Crossing the Son of the Villain

Chapter 97 - Laser tree destroyer

Ai Wen shook the long spear in his hand, activating the magic rune on it, and the long spear automatically shrank to one foot in length, and was taken by Ai Wen in his carry-on package.

“Okay, Prince Nuada, now you are my prisoner. As a prisoner, you have to look like a prisoner. Be honest with me. Now take me to the Golden Legion. I will save your life as a price.”

He was struggling until Prince Nuada heard Ai Wen’s words, and his heart moved. It really came for the Golden Army. He was about to refuse, but at this moment, he suddenly had an idea, maybe this is an opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

Prince Nuada nodded in agreement, and with the thought that a good man would not suffer the loss in front of him, he was very happy to lead the way, but his face was gloomy, and he cursed in his heart: I have written down today’s shame, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely smash your corpse into thousands of pieces. ,No! This is too cheap for you, I will let you live, and then punish you with the most cruel criminal law in the world to relieve the hatred in my heart.

Although Ai Wen did not sense the thoughts in Nuada’s heart, he could guess from the expression of the other party, because people like Nuada think that they are honorable, and those who are aloof are the most conceited. They are definitely not the kind of people who are willing to admit defeat. will have other thoughts.

But does Aiwen care about this? Of course not, Ai Wen also sneered secretly in his heart, I just hope that Prince Nuada can be a little smarter and don’t play too much, otherwise Ai Wen doesn’t care whether he will get the blood of a prince of the dark world on his hands.

In fact, the hundred giants were still sitting and standing. Prince Nuada stepped forward and tapped on its abdomen rhythmically a few times. The abdomen was separated from left to right again, revealing a hole, and the two walked in together.

After entering, Ai Wen found that it seemed to be an underground space. With the help of a shimmering plant on the stone wall, he could clearly see the general situation inside. Ai Wen could occasionally hear a faint sound of running water. There should be an underground space in this space. River.

The two kept going all the way and moved forward quickly. Ai Wen remembered that there was a strange man with wings behind him and eyes on his wings in Hellboy’s plot. He could predict the past and the future. Ai Wen wanted to see him. , but never appeared.

Soon Ai Wen and Prince Nuada came to an empty underground space. From a distance, there were large circular metal **** three or four meters high. Ai Wen knew that this was the Golden Legion, but at this time it was in the in deep sleep.

Ai Wen’s attention was attracted by the Golden Legion, and at this time, Prince Nuada took this opportunity to back away secretly until he left Ai Wen for a distance, then turned and ran.

The movement of Prince Nuada’s running aroused Ai Wen’s attention. He temporarily put aside the matter of the Golden Army and chased after him. Ai Wen wanted to see what the **** Prince Nuada was up to.

In this way, Aiwen was hanging behind, and Prince Nuada ran all the way to an underground river. He took out a green bead-like thing from his arms and threw it into the water. come out.

Prince Nuada stood by the water and looked at Ai Wen with a sneer, “Do you really think I would admit defeat so easily? It was just a matter of interests, now I will make you regret everything you have done. .”

“Really? I want to see what gives you such confidence and makes you dare to say such big things.”

Just when Ai Wen finished speaking, a green rattan tentacle stretched out from the water, and then it became thicker and bigger. A green giant came out of the water, and it was more than 20 meters tall. It’s just thick rattan. Fortunately, the underground space is large enough, otherwise it might not even be able to stand up.

Ai immediately understood that this was a kind of tree man formed by the dark world using magic to give birth to plants, a magical creature developed for war.

Prince Nuada said triumphantly: “How, do you regret it now? But it is too late to regret it now, I will return the shame you put on me thousands of times, and make you regret coming into this world. Go, my servant, and catch him!”

Following Prince Nuada’s order, the tree man immediately threw away two, no! It should have three legs, not a short leg between the two legs, and I don’t know that the tree man is also fertile. Evan.

Ai Wen jumped up and jumped on the stone pillar from time to time, using the cover of the surrounding environment to avoid the tentacles and whip, on the surface it seemed dangerous, but in the absence of any crisis, he could talk to Nuada in a relaxed tone. The prince speaks.

“Hey! Why haven’t you recognized the difference in strength yet? You’re too naive to think that you can deal with me with just this tree man.”

“Don’t underestimate this tree man, it was carefully cultivated by me. Not only is the normal tree man ten times tougher, but also has super self-recovery ability. Unless you can kill it with one blow, it can Quickly recover and keep fighting!”

It seems to confirm what Prince Nuada said, the tree man’s two tentacles were pulled on a stone pillar, and it was directly smashed to pieces. It is indeed terrifying to match its huge body.

