Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 32 - Magic book

The dark wizard Rashputin walked to the altar and continued to introduce: “I have investigated many ancient legends about gods, and then according to the ancient documents, I finally found the whereabouts of the legendary seven gods of chaos, Ogdu Gerhard. , they have been sealed in the dark space of different dimensions. Now I have obtained the coordinates of the space. As long as I call them out, I can use the power of the gods to purify this dirty world and create a better future. For this The goal I am willing to dedicate my everything to my god, not only me, but also the other dark wizards with me, who voluntarily sacrificed and buried their bones here, and used the secret method to retain their own power, becoming a sacrifice to summon the gods…”

Listening to Rushputin’s words, Ai Wen rolled his eyes. What voluntarily sacrificed his life as a sacrifice, what a bullshit, do you think I’m really deceiving? Judging from the wounds of the corpses buried under the altar, they were clearly attacked and killed from behind, and judging from the posture of those corpses, they were killed by extremely cruel means. Ai Wen guessed that summoning the Seven Gods of Chaos would require using to some resentment.

Ai Wen has always heard that Hitler has a group of dark wizards working for him, because Ai Wen is very curious about such unscientific things as magic, and has always wanted to meet these dark wizards, but unfortunately he has never met them. Wondering where did they go? I finally found out today that they all died here, and most of them were killed by Rashputin.

Ai Wen glanced at Rushputin, secretly alert in his heart, this old **** is not a fuel-efficient lamp, you have to be a little careful, but don’t accidentally get overcast, tsk tsk! These dead dark wizards are really unfortunate enough. After death, there is no peace, and the corpses are used. Is there anything more tragic than this?

Ai Wen has understood the working principle of the machine. There are dense lines at the bottom and a strange magic circle under the altar. The function of the magic circle should be to gather the magic power and resentment in those corpses, and then pass through those corpses. The line is passed into the machine, and then out of the machine to convert it into space energy, opening the different space where the Chaos Seven Gods are located.

Now Ai Wen has thoroughly understood the working principles of those machines. If he wants to make it run, he only needs to adjust it a little. It is a very easy task for him. It takes less than half an hour, but Ai Wen does not want to. It’s so cheap for this dark wizard, and before that, you have to get some benefits for yourself.

“…Dr. Aiwen, join this great plan, and let us bathe in the glory of God together.”

Looking at the black wizard who was chattering and becoming more and more fanatical, Ai Wen pouted to himself, and was bathed in divine light! Who are you kidding, if the monster is really summoned, the first thing I’m afraid is to eat me.

Ai Wen deliberately showed an embarrassed look, “Cough cough! That… Wizard Rashputin, I am a scientist and an atheist, so in my opinion, those gods are just higher-level life forms, So I’m really sorry…”

Rushputin was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Ai Wen was not his fellow wizards, so he couldn’t fool them with his previous words. The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while, “Sorry, Dr. Ai Wen was a little excited for a while.”

“No defense, in fact, I am also curious about magic, and if I guessed correctly, this machine should be an energy conversion instrument, which converts the so-called magic energy into another kind of energy. I want to make the machine work. You must have a deep understanding of magic to be able to transform, I wonder if Rashputin can tell me about magic.”

Rashput was a little embarrassed, thought for a moment, and then said: “It’s very simple if you just talk about some magic knowledge, even if you want to learn magic, I am willing to teach it, but magic learning can’t be done overnight, but now Germany’s It’s not that you don’t know the international situation, we urgently need a strong combat force to reverse the situation, and the time may be too late.”

Ai Wen said goodbye, “It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t take long, you just need to briefly give me some history of magic, let me have a general understanding of how it works, and then demonstrate magic, it is best to give I have some books on magic, and when I understand the nature of magic energy, I can adjust the machine according to the situation.”

Rashputin was relieved. It didn’t take long. He was really afraid that Aiwen would say that he would have to wait until he learned magic before he could adjust the machine, which would have to wait until the year of the monkey, “It doesn’t matter, but you can read magic books. Do you understand? You must know that magic has been passed down since ancient times, and it is not so easy to read when it involves ancient texts.”

“Don’t worry, there is absolutely no problem! Not only am I proficient in various languages, I have also specialized in ancient documents before. If I want, I am definitely a competent archaeologist. You only need to send books about magic to my room, Whether it’s about the use of magic or the changing history of magic, the more the better.”

Rashput thought for a moment, “If that’s the case, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome, you can just go to my magic book to read, it’s in the cave behind the base, I’ve been here for the past few years, so let me directly I have sent over the magic books I have collected over the years, and I often study them when I am bored in the daytime.”

