Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 75 - Castle Hidden

Ai Wen kept walking forward, passed through corridors, and came to a mysterious room in the depths of the castle. There was a small figure at the door guarding the door, but it was a house elf.

This house elf can be smaller than other house elves, but there is a ray of light in its eyes that other elves lack, making it a little different.

Seeing Ai Wen’s return, the house elf looked happy and jumped to Ai Wen’s side, “Master, you are finally back, I have been cleaning this place as you asked, Not being lazy at all.”

Ai Wen squatted down with a smile, and touched the little head of the elf, “Winky did a good job, praise one, and continue to work hard in the future.”

“Well, um, I know, I will. It is the happiest thing for Winky to have a kind master like you, and it is my greatest honor to serve you.” The little elf named Winky said with tears.

Don’t underestimate this house elf. Although its size is smaller than that of ordinary house elf, it is indeed the most powerful one among the many elf bred by Aiwen, especially its ability to displace the phantom. The application has almost reached its limit. Although it is not as good as the Red Devil in terms of transmission distance, it is far superior in terms of flexibility.

During Aiwen’s absence, he has been letting Winky clean the castle for him. The elf Winky arrives at the castle from Skull Island. It only needs two Displacement Apparitions, and there is hardly any pause in between, because it drinks Ai for a long time. The potion that Wen configured, coupled with the influence of the special environment of Skull Island, the bloodline has been mutated, and the magic power in the body is only several times that of ordinary wizards. Ai Wen believes that even if it is stupid, it is not good for the superior, but he can definitely fight. win.

It is a pity, however, that house elves cannot attack wizards. As alchemy creatures, the curse of serving wizards has been integrated into their bones, and they are destined to be enslaved by wizards. There is no good way for Ai to do this, although Aiwen can also Lifting this curse, but it is not worth the price, so Aiwen doesn’t want to waste energy.

Obviously possessing great strength, but unable to resist the wizard, right? The entire race is enslaved forever and ever. It has to be said that this is the tragedy of the elf family.

Ai Wen casually chatted with Winky, then walked into the mysterious room and closed the door. Winky and the red-haired ghost were waiting outside the door. They didn’t know what was inside either, because Aiwen had never Tell them that the Red Devil and Wink were also very smart not to ask, and maintained a tacit understanding with each other.

Ai Wen entered the room, and after closing the door from the inside, he suddenly said to the room without any figures: “Queen of red, how is Gaia’s growth? What unexpected things have happened during this time?”

“The growth rate is very good. Although the mutant genes that were fused into it some time ago were repelled and caused some minor damage, but under the effect of Wolverine’s recovery ability, it quickly recovered. I adjusted it again, and there was no problem at all.”

“That’s good, I’m going to take a look and open the passage.”

A wall automatically separates left and right, “It’s my honor to serve you, Dr. Ivan please.”

Ai Ren walked in, and the wall closed automatically again. Ai Wen was in a slightly narrow space at this time. After shaking a little, he began to descend rapidly. It turned out that this was actually an elevator.

As the elevator descended, the temperature became higher and higher. Ai Wen used his energy absorption ability to inhale the surrounding heat into his body, which made him feel better.

This is also one of the reasons why Aiwen refused to let the red devil and the elf follow them. They couldn’t bear it at all in this environment. Even Aiwen couldn’t stay in this environment for a long time, waiting for the body to absorb it. After the heat reaches saturation, you must find a way to release it, otherwise it will explode due to too much energy absorbed.

The speed of the elevator can be very fast, but it took Ai Wen nearly ten minutes to reach the destination. The elevator opened automatically, and what was displayed in front of Ai Wen was the tumultuous situation of the underground magma. A pipe was inserted directly into the depths of the magma, but not dissolved.

There is indeed a circular culture tank above the pipeline, and a little girl of three or four years old is being soaked in it. There are also several pipelines above the culture tank, but they are connected to the mineral veins. Deliver energy to the channel.

Anyone in the know would be astonished to see the energy transmission pipes connected to the culture tank, because they are made of shock gold.

This place was originally an energy node. The mineral veins that passed through it transmitted endless energy in a radius of thousands of miles. There was also a pipeline that went straight into the depths of the earth’s core magma to absorb energy. In the body, it was completely absorbed, and there was no sign of bursting at all, which was really shocking.

This little girl was created by Ai Wen with the genes of countless mutants. At the beginning, Ai Wen accidentally remembered that Colonel Stryker had integrated the genes of different mutants into Deadpool and created a killing machine. Ai Wen also wanted to give it a try. , but Ai Wen’s goal is not as low as Stryker. What Ai Wen has to do is to try to integrate all the mutant genes into it.

