Crows x Souls

Chapter 29 – Itachi’s Trial II

Read 10 Chapters ahead on pat



The weight of the atmosphere inside this large room thickened exponentially that all the frivolity present in some of the Captain’s faces were wiped away, but yet Itachi didn’t buckle under it or look as if it was affecting him, still having that calm neutrality on his face, never shifting.

“Did you come here of your own will or did Captain Shihōin capture you and bring you here?” 

Facing Yamamoto’s first question, Itachi didn’t hesitate to answer. It also helped that he was dealing with a straightforward person. “My plan since waking up has always been to come to here and upon meeting Captain Yoruichi who offered a much more easier way than infiltrating it, I decided to follow her.”

Itachi’s answer threw some of the Captain’s into a loop. Some of them wondered why Itachi would say something like that and possibly heap suspicion onto him, not just from the Head Captain but all of them as well. 

On the other hand, Itachi knew that unlike the panel of Captains here, the person he had to convince was the Head Captain and only the Head Captain. Not the Captains and not the Central 46 governing body they had made a few mention of. 

Even if he was on the back foot power wise, Itachi has never once doubted his senses and instincts. He was sure he had a comfortable read on Yamamoto’s character. 

‘He has the momentum of Lord Third, but he’s more like him… Danzo Shimura.’

With this template established, all he had to do was find the line and know when to toe it and when to keep away from it. 

Just because he preferred small and straightforward talks didn’t mean he couldn’t lie or wasn’t cunning enough. He had those in spades and more. 

“Hmm… I see. And now that you’re here, pray tell; what are you going to do now?”

“Learn about the Hollows and the Shinigamis. I never expected the afterlife to be like this. All I want is to be sufficiently knowledgeable of this new world around me.” He told everyone. Unlike the simple decisions that these were, for Itachi he had to spend a lot of time to come to these as his choices of action. 

He had to constantly remind himself that he wasn’t on an undercover mission and he didn’t have to come up with made-up scenarios and filter his way into this foreign group and get their weakness. 

He would do that as it was part of the information he wanted but that was just par the course as it is something that he would naturally gain knowledge of once he starts learning about Shinigami and their abilities. The difference was the way he went about it. 

“Forgive me for saying this, Head Captain, but this guy smells like a folded bag of tricks. I’m sorry, Captain Shihōin, but that’s just my guts speaking.” Shinji said, wryly smiling as he apologized to Yoruichi. But honestly, when did the princess ever get this active? For someone else for that matter? 

“Let me say this, Head Captain, but remember that all this came from a misinterpretation between him and Captain Shiba. If that’s not enough, we can verify the timeframe he unlocked his Shikai. As for his strength and mental fortitude, it was due to his life as a warrior, that I can personally verify. None of his abilities and fighting styles were culled from the ones we Shinigamis use.” Yoruichi said, crossing her hands while feeling a bit annoyed. 

She was finally starting to wonder if this was a bad idea from the start but unfortunately she couldn’t change it and could only go on with it and see the end of it. 

She gave her word so she’ll do her best concerning Itachi becoming a member of her Division. Leaving things halfway was not her style. 

“Rest assured, I’ve heard all that you’ve said, Captain Shihōin, Captain Hirako.” He looked at his question, the two of them in particular, Yoruichi frowning lightly while Shinji just shrugged nonchalantly. 

“Captain Unohana, Captain Kuchiki, what are your thoughts?” He asked those two specifically while lightly resting backwards on his chair. 

Itachi looked at the two Captains Yamamoto called out; the black haired woman and the permed white haired old man with the silk scarf around his neck, mentally taking note of what could be an informal council to Yamamoto. 

Unohana bowed slightly to Yamamoto and looked directly at Itachi for the first time. “I believe the reports of Captain Shihōin have substantial weight, more so when in conjunction with Captain Shiba and Captain Urahara confirming most of the technicalities. Since he’ll be under Captain Shihōin’s watch, I see no need for heavy stipulations to be placed on him.”

