Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 45 - Operation Whale Rescue

After listening to the legend about the star whale, Ai Wen couldn’t help but sigh for a while. This creature, which can even be called a savior, has no ability to protect itself. Even if others kill it, it can’t fight back, because once it shoots, the enemy will suffer It can also feel the pain, but it is a pity that such a miraculous species has become extinct because of the greed of other cosmic creatures.

According to the Red Queen, although star whales are huge, they do not need to eat too much food. They mainly absorb light as energy. During the process of traveling through the universe, they even absorb cosmic rays and convert light into energy. , forming a protective shield on the surface of the body, simulating a variety of environments, allowing it to survive the creatures on its back.

Similarly, the hatching of a star whale egg also requires light. This star whale egg should have landed on the earth in the age of dinosaurs. At that time, it was close to the edge of hatching, but I didn’t expect it to be buried in a place where there was no light and could not break its shell. out, and fell into a deep sleep.

Although it can’t break out of its shell, the star whale in the egg has already formed and has some instincts as a star whale. When dinosaurs face extinction, they instinctively want to rescue the dinosaurs, but they have not hatched yet. It obviously traveled through the universe with dinosaurs on its back. It could only use its magnetic field to cover a piece of land and maintain the environment required for the survival of dinosaurs. After countless years of changes, this island was formed.

If Ivan was asked to comment on this star whale egg, Ivan would say that it is the Noah’s Ark of the earth. If one day the human beings on earth are really facing destruction, then this unhatched star whale will be the last of mankind. of hope.

Although Ai Wen does not think he is a good person, but when it is a matter of life and death for the entire earth, Ai Wen is still willing to contribute, so he decided to rescue this unborn star whale.

“The Red Queen, how is the situation of the star whale egg now? Is it still alive?”

“It’s very bad. In order to maintain the environment of this island and let the ancient creatures on the island survive, it has been exuding its own magnetic field, shrouding this island, and there is no light to nourish it. It is the limit to be able to persist. Its vitality is very weak, if you want to save it, you must do it as soon as possible.”

Now Aiwen is in a hurry. How can it be so easy? The star whale eggs are in the lair of the skeleton lizard python. It is more troublesome to deal with them than to deal with King Kong. It is the largest skeleton lizard python among them. Wang is similar to King Kong, plus dozens of other smaller ones, unless they are desperate to bombard with powerful cannonballs, but in this way, it is easy to hurt the eggs of star whales, which can make Ai Wen stumped.

Ai Wen hadn’t figured out how to get the star whale eggs out, and the red queen gave him another blow, “There is one more thing I need to remind you, this island is actually floating, also because of the star whale, The reason why the star whale can hold up a city to swim in the universe is because it has an anti-gravity ability, and the star whale larvae that have not hatched obviously can’t make the island fly, but his anti-gravity The weight ability still played a role, and combined with the buoyancy of the sea water, the island floated.

If you take the star whale eggs away from this island, the island will immediately sink to the bottom of the sea. Except for some creatures that can survive in the water, others will be drowned alive. Their pain and despair before death will definitely pass into the eggs. Zhongjue, these painful feelings can definitely kill it.

Well, Ai Wen was a little scratched, and even wanted to give up, but before that, Ai Wen decided to rescue him. After several days of contemplation, he finally had some ideas.

The first is the island issue. Ivan intends to create an anti-gravity device to maintain the stability of the island. This is not difficult. At the Future Technology Exhibition in the United States, Howard Stark had initially demonstrated the primary form of the anti-gravity device, fooling it including A large group of people, including Captain America, plus the technological knowledge in the spaceship from Fluorostar, Ivan was completely ready to create an anti-gravity device.

As for whether it can hold up the entire island, Aiwen is even less worried. In the second Avengers, Ultron used an anti-gravity device to directly lift a city into the sky, intending to let it fall freely to destroy the creatures on earth.

Ai Wen does not need such a powerful anti-gravity device, as long as he can stabilize the Skull Island with the buoyancy of the sea water, Ai Wen does not believe that his own ingenuity and the cooperation of the Red Queen are no match for a Ultron.

