Crossing to Live in the Wilderness Plains

Chapter 4

Chen Qi waved at A Ze, “A Ze, can you dig this for me?”

A Ze squatted down and looked at the small piece of dirt where a little dirt had been pulled away. Without saying a word, he stretched out his claws and dug out three and a half fist-sized things in three or two times.

Chen Qi’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly brought it over to check it up, down, down, left, right, and right. He also picked up the vine that was torn off and looked at it several times. Sure enough, it was a familiar food that was often bought in the vegetable market before. sweet potato.

There are too many unfamiliar things in this world. Even if he encounters the food he used to eat often, Chen Qi would not dare to enter it casually. He put one of them in front of A Ze, “A Ze, A Ze, is this thing poisonous? Can it be eaten? “

A Ze took it, wiped the dirt stained on it with the corner of his clothes, put it under his nose, sniffed, and took a bite. Before Chen Qi could stop it, A Ze chewed twice and swallowed what was in his mouth. “You can eat it.”

Chen Qi helped his forehead and said helplessly: “Aze, next time you are not sure if you can eat anything, don’t just put it in your mouth.”


“Come on, let’s bake it and eat it.” Chen Qi excitedly pulled Azer back to the fire, motioning Azer to dig another shallow pit next to him.

Chen Qi ordered Aze to do one action, and did not ask Chen Qi the reason for doing so. The shallow pit was soon dug. Chen Qi picked up a wooden stick and pulled the red-hot charcoal from the fire into the pit, then spread a thin layer of acacia leaves on it, and then put the two intact ones. The sweet potatoes that had been bitten by Aze were placed on top, and then covered with a layer of leaves before covering with soil, and then a small fire was lit on top.

While smearing the salt stone on the roast warthog, Aze watched Chen Qi busy, and occasionally helped him. After Chen Qi had set up the small fire, Aze had already cut off a few slices of roasted wart pork and handed it to Chen Qi. The water in the water milk fruit had just boiled, and he was putting it aside to cool down.

“Chen Qi, what are those rhizomes that were just dug up? Why are they buried in the soil like this?” It was the first time Azer saw someone buried a charcoal fire in the soil and started a fire on it, so he couldn’t help but be a little curious.

“Sweet potato, this kind of thing is delicious when roasted.” Chen Qi folded down two clean straw sticks as chopsticks, took a piece of wart pork and blew lightly before putting it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, how do you say it? , is not as tasty as it looks, with a bit of salt rock bitterness.

“Sweet potato? This is the first time I know that this root can also be eaten.”

“Don’t you usually eat?”

“Well, I’ve only seen people in the tribe eat fruits.” A Ze tore off a pig’s leg. He was not as particular about eating as Chen Qi. He directly took the pig’s leg in his hand and opened his mouth to eat it. , The action is heroic, and it is not afraid of hot.

Chen Qi heard the words and asked uncertainly, “Don’t you know that you can eat things that grow underground?”

Aze tilted his head and thought for a while, “Well, we only eat what we can see, like fruits and animals.”

Chen Qi nodded clearly, and it seemed that he would have to **** for more recipes in the future.

The two solved half of the warthog. Of course, Chen Qi couldn’t eat that much. After eating most of the pig’s leg, he felt a little tired, and the rest fell on Ze’s stomach.

The two rested for a while. Chen Qi took a few sips of water to dilute the smell of barbecue in his mouth. Seeing that the time was almost up, he moved the small fire away and started digging with a stick.

The three sweet potatoes were not big. Chen Qi was afraid of the heat, so he pressed the leaves and found that they had become unusually soft. He wrapped them in the leaves and picked them up. When he broke them off, the orange-red flesh inside was exposed, and a strong and delicious smell came on his face. aroma. Although it is still different from the one bought in the vegetable market before, the taste is obviously stronger.

A Ze twitched his nose and said in surprise, “It smells so good.”

Chen Qi handed the other complete one to A Ze, “Try it.”

A Ze took it over, but just as he was about to speak, Chen Qi stopped him, “This needs to be peeled, like this.” Chen Qi showed A Ze to peel off the outer skin of the sweet potato. Just kidding, this thing was dug out of the soil directly. It was baked, and it was still stained with dirt, how could it be eaten directly.

A Ze followed Chen Qi’s example and peeled off the skin. After seeing Chen Qi enjoying a bite, he took a bite. It was soft and glutinous, and a little sweet. It was as delicious as the smell. A Ze was the first Once I tried this flavor, I couldn’t help but take another bite.

A sweet potato is not big. For A Ze, two or three bites are gone. After eating, he looked at Chen Qi with a bit of interest, only to see that the other party was staring at him with crooked eyebrows, and the last one was bitten by A Ze. He handed him the sweet potato after a bite, “Here, how does it taste? Is it delicious?”

A Ze nodded and didn’t answer, “This is delicious, you should eat more.”

Chen Qi shoved it directly into the opponent’s hand, “You dug it up, you should eat more, I haven’t finished my own.”

A Ze looked at Chen Qi a little tangled, “You didn’t eat much meat just now.”

