Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 10

After returning home, Chen Qi took over the two pheasants, suggested that he cook lunch by himself, and sent Aze out to build a simple rack for him to dry his clothes. A Ze didn’t refuse. He listened to Chen Qi talking about it when he was collecting perilla before. He was still curious about what kind of food Chen Qi could toss with the perilla leaves and wild **** he picked.

One of the pheasants has already been cut into pieces by Azer for spare. Azer’s house has a lot of pottery. Except for some unknown bones in a few pottery plates, the others are almost empty, and I don’t know. What’s the use of him keeping so much pottery there.

Chen Qi took a pot-like pottery plate. Since there were only two pots of water, he only washed the pottery plate once, then put the sliced ​​pheasant in the water and blanched the pottery. After the plate was carefully washed again, the chicken and sliced ​​wild **** were filled with water and simmered in the fire.

The other pheasant was roasted on the fire with clean wooden sticks as usual, but Chen Qi was in no hurry to apply the salt stone to the roasted pheasant immediately. Use another smaller pottery plate to hold a little water, put a piece of salt stone in it and smash it with a wooden stick. The salt stone melts very quickly when it meets the water. After the salt stone dissolves, the clear water in the small plate becomes gray and turbid. When I reached out and touched it, it felt a bit like a small sandstone. Chen Qi looked at this plate of salt water speechlessly. How many impurities were mixed in the salt and stone? .

Chen Qi wanted to filter this dish of salt water, but he looked around the house and found nothing that could be used. He held his chin in distress and thought about it, wondering if his shirt could be used for filtering.

Outside the door, Aze was drying the last coat on the wooden pole. I don’t know where he found two tree trunks with branches and inserted them into the soil to make two brackets. There was a wooden pole on it. Come to dry the clothes, but make it look good.

Seeing Chen Qi come out, Aze dried his coat and asked, “Is the food ready?”

Chen Qi shook his head, “Not yet, it may take a while, I made some chicken soup.”

Chen Qi walked to the drying rack, took off the shirts hanging on it and went back to the house. Aze watched his movements strangely, not understanding why the other party wanted to take back the undried clothes, and followed him into the house.

As soon as A Ze entered the door, he saw Chen Qi holding a shirt in one hand and a pottery plate in one hand, frowning and frowning, and A Ze hurried over and asked with concern, “What’s the matter? Do you need my help?”

“Need.” Chen Qi handed the shirt to the other party and pointed: “You hold the shirt like this and open a hole.” After saying that, he put a clean pottery plate under the shirt and began to slowly pour salt water into the shirt. .

Chen Qi’s shirt was white, and the places that were soaked in salt water were quickly stained gray. The shirt was folded two layers, and the water leakage rate was slower, but the filtering effect was still very good. The two filtered it two or three times before reaching a relatively satisfactory result for Chen Qi.

The chicken soup was already boiled, Chen Qi scooped some filtered salt water from the nut shell of Shui Ruguo, and put a small handful of basil leaves in the chicken soup. This is the first time Chen Qi has added basil leaves to chicken soup. I hope It doesn’t taste too weird. The roasted pheasant has begun to smell, and it looks mouth-watering when it is burnt to a yellowish orange. Chen Qi picked a few fluffy pheasant feathers and tied them together to act as a brush, brushed the pheasant with salt water three times, then took out an apple, cut it in half with a sword-horn knife, and squeezed out the juice on the barbecue. Smeared twice.

Chen Qipa pulled out some red-burning charcoal, put a piece of wood or two to light a small fire, and put the pottery plate with salt water directly on it and slowly burned it. After such a tossing, the water in the two large clay pots that was beaten was used up. The remaining bit Chen Qi poured into the water and milk fruit shell, and took out the few green peels left over from last night. , put it in the fruit shell and boil it together with water, Chen Qi thought to himself, this can be regarded as a green fruit tea.

When the green fruit tea was boiled, the roast chicken was almost finished. Chen Qi cut a small piece with a sword-horn knife and put it in his mouth to taste it. The bitter taste on the roast meat was finally gone, and Chen Qi happily faced A Ze, who was sitting on the side, showed a big smile. Before A Ze came back to his senses, he put a piece of grilled chicken into the other’s mouth, “Try it now and see if it tastes better.”

A Ze doesn’t like to eat things that are too sweet and greasy. When he saw Chen Qi smearing apple juice on the barbecued meat, A Ze thought to himself, no matter how unpalatable the roasted meat is, he should calmly eat it all. I ate the grilled meat that was handed to my mouth, and I didn’t know if there was not much juice on it. The sweetness was just within the acceptable range of Azer, and without the bitterness of the salt stone, I was better than before. The roasted taste is stronger than a star.