A look of admiration flashed in Ai Wen’s eyes, “Sorcerer Rashputin is worthy of being the chief magician of the head of state, your fame is not for nothing, you still do not forget to study magic in such a difficult environment, admiration! Admiration! !”

“Dr. Aiwen has won the award, and your knowledge is admirable,” Rashputin stretched out his hand and made a symbol out of thin air, and the symbol turned into a streamer and flew towards Aiwen.

Ai Wen didn’t have time to dodge, until the rune was already attached to the back of his hand. Ai Wen looked at Rushputin with a vigilant look, and the red devil also quickly stepped forward a few steps, the cold light in his eyes loomed, and a pair of short knives appeared in his hands at some point.

Seeing the appearance of Ai Wen and the Red Devil, Rashput quickly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, the two of you, this is just a contractual magic authority, those magic books have been cursed by me, and only those who have this rune can read them. If other people touch those magic books, not only will they not be able to see the text, but they will be cursed.”

Ai Wen sensed it and found that although the symbol on the back of the hand had a strange fluctuation, it was harmless to the human body, and Ai Wen had a feeling that he could forcibly erase it with his powerful mental power, which was a sigh of relief. .

The expression on Ai Wen’s face changed from cloudy to sunny, and he said with a smile: “It turns out that it is, but I am over-hearted. Don’t take offense to Wizard Rashputin.”

“It’s not surprising, it’s also my negligence. Are you going to read the magic book now?”

“Of course, I have to get the machine up and running as soon as possible. The sooner the better.”

Rushputin immediately asked his beautiful valet to walk behind the base of Ai Wen and the Red Devil. In fact, Rushputin did not doubt that Ai wanted to learn magic by stealth, but still, the learning of magic cannot be achieved overnight, and the magic library is all about basic magic knowledge, which is really profound. The content is recorded in his personal magic notes, and the time is extremely tight, and he does not think that Ai Wen can read many books in a short period of time, so Rush Puxian is not worried that Ai Wen can learn from there What great magic.

It’s a pity that Rushputin miscalculated. For Ai Wen, what he really needs is these inconspicuous basic knowledge, but Rushputin regards himself as a treasure. In terms of text, it is really not worth mentioning. As long as he understands the profound meaning of magic, with his highly developed brain, there is no secret technique that can be created.

As for the urgency of time, this is even less of a problem for Ai Wen. After the highly developed brain, Ai Wen can never forget that he is a pediatrician. Now Ai Wen’s brain is faster than a computer, and he can remember everything at a glance. s things.

Ai Wen’s dark wizard beauty assistant and lover led him down to a cave. After walking a few dozen steps, he came to the so-called magic library. After a brief introduction, he left.

Looking at the densely packed books in the library, Ai Wen showed a smile on his face. He first asked the red devil to guard outside to make sure no one came in. He stood still in the center, and his eyes suddenly became clearer and brighter. , The whole person seems to have a great change in temperament, like a **** who is aloof, ruthless and unwilling to look down on the world, the magic book on the shelf seems to be supported by an invisible force, flying in front of Ai Wen, automatically turning the page, only ten seconds before and after. , one book is finished, and it flies back to its original position, then the second book, the third book…

It took four or five hours to finish reading the last, and Aiwen’s emotionless appearance began to return to normal, and his eyes regained a radiance.

Ai Wen sighed, in such a short period of four or five hours, Ai Wen has changed from a person who knows nothing about magic to a professor with profound knowledge of magic theory. If he is asked to teach magic, he will definitely Dozens of times stronger than ordinary magic teachers.

I have to say that the magic books collected by Rushputin are comprehensive enough. There are not only various magic spells, magic skills, but also detailed magic history and various anecdotes, which makes Aiwen think about magic. There are corpses buried under the altar, so I am afraid that a large part of these books are left by the dead dark wizards.

Through these books, Ai Wen has a thorough understanding of magic. How should I put it? In Ai Wen’s opinion, magic energy is a panacea in some respects, and can be transformed into any form of energy, but only if It is necessary to understand the nature of the energy being transformed, such as flame, water flow, gust of wind, etc. In order to facilitate this transformation, various magic spells have been invented, such as the fierce fire spell, the ice spell, and the floating spell.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Magic can be transformed in many ways, used to attack, heal, assist, and do various things. It is too inclusive, and it is precisely because of this that it loses its own characteristics, such as It is said that it is not powerful enough to fight, and it may be used to treat injuries, which may overdraw vitality and reduce life expectancy. In short, there will be defects in various aspects.

Now Aiwen no longer feels mysterious about magic. In Aiwen’s view, magic is also a way of using energy, and even the way it works makes Aiwen involuntarily think of the operation of integrated circuits. Aiwen suddenly thought that someone said However, the end of science is theology, so what is the so-called divine energy?

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