Crows x Souls

Chapter 134 – The Proposal

“Even saying they were just a bunch of fools would suffice. So why can’t you? Were it me… I would be angry at the ignorance of those who would enter Hueco Mundo… without even testing their own power.” — Ulquiorra Cifer. 




Itachi and Kyōraku sat on the bank of a small pond in Kyōraku’s compound, both Captains sharing a bottle of wine as they chatted somberly away. 

“Giving him more time to consolidate whatever hold he has on Hueco Mundo is a very bad dictate on the Head Captain’s part. And that is if he already hasn’t.”

“Hai hai.” Kyōraku swirled the content in his cup and gave Itachi a half lidded glance. “The picture is much bigger than you know of, Itachi. Be patient.”

“I know of your worries and the founded grounds they sprout from, but let me tell you this: no army he raises in Hueco Mundo will ever be strong enough to trample the Soul Society. Not when the Shinigami still stand. Not when he still stands.”

There was a conviction that was in his voice that Itachi had never heard him speak with for all the time that he had known the man. There was a confidence in his words that Itachi knew stemmed from absolute belief. A level of belief one could never have for themselves but instead for others. 

“I would admit that the old man had mellowed out a lot from how we used to know him. If it were the old man Yama I grew up with, he would have followed Aizen into Hueco Mundo on that very day and wouldn’t step out until he brought blade to neck. Sheesh! Even thinking of it gives me the chills.”

Kyōraku was all smiles as he said that last part but Itachi couldn’t see the amusement reaching his eyes. It was only visible on his lips. 

“And before you go thinking of a particular suicide mission, my advice to you is don’t. In case you don’t know, you are still on a tightrope with the last stunt with Aizen and as much as I will say it wasn’t your fault, Central 46 still deems you responsible, at least partially, for what happened. Another slip up like that, no matter the scale, and the Maggots Nests will find itself a new tenant. And with my shit luck, I’ll probably be the one escorting you there.”

Even if it was said with the buffering of a jolly mask, the underlying warning was heard loud and clear. “Do you understand?”

Itachi looked at the bottom of his empty cup. “I wasn’t planning anything stupid.”

Kyōraku rolled his eyes. “And I’m drunk. See how we both sound ridiculous?”

Itachi raised an eye at him. “Are you really not drunk?”

“Are you really planning something stupid?” 

They both started chuckling before Kyōraku burst into a fully blown belly aching laugh. 

“I think you really are drunk.” Itachi remarked, causing the man to laugh harder. 


[Hueco Mundo] 

The pristine white walls of Las Noches were the same as it has always been since it was erected eons ago. 

Walking along its wall was a peculiar Hollow whose eyes belied curiosity. Ulquiorra Cifer was an enigma even among the weirdest Hollows. 

His path took him to what looked like an underground field where reverberating soft hums could be felt from. 

In the middle of the dark field sat a man wearing a pristine white garb that mirrored the Las Noches walls and blindfolds around his eyes. 

“What is it you want, Ulquiorra?” Tōsen asked after coming out of his trance. “Are you still trying to figure out what I meant by ‘the deep rooted anguish of revenge’?”

“Indeed.” Was Ulquiorra’s simple reply. He stared blandly at Tōsen as the man brandished his sword. He was dressed in the same garb as Tōsen, but that was where their similarities ended. 

Ulquiorra’s recent hobby after getting to know the rest of the people Aizen had gathered around him for the mirror of a singular cause, his curiosity had taken over and he started pestering the rest of them as to what their driving cause was. Even Aizen was not exempt from his questions. Though their enigmatic leader was patient enough to explain it in a way that had the special Hollow asking the others even more deeper questions. 

Kaname Tōsen was just the latest in his series of inquiries. 

And unlike the others, Tōsen at least seemed a bit willing to bare the knots of his heart to the Hollow who only listened without judging.

