Crossing Worlds Provocation

Chapter 28 - No evil

Inside the canteen.

Tashi asked: “Captain, in the afternoon some Tibetans found an injured white-lipped deer in the southwestern area. It has been sent to the veterinarian for treatment, but the situation is not very good. Do we want to—”

As soon as this was said, the lively atmosphere on the dining table instantly became quiet.

They have to listen to their captain’s reply.

Lu Xiao looked at them with a serious expression, “Since you asked first, put down the things in your hands first. This is what I want to tell you.”

Speaking of this, he paused:

“The injury of the white-lipped deer is not that simple. The preliminary judgment is that there were several groups of people who committed the crime, specifically hunting rare national protected animals.

They cut off the antlers of the white-lipped deer, and now there are eyeliners on the Internet that they are selling kestrels and golden eagles. Early tomorrow morning, we will start action according to the plan! “

Speaking of this, Lu Xiao began to assign tasks.

“Sangnian, tomorrow you will pretend to be the seller of the transaction with Gadro online. Someone will meet you in the middle to negotiate the selling price and arrange the transaction time. When you meet, we will arrest them.”

Sangnian is not Tibetan, but Han, and most of these poachers will sell to outsiders.

Therefore, Sangnian will have a greater success rate in the transaction for those people.

Gadro is an experienced local man in his thirties. He knows all the precious protected animals in their local area and can assist and advise in secret.

“Received! Boss!”

After Sangnian received the task, he immediately responded decisively.

Mom gave a hammer, what he hates most in his life is such a poacher!

For money, nothing is wrong.

Take the white-lipped deer as an example, it is a national first-class protected animal.

It is a unique and rare species distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

But precisely because of their preciousness, the poachers actually cut off their antlers after catching them, and used them to sell money!

The climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau can’t wait to stage a four season day.

When encountering violent storms and snow, those white-lipped deer with blood on their heads had to freeze to death in the deserted area——!

Not to mention the precious birds that soar through the vast world!

Either go hunting under the banner of delicious game, or keep them in a cage privately, so that they can no longer be allowed to fly freely in the sky.

What’s the difference between making a person with legs never walk!

Those people are blinded by their own selfish desires!

Whether it is a human or an animal, life is precious.

Until now, under strict control, large-scale poaching groups have converged, but it does not mean that they are completely absent.

There are a total of four no-man’s areas in the west, and hunters may come and go at any time.

This is a long, persistent struggle.

After dinner, everyone disbanded.

It was windy at night and it was cold outside.

When Wen Xian came out, a cool breeze poured into the wide clothes, and suddenly a chill burst from the soles of his feet to the ends of his spine.

She wrapped his clothes tightly.

After touching his clothes, he found a box of cigarettes in his pocket, as well as a gear lighter——!

Wen Xian suddenly fell into thought while holding the gear lighter: “…”


He has a lighter…?


The door with cotton strips was opened–

A figure appeared.

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