At this time, there are already tens of thousands of mutant genes collected in Ai Wen’s rebirth cradle. It is not so simple to fuse the genes of so many mutants together. of.

Ai Wen and the Red Queen cooperated with each other and designed a variety of schemes. Finally, based on their own energy absorption genes, they attached the genes of Mystique, Darwin, and Wolverine, and then slowly integrated the genes of other mutants into it. .

Use the genes of Mystique’s ever-changing abilities to fuse the genes of other mutants one by one, and adapt to the fused gene form with Darwin’s ability. Genes are naturally absorbed to provide energy.

Because the energy required for the growth of an embryo with countless mutant genes is too great, so Aiwen placed her here. After several years of cultivation, the initial embryo absorbed endless energy and fused more than 10,000 A mutant of human genes, the embryo grows slowly, and finally fully develops into a baby form.

Ai Wen remembered that at the moment when the baby was formed, the earth’s magnetic field suddenly rioted, and the fluctuations of the magnetic field converged here, surrounding the newly formed baby girl for a whole day, but Ai Wen was frightened enough.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the end. Ai Wen was not blasted into the sky by the violent energy here. However, after investigation, Ai Wen found that during that time, earthquakes occurred in more than a dozen places on the earth, and after Ai Wen checked, he found that Those earthquake places are actually powerful energy nodes on the earth.

At that time, Ai Wen knew that the baby girl he had bred was extraordinary. She seemed to have some connection with the earth, so Ai Wen simply named her Gaia.

The appearance of Gaia made Ai Wen excited and a little scared at the same time. This little guy has completely exceeded Ai Wen’s expectations and has become a brand new life form, an existence beyond Ai Wen’s cognition.

“Is it right or wrong for me to create you? Will you destroy the world? Maybe I should destroy you now!”

Ai Wenwen looked at the little girl in the cultivation tank and murmured, but just as Ai Wen said the words, the little girl in the cultivation tank trembled, exuding a feeling of fear.

Ai Wen shook his head with a wry smile. Although he didn’t think he was a good person, he really couldn’t poison such a cute little girl.

“Well, it’s not the first time I’ve killed myself anyway, and it doesn’t matter if I do it again.”

In fact, this is not the first time that Ai Wen has given birth to the idea of ​​destroying this little girl, but every time he can’t do it, he can only give up in the end. If she really becomes a monster that destroys the world in the end, Ai Wen can only do so. I bet everything I could to stop it.

After carefully checking all the equipment here, and after confirming that Gaia was fine, Ai Wen took the elevator again and returned to the room above.

Ai Wen did not leave the room, but opened a door next to him and came to another room. This room is hundreds of square meters, but there are not many things in this room. There are two culture tanks hanging from the position, with a **** dog and a middle-aged man soaking in them, and they are full of various tubes.

There are several pipes protruding from the These pipes are divided into two on the way, and they are connected to the two culture tanks respectively. Obviously, they are also used for energy transmission.

That black dog is Ai Wen’s pet Simba, but it is bigger than before. Judging from its appearance, standing up straight, I am afraid that it is more than one meter three. The body is strong like a calf, and it can be used as a mount. .

To talk about how Simba was soaked in the culture tank to absorb energy, we have to start from the beginning.

As Ai Wen’s pet, various treatments are of course the best. Not only in terms of food and housing, but Ai Wen also prepares some magical magic potions for him from time to time to enhance his physique.

Living in the environment of Skull Island for a long time, coupled with Ai Wen’s occasional cooking for it, it finally evolved three years ago.

At first, Ai Wen just thought that Simba was just a strength, speed and flexibility increased, nothing else was abnormal, and he didn’t care.

Until one day, when Ai Wen went to the House of Fantastic Beasts, he accidentally saw Xin Ye swallow a little Lielong bigger than his body in one bite, and then he understood that Simba was different.

After Iwen’s research, I finally found that Simba’s ability is to swallow, to absorb the energy absorbed by the swallowed creature, but unlike Aiwen, it must be eaten in the stomach. Simba’s stomach forms a dimensional space , when it opens its mouth, the stomach space is distorted by gas, creating a huge suction, sucking the prey in, and then digesting and absorbing it, providing energy for its own growth.

Simba’s situation reminded Ai Wen of a super beast in Chinese legends – gluttonous, which swallows the sky and devours the earth and is omnipotent.

Although Simba’s ability is still very weak now, Ai Wen believes that this is just the beginning. With Simba’s growth in the future, its ability will gradually become stronger, and maybe one day it will really be able to display the super fierce beast. of magic.

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