The next step is how to solve some skeleton lizard pythons and how to get the star whale eggs out of the underground cave. Even the smallest skeleton lizard pythons are over 20 meters long, and the longest one is close to 50 meters. It is definitely not under the King Kong, plus other big and small no less than forty or fifty, it is definitely more difficult to deal with than the King Kong.

Judging from the situation of those skeleton lizard pythons, the reason why they possess such a powerful strength is likely to be affected by the magnetic field of the star whale egg. If they want to **** it directly, those skeleton lizard pythons will definitely go all out.

Ai Wen thought of several methods for this. After comparison, he finally decided to use nanorobots to collect the tissue cells of these skeleton lizard pythons, and then according to the situation, um, manufacture anesthetic drugs specifically for them, and use nanorobots to inject the drugs into the body. After they are entangled in their bodies, they steal the star whale eggs.

Originally, Ai Wen planned to poison the skeleton lizard pythons directly with highly poisonous drugs, but after thinking about it, he felt that there is a unique ecosystem on the island. The predicted crisis, and the skeleton lizard python is also a rare ancient creature, it is a pity to kill it like this, so I finally replaced it with anesthesia.

The last problem is how to transport the star whale eggs out of the underground cave. Although the skeleton lizard python’s nest has a channel that is 40 to 50 meters wide, if you want to transport star whale eggs with a diameter of 100 meters, it is obviously far It is far from enough. It is obviously not an easy task to dig a channel with a width of more than 100 meters on this crisis-ridden island.

Ai Wen thought about it, but there was still no suitable solution. Finally, he gritted his teeth and decided to waste dozens of space energy crystals, open a space wormhole large enough, and send out the star whale eggs. Although it hurts, but for the star whale ,worth!

Next, Aiwen fell into a busy working state. He woke up every day and plunged into the laboratory early to study the body tissue of the skeleton lizard python, create anti-gravity devices, assemble instruments to open space wormholes, and arrange his own time. full.

It took a whole month for Aiwen to manufacture what he needed, and then started the preparations. He personally led people to drive the boat around Skull Island, and installed the anti-gravity device at the bottom of the island to ensure Skull Island. It won’t sink even without the antigravity magnetic field of the star whale eggs.

After everything was ready, Ai Wen immediately led the people to act, ordered a hundred elite James, equipped with a lot of heavy firepower, among which the rocket launcher was the most.

Ai Wen knows that once the skeleton lizard python finds out that the star whale eggs have been stolen, it will definitely go out to look for it. At that time, it will definitely be killed everywhere. It will definitely be a disaster for the creatures on the island. Ai Wen does not want to let them take the island. The ecosystem above has been destroyed, so I plan to use heavy firepower to give this group of skeleton lizards a ruthless attack, beat them completely, and return honestly.

More than 100 people led by Ai Wen walked on the rugged mountain road of Skull Everyone was so tired and sweaty, there was no way, it was too difficult to walk, but in fact it was already The most suitable route selected by Ai Wen.

Now that Aiwen’s nano-robots have spread all over the island, I can confidently say that Aiwen knows every inch of the land on Skull Island. The route chosen avoids most beasts and is the safest and smoothest. of.

After a long journey, it took everyone three days to reach the predetermined destination. Looking at the calm lake, the surroundings were quiet, and no beast dared to approach here.

In this quiet environment, the warriors felt a heavy pressure, because they understood that there is only one possibility for this situation, and that is the extremely dangerous thing in this lake, so that other beasts dare not approach here.

Ai Wen is not good at how to fight, so he did not interfere too much, and directly handed it over to Arnold.

As soon as Arnold made a gesture, one hundred elite soldiers immediately took action, and began to set up firepower around the lake, without making a sound. And Arno himself took out a sci-fi weapon from his carry-on package, which was the only laser cannon made by Ai Wen.

This laser cannon is used to kill the skeleton lizard python. For this laser weapon, Aiwen even removed some equipment parts from the spaceship, plus the precious materials from the Hydra base. It was created with a big mind, and it was used by his most trusted right-hand man, Arnold.

While everyone was busy, Ai Wen and the Red Devil came to a secret place, and the two held hands. The Red Devil sensed the image of Ai Wen in his mind, and directly activated his spatial ability, and the two disappeared.

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