Crows x Souls

Chapter 37 – Shunsui Kyōraku

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Garbed in the standard Shinigami shihakushō, Itachi walked into the general information center, aka library, in the 2nd Division. After his sparring matches with Soi Fon which left the lady very conflicted and mildly angry, Itachi went ahead and decides to visit the library before doing anything else. 

Since he had nothing to do most of the time, he usually spends it reading through books and any other useful pieces of information he could find here. 

Most of them were about the 2nd Division and the Seireitei in general, some Shinigami-centric ones and general history. 

There were some about Hollows but something Itachi noticed about the general information regarding Hollows were the classifications of the different Hollow types and nothing else. This was information even taught at the Academy. 

Yoruichi once asked him if he ever considered going through the normal education route to become a Shinigami but he refused since he could get the information he would from the Academy far easier by being in the 2nd Division. 

“Excuse me, but are there any books on the Noble Houses?” He asked one of the librarian he came across. 

The man looked a little uncertain at Itachi’s question, something that didn’t escape his notice. “Well most information about them are mostly references and mentions. There’s nothing else on them in these books apart from that. It’s not exactly public knowledge you see.”

Itachi nodded, going back to his book and only leaving after a few hours of reading. It was one of the few pastimes and luxuries he could enjoy during his Akatsuki days. 

He decided to ask Yoruichi about it after returning, but before that decided to visit the 8th Division and clear the pending invitation, mostly because this was the first time he was visiting another Division. 

“Oh, Itachi! You finally decided to share wine with me today, how wonderful!” 

He heard a shout behind him, turning around to see Kyōraku waving at him. And also a wine gourd strapped to his waist. 

“Don’t tell me you didn’t come here to hang out with me and you’re on duty?” He looked saddened but none of his mannerisms phased Itachi. 

Call it a sixth sense or something of that nature but this Captain, Shunsui Kyōraku, along with the Head Captain and a few other Captains felt different to him. 

Even without proof of any kind, he deduced that even between Captains, there was a difference between the truly strong Captains and those strong enough to be Captains. 

And if he were to be asked where he would place the straw hat wearing man in a flashy kimono in, on pure instincts, he would go with the former. 

“I don’t drink.” He simply said, causing Kyōraku to stare dumbly at him, his frivolously carefree demeanor fading a bit as he adjusted his hat a little higher to show a full view of his face. 

“It’s not very respectful to play with the feelings of an elderly man when it comes to sharing a drink.” He said. 

He walked past Itachi and stepped through the gates of his Division’s barrack, beckoning on Itachi to follow. “Meaning you have something to say to me, right? Well don’t just stand there.”

Kyōraku led Itachi to the back of a house with trees all around it and led him to the stump of a tree where he unceremoniously plopped to the ground and stretched his hands for Itachi to take a seat. 

“I’m afraid that other than your name and that amazing display you put on when you arrived, I know nothing about you.”

“There’s nothing to know. The only thing I have of importance is my name and that happens to be something one gives freely.” Itachi said, causing Kyōraku to sigh. 

“You know, most people would say their name is one of the most important things they have. Especially when it comes to being a soul.” Kyōraku said, folding his hands into the sleeves of his kimono. “A name is essential to a soul. More so when it comes to being a Shinigami.”

Itachi didn’t say anything to that, could not say anything to it or against it, simply turning his head to look at the approaching familiar Reiatsu. 

Lisa Yadōmaru walked towards them, pausing slightly at Itachi’s presence before giving a respecting nod to him which he returned, and setting down two small sake cups. 

“There are some things I need your oversight on so please don’t get hungover in the middle of the day.” She said, sighing to herself on seeing the carefree smile on his face that told her he was giving little to no consideration to her words. 

“Nice to meet you again, Itachi Uchiha. Lisa Yadōmaru, Lieutenant of the 8th Division.” 

“Itachi Uchiha. 2nd Division.” He said, his reply more simplified. 

“Please don’t let yourself get carried away by his antics.” She said before turning to leave the both of them to whatever antics they were up to in the middle of the day. 

Silently she hoped that Itachi was as moral and levelheaded as he appeared. The last thing she needed was someone encouraging her Captain to more indulgence. 

Watching Lisa as she left, Kyōraku chuckled and uncorked the gourd and filled the two cups and shifted one towards Itachi. 

“Don’t get scared by her.” He said as if answering an unasked question, “She’s just like that until you get to know her.”

Itachi didn’t say anything to that either, having no idea what the Captain’s reason for saying that was. 

“Well, you came this far already. Out with it, will ya?” He took a little sip, closing his eyes as he did to savor the intoxicating taste of a perfectly fermented alcohol. 

“I didn't come here for any particular reason but I do have some questions I wanted Yoruichi to answer for me, but I guess I can peruse your knowledge with your permit.”

Raising his eyes at Itachi, mildly confused, he asked. “Are you stating that or are you asking me?” Realizing that he would only be troubling himself with whatever Itachi’s answer might be, he stopped him from responding and told him to ask away. 

“The Noble Houses? Yeah, I do know a few things about them but it’s almost the same as what you can get from the libraries.”

His eyes were half lidded as he spoke, as if he was speaking of something trivial with little to no importance, but Itachi knew it was the complete opposite. 

‘I will ask Yoruichi about it and see if it’s some general secret.’ Itachi thought. 

“I see.” Itachi looked down at the cup of sake in front of him and proceeded to pick it up and gulp down the contents. 

Seeing his action and his immediate reaction, Kyōraku couldn’t help but laugh. “Hahaha! You weren’t kidding. And here I thought you didn’t drink.”

“I don’t.” Itachi replied. “But it’s disrespectful to turn down a drink of cordiality from a respected elder… at least where I’m from.”

Kyōraku looked at the young man in front of him with an amused smile. He played the fool most times because that was just who he was – the childish games and behavior were a part of him and not just an act and that was why he could see things in a simpler and less complicated way than most people. 

And that was why Itachi made him amused. 

‘Oh Yoruichi is going to have too much fun teasing his cold mask off.’

“Well then, how about joining me every once in a while for a cup.” He said and lifted his cup to gulp down the remaining contents, exhaling in contentment as the liquid flowed down his throat. “Hopefully the next time you come around, we can watch the moonlit sky.”

Itachi knew he wasn’t much of a conversation person, something Kyōraku could tell straightaway, and so for the short duration he stayed there, Kyōraku was the one who did most of the speaking. 

The man was a very good conversation partner and storyteller, well he had to be given he was into the millennium in years, hence the respect Itachi freely gave. 

Itachi’s thought on him was that he could be a little tricky and somewhat obscure, rarely intense, and a little bit too laid back. His young visage apart, Itachi’s words about him being a respected elder was true. 

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