“Hmm, Captain Kuchiki?” Yamamoto nodded and turned to the 6th Division Captain. 

“It shouldn’t be forgotten that he did break a few of the Seireitei’s rules and that should come with its equal punishment, even if it was done in ignorance. A precedent should not be encouraged or more would come from it. I also see no reason to stop Captain Shihōin from taking him into her Division; he’ll have to be tested but that is all up to her.” Ginrei Kuchiki finished his words, giving his opinion from an unbiased standpoint. 

They couldn’t just brush off anyone who kills Shinigami and claim it to be ignorance or a misunderstanding. That would just set a chaotic trend that would be too hard to deal with then. 

Yamamoto lightly tapped his came against the ground and the room returned to still silence once again with all the Captains keeping their thoughts to themselves until Yamamoto’s decision. 

After a short while, Itachi saw Yamamoto open his eyes and look at Isshin and inquired of him. 

“Captain Shiba, do you have any words against this young man?” Isshin shook his head at Yamamoto and the old man nodded. “I see. In that case, I will accept him as a Shinigami in training under Captain Shihōin and the umbrella of the Second Division and have him sent to Shin’ō Academy-” 

“Um, I don’t think that’s necessary. He’s already stronger than any instructor that’ll be teaching them over at the Academy, hell even most of our Lieutenants.” Yoruichi cut in, abashedly dodging a soft glare from a mildly crossed Head Captain who was irritated at being cut off. 

“In any other situation, that would be your call to make but since he’s mostly an unknown to everyone except you and Captain Shiba, I think it’s better for the Captains to judge that since you just claimed him stronger than their Lieutenants.” Yamamoto waved off Yoruichi’s words since at this point he had nothing to do with it and this case would just be disturbing his tranquility if it stretches even more from here on out. 

“Yes, I’m fighting him so all of you step back!” Kenpachi warned with a malicious smile on his face as he stared down Itachi. 

Meanwhile Itachi remained mostly quiet as he tried painting a dynamic of the Captains with his observation so far. 

Looking at Kenpachi, Itachi could already smell the wildly surging bloodlust and just when it threatened to burst out, Yamamoto raised his hand and that gesture arrested Kenpachi’s rising bloodlust, earning the Head Captain a furious glare from the angry Captain of the Eleventh. 

“Rather, have him fight a Lieutenant or one of your stronger Seated Officers. You have no objection, do you?”

Itachi shook his head. “I don’t. Thank you for hearing me out.” He said to Yamamoto who snorted at his words. 

“Carry your further talks to the training ground.” Yamamoto said as he stood up, hunched back, and started walking out of the room followed by the 12 dismissed Captains. 

“So tell me, Itachi boy, what’s your thoughts so far?” Shunsui asked as he walked beside Itachi who was flanked by Yoruichi and a bored-out-of-his-mind Kisuke. 

“My thoughts on what?” Itachi asked back. 

“Anything, everything. Even the air itself. What do you think?” Shunsui said with a laugh and wanted to tell Itachi that he was just playing around only to find Itachi, still with his neutral look, but with a certain look in his eyes. 

“I like the moon. It is never changing.” Itachi said as they stepped inside the training grounds of the 1st Division. 

Shunsui adjusted his hat with a dropped smile. “I see. I like wine; it is intoxicating. Consider dropping by for some wine under the moonlight, that’s one of my favorite pastimes.”

Shunsui left them and moved over to where the weak-looking Jushiro was standing. 

Yoruichi looked around, seeing no Lieutenant present, and couldn’t help but ask. “Whose Lieutenant are we using for this little show? How about we call Lisa, eh Kyōraku?”

“I love that suggestion, Yoruichi. Let me send for her, haha, she’s going to love this.” Shunsui laughed and ordered one of the Shinigamis to bring his overworked Lieutenant to fight Itachi who was content with just watching everyone and the little actions they made with every movement. 

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