Crimson Eternal: An Immortal Death Mage LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 41

All Across the Universe

One planet after another, one leader after another, and one of the Nine Grands after another. Every single person worth knowing. And everyone not worth knowing as well.

They all learn of the events on Luk’tar. Of the war between the Byrne Clan and the Sullivan Clan. The Byrne Clan’s victory.

And of Death’s first entry into the universe.

However, Death’s exact appearance and name is kept secret from the public. Not even the Nine Grands learn of her exact name, other than Lucius, who the others all know met with her on the planet.

No one knows or has any proof on how the appearance and name of Death were censored, but everyone with any knowledge of the Nine Grands immediately points their fingers at the Rex Dynasty of the Dead. The dynasty known for three things.

Their worship of Death.

Their mastery of death magic.

And their technological advancement which is far greater than any other planet or power in the universe. Them being one of a very small number who are capable of intergalactic travel without the use of Gates.

But even without knowing the exact appearance of Death, Beloved of the Death Spirits, Harbinger of Death, and Horseman of the Apocalypse, everyone across the universe has different reactions.

The commonfolk all feel both fear and respect. Fear at the idea of another Horseman roaming the universe. One supposedly unkillable. But respect because they realize that she isn’t simply going around killing indiscriminately.

The upper class of each world, the nobles, wealthy, and lower Tier world rulers all feel shock and terror as bounties are placed across the universe for Death’s head. Bounties that don’t amount to much when all they call for is a female immortal.

And the Nine Grands, each of which show various different reactions.

Isabella de la Vega, Archmage of the Arcadian Society, immediately puts out a bounty of her own. One offering a position within the Arcadian Society for whomever manages to capture and bring in Death.

Leopold da Silva, the emperor of the Grand Silvanian Empire, stays unusually silent despite his previous zeal towards capturing Death when the notification was first sent out across the universe of her initiation.

Raja Singh Amunet, Pharaoh of the Rex Dynasty of the Dead, immediately begins sending out his own bounties to bring in the head of any bounty hunter who takes the bounties of others looking for Death.

Hassan al-Malik, Leader of the Council of Shadows, stays silent without showing a single sign of movement. As if waiting for the events to play out on their own.

Victor von Lüneburg, otherwise known as the Horseman of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, along with the Dread Emperor, Ignatius Darkheart, otherwise known as the Horseman of the Apocalypse, Famine, both meet with War. Only to return to their own plans without any signs of changing them.

Shirou Amatsuraki, Emperor of the Eternal Dynasty, merely continues his business as usual.

Meanwhile, without anyone realizing, the Crimson Empire begins to make its own moves.

But everyone in the universe understands one thing.

The era of Death, the Horseman of the Apocalypse, first woman amongst the Horsemen, true immortal, and beloved of the Spirits of Death, has officially begun in full force.

And it will send waves throughout the universe.


Five years after the end of the war between the Byrne and Sullivan Clans

I feel like this is becoming a habit.

Just how many times am I going to get stuck in a stomach? It’s really annoying. And gross. And the stupid stomach acid of these Tier 6 mana creatures is stronger than my damned soul fire and keeps putting it out.

At least no one else ever sees me stuck in the stomachs. It would be a pain otherwise.

I once again lie in the stomach acid, just floating on it without a care in the world. Other than my current cares in the world. Like getting out of the stomach.

Anyways, I open up my status again for the umpteenth time in the last week.

Name: Aria Crimson

Class: Harbinger of Death

Ability: True Immortality

Level: 19

I’ve been able to level up a hell of a lot over the past five years simply from spending most of my time in the Grand Tree, chopping down trees and killing monsters in the first through third Tiers. Until something like this happens, of course. When a large bird from a higher Tier decides to come down to a lower tier on the outside of the tree and make me its snack.

A major pain when this happens.

But since I’ve been able to focus solely on leveling up without any war or contract obligations, I’ve been able to level a lot faster. Especially after getting some rather nice soul cores from the high tier mana creatures here along with the high ranking officers of the Sullivan Clan back then.

Makes for a very nice supply of soul energy.

I’m still waiting for another skill though. And to reach level twenty.

Honestly, the world is getting boring at this point. And I’m pretty sure Sean is wanting me to skedaddle.

