Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 73 - Dragon!

Yiming Laodao took the sketch with both hands, and his solemn expression seemed to weigh more than a thousand pieces. He knew the value of this sketch better than anyone else.

“Thank you very much! I remember Dr. Ivan’s good manners.”

“It’s said that it’s not that serious. In fact, I also gained a lot.”

However, Yiming Laodao is very stubborn about this point, “It may be nothing to you, but this drawing is worth more than a thousand dollars. This kind of kindness must be repaid no matter what, otherwise, it will be really uneasy. “

“That’s okay, if I encounter difficulties in the future, I will definitely ask the Taoist priest to help me.” Ai Wen didn’t care, he didn’t suffer anyway, but Ai Wen didn’t think he was useful to the other party.

Hearing Ai Wen’s promise, Yi Ming was relieved. The last thing he wanted was to owe someone’s favor, “If it’s too late today, I have ordered someone to arrange the accommodation, does Dr. Ai Wen need to rest now? ?”

When the three of Aiwen arrived at Shanci, it was already late, and after some conversation, the sky was completely dark, “Well, it’s really late, but we arrived at the Shenlong Temple, but we didn’t go to worship first. Lord Long, it’s really rude, why don’t I go to the incense stick first!”

“Alright, please come with me.” Originally, because Ai Wen gave the blueprints for free, he had already made Daoist Yiming grateful. At this time, seeing Ai Wen’s ability to behave like this is even more favorable.

In the main hall of the temple, there is a statue of a dragon that is several meters high, and even the pillars are carved with five-clawed dragons, which look mighty and extraordinary.

Yiming Laodao personally took three incense sticks and handed them over to Ai Wen. Ai Wen bowed respectfully and bowed three times. Then, when he was about to insert the three incense sticks, he suddenly sensed that there seemed to be a thread in his body that he couldn’t tell exactly. Anything flowed out and went straight to the current statue of the dragon.

Ai Wen was able to radiate his own mental power and followed him, only to feel that the scenery in front of him changed, and he came to a colorful world with strange spots of light everywhere.

Ai Wen wanted to find out what these light spots were, and extended his spiritual power, and suddenly all kinds of thoughts appeared in his mind, “Please Lord Dragon bless us with good weather” “Please Lord Dragon bless my daughter-in-law to be fat. Son” “Listen to the Dragon Lord, bless our family with safety”…

At this time, Ai Wen also understood what was going on. This was the wish made by the villagers who came to burn incense and tribute. It should be called the power of incense or the power of faith.

Ai Wen’s brain started running at a high speed, and he began to analyze the essence of the power of incense, and he soon gained something. In Ai Wen’s opinion, the power of incense should be when a living creature has an emotion of worship for something, and it uses its own magnetic field. The separated magnetic field fluctuates, and this fluctuation will enter the body or object of the person you worship.

If there is only a slight magnetic field fluctuation, it will be extremely weak and almost negligible, but when countless magnetic field fluctuations gather together, it will become stronger and stronger, and when it reaches a certain limit, it can even form a A whole new life, or you can call them gods.

Although Ai Wen felt the power of incense in the Shenlong statue is very strong, it is far from enough to become a real god, not to mention that now this society has cut off the road of incense to become a god.

Just when Ai Wen was about to withdraw his mental power, he discovered an abnormality. Ai Wen found that the power of incense seemed to be attracted in some way, and he was actually drilling into the ground, as if the dragon statue was just a transit station, sending incense for things underground. Generally, this makes Aiwen a little surprised, is there something underground that is stealing the power of incense.

This time, Ai Wen’s curiosity was aroused, and he wanted to figure out what was going on, and his mental power went underground along the direction of the flow of the power of incense.

The mental power continued to extend downward, but Ai Wen still underestimated the depth of the buried thing in the ground. When he explored 10,000 meters, Ai Wen couldn’t hold it anymore, and he hadn’t seen what he was looking for.

Ai Wen regretted not preparing the brainwave intensifier in advance. At this time, Ai’s bull temper also came up. He endured some mental discomfort and continued to explore. When he reached 12,000 kilometers, his mind seemed to sound. There was a roar, and then he “saw” a scene that shocked him.

Dragon! A dragon, this is not the big lizard with wings in the West, but a real Chinese dragon, with camel head, antlers, tiger eyes, horse teeth, cow ears, shrimp whiskers, snake body, fish scales, eagle claws, and loach tail.

However, after Ai Wen carefully checked it, he found that it was wrong. This dragon is not a real creature with flesh and blood, but a pure energy body. It may be because of the long-term warming and nourishment of the power of incense, it has a simple consciousness, but I don’t know the reason. Is in a deep sleep.

The location of the dragon is connected to the underground magma, and it continuously absorbs the energy from the magma. Ai Wen suddenly understood that at the beginning, maybe this was just a mass of energy, but for unknown reasons, it was caused by the dragon statue above. Contact, coupled with the influence of the incense faith, formed the form of the dragon. It can be said that this dragon was shaped by the subjective consciousness of human beings.

