Crimson Eternal: An Immortal Death Mage LitRPG Apocalypse

B2 | Chapter 49


After we arrive at the castle, Azura offers me a breathing potion. But this time around I decide to not take it. Mostly because I kind of want to get used to not breathing when I can’t do it.

It’s probably for the best that was after all. Because then I can trick people into thinking I still need to breathe and then just not breathe instead when they try to use a special poison on me or suffocate me. And still be perfectly comfortable and at peak performance even when not breathing.

It does get me a couple odd looks though when I step out of the ship without the usual bubble thing around me denoting a water breathing potion.

Especially since I’m not breathing at all.

But the prince and princess just nod their heads and begin leading the group into the castle. Even if the other soldiers and guards continue staring at me. Partially most likely due to my black number and partially the fact that they can clearly tell I’m not breathing at all.

Rather amusing to watch but a little annoying as well.

I proceed to ignore them after a few minutes of us passing through the halls. And soon enough we begin to pass by nobles as well.

What bothers me the most about this place though is that I can’t see anyone’s numbers.

Meaning pretty much everyone here can crush my head in the palm of their hand. And while that won’t actually matter in the end since my head would restore itself, it’s not pleasant to think about being weak amongst so many powerful people.

We continue moving through the castle until we arrive at a rather grand hallway leading towards an enormous set of double doors. Ones that look rather fancy and are plaited in some sort of sleek silver and blue metal.

Meanwhile the sides of the hall are filled with soldiers wearing the same armor as the prince and princess’s bodyguards. A full blue and white armor that covers their entire body without exposing any skin.

I watch the soldiers as we pass between them unimpeded until we reach the end of the hall and two of the soldiers walk up and grab the door’s handles before opening them. Revealing a massive throne room behind it. Albeit a mostly empty one with no one in it other than the two people on the largest thrones at the end along with seven people on nine other thrones in an arc behind them to the sides, leaving two thrones empty.

Both Little Blue and Azura step up to the two empty thrones before taking their seats, meanwhile the bodyguards follow them and move around to stand guard right behind their thrones. Just like the guards standing behind the other princes and princesses.

But I put the princes and princesses out of my mind for now. Because the king and queen are staring at me.

The two rulers are both wearing matching outfits, albeit one in a dress and one a suit, and between them, only the queen has the aqua blue hair that all of the princes and princesses have. Which most likely means that she’s the daughter of the previous rulers and he married into the family. Assuming the aqua blue hair is a sign of atlantean royalty.

What surprises me about the two of them though is that they’re both rather kind looking. Which isn’t normal for royalty. Especially absolute monarchs.

I can tell that they are still a little wary of me, but they mostly seem to trust me. Something that’s rather obvious from how they brought me here despite knowing my penchant for suicide bombing.

Assuming using a bomb would even work on them, considering that they’re royalty. I’m not sure if the explosives would’ve killed the Clan Leaders on Luk’tar or not, and they should be about the same level.

“Introducing Lady Aria Crimson, Horseman of the Apocalypse, Pale Horseman, Ageless One, and Death herself,” one of the guards who stayed behind me after we entered declares. The two being the ones who were in the carriage while we were at the café.

A few seconds pass before the king raises the rather fancy looking trident in his hand and taps it on the ground, making a wave of water shoot out to make a large rippling wall of water running all around us. Around me, the king and queen, and princes and princesses.

Then he raises his voice, “We welcome you to Atlantis, Lady Crimson. We merely ask that you obey a few rules during your stay here.”

That almost has me raising a brow. But I hold myself back.

“The first rule,” his wife, the queen continues for him. “Follow the laws of Atlantis.”

“The second rule,” the king says, making me wonder if they’re just gonna alternate with every answer. “Do not appear on any news or media within our nation that could attract the Grand Nine here.”

“The third rule,” the queen continues, confirming my theory that they’re just alternating. “If you’re in the same room as our two youngest, you must act to protect them.”

I blink at that, feeling a little surprised that they’re trusting me with protection of their children. Although, what does she mean by… two…

My gaze turns towards the princess sitting on the throne to the right of Little Blue’s. A princess who only looks around fifteen or so years old.

Guess they have two children amongst their kids, not just one.

The rest all look like adults though.

Two even look like identical twins.

“And lastly,” both the king and queen state at the same time, making my gaze return to them only to find them both smiling. “Please take care of Neri and Selenia.”

Wait, what?

I glance at Little Blue to find her smiling.

But who the heck is this Selenia person?

I glance at the teenage princess next to her, only to find her also staring at me with a rather intense look. Although it’s a different look from the one her younger sister is giving me.

While the one Little Blue is giving me is of adoration and like she’s looking at an elder sister figure, the teenage princess is looking at me like she wants to try fighting me. And she looks excited for it.

A battle junkie teenage princess.

I hope that’s not Selenia.

Out of nowhere, I get a telepathic communication from one of the guards behind me telling me that the teenage princess is, in fact, Selenia.

Well, that’s annoying.

Why do I get the feeling I just got a nuisance?

“As for the matter of taxes,” the king suddenly says, once again returning my attention to him. “So long as you follow these rules, you don’t have to worry about taxes. You will be exempt.”

Oh. Nevermind.

I love princesses.

It’s always best to build up my savings as much as possible. Considering that I’ll be living forever, so retirement isn’t really a thing for me.

“For clarification, do you have anything in mind when you say to take care of them?” I ask while tilting my head a little. Just to be sure.

The queen answers this time with a smile, “Selenia will be making her first trip to the Grand Ocean soon enough, and we would like her to go with you and her older brother.”


That could be annoying.

Another telepathic message comes in from a guard specifying how the Grand Ocean is set up. The difference between it and the Grand Trees on Luk’tar and the Hunter’s Bay on Eternus.

Specifically how it’s easy to get lost and probably for the best to have a guide during your first trips.

“Very well,” I respond with a nod of my head. “And what about Little Bl- err, Princess Nerissa?”

“Simply come and visit her from time to time,” the king answers this time, starting to disorient me a little with their little alternating dialogue. “And you may call her your nickname so long as it’s not in front of other nobles and in an official setting.”


“Okay, I agree with all of the terms,” I tell them with a nod and a smile.

This time both the king and the queen smile rather brightly at me and speak simultaneously, “Then we welcome you to Atlantis, Death, Horseman of the Apocalypse. And we hope your stay is enjoyable and makes a mark in your endless life.”

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