Because while the Rex Dynasty and Eternal Dynasty are both blockading the Gates to Luk’tar from bounty hunters, some do slip through. And it ends up being on Sean to deal with the aftermath.

What with them not actually knowing what the hell I look like.

A rather amusing conundrum that I don’t even understand myself. Although Shirogane suspects that it’s the Rex Dynasty’s doing. Since they apparently have the best hacking in the universe and are actually behind the creation of the Universal Feed and are very skilled hackers and information manipulators.

Not sure why they’re going out of their way to protect me and give me space though. I would’ve expected them to jump in and bother me considering what I’ve heard about them worshipping Death.

My thoughts come to a halt when I notice a suspiciously familiar purple mist entering the stomach of this bird. Only for the bird to start blistering from the inside, making me grimace.

Well that looks disgusting.

It doesn’t take long for the mist to kill the birdie, so I begin crawling my way out of the creature’s stomach, ignoring that the death energy that was building up before is now attacking its other inner organs as I move through it.

This is just disgusting.

Eventually I make it to the thing’s mouth and push open its beak before stepping outside and glancing at Rory, who I find standing a couple meters away from the bird with a slightly disgusted look on her face.

“Eww, Aria, you need a shower,” she says while plugging her nose and taking a step back.


For her remark, I give her a gift by flinging my hands towards her, sending the stomach juices and her own poison mixed together straight at Rory. But as expected, the woman manages to dodge it before it can hit her.

Damned level gap.

“No, no, Aria, you need a shower,” she says with a nod from her new spot a couple meters away from the previous spot. “Not me. You. Okay?”

“I hate you,” I tell the woman before beginning to walk towards the edge of the nest. And without hesitation, I step right off, hearing a shout coming from the nest in the process.

“Damnit Aria, that’s not a shower!”

It is for me.

My consciousness goes dark for a split second before I find myself reformed while lying on the ground. Then I get up, still wearing my favorite blue and white outfit, and head on over to the station.

By now, after seeing me fall from the Grand Tree for several years, the people have all grown used to it. Mostly. Except the occasional person I may or may not land on. And the newbies.

But they’re fine. I’m sure. Yeah.

After turning in my loot – a lot of which including wood – I head on out of the station before glancing at the sky, where the moon is high in the sky in the form of a crescent. Then I spot Rory landing near me after using her poisonous mist to fly.

“Aria, please! I’m begging you! Stop falling from the tree!” Rory exclaims as she hurries to walk next to me. “Just bring something to clean off up there, or maybe something to fly down! Just don’t jump down anymore!”

I glance at her before continuing to walk, not bothering to respond to her. Since this is a rather common lecture from her.

“You’re not even listening to me, are you?!” she exclaims.

“I’m listening,” I tell her.


She snorts at that, having learned enough about me in the past several years to know what I mean.

Honestly, it’s been rather nice to have a friend again. Since I haven’t had one in a very long time. And Rory makes a good friend, nagging aside.

Eventually though, as we’re passing through the gates into the city, she asks me, “So are you still planning on leaving soon?”

“Yeah,” I answer while nodding my head. “As soon as I hit level twenty. Which should be any day now.”

Only have a few hundred more deaths to deal out. Which means a few hundred more trees.

Then I can finally make my way towards the Gate in the former Sullivan Clan capital – now known as Sulli – and check out Atlantis. Since a certain café owner prince gave me a free immigration pass there.

“You’re planning on heading back to the Eternal Dynasty, right?” I ask while glancing at Rory as we walk.

She quickly nods her head, saying, “Yeah, but I’ll make sure to visit you on Atlantis.”

I nod my head back with a light hum of acknowledgement.

From what I’ve heard, the Grand Roan Empire is still searching for me. And since they signed a soul pact with the First General, they can’t exactly go against it to attack Vortel.

Meaning that so long as they never find me, Vortel will be safe.

And I don’t plan on ever being found by them. So hopefully that’ll be forever.

I glance at Rory, feeling a little sad that I won’t likely see her for a while. But then I focus on where I’m going again.

Yeah, I’ll see her again eventually.

Plus we can talk through the Universal Feed. So it’s fine.

I stretch my arms up and over my head as I walk, feeling freer now than I’ve ever been before. Other than my time on Eternus. Which was also nice and relaxing.

But another adventure sounds nice too.

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