Crossing Worlds Provocation

Chapter 1101.5 - Chapter 1086: He is alone in the mountains


Snow flies all over the sky, the cold wind is bitter, and the wind is screaming outside. In the northeast forest near the border with North Korea, a piece of white snow covers the forest.

Of course, at this time, plumes of smoke rose from the chimney outside a large house. Compared with the wind and snow outside, the house was steaming hot and the rice was fragrant.

A group of people surrounded a big iron pan with chicken stewed mushrooms just out of the pan, and the tortillas were sticking to the wall one by one. A man picked up one, and dipped some soup during the meal, and the aroma suddenly appeared between his lips and teeth. Diffused.

Plates of cold dishes, shredded potatoes in cold salad, cucumbers patted with garlic and other side dishes are also placed on the wooden table.

At this time, the group of people in it were not others, but a group of geological prospectors.

Among them is a professor of geology from the Academy of Sciences. In addition, most of the others are technicians who go out to check equipment.

Some are local, some come from Beijing with the professor.

Someone said at this moment:

“You said we have passed this year, and New Year’s Eve is two days away. It seems that we will not go back before this time.”

The past week has been full of storms and snow, which is not suitable for travel. To ensure safety, they suspended their work and a group of people stayed here and waited.

And when these words fell, a cold voice said calmly:

“There is not much work left. You can rush back to be with your family. I can stay here alone.”

“Professor Xiao, how can this work!? How can we leave you here alone, and you have to go back to celebrate the New Year with your family.”

One team member quickly said.

Xiao Yixing glanced at the talking team member. He put down his chopsticks and said lightly:

“I said you can leave. I am not married and have no children. It doesn’t matter. There is not much work left.”

When he said something like this, the big guy suddenly hesitated.

After all, it was New Year’s Eve, and their wives and children were still waiting at home, but leaving the professor alone, it was inevitable that it was a bit…excessive.

“Okay, you don’t have to hesitate anymore. If you don’t bother me, I still try to be clean these days.”

After Xiao Yixing said, he got up and left, and he couldn’t let them refuse at all.

Seeing this, the other people looked at each other, suddenly helpless and speechless.

In the end, they compromised, listening to Xiao Yixing’s words, decided to leave here before the New Year, and let him do the rest first.

Just before leaving, another old companion joked to him:

“Professor, your eldest is not young anymore. Hurry up and find a daughter-in-law to give birth to a baby. When you have one, you will know that your daughter-in-law sits on the kang, and you are worried about your personal taste.”

When Xiao Yixing heard the words, he only smiled indifferently and sent him away.

In fact, there are many ways to choose in life, and they don’t necessarily follow the rules. The general public considers the “normal” way to spend their life.

No matter what kind of life it is, as long as it is what you want, it is enough.

Life is short, live for yourself.

New Year’s Eve is still here.

At the gates of the houses at the foot of Xuelin, or on the streets, there was a series of crackling cannons.

Rao is where he lives, far away from the places where people gather to live, but he still hears clearly.

Bustling outside, family reunion, he himself was in a house at the foot of a mountain, alone and independent.

Although he is not afraid of loneliness or alone, but the atmosphere is unavoidable to make people think about someone in the distance.

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