It is a pity for Aiwen that this dragon has not really taken shape. It must survive in an environment rich in energy. It is not drilled into the ground. I am afraid that it will dissipate in a short time, unless the energy it gathers reaches its limit one day. , turning the virtual into the real, and achieving the real dragon zone can be free to move.

Ai Wen “looked” at the legendary dragon and was filled with emotion. This is a totem in China. Since there are dragons, do other divine beasts also exist? Is it also hidden somewhere? If one day the world encounters a crisis of destruction, will they reappear in the world?

Ai Wen opened his eyes. Although what happened just now was troublesome to talk about, it was actually just a moment. Although Yiming saw that Ai Wen closed his eyes for a while, he didn’t think much about it.

Inserting the three-pillar incense, Ai Wen returned to the original place. In such a short period of time, Ai Wen was already thinking about it. It is certain that Yiming Old Daoist did not know about the dragon in the depths of the ground. Originally, Ai Wen planned to This matter was enough to tell him, but after thinking about it in the end, he gave up.

The more you know about some things, the more dangerous it is. Ai Wen is afraid that after Yiming knows the truth, he will become a dragon to investigate the underground. If an accident occurs, it will be troublesome. Not only is he in danger, but it may also affect the surrounding people. The people in the village must know that even if the dragon has not yet formed, its energy can definitely burn hundreds of miles away.

At night, Ai Wen was lying in bed tossing and turning alone, unable to fall asleep. Since this place can breed spirits such as dragons, there must be other places, and even stronger ones. I don’t know what the legendary Kunlun will breed. Powerful fetish.

Ai Wen even had an urge to get on a plane now in exchange for it, but fortunately, Ai Wen suppressed this urge in time and gave up this tempting idea, because Ai Wen can be sure that there must be many powerful people there The old monster, even if Ai Wen is strong, he is not sure that he can retreat.

Originally, Ai Wen planned to leave the next day, but I heard that there are many ancient secret books collected in this temple. Ai Wen was quickly attracted by the knowledge in it, so he chose to stay temporarily. In addition to reading books every day, he would follow a Ming Laodao wandered around, and in those ancient books there was knowledge about Feng Shui, which was explained by Yiming Laodao himself, and then combined theory and practice according to the situation here, and quickly grasped the mystery.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and Ai Wen had a very pleasant time on the mountain. During this time, Li Guang secretly went to see Yiming Laodao behind Ai Wen’s back. Knowing that under the investigation of Ai Wen’s powerful spiritual power, all his actions are invisible.

Li Guang’s purpose in going to Yiming Laodao is naturally to hope that he can help deal with Ai Wen, and even made promises on behalf of some people, promising huge benefits, but Yiming Laodao refused without thinking, using Laodao’s words In other words, he couldn’t do such a backstory, not to mention that he had just received Ai Wen’s great favor, and he really couldn’t do it again, otherwise he would look down on himself, and finally warned Li Guang that if he dared to be right Ai Wen shot, he will stand on Ai Wen’s side.

Whether it was Li Guangxiao’s affection, his reasoning, and finally his national interests, he was always unmoved.

Although Ai Wen and I have never put a few clowns in my eyes from beginning to end, I am still very moved by the attitude of Yiming Laodao, because Laodao is supporting Aiwen under the pressure of the country. In case of treason The hat is pressed The old man can be miserable.

Ai Wen finally decided to leave today, packed up his things, and came to see him off in person.

“Dr. Ai Wen, how hard is the road ahead, there are ghosts and ghosts blocking the way, please be more careful.”

When Lao Dao spoke, he glanced at Li Guang behind Ai Wen, which made Li Guang’s cheeks jump, and he almost couldn’t help but start, but his years of espionage activities forced him to suppress him, and he did not do anything He bowed his head in a polite manner, as if nothing had ever happened.

Ai Wen chuckled, “No defense, it’s just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam, I can handle it.”

Yiming Laodao took a deep look at Ai Wen, saw the confidence on Ai Wen’s face, and then nodded, “That’s good, while it’s still early, please hurry down the mountain, or it’s not good to miss the time. .

Ai Wen didn’t say much, turned around and walked down the mountain, the Red Devil and Li Guang hurriedly followed.

Going down the mountain is much easier than going up the mountain. It took the three people more than half a day to go up the mountain, and it took less than half a day to reach the destination when going down the mountain. It was the same place, the original plane, and the original pilot, Ai Wenta On the way home.

After getting on the plane, Li Guang’s face was always a little uneasy, and he kept his left hand in his pocket, “Dr. Aiwen, I want to ask you a question, if I ask you to stay with your husband on behalf of the Chinese government, I can meet all your requirements, and you will agree. ?”

“Are you finally ready to act? If I say no, will you shoot right away? You should be glad that you have a sedative gun in your hand, otherwise you would be dead now.”

Li Guang’s face changed drastically, and he was about to start, but unfortunately, Ai Wen moved faster and pressed his palm on his neck first, and then Li Guang felt that all his strength was sucked away, and his eyes darkened.

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