all those waitings finally paid off. Maybe it was fortunate for the monster, or in this case, unfortunate for the heroes party; while Serra was purifying the crystallize miasma, Masahito stood nearby to guard her with his back turned toward the monster, Stella and Marianne were nursing the mana-exhausted Eris a distance away; the monster produced its small tendril, which gradually became big and sharp like a needle. Finally, it shot its tendril toward the crystallized miasma, impaling Masahito through his heart, and injected the last "will" of the monster into it.


With a shocked expression, Masahito looked down and saw his chest impaled with blood flowing out from the wound. As for Serra, she felt something wet splashed on her cheek and turned toward, witnessing the dying Masahito, shocked.


"NOOOOO!!!" (Serra)


The other heard the scream and looked toward Serra, seeing Masahito being impaled by the monster's tendril. With her sword drawn, Marianne immediately rushed toward him and cut the tendril. Stella also drew her bow and shot at the monster's body, she used up all arrows in her quiver and turned the monster into a porcupine. The monster's body slowly melted into nothingness, effectively killing it for sure this time.




"YES!" (Serra)


Serra stopped purifying the crystallized miasma and turned her focus on healing Masahito. Unbeknown to them, when the monster stabbed through Masahito to reach the crystal with its tendril. It had sent all its miasma in its dying body toward the crystal, causing it to become overloaded with miasma. At the same time Serra was casting healing magic on Masahito, suddenly, the crystal started pulsating as if it was alive, sending small quakes to everyone. Small cracks began to form on its surface and spread wider. The surrounding was shaking like it was hit by an earthquake. 


Masahito, who was being healed, stopped Serra and pointed at the crystal.

"Please wait... Serra-san. Please deal... with the crystal. Something strange... is happening to it. At this rate, it would... destroy the whole castle..." (Masahito)


"NO! You are wounded. We have to treat you!" (Marianne)


"I'm fine, Mari... I can... hold on a bit longer... until Serra-san... finishes purifying it..." (Masahito)


Masahito tried to squeeze out words to talk to Marianne, then looked at Serra.


"Please..." (Masahito)


"I understand. Please hold on just a bit longer." (Serra)


"No, it doesn't look good. Something strange is happening to the crystal. The miasma within it is rampaging. It's no longer possible to purify it. At this rate, it would become overloaded and explode, spreading the miasma everywhere." (Eris)


Eris dragged herself to the group with Stella's help.


"No way... So everything we have gone through will become naught!?" (Stella)


"Eris-san is right. The miasma is becoming unstable. If I purify it as it is, the crystal shell will shatter and unleash all the miasma within it!" (Serra)


"I think... I have an idea. Everyone... Can I talk to... Eris-chan-sensei alone?" (Masahito)


Everyone nodded, then Stella sat Eris down next to Masahito and moved a short distance away with Marianne and Serra. They then looked over to Eris and Masahito. Eris's face twisted from normal to anger, and from anger to finally giving up, then Masahito gave something to Eris. She then staggered toward Marianne's group. 


"We are withdrawing from here!" (Eris)


Eris then crushed a red gem. Immediately a magic circle appeared below them and teleported them to a cliff overlooking the castle.




"Listen to me! Marianne! Masahito told me that he has a way to purify the crystallized miasma. He has the blessing of goddess Retina's blessing as her chosen Brave. He told me that it is possible for him to use his own body to take in the miasma and purify it inside him with his life force." (Eris)


"No way... Then what would become of him?" (Marianne)


"He sacrifices himself... Using his body as a purifier to seal it away forever. Mari, I also did not approve of his method. But he convinced me that otherwise, everything we have done would be for naught. Many villages will be destroyed, families torn apart, and more lives will be lost. I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO AGREE WITH HIM!" (Eris)


Eris shouted, tears ran down both of her cheeks and dropped to the ground. Stella silently hugged Eris while Serra hugged Marianne's trembling shoulders.


Then the earth started to shake harder, more cracks began to form on the ground, and debris was falling from the ceiling of the room. Finally, Lamiryu castle started to collapse. A white sphere could be seen rising to the sky. A shattering glass sound could be heard as the sphere exploded, raining sparkling particles to the ground.


Eris walked toward Marianne. Visible tears could be seen continuously flowing down their cheeks.

"Masahito told me to give this to you." Eris handed Marianne the ring Masahito gave her.


"MASAHITO!!!" (Marianne)


Marianne shouted and hugged Serra as she cried.


As the miasma was purified, dark clouds started to disappear, allowing the first sunlight to reach the land that had been covered in darkness for hundreds of years.


With the last crystallized miasma destroyed, animals and monsters were no longer infected and became corrupted monsters. Everyone was welcoming the world where corrupted monsters could not increase anymore. Thus, this moment marked the end of the long war that lasted for hundreds of years.


...That was what it was supposed to be


Under the rubbles that were once known as Lamiryu castle, on the throne, a small egg-like object pulsated. A small crack started to appear on its surface. Then its shell pieces collapsed inside, revealing a pair of crimson eyes and a creepy shriek. Back then, the corrupted monster guarding the crystallized miasma did not just transfer its "will" to the crystal; it also distracted the party from noticing the egg half submerged and blended in the black liquid on the throne. Moreover, when the crystal was overloaded and running a rampage, it released the miasma, bathing the egg. Some of its "will" was also transferred to the egg. Unfortunately, it has lost most of its power as the transfer was interrupted. The newborn creature could only inherit the most basic of all survival instincts- to mate and propagate. It crawled out of its eggshell and devoured it. It was about 20 centimeters long, and its shape looked like a black caterpillar with two long tendrils on either side. After finishing its first meal when it came into the world, it slowly moved through the debris and finally exited the collapsed castle. It continued to move, looking for its broodmare to propagate and continue its "species." Its destination, North of Lamiryu, toward a new land where it could call "home."


It seemed that the calamity had not ended. Had the heroes part stood vigilant from beginning to end, they could have stopped and destroyed the root of evil. However, the corrupted monster had outsmarted them. Having lived for hundreds of years, It could prepare a plan to stop its extinction. This was just the beginning of a story about depravities, about what would happen to the women that were the victims of a corrupted monster. The beginning of a story filled with despair and hopelessness, and at the peak of those despair and hopelessness, is pleasure.






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