Crows x Souls

Chapter 35 – An Unusual Phenomenon III

Read 10 Chapters ahead on pat



Soi Fon didn’t lie when she said it would take a while before they got there, and neither did Yoruichi when she said the mission might take a few days because that was what it took.

Since there were a few reports of Hollows out there and with some teams killing while the others investigated, Itachi would spend a few seconds to a minute watching the group of Shinigami battling the Hollows before he would leave. 

It wasn’t like he was fascinated with the Hollows, no. To him it was nothing more than a passing interest that he knew would wane fast once he started learning about them. 

It was an opportunity to learn something new and Itachi had always been a curious one since his childhood days. 

For the few days they spent traveling together, Soi Fon was gradually becoming less spooked by Itachi and his mannerisms. There were soft trembles here and there, and the occasional gasping out of a nap, but she was getting her shit together and she was happy for it. 

‘Did Lady Yoruichi send us together because she knew this would happen? She’s just too kind… Lady Yoruichi~’

On Itachi’s side of the coin, he already knew what was up with her after watching her for a few days after his admission into the 2nd Division. He didn’t do anything or say anything concerning that as it was something he knew she would grow out of it. And that was what she was doing, albeit slowly. 

When they finally arrived at their destination, Itachi saw that it was an old Shinigami outpost which was still in use by present Shinigami as somewhere to lay off during missions. 

It didn’t take Itachi long to notice that something was wrong with this place when compared to the other location they had been to. 

“What did you find?” She tensed when she saw Itachi’s expression go taut after he made a circle over the outpost. “Did something happen here?”

Knowing that his eyes were somehow special and he could see the lingering trace of Reishi particles and Reiatsu, she expected him to say something that should’ve been hard to believe but instead his words were the direct opposite. 

“Nothing. There’s nothing here. Absolutely nothing.” He said. His eyes took in every single thing in its range of vision with keen cognizance, missing nothing in its focus. 

… And yet he could find nothing. 

“Itachi, what do you mean ‘nothing’. Would you look that serious if it was nothing?” She was puzzled. Was the ‘nothing’ he said a context of something she was failing to understand? 

“The shihakushō lying around are the only signs they were ever here. Everything else says otherwise.” He stated. 

Soi Fon shook her head slowly, still not understanding what he meant but let him continue with what he was doing as his help was the only thing to a clue they had. 

Itachi stood in the middle of the output, frowning at how peaceful the Reishi atmosphere was. Unlike water mixing with water, like the other one did, this one either spat it out or completely deleted it. 

“Something isn’t right here.” He said pointing at the four strewn across shihakushō lying about. “The Reishi and Reiatsu in a Shinigami’s body is folds above that of the normal average soul out there and given that they are Shinigami, they should have been able to at least react for a while before dying but that did not happen. Nothing.”

“…You mean that they didn’t see what happened?”  Soi Fon asked tentatively. 

Bringing his two hands together in a praying sign, Itachi closed his eyes and Soi Fon went a few feet back as she felt his Reiatsu flow in a faux clam state. 

She didn’t have to ask him what he was doing when his Reiatsu burst out like a wave in all directions. 

Itachi released his Reiatsu in two more bursts, each bigger and fiercer than the one before them. 

‘What the hell is he doing now?’ She would have berated him for what he was currently doing had this been the first week she knew of him, but Itachi wasn’t careless. That much she had grudgingly come to accept in such little time she’s known him. 

Itachi released his hands, his eyes still a gleaming red as they looked at the charged air of Reiatsu and turbulent Reishi. 

“Why were you doing that?” Soi Fon asked. 

“It’s easier to sense another’s energy that one’s own, but it’s easier to manipulate yours than another’s. I released my Reiatsu in concentrated bursts to supercharge the spirit particles in the air so when I try to ‘connect’ with my own Reiatsu-infused atmosphere, it'll be easier for me to identify everything different from my own energy.” He explained slowly for her to understand. Despite her initial brash and prudish behavior, she did her best in answering him so far so telling her something simple in return was no deal to Itachi. 

Not to mention that this was something he learnt from Sasuke during their fight when his younger brother hit him with that lightning jutsu, Kirin. It worked on the same principles after all. 

“So like a magnet.”


Once again Itachi observed the Reishi particles and Reiatsu in the air but no matter what he did or how he tried, the results were the same. 

“This is unsettling.” He muttered to himself. The unknown was always a danger to everyone and this was something that could kill a Shinigami without them or anyone knowing was more than unsettling. 

“How many groups ran investigation on West Rukongai from District 37th’?” He suddenly asked. 

“Why do you want to know?” Soi Fon asked back. It didn’t need to be said that the mission details of other teams aort from one’s own was classified information, especially an investigation mission like this one. 

“This is the North Rukongai 24th District. Do you understand now?” His voice was calm and low as he spoke, hardly ever in a hurry. 

“Huh? What does that hav- Wait! If this is the same Hollow then it’s traveling districts, back and forth and-” Soi Fon eyes widened, turning to Itachi and staring at him in shock. This was frightening to say the least. 

“It’s clearly getting stronger and the scene on West Rukongai could be considered messy work when compared to this. Not only that, from the time of their mission and the time they lost contact falls within a specific timeframe along with the one over at West Rukongai. They are hiding their tracks and diverting attention.” He said. 

“This is too smart and clean for a single or small group of Hollows’ work. That is if it’s still a Hollow.” Itachi said as he jumped onto the branch of a tree and used a slight tilt of his head to signal Soi Fon. “Let’s go. There’s nothing here.”

Without waiting for her response, Itachi blurred away, with Soi Fon following closely behind him. 

Since it was a simple recon mission, there was nothing more for them to do and given that he already went to both, his mission had long since been established. 

‘Mission complete. Reporting in… Did I really miss it this much?’

Like always, the answer that should have otherwise been easy for everyone else was an internal journey of retrospection for him. It didn’t bother him as much now but it still was an answer he had to give. 


They arrived at the Seireitei and went straight to Yoruichi’s office, knocking and entering after Yoruichi’s amused tone ushered them in. 

Unlike Soi Fon who knelt down and head bowed as she reported to Yoruichi, Itachi just stood a few feet behind her. Thankfully, Yoruichi wasn’t the type of person stuck on rules and formalities and Itachi wasn’t sure that he would be swearing his loyalty to anybody or any power anytime soon. 

Hearing all what Soi Fon had to say, Yoruichi nodded at her to stand up to which the girl obeyed, and then turned to Itachi. “Got anything to add from your point of view? I hear you have quite the fascinating trick up your sleeve.”

Her head was propped up by one of her hands while her legs were crossed, regarding both of them with both a welcoming and amused smile. 

‘This guy, he’s definitely the cream of the crop. And to think he was just 21 when he died.’

“I have nothing much to say. Though I doubt the Hollows are the only thing you have to worry about.”

Yoruichi nodded, understanding his warning of caution. “I understand. I think I’ll have a talk with Isshin and old man Kuchiki after this. Why don’t you guys go back and rest while I go talk with the Captains. We’ll have our work cut out when I’m back.”

“Yes, Lady Yoruichi.”


With the conclusion of those words, Itachi left the two women and made way to his abode. Instead of sleeping, he propped down in a cross-legged meditation pose and pushed his consciousness back into his mindscape. 

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