Although the little warthog is not big, most of the pig’s legs are not too small for Chen Qi. Chen Qi ignored him and wiped his hands with acacia leaves after eating, “Aze, we are now Do you sleep in a tree at night?”

Aze nodded in a complicated mood. He could feel Chen Qi’s unspoken tenderness, which made him a little panicked. He was afraid that he would have a greedy desire for this tenderness. This is not what he, a female without stretch marks, should What he owns, he is a person abandoned by the beast god, Aze warned himself in his heart, lowered his head and pretended to be enjoying the food in his hand, and suppressed the surging emotions in his eyes.

After the two had eaten and drank, they simply tidied up. Azer also moved the remaining half of the warthog to the acacia tree, and then carried Chen Qi back to the thickest trunk to rest.

All night.


Chen Qi spent the night on a tree for the first time. Although the trunk was thick enough for him to lie down on his back and turn over, no one could fall asleep at an altitude of more than ten meters without any protective measures around.

All night, Chen Qi was stiff and did not dare to move. He clutched the tree trunk under him tightly with both hands, and was half asleep. After all, after walking for a day, although he was alert in the second half of the night, his body was still sleepy and sleepy. .

When he woke up in the morning, Chen Qi was still a little confused. He thought he was still in the big comfortable bed at home. He turned over habitually, and found that half of his body felt in the air. After looking closely, he realized that he was on a tree trunk more than ten meters high. , with one leg sticking out of the tree trunk, it was shaking in mid-air, and the sleepy bugs and the newly awakened confusion were all frightened out of the sky. He carefully retracted his leg, moved slowly to the trunk, and patted his chest, secretly relieved.

Looking to the other side, I saw that A Ze was standing on the outermost branch with his body half-bent, the muscles on his arms were showing blue veins because of the tension, and his eyes were staring at the sky for a moment, just like that. It’s like rushing out the next moment and fighting for something.


Hearing Chen Qi’s voice, Aze turned his head, the slightly cold expression on his face because of the tension instantly subsided, and he returned to where Chen Qi was with a slight jump, “You are awake.”

“Well.” Chen Qi nodded, “What were you doing just now?”

A Ze stretched out his hand, holding a pure white feather in the palm of his hand, on which a layer of translucent light mist was continuously spreading around, and then blended into the air. Chen Qi looked at the feather in A Ze’s hand suspiciously, and then at A Ze, “What is this?”

“The Feather of a Letter Eagle.”

“Letter Eagle?”

“Well, every time the letter eagle flies a certain distance, it will drop a feather. The mist above is the smell of the feathers when they evaporate. This is a message to inform the companions.”

What strange bird is this? Will I lose hair all the time without becoming bald? Chen Qi complained in his heart, waiting for Aze to continue.

A Ze’s expression became heavy again, “The letter eagles are all picked up by the Hyena dragon. The presence of a letter eagle proves that there is a Hyena dragon nearby.”

Although the information Chen Qi obtained was very one-sided, he had no impression of the letter eagle at all, but he still knew a lot about the existence of the Hyena dragon, which was basically at the top of the food chain and almost like a bug. Don’t all dragons live in the Loya Forest? The Dora Plain can’t maintain their survival needs at all. How could there be Hyena dragons here?

“Chen Qi, we need to leave immediately.”

Now is not the time to let Chen Qi explore slowly. Hearing that A Ze said he was going to leave immediately, he nodded solemnly, “Okay, let’s go now.”

A Ze hesitated a bit, then paused and said, “Chen Qi, my speed is very fast, I can catch up with the wolf.”

Chen Qi looked at each other strangely, why did he say this at this time?

Aze continued: “I’m also very strong, I can run for a day without you behind my back.”

Chen Qi was stunned, it turned out that the other party said this, of course Chen Qi would not continue to insist on going by himself at this time, Wen Yan patted A Ze’s strong shoulder, smiled and said, “Then I will trouble you.”

Aze thought that Chen Qi would still refuse, and just wanted to continue to persuade the other party, but he didn’t expect the other party to agree all of a sudden, but he didn’t respond a bit and was stunned in place.

“What’s the matter? Let’s go quickly.” Chen Qi reached out and shook his hand in front of the dazed A Ze.

“Oh, oh, good.” A Ze returned to his senses and lowered his head a little embarrassedly, too embarrassing.

Because he had to carry Chen Qi on his back, Aze only took two pieces of the softest animal skins, and tied them together with the half warthog left last night. He left everything else on the acacia tree. Chen Qi originally suggested that he could help carry those luggage, but Aze refused.

The two buried the fire last night with soil and cleaned it up briefly. A Ze carried Chen Qi and left. A Ze was really fast, and he stayed away from the tall acacia tree in a few ups and downs.

In the sky not far away, a fiery-red bird with a wingspan of almost two meters roared in the sky, and a feather floated slowly behind it. The feather seemed to fade as it fell, and it slowly became It was pure white, and a trace of transparent things like water mist began to emerge, and quickly melted into the surrounding air.

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