Crows x Souls

Chapter 20 – A Cordial Conversation

Groggily opening his eyes, the first thing Itachi saw was birds perched on his fearlessly. One even stood on the guard of his blade and tilted its head at him before tittering about.

Dawn was just creaking at the horizon and from how dark the sky still was, Itachi guessed he had at most two hours of sleep. Just enough to start any day. 

Jumping down the tree that sheltered him through the night, he landed soundlessly while holding his straw hat to prevent it from flying away. 

Coincidentally for him, the path he took led him to a running creek. Since it’s been two days since he last had a bath, he decided on a quick wash and fish for breakfast. 

After his wash, he took out a knife and used it to scoop out a single fish from the flowing creek before lighting a fire. 

The flavors, or lack thereof, didn’t mean much as even this breakfast was seen as a stop to the monotony of what his life now was. 

It was during this monotone that he heard rustling behind the bushes and from the bushes came two ladies. 

He calmly noted the both of them while the two of them froze as they saw him. The slight hostility and recognition that flashed through the younger woman’s eyes as she looked him over also did not escape his eyes. 

“Um, excuse me. We’re sorry for disturbing your little camping.” The other purple haired woman said and naturally closed the distance between them but Itachi didn’t react, still roasting the fish in his hands even as they stared at each other. 

“No worries.” He said while checking his surroundings for any sign of encirclement but found none. ‘They might be adept at hiding.’

He refrained from using his Sharingan and just as naturally offered his food. The outgoing woman smiled widely at the offer and came over to sit across him with the fire between them. 

She beckoned at the other young woman, her junior or subordinate, and the both of them sat on the floor watching as Itachi roasted the few pieces of fish he caught. 

“You’re not much of a talker eh?” Yoruichi asked, but other than the slight nod from Itachi, he gave no other indication of an answer. “My name is Yoruichi, and this cute one here is Soi Fon. What is your name kind stranger?”

Soi Fon was outright confused at how her Lady was asking, having no clue on what they were doing. Had the man found out their identity already or was she hoping this lousy and suspicious acting would do the trick? 

They both wore a bracelet that suppressed their Reiatsu and were dressed in normal clothes per the Rukongai standard. All in all they looked like normal souls out in the forest and chancing upon him was just that, a stroke of coincidence. 

“Itachi. Here, eat up.” He passes them the small pieces of fish he had to spare, ignoring the suspicious light in the younger woman’s eyes as he eats his share. 

He didn’t know what these Shinigamis were up to but that didn’t matter. He couldn’t sense anyone else in his range but that didn’t take anything from the danger in front of him. 

Naturally, he had identified Yoruichi, the purple haired woman, as the stronger of the two of them and the outgoing way she approached him only made her more dangerous in his eyes. 

“So what brings you out here, Itachi? I mean, you do look like the wandering type but I guess you can say I’m just curious.” 

For Yoruichi, the current situation was very funny to her. This was the man that they had spent a few days looking for and here he was, just roasting fish for them. The entire thing felt like a funny joke to her that she very much wanted to laugh to. 

Oh, she saw the look in his eyes alright. She knew he was wary of them, wary of her, but the fact that he shared his food with them instead of unsheathing his sword and making a run for it was a novel experience when the normal reaction to those who knew she was after them was first to run, and then to fight when they realize that running is futile. Not that fighting is any better. 

Now what was Itachi planning? She was naturally curious. 

Itachi, not knowing what was going through any of his visitors’ heads, patiently waited and kept the silence as they slowly ate their food. 

He offered them water from his pouch and Yoruichi warmly accepted it while her junior’s eyes looked grievous, still she accepted it. 

After the small breakfast, Yoruichi trained her eyes on Itachi and relaxed her posture with a wide grin on her face waiting for his next move. Given the few reads she has on him, it could possibly be… 

“Miss Yoruichi and Miss Soi Fon. Do you have any need of me?” Itachi asked. 

It was a tricky question, Yoruichi noted, but that might just be the way he spoke. His speech pattern was withdrawn and formal and while others might take his words as a smart wordplay, those who paid attention would know that it was just a direct question, no veil to it. 

Sitting properly with a now calmer smile, she addressed him. “Why would you say that?”

“You’ve been looking for me, have you not? After all, none of you bothered hiding the fact that you recognized me and since you’re not forthcoming with your objectives towards me, it’s only fair I ask.” Itachi spoke calmly, not a single trace of nervousness or any telling emotion that showed distress at his current situation. 

“You’re one amusing soul, you know?”

“I doubt those are the reasons you’re here. So I’ll ask again, Lady Shinigami, what are your reasons for seeking me out?” He asked again. 

“You-” Soi Fon bared her hostility and anger at his arrogant words but stopped herself as she saw Yoruichi’s raised hand. 

“That’s the problem with you serious types. You don’t even know when you might offend someone with your words.” The Head of the Shihōin Clan grumbled mildly irritated. “How about we introduce ourselves again; I’m Yoruichi Shihōin, Captain of the Gotei 13 2nd Division, and this is my Lieutenant, Soi Fon.”

Most of her frivolity was lost with her introduction but Itachi paid it no mind. “Itachi Uchiha. A recently reincarnated soul.”

Yoruichi only raised an eye at his simple introduction. “You don’t seem like a recently reincarnated soul.” She commented, watching Itachi’s reaction. 

“Then to that I have nothing to say as it is the truth.” He simply replied. 

“Say I believe you, mind telling me what you were when you were alive? Obviously you weren’t a normal human.”

At that question, the feeling she got from Itachi’s normally calm dark eyes turned a little rigid. “I don’t see the reason to answer you that.”

Soi Fon was finally fed up with this man’s arrogance and rudeness towards Lady Yoruichi that she ended up pointing a finger at him. “Listen here you! Lady Yoruichi is being kind enough to listen to you and not immediately take you under custody and you’re still being presumptuous!”

“Soi Fon.”

“But Lady Yoruichi-” 

“Soi Fon!”

Soi Fon shrunk back at Yoruichi’s shout, rarely ever being at the receiving end of it. She felt aggrieved but she knew that she might have stepped over a line. 

“I apologize for her words.” Yoruichi said, knowing that the matter could’ve escalated due to Soi Fon’s little tirade. 

Itachi lightly shook his head, not caring one bit about the other woman’s chidings. “You still have yet to tell me why you are after me, Lady Yoruichi?” Though he highly doubted it, he hoped this woman was someone reasonable and their conversation would continue being peaceful so that he can learn what he could about the Shinigamis from her. 

Yoruichi shrugged and pointed at the sulking Soi Fon behind her. “You almost killed my little Soi Fon during your fight with Captain Shiba, not to mention you also killed a few Shinigami, so on behalf of my little subordinate here, I decided to seek you out. Simple right?” And back came the false playfulness. 

Itachi looked at Soi Fon, guessing she was part of the ninja squad, soon remembering that she was probably the one who snuck up on him that one time and the one he almost killed first if not for the timely intervention of the Captain. 

“I see.” He said, “Unfortunately it was circumstances of the event that prompted my hands. I and the Captain during that time were ignorant of the other’s general situation resulting to that fight. Now if you’re here to bring me in, I’m afraid to say that our conversation will no longer be peaceful.”

Yoruichi nodded awkwardly while scratching the back of her head, not at all minding the threat in Itachi’s words. “Hai, this is a real damp fest.”

A/N: Should I leave it as Lady Yoruichi or use the Japanese equivalent, Yoruichi-sama, along with using it on some special occasions

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