Crossing Over I Became a Married Peasant Woman

Chapter 2 Back

Pei Xiu looked at the bottom of the oil in the kitchen, a few spoons of salt, no soy sauce and vinegar, the rice jar was full of rice, and there were two eggs in a basket. Come on, you don't have to look at it, you have to buy everything except rice.

Just after the autumn harvest, there is no rice at home, and the porridge of a few children is still so thin, which is all taught by the original owner. During the slack season, there are only two meals a day, and it is still so thin that it can illuminate the shadows of people, or put a bunch of green vegetables in it to cook porridge. Not only the original owner lived like this, but most of the people in the village were like this. The grain harvested this year will not be harvested until next year. Don't worry about eating, I will be hungry when the spring starts, and I will only eat wild vegetables.

When I came out of the kitchen, I stopped by the children's house next door and opened the door. The house was exactly the same as Pei Xiu's room, with the same four walls, only the kang, the table and the cage at the end of the kang. Pei Xiu wanted to see the children's winter clothes. When she opened the box, they were all gray and plain clothes with patches.

Three large, medium and small cotton jackets, I don't know how many years have been stitched, and the cotton is hard. It's really freezing to death when you go out in winter. I really don't know how these children survived so many winters. These two parents are not at all distracted.

Pei Xiu went back to the room, thinking about the things that this family's family needs to buy, it really lacks everything, and hurriedly rummaged through the money jar hidden by the original owner, and calculated how much money there was to spend. Pour out the money jar. A few pieces of silver coins, dozens of coins, one coin is one hundred cents, ten coins is equivalent to one tael of silver, and the silver is not weighed and I don’t know how much. It seems that there are twenty or thirty two. In ancient times, the purchasing power of one tael of silver was leveraged. One penny can buy two eggs. Of course, this is only the price of the town. In my memory, I heard that Fucheng is one egg for one penny.

The original body has been digging and searching for so many years, and he has indeed saved a lot of money. But you treat yourself and your family too badly. You have to spend your money as you should. When your body breaks down, do you have so much money left to buy medicine? Might as well eat and dress well and be healthy. Now that there are no people, and the money is left for me to spend, Pei Xiu is embarrassed to think about it.

Lying down on the kang, Pei Xiu fell asleep thinking about what she would buy in the next two days. The body is still weak and needs deep sleep to repair itself. .

When Pei Xiu woke up, the sun had gone down, and she didn't feel as top-heavy as in the morning when she got off the kang. The whole person is more relaxed. I went to the table and poured a glass of water, and I vaguely heard a crunching sound in the hall next door. I thought it should be three children eating.

Opening the door, a man's low voice came from the main room, After dinner, he went to ask your mother to get up and eat. ''

Pei Xiu was a little flustered, she thought that her original husband would not come back so soon, and she was not ready how to face her current husband.

Hammer ran over, saw her mother standing at the door of the room, and shouted into the hall: ''Dad, mother is awake. Mother, I will help you to eat. Dad came back in the afternoon, brought back a lot of game, and said that he would leave the pheasant for you to make soup to nourish your body. '' Pei Xiu's eyes lit up when he saw what he said, and his mouth was about to drool.

Sitting at the dining table in the main room was a handsome black man. He was dressed in dark gray, covered with patches. His facial features were straight, with sharp edges and corners like a knife. There was a scar on his left brow, which ran from his forehead to the corner of his eye. You can imagine how dangerous the injury was at the beginning. , almost hurt an eye. In her opinion, this scar also added to his charm, a tough guy with strong bones.

''Mother, sit down first, and I'll serve you porridge. '' Pei Xiu sat on the lower left of the man.

'' Do you still have a headache? Is there any discomfort on your body? I'll ask Uncle Zhou to come and take a look tomorrow. '' Zhou Cheng paused and said, ''Don't save this money, wait for it to be more serious, and then spend more money. ''

Pei Xiu replied, ''Understood, let Hammer call Uncle Zhou again tomorrow to see if he can grab some more medicine. '' Pei Xiu thought for a while and then said to Mu Mu: ''Woo, Mother fell down yesterday, did Dr. Zhou come to bandage it? Have you paid for the medical expenses? ''

Wood said honestly: ''Mother,

Don't be angry, the big brother also ran to find Grandpa Zhou after you fell and bleed a lot. We didn't know where the copper coins were, so the big brother took the eggs and gave Grandpa Zhou the money. ''

When the hammer came out with the porridge in his hand, his face turned white with fear, and the mother would beat people with bamboo sticks.

''Don't be afraid, if you didn't find Grandpa Zhou, mother might die. ''

When the three children heard Pei Xiu say death, tears fell. Zhou Cheng glanced at Pei Xiu and said to the three children, don't cry, your mother is fine now, just take care of it. Sit down and eat.

Pei Xiu saw that there was a bowl of porridge for each person on the table, not even a dish. This family was really good at living.

Zhou Cheng saw Pei Xiu staring at the table. He didn't know how to cook, so he would cook porridge over fire. He coughed softly, I hunted a deer, a roe deer, and two chickens this time. Three rabbits. The two chickens are no longer for sale. They will be kept for you to replenish your body. The other chickens will be sold at the restaurant in the town tomorrow. If you need to buy anything, I will bring it back for you. ''

''Can I go with you? I want to buy some fabrics, cotton, winter is coming, and the clothes and quilts at home are not thick enough. '' Pei Xiu thought for a while and spoke boldly. In his memory, Zhou Cheng only looked fierce on the outside, but he was still very gentle.

Zhou Cheng looked at Pei Xiu in amazement. He has always lived a meticulous life and only saves money. Someone who spends the same amount of money as she wants to kill her actually wants to buy fabrics and cotton. It's really surprising, Zhou Chengdao: ''Let Uncle Zhou come to see tomorrow morning, I'll go to the big brother to borrow a scooter and push you there. ''

After dinner, Zhou Cheng naturally cleaned up the tableware. Pei Xiu didn't want to go back to her room just after eating, so she let the hammer help her to walk in the yard and sit for a while. Seeing Zhou Cheng clearing the dishes, wiping the table, and washing the dishes so neatly, Pei Xiu didn't notice that his eyebrows and eyes became gentle, and men who would help with housework were generally not too bad. Moreover, in ancient times, in an environment where men were superior to women, men were the masters of the outside world and women were the masters of the interior.

After Zhou Cheng washed the dishes, he went to deal with the prey, peeled off the rabbit skin, and sold it to a fur shop. By the way, two pheasants were dealt with. Pei Xiu said: ''The pheasant will be stewed first, and one bowl can be eaten by one person before going to bed. ''

Zhou Cheng glanced at Pei Xiu and said, ''Okay. '' The chicken was chopped into pieces, washed, and there were no other seasonings at home, so I put water and salt and simmered directly.

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