Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 64 - Smaug and Simba

When a person devotes all his energy to a certain thing, time will pass quickly, and three years have passed before you know it. During this period, except for the occasional visit to your cheap dad, there is almost no time How to leave Skull Island, even if there is something to tell Kerry to do, let the red devil send a letter, or bring him to the island. At most, Aiwen will make a development plan for his own industry, and leave the rest to Kerry. to do it.

Ai Wen rarely walked out of the laboratory that day and felt the fresh air. It was a comfort in his heart, because the troubles of the research that were not going well were also left behind.

To be honest, in the past three years, many of Aiwen’s research topics have made major breakthroughs, but Aiwen has always wanted to combine the causes of King Kong and the skeleton lizard with humans to create a robot that can incarnate these two behemoths. However, the super soldier strategy failed repeatedly, and the whole experiment fell into a bottleneck and was stuck, so I was a little depressed.

At first, Aiwen believed that as long as the genetic barriers between species are solved, the two genes are combined, and then the power of oneself is perfectly controlled, it is possible to change between different species.

Aiwen not only has the magic-turning biological agent, but also the fusion agent extracted from the wolf venom, and has cracked the mystery, and can already fuse the genes of other animals. In the future, there will be a doctor lizard who can do it. Isn’t there such a good resource?

In the beginning, everything went well. Ai Wen asked Arnold to capture a few mercenary prisoners during the mission and experimented on them. The genes of lions, tigers and other animals were integrated, and he could truly incarnate that kind of beast. . very

However, when Aiwen really used the genes of King Kong and the skeleton lizard to do the test, he realized that he had made the simplest mistake, that is, energy conservation.

If human beings are transformed into beasts such as lions, tigers, leopards, etc., even if they are larger, the energy consumption is several times that of the human form, but it is still within the acceptable range.

What if it changes into a giant beast with a height of tens of meters, such as a King Kong or a skeleton lizard? That is not a matter of several times, the energy stored in the human body is simply not enough to consume.

Then Ai Wen began to study how to make the human body store enough energy to withstand the consumption of this kind of change, but the human body is too delicate, and there is no substantial progress in the research, so I had to retreat. Secondly, do experiments on some animals first, and I did not expect to have unexpected results. .

Because the movement of magic power was found in a very low-level magical animal called the blood crow, Aiwen set up a magic circuit on the blood crow with the help of technological instruments, and set up a seal similar to an energy node in its heart. Coins can be stored in the heart with energy, and when needed, the energy will flow out from the sealed coins.

For the experimental effect, Aiwen made an enhanced magic-turning biological agent, mixed it with dragon blood and gave it to the blood crow to drink, and created a brand-new magical creature – the dragon blood crow.

At this time, Ai Wen was looking up to the left. There was a small forest there. There were nearly a thousand crows on the trees. These crows were different from other crows in that their eyes were blood red and looked like two burning groups. flame.

These dragon-blooded crows have enough energy in their bodies. As long as Aiwen gives an order, they will release the energy in their bodies, and the genes of the fire dragons will be stimulated, and they can completely transform into fire dragons. So once the energy is exhausted, the dragon-blooded crows will It will return to its original state, and then it will slowly absorb the free magic energy in the air and slowly store it in the seal in the heart. It will take about a year to replenish it.

Ai Wen did a rough calculation. The energy stored in the seal can last for a day for Dragon Blood Crow to transform into a fire dragon. It takes a year to store energy and transform into a fire dragon for one day.

In addition to the blood crow, Ai Wen has also tried on other magical animals, but unfortunately, the final results are all failures, not even on animals, and it will naturally fail on the more sophisticated human body.

But in any case, although these nearly a thousand dragon-blooded crows have only changed from a dozen to twenty-meter-long fire dragons, they are also a huge force due to their numerical advantage, which may be used in the future.

Looking at these dragon-blooded crows, Ai Wen couldn’t help but think of a little guy, opened his mouth and blew a whistle, and a dragon roar came from a distance, and a huge black shadow rose into the sky, flapping his wings and flying over here.

The black shadow was from far to near, and only then did people see its appearance clearly. It was a black dragon of seventy to eighty meters long.

The whole body of the black dragon is covered with dense scales. The four claws are extremely sharp, and a slender tail swings gracefully, and the length of the tail even exceeds the body.

Heilong, who looked extremely ferocious, was completely out of touch with ferociousness at this time. After falling beside Ai Wen, he jumped like a puppy, and even opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, trying to lick Ai Wen.

“Smaug, little guy, take it easy, I won’t get wet from your saliva.”

Following Ai Wen’s words, the black dragon obediently stopped, but there was a look of grievance on his face, a little cute. But the expression of the black dragon, which is more than 60 to 70 meters long, makes people wonder whether to laugh or cry.

