Crimson Instinct

Chapter 34: Chu Jie


"Jie! Come down for breakfast!" Chu Jie's mother, Chu Xi, called him from the kitchen downstairs.

But as usual, Chu Jie didn't give any answer.

Chu Xi sighed. She was tired of her son, who only liked to lock himself in the room. Chu Xi removed her apron and climbed up the stairs.

She opened the door to Chu Jie's room, and there he was, sitting on his desk with his eyes and ears only focussing on the laptop.

Chu Xi walked towards him and looked at the laptop. She suddenly stepped back in horror. It was a video where a man was boiling in a pot of hot water, and another man was putting spices and other condiments in it as if he was really cooking him. The man in the water was screaming in extreme agony as his skin was scalding.

"Chu Jie!"

Jie finally heard his mother's voice and startled, he took out his earphones.


"What horror movie are you watching? That was so terrible! You shouldn't watch things like that." She reprimanded.

"Ah...that... nothing." He quickly closed the window.

Chu Xi put her hands on her waist. "Jie, You still aren't ready! Why are you idling by watching a horror movie?"

Chu Jie looked downcast. "I don't want to go to school today."

Chu Xi frowned. For a few months, Chu Jie refused to go to school quite a few times now. Naturally, she asked what was going on, but he didn't mention any problem.

But then again, she saw him smiling to himself many times while he was on his phone, so she thought that nothing was wrong.

"Jie, you already stayed at home Thursday last week. How can you take a day off again? You will miss so many classes, and it will be difficult for you during the exams. You know how you scored less marks during the last. I want you to be in the top three this time, and you need to work hard for that."

Chu Jie stayed silent. He looked away.

"Come on now, get ready."

Chu Jie felt tired all of a sudden. His head started aching.


It was the sound of a message pop up.

Chu Jie opened his laptop, and his face brightened. It was a message from the girl that he met on this forum a month back. After becoming good friends and exchanging back and forth chats, he began to like her. She was the only one with whom Chu Jie shared his worries. They were now dating online.

OFluffy - Hey! Rise n shine! I missed u soooooo much!

Chu Jie blushed a little. He started typing.

TroubledTeen - Hey! I missed u too.

OFluffy - So what's up? Oh, did u see the video I shared?

TroubledTeen - I did. My mother almost freaked out. :D

OFluffy - Ahahha! Well, it is a little messed up. But I really love horror things n I'm so glad that u don't mind it. All my friends stay away from me :(

To be honest, Chu Jie was also a little uncomfortable with it, but he didn't mind it. He quickly grew close to her when he realized that she was also alone in the school and had no friends.

TroubledTeen - I understand. I don't have any friends either. And it's school time, but I don't want to go. You know how those seniors bully me, right?

OFluffy - Aww, my baby. Let me cuddle you ~~ Just stay safe and don't mess with them, ok?

He grinned. She really cared about him.

TroubledTeen - I nearly forgot. Did your dad say anything about your marks?

OFluffy - He was really mad at me :-( I failed in two subjects. He shouted and yelled at me sooooo much!!!

Chu Jie's heart ached.

TroubledTeen - My mom also scolded me just now. She wants me in the top three next time.

OFluffy - Really, our parents are so bad! They don't understand us! I think they hate us! I hate them!

Chu Jie pursed his lips. He couldn't deny that he had also started to dislike his mother.

OFluffy - Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we run away?

Chu Jie widened his eyes.

R-run away?

TroubledTeen - What do you mean?

OFluffy - Darling, I mean run away from home. Once we are gone, only then will our parents understand our value!

Chu Jie blinked his eyes. Was she serious?

TroubledTeen - No, how can we do this?

OFluffy - Why not? Our parents take us for granted. If we run away, then they would repent for mistreating us! And you won't have to go to school either. This way, u can avoid the bullies too!

Chu Jie hesitated a little.

OFluffy - And darling, don't u think that we should meet in person? It's already a month. We are dating now, and we understand each other so well! I want to meet my boyfriend.

Chu Jie's cheeks flushed red in shade.

OFluffy - I see. U don't want to meet me. I think I was the only one serious about us :(

Chu Jie panicked.

TroubledTeen - No! I like u! I'm serious! But what if they call the police?

OFluffy - Oof stupid! We will call them and say that we are safe, but don't try to find us. We will come back on our own.

Chu Jie was in deep thought.

OFluffy - And I'm not saying forever dummy. It's just for a few days. And when we come back, our parents wud be apologizing to us. They wud start treating us better! This way we'll also get to meet each other!

The more she said, the more Chu Jie started to like the idea.

"Jie, you still aren't ready!?" Chu Xi called him again.


TroubledTeen - I like the idea. Let's meet as u said.

OFluffy - My darling is the best! I knew u loved me too. You live in Dongcheng, right?

TroubledTeen - Yes.

OFluffy - I live in Langfang. How about we meet in Andingzhen? It's almost equidistant from both sides.

Andingzhen? That was on the outskirts of Beijing. Chu Jie was a little afraid. He had never traveled that far all alone.

But he was going to meet his girlfriend for the first time who liked and understood him so much. He felt it was worth it.

TroubledTeen - Ok…

OFluffy - This is the address. We will meet here. Oh, how will we recognize each other?

Chu Jie thought for a while.

TroubledTeen - I will wear a red tee and jeans.

OFluffy - Cool! I will wear a red dress. Isn't it romantic, darling?

Chu Jie felt embarrassed and grinned.

TroubledTeen - Yes, it is.

OFluffy - Then let's meet tomorrow! It's weekend, right? Just say you are out to get some study materials.

TroubledTeen - ok

Chu Jie was giddy with excitement and nervousness at the same time.

Tomorrow was finally the day and he couldn't wait.

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