However, today was different. Looking down at his ‘arm’, Tōsen had to fight to suppress the snarl that threatened to hiss out his lungs. “Unlike other emotions, the murky hues of revenge and justice are most times indistinguishable. You’ll only be able to tell the difference when you have your blades drawn to their necks. That is the moment you’ll know.”

“Know what exactly?”  

“If what you pursued this whole time was ‘true’ justice or the muddled-minded venting of a wounded ego.” He said his piece and left in one breath, leaving their ever curious Hollow alone and with more questions to himself.

However, before he could ponder on his own someone called out to him and snapped him out of his inner musings. 

“Ulquiorra! There you are!” Lilynette shouted and started pulling at his sleeves before he even got his answers out. 

“You were hounding that guy again, right? Seriously, when will you start keeping away from that guy? He’s too intense and he feels creepy with all this ‘justice’ talk he keeps spouting.” She complained. 

Having grown used to her and also being guided by what he considered the wise words of Starrk, he kept quiet and let her get all her frustrated ramblings out. 

“Revenge. I wanted to know how it felt. He seemed to be the only one spurred by it.”

“Revenge huh?” She said somberly. She stopped and looked at Ulquiorra and slowly shook her head and soon walked away leaving Ulquiorra even more confused. 

Seeing as he wasn’t getting any answers for anybody and Lilynette of all people acting vague, he sought out Starrk. 

The lazier and more nonplussed of the duo simply waved him out offhandedly as he went back to his nap. 

“Revenge is not something you understand, Ulquiorra. It’s something you feel. Instead of wanting to know something without an apt description, it’s better if you hope nothing ever happens to you that makes you feel the emotion that causes revenge. Revenge: the cause for it is what brings even the strongest of men to their lowest. Now hop out, I’m feeling sleepy.”

He was left standing outside Starrk’s door unsure of what to make of Starrk’s words. 

“I see that you’re still as curious as ever, Ulquiorra Cifer.” 

Ulquiorra’s eyes narrowed and glanced over his shoulders to see Aizen standing behind him with his ever-so-genial smile present. 

If there was one thing that unsettled Ulquiorra was how his senses failed to capture Aizen every now and then. The man in front of him felt like an enigma that couldn’t be unraveled no matter who tried. And that was what bothered his about Aizen so much. Why it did, he really had no idea though. 

Maybe it was because of the way they were brought into his fold. 

He was every bit as strong as Starrk was, at least according to Starrk’s words, but on that day Starrk had felt something about the man in front of them.



“What an interesting bunch you have gathered unto yourselves.” The man said with a smile that actually caused Starrk to frown. 

“Is this going to be another one of those Shinigami vs Hollow fights? I’d rather not fight at all if it is alright with you.” Starrk said, and based on the taken back look on the man’s face, he had caught the man by surprise. 

“Now this is interesting.” Aizen said and took a step towards them, no hostility emanating from him. 

“My name is Aizen Sōsuke. An ex-Shinigami if you will.” He said. 

“Oh? I didn’t know they also throw away their own kind or did you have enough and chose to kick your way out of there?” Lilynette spoke up from behind Ulquiorra. 

“Something like that.”

“You still haven’t told us why you approached us.” Starrk reminded while scratching his head. 

“I have a proposition for you.”

Whatever was said of the man, Aizen Sōsuke, in front of them, his way with words and the compelling charm it carried could not be denied. Even amidst distrust, it was hard to reject his words without at least listening to it. 

That was the first sign Starrk had noticed that Ulquiorra had not. 

“That doesn’t look much like a proposition.” Starrk bluntly pointed at where the dead Hollow had been. 

“It does not, I’ll admit that much.” Aizen said with a chuckle. It was amusing to him how a Hollow was going back and forth with him. The notion of it alone made him tolerate it, wanting to see where it led. 

“So? What is it you want?”

He had simply smiled and that was when Starrk made his decision, even before he asked the question. 

“I have a proposition for you: join me in a pursuit of desire and to bring down the Shinigami from their silver city. What say you?”


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