This black dragon is another harvest of Aiwen’s research on magical animals. Uncle Aiwen has raised many magical animals on Skull Island. With the help of the island’s environment to promote their bloodline sublimation, you can let them evolve and reproduce the heroic appearance of the once divine beasts. However, the speed of evolution of these magical animals is too slow, at least hundreds of thousands of years are needed to write. Of course, Aiwen does not want to wait for such a long time, so he tried to use some means to promote their evolution.

Ai Wen chose the fire dragon for research, and found a small amount of mysterious substances in the blood of the fire dragon, which can strengthen the body of the fire dragon. Ai Wen continued to extract this substance from the blood of the fire dragon, and collected dozens of tons of dragon blood before and after. Refining, but unfortunately there are too few, it is far from enough for a fire dragon to use, even less than 1%.

Later, Ai Wen thought that although it is not enough for an adult fire dragon, it is enough to strengthen a dragon egg. After Ai Wen’s accurate calculation, the two best quality dragon eggs were selected, and the mysterious substance of this substance was used. Pour into it and start hatching.

During the incubation process, one of the dragon eggs exploded directly. Ai Wen guessed that this might be because the energy contained in the mysterious substance was too strong for the dragon eggs to bear, but fortunately, another dragon egg hatched. It was very successful. A small black dragon was hatched, and in just three years, it grew into a behemoth with a body length of more than 70 meters. Ai Wen named it Smaug to commemorate a talking black dragon.

Ai Wen looked at the aggrieved Heilong, smiled helplessly, took a few steps forward and walked under Heilong’s head, stroking his neck with his hand, Heilong suddenly showed a look of enjoyment, his eyes narrowed, and finally he lay down directly. Roll up on the ground. .

Ai Wen’s physical body at this time has been extremely powerful, and he can punch dozens of tons with all his strength. If a different creature is touched by Ai Wen like this twice, it will definitely end with broken bones and broken bones. Immortality is enough, but the black dragon is There is no difference in the slightest, it can be seen that his body is equally strong.

“Okay, get up little guy, take me to Animal House and see how your family members are doing?”

Hearing Ai Wen’s words, the black dragon immediately got up from the ground, whimpered a few times, and then fell down. Ai Wen jumped lightly and jumped onto the dragon’s back. The black dragon suddenly jumped up with all his limbs. It just stepped on a few big holes on the ground, and then flapped his wings and flew towards the center of the skeleton.

Ai Wen stood on the back of the dragon and felt the breeze blowing his face.

To be honest, at the beginning, when the staff in the base saw the black dragon, there was only fear and fear, but now there is only envy, and I hope that I can try to be a dragon knight like my boss, but it is a pity that Smaug is a nobleman. The black dragon of the scorpion ignored them at all. If anyone dared to ride on it, he would probably be burned to death by Smaug, so he could only watch it.

The black dragon flew all the way with Aiwen, and the various beasts on Skull Island were frightened and rushed around. There were not a few people who lost their lives when the dinosaurs trampled on each other. Now Smaug is the well-deserved overlord on this island. Even King Kong and the skeleton lizard python have to shy away.

Soon Ai Wen landed in a small valley, UU reading www.uukanshu. The scenery in the com valley is charming, there are large forests, and a small lake. There are all kinds of magical animals here, there are trolls, there are house-elves, there are sniffles, there are griffins, and there are lion-headed lions. Sphinxes, unicorns, giants, griffins, hippogriffs, three-headed dogs, and a few fire dragons and the rarest of phoenixes are only visible, others are hidden in woods, caves or There are many more in the water, adding up to more than fifty species.

Anyone who knows about magical animals here will find that the magical animals here are significantly larger than the magical animals in other places. This is caused by the radiation effect of the environment, which makes their blood vessels sublime and jump.

Ai Wen jumped off the back of the black dragon, and before he could stand firm, he heard a barking sound coming into his ears, and a dark shadow rushed towards Ai Wen.

Ai Wen casually supported the shadow who didn’t want his body, but it was a **** dog more than one meter tall, with a furry body. At first glance, it looked like a lion.

The **** dog’s eyes were very smart, and it seemed to be very affectionate with Ai Wen. At this time, it barked non-stop, as if asking Ai Wen why he hadn’t come to see it for so long.

“Simba, are you having a good time here? I’m too busy at this time to spend time with you. Don’t blame me, okay?”

This **** dog that looks like a lion is naturally the pet that Ai Wen bought in the magic pet store. It has grown rapidly in the past three years. Now it is more than one meter tall. Ai Wen named it Simba. I hope It can be as mighty as the Lion King.

After Ai Wen brought Simba to the island, he was too busy at ordinary times. He spent all day in the laboratory, only to be taken care of by his subordinates, but after a long time, Simba became a little anxious, and later Ai Wen built the magical animal house, and simply put Simba here to let him move freely.

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