“Well, you have cultivated this tree man really well. It will take a lot of effort for me to kill him head-on with my own strength, so I’ll just use a simpler method.”

Even when talking, Ai Wen jumped around in this limited space with great flexibility. No matter how fast the tentacles of the tree man waved, he could not touch Ai Wen in the slightest. Taking advantage of the free time, Ai Wen He took out a strangely shaped weapon from the package he was carrying, and carried it on his shoulders, with one end aimed at the tree man.

To be honest, Prince Nuada often wanders in the human world. Naturally, he has seen my human weapons. At a glance, he recognizes that Ivan is holding guns and other weapons.

But Prince Nuada doesn’t think that these firearms and weapons can cause much damage to the Treants. With the Treants’ super resilience, they can recover in a few breaths at most.

It’s just that for some reason, Prince Nuada always has an uneasy feeling in his heart, not only because the firearms in Aiwen’s hands look different from ordinary firearms, but also because Aiwen’s confident manner gave him too much. great pressure.

“Do you know what light is formed by ten billion times the intensity of sunlight? It is the brightness of a laser, which can cut most of the matter in this world. Do you think the tree man can stop the laser light? Or You don’t know the meaning of the laser light at all, because you have been eliminated by the times, you can’t keep up with the trend of the times, and you are destined to be submerged in the ocean of history.”

Ai Wen clasped his right index finger lightly, and a red light shot out from the peculiarly shaped weapon, first piercing the tree man’s body, and then following Ai Wen’s movement, the tree man was swept into two pieces by the laser beam. The Treant fell back before he could let out a roar.

“No!” Prince Nuada didn’t expect that the tree man he regarded as his trump card would be dealt with so easily, he couldn’t help but shouted in disbelief.

The tree man’s corpse fell to the ground in two parts, and then a strange scene happened. The two corpses began to take root and sprout quickly in this dark underground space. There were all kinds of plants, and soon they grew into A piece of grass and trees, and a human figure is still faintly preserved.

Ai Wen put away the laser gun in his hand, and felt a little pity in his heart. The laser gun he made only has the power to strike. After it is used up, the energy will be exhausted, and it will also cause great damage to the laser gun itself. , can be said to be a disposable product.

Ai Wen walked to the grass, and looked at these plants in amazement. He reached out and stroked them. The powerful vitality sensed from those plants, especially one of them, was the most vigorous.

Ai Wen thought for a while, and walked to the place where he felt the most vitality. Speaking of which, this part happened to be in the heart of the fallen tree man. Could there be any mystery in it? At that time, he actually held an emerald green crystal in his hand.

“It’s really amazing. This should be something like the wood spirit crystal in Eastern myths and legends. If you wear it on your body for a long time, not to mention immortality, at least you can avoid all diseases and live a hundred years. If I can guide the energy out of it and inhale it into my body, I can quickly recover from the injury, maybe I should study this strange energy in the future.” Ai Wen put away the emerald green crystal, in a good mood, and turned his head again. Look at Prince Nuada.

At this time, Prince Nuada lost his last hope because of the death of the tree man. It was difficult to accept this How could this happen? I finally found the Golden Legion. As long as I find the crown I control the Golden Legion, and control this magical soldier, I can drive them to completely defeat the human race, and it is only a little bit short of controlling and ruling some worlds. My fate should not be like this, why? Gave me hope, but cruel destruction, why…”

Ai Wen walked to Prince Nuada, just in time to hear his self-pity, almost happy, and said angrily: “Stop daydreaming, you really think that the Golden Army can defeat all the enemies, Do you control the world? I said that you have lived for thousands of years no matter what, you are still so naive, did your brain get kicked by a donkey?”

Ivan’s words immediately angered Prince Nuada. He had already failed. He didn’t expect that the other party would mock him so much. Did he want to attack his last dignity? The Golden Legion is his obsession and the last pride in his heart. Even death cannot make people insult the Golden Legion.

Prince Nuada glared at Ai Wen’s eyes and said loudly: “Isn’t it? The Golden Legion will never be destroyed. Humans are not the opponents of the Golden Legion at all, no matter how many people are in front of the Golden Legion. If it wasn’t for my father, who was soft-hearted, gave up at the last moment, and signed a peace agreement with mankind, the world would have been ruled by us long ago.”

Ai Wen shook his head with some hatred, “To be honest, I really feel sad for your father, to have such a naive son as you, although I don’t know why your father gave up the war and signed a peace agreement with mankind, but I can be sure that he is definitely not soft-hearted, it should be said that he was forced to make such a decision.”

“It’s impossible!” Prince Nuada screamed, as if he would rather die than believe it.

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