Crimson Eternal: An Immortal Death Mage LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 43


It doesn’t take long for us to arrive at the immigration and tourism Gate to Atlantis. And when we do, we pass through the immigration side. Since one of Atlantis’s drives to fame and money is their planet and cities’ beauty attracting tourists from all over the universe. Not to mention the Grand Ocean, which is also beautiful despite the danger it poses to people.

To my surprise, the medallion that the prince gave me lets me pass through in an instant without even being checked for anything.

When I ask why that is, they simply tell me that no one can fake the amulet I have. And that it would turn my hand to ice if I wasn’t the one it was meant for.

So I make a mental note never to let someone else touch the thing.

Anyways, after passing through the station, we pause right in front of the Gate before I glance up at the Grand Tree high in the sky, past the barrier over the ceiling. Something that’s in place because a lot of tourists like to get one last look at the Grand Tree before leaving.

And after a few seconds pass, I turn to glance at Shirogane before we both nod and pass through the Gate.

Immediately appearing again in some sort of underwater structure. One that’s mostly spherical other than one large glass tube leading to it from an even larger dome containing a massive city.

This isn’t the only extension from the city like this though as I see like half a dozen others from all around the dome sticking outwards to more Gates.

I step forwards alongside Shirogane while looking around in awe. Because outside of the glass, I can see a bunch of marine life. Fish, sharks, manta rays, and so on.

All creatures I had seen in the trench in much larger versions, but never had seen at their regular sizes.

Of course, we’re not the only ones passing through the Gate. There are quite a few others actually. But everyone is having a very similar reaction.

Which makes sense considering just how drastically different Luk’tar and Atlantis are.

After looking a bit more, Shirogane and I end up at the large bridge leading over towards the main city itself, where a station just like the one we crossed through on Luk’tar is. And when we arrive at the station, I get a look at the people in the station as they look at my medallion and let us pass.

The people here all seem to be taller than me, with the men and women actually being about the same height as each other. All of them. Which is odd.

Guess they just have tall women.

It also makes me feel even shorter than I already am.

Everyone also seems to be very physically fit with a swimmer’s body. Not a professional lifter’s amount of muscle, but an athlete’s for sure.

Also, I swear the only colors they have down here are white, blue, and some small amounts of black. Because most of them are wearing blue or white.

Then again, the outfit I’m wearing right now – my favorite one – is also white and blue.

Actually, my outfit looks like it could be Atlantean in make.

As we step out of the station, I can’t help but notice that long hair seems to be normal here too. Both for men and women.

Although there’s no one with aqua blue hair like Azura, so I guess that’s just an Azura thing.

The most common hair color down here is actually white hair. Although a different white from mine. More of a silvery white, unlike my stark white.

They also have pale blue eyes as the most common eye color here that I can see.

Actually, if you ignored my height and eyes, I could probably be mistaken for an Atlantean. Assuming people didn’t pay too much attention to the shade of white of my hair.

Other than the people, the buildings all have that same white and blue color set that the people’s outfits have. And they’re made out of some sort of material that I don’t actually recognize along with metal and marble.

There’s also just plain a lot of the buildings around. Meanwhile there’s a large path of water just kind of floating in between the buildings, where the Atlanteans are just swimming straight through the water.

On the other hand, the foreigners – which stand out here – are all using some sort of underwater vehicle with two jets of air shooting out of the backs of the vehicles and a large window covering the front.

“Atlanteans have evolved a little differently from humans on other worlds,” Shirogane whispers to me as we get close to the water. “They can breathe underwater.”


I know I’ve heard about some humans on some planets evolving a little differently, but so far the only differences I’ve seen are in appearance. Exterior differences like height, hair, and eye color. Or even their Abilities.

So this is the first planet I’ve seen where they had an actual beneficial evolution different from other worlds. Which makes sense, I guess. Considering that the entire planet is just ocean.

They wouldn’t really survive if they weren’t able to breathe underwater.

“Any idea where we should stop first?” I ask Shirogane, since he’s the one with more knowledge about this place.

But he doesn’t get the chance to answer as our attention is quickly drawn to the rather fancy looking carriage being pulled through the water by large crocodiles straight towards us through the stream of water that makes the street. With guards wearing full blue armor with fancy helmets on their heads covering their faces and spears swimming on both sides of the carriage. And everyone nearby quickly begins to kneel when it comes close to them.

Meanwhile, sitting at the front and center of the carriage is a certain prince who looks rather happy when he sees me. Considering the wide grin on his face.

Soon enough the carriage comes to a stop right at the edge of the street near us, not leaving the water. Then Azura – who is wearing a very fancy outfit fit for a prince of this nation, with, of course, the usual white and blue colors – floats out of the carriage and jumps from the street to land in front of us.

Everyone nearby continues kneeling, leaving me and Shirogane as the only ones not kneeling while the prince’s guards surface from the water and land on the ground as well.

“Little Riri! You finally came!” Azura exclaims while stepping forwards and pulling me into a hug, proving that the man is still as touchy as ever. But I hug him back all the same before stepping backwards again. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d ever stop by.”

“C’mon Azura, I was only there for a few years,” I tell him with a shrug, bringing me a couple odd looking glances from Shirogane and Azura.

The prince glances at Shirogane, only for the man to shrug before Azura turns back towards me and says, “You do realize you were there for about six or seven years on Luk’tar, right?”

I blink at that and tilt my head, “Was it that long?”

He nods.

Huh. Interesting.

Didn’t really pay much attention to how long I was spending there in total. Just the time from one goal to another.

“Aria,” Shirogane says, bringing my attention towards him. “You do realize that it was over an entire fifth of your lifetime, right?”

I stare at him before opening my mouth to speak, only to close it again.

Okaaayyy… is my sense of time going out of whack?

That’s… probably not a bad thing? Maybe?

I… at least I don’t think it’s bad. Not when I won’t ever die.


“Guess it is,” I tell them with a shrug. Then I focus on Azura as I ask, “Anyways, what’s with the grand appearance?”

He blinks for a moment, only to glance at the soldiers who are standing a couple meters behind him at attention, then at the carriage behind him. Then he finally turns back to me and answers, “Well, I’m a prince. It’s to be expected of me while I’m here.”

Ah. Meaning he has no choice.

At least, from my understanding of him that’s what it means.

Guess he really does have to act like a prince here.

“Let’s go to a place more private for our discussion,” he says, reminding me that we’re kind of just chatting in front of the Gate station out right next to the street.

“Aight,” I tell him with a nod.

Then we begin moving towards his carriage.

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