A Ze looked at Chen Qi with a face full of surprise, “This is much more delicious than my roast, Chen Qi, I didn’t see you putting salt stones on the roast, why is this meat still salty?”

Chen Qi pointed to the salt water that was burning on the side, and explained, “I melted the salt stone into the water, and now I will burn it out again.”

“Can the salt rock be re-fired by burning it like this?”

“Maybe.” This is the first time that Chen Qi has done such a thing, and he is not quite sure. “The appearance of burning it is not the same as that of salt stone. It will probably turn into salt like sand.”

A Ze exclaimed, looking at Chen Qi with a complicated look in his eyes, Chen Qi who knows so much must be pursued by many women.

Chen Qiqi scooped some of the remaining nutshell from the small piece of rutabaga and tasted the chicken soup that was still simmering. the taste of. I took a bite of a piece of stewed chicken with chopsticks made from the branches of acacia trees. The chicken had no taste after being stewed in water, and it still tasted like chai chai.

Chen Qijiang gave Aze a taste of both. The broth was a little better than the one made by Azer himself. It didn’t taste much, but A Ze didn’t mind. During lunch, most of the roasted chicken went into Chen Qi’s stomach, and the stewed chicken was almost wiped out by A Ze.

After eating and drinking, Aze wrapped the used pottery plates in a large animal skin, and held a pottery pot in the other hand to clean up and fetch water in the Chishui River. Chen Qize used a wooden stick with branches to fork the pomegranate fruit that was picked that morning, and roasted it in the fire. A small earthenware plate was placed under the pomegranate and then the pumice liquid was melted.

Chen Qi took out the sword-horn knife and the rubber branch. When Chen Qi was handling the food just now, A Ze, who was sitting idle, helped to handle the rubber branch. A narrow opening was made, just enough for the end of the sword-horn knife to be embedded. Chen Qi held his cheeks and stared at the two things in front of him for a while. He stood up and went outside the door to get some hay in. He burned it into ash and put it on the leaves, and added a little water to muddy it up.

About one-third of the gum has melted. Chen Qi took out the gum, picked some liquid of the gum and mixed it with the grass ash. After processing, he used a thin piece of wood to carefully apply the mixed version of the glue to the glue. into the opening of the branch. It takes a long time for the pomegranate to dry after melting. Chen Qi smeared the opening of the branch with the pumice liquid before inserting the sword horn knife, and then tied the opening tightly with a vine. The simplified version The original knives are done. Chen Qi happily looked at it several times, and after confirming that there was no problem, he put the sword-horn knife in the corner of the house to dry in the shade.

After Azer came back from the water, the small half of the salt water was almost burned, and white solids had begun to emerge from the surface. Azer put the things down and moved closer to it in surprise. Chen Kai kept stirring with a wooden stick, and then turned off the firewood after the salt had almost precipitated, and motioned Azer to wrap the animal skin to take the pottery plate out of the fire, and wait for the salt to dry completely with the residual heat.

Aze dipped his finger in a little white salt and tasted it. It tasted much better than the salt stone. “Chen Qi, this is also salty. It tastes much better than the salt stone.”

“Do you have any other salt rocks? I’ll use this method to deal with them, and don’t eat salt rocks in the future.”

Aze walked to the place where the pottery was placed, took out a small package wrapped in animal skin, opened it, there were two or three salt stones the size of half a fist, the color was the same as the one used before, they were all gray and gray. , a lot of impurities are mixed at a glance.

Chen Qi picked up one and weighed it. Such a salt rock can only precipitate less than two-thirds of the salt. The winter here lasts for several months, and there is no prey in winter. Only a few salt rocks are not enough to store food. amount. “Aze, where did you get these salt stones? Can you get more?”

“Do you need more salt stones? This was exchanged with other tribes from the meeting last year. In two months, the Lion and Wolf tribe will hold an annual meeting. I can go and exchange some more. return.”

Chen Qi nodded, “Winter is coming soon, these salts can better store food, it would be great if we could get more.” Speaking of food storage, Chen Qi looked at Aze, “Aze, Should we start preparing food for winter? Is it in time?” It’s not a few days before winter arrives.

“Well. I’ll take you to the tribe for a while, and I’ll go hunting after you’ve settled down.” Azer paused and added: “Don’t worry, I hunt very fast and can hunt enough food for winter. .”

Chen Qi smiled and put the pottery plate with salt aside, “I don’t have anything else to do now, can I go to the tribe to see it? Or should it be a little later?”

A Ze looked at the sky. Uncle A Zhang went hunting in the morning. He should be back now. He stood up and said to Chen Qi, “Then let’s go to the tribe now.”


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