Crows x Souls

Chapter 54 – Who’s That?

You’re such a child. You talk of nothing but pipe dreams… there are times when people must make painful choices.” – Itachi Uchiha. 




The students of the Shin’ō Academy hurried to the Zanjutsu hall where some of their seniors were undergoing an assessment test.

The only students allowed in the Zanjutsu hall were those a year or two below the assessing year and some among them weren’t allowed entrance so as not to crowd the hall inside. 

The Shin’ō Academy curriculum was an extensive course of a six year timeframe but one could graduate earlier at any time they finished the course. The record of the fastest speedrun of the curriculum was held by Gin Ichimaru, 3rd Seat of the 5th Division. 

Among the students trying to gain a way in, a dark haired young man with a grass stalk in his mouth managed to calmly sneak through the guards who were threatening the crowd of students. 

His composure radiated calm and confidence that instinctively seemed to stop someone from doubting him. 

Safely getting past the guards, his calm façade gave way to a lopsided grin, one full of amusement as he successfully managed to fool his way in. 

Normally this was supposed to be a class-only affair, but the distinction between the last two years was barely existent that they could join in on most of their activities. 

“Now let’s see how good the sixth years are with Zankensoki.” He muttered to himself as he joined the platform of watching senior students with his mask of confidence back on. 

“Are those the squad members for the assessment?” He asked a girl beside him who nodded with a serious expression on her face. 

“Four Lieutenants, three 3rd Seats and three from the Kidō Corps.” 

Junpei gulped upon hearing the lineup of the final assessment. He was still a ways up from taking the final assessment, talk less of speedrunning the curriculum in a year or two like those crazy geniuses. 

Completely ignoring Kidō, just Zanjutsu and Hakuda were already too much for him to master at his level. Hohō was just a step below Kidō in the arts he completely sucked at. It didn’t help that both relied heavily on one’s utilization of Reiatsu, the bane of his ironic existence.

“It's starting.” The serious girl besides him shushed everyone around them even though no one was talking. 

For the students of the Shin’ō Academy, even if they dreamed of joining a specific Division, except they specifically grew in the arts related to that Division, the Head Instructor and those in charge of graduating were the ones who chose where they’ll end up depending on their assessment. 

“Have any idea who those guys are?” He asked the girl besides him, causing her to frown and stare at him incredulously with a bit of suspicion. “What?”

“You’re in your fifth year and you still can’t recognize the Lieutenants and some of the 3rd Seats?” The reason she assumed so was because they were near the assessment field where only the fifth and repeating sixth year occupied. 

“I’m not good with faces and names.” He replied succinctly. 

She gave him a blank stare but didn’t question it any longer, only pointing at where the Lieutenants and other official Shinigami stood. 

“That’s Lieutenant Aizen; I’m sure you know him since he lectures a lot at the Academy, especially the optional courses.”

Junpei nodded as he knew the brown haired man as one of the best lecturers in the whole Academy. 

“Lisa Yadōmaru, Lieutenant of the 8th,” She said pointing at Lisa and the tall white haired woman she was talking with. “That’s Lieutenant Isane. Lieutenant of the 4th and one of the kindest Lieutenants ever. She’s also my personal favorite. The last is Lieutenant Kaien, from the Shiba Clan, 13th Division. They say he’s one of the strongest Lieutenants, and a very kind man too.”

Junpei looked at the Lieutenants with barely concealed longing, wondering how long it’d take to get to such a level as them. A very long time, maybe even impossible, but that didn’t stop him from trying. 

“And those three from the Kidō Corps?” 

The girl shook her head. “Hardly anything or anyone from the Kidō Corp is known.”

“I see.” He nodded as that was something he also knew. The Kidō Corps’ presence was just that nonexistent. “Anything special about the 3rd Seats then?”

She groaned and didn’t hide how irritated she was at his questions, and Junpei picking up on that could only scratch his head. 

“The white haired one is Gin Ichimaru–” 

“The record breaking genius?”

“Yes. That very one.” She sighed heavily. “I heard he’s now the 3rd Seat of the 5th Division, directly under Lieutenant Aizen.”

“That woman is Miyako Shiba, Lieutenant Kaien’s wife, also from the 13th Division. As for the last guy, I don’t think I’ve heard of him.” She said, scrunching her face up as she tried to remember the dark haired man that stood with the 3rd Seats observing the examinees. 

“Oh? You don’t know him? Not even his name?” He could only sigh as he saw her nod. He looked back at the unnamed 3rd Seat and couldn’t help but grin. 

After three years in the Shin’ō Academy, this was the first time he was coming across that face after that night in the woods. 

He mused happily to himself. “Mr. Shinigami. 3rd Seat huh. You really are a badass.”  

“Did you say something?”

“Nah. Let’s keep quiet for now, it looks like it’s about to start.” He said as everybody seemed to quiet down. “Oh, and I’m Junpei by the way.”



Down in the open field, gave a curt nod at the Thirteenth’s 3rd Seat, Miyako Shiba, who introduced both herself and Gin to him. 

“Itachi huh? So yer that ryoka a while back that got admitted into the Second.” Gin smiled as he leaned forward towards Itachi and laid his hand out for a shake. “Just call me Gin.”

“Itachi. Likewise.” Itachi narrowed his eyes slightly at Gin who was squeezing his hands and refusing to let go. “Mind letting go?”

“3rd Seat Gin. Please refrain from causing a scene.” Gin smiled and rubbed the back of his head ‘embarrassedly’ at Aizen’s scolding. “I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable, Itachi.”

“No worries.” Itachi said dismissively. He was used to the eccentricities of souls in the Afterlife. 

“Don’t make it sound as if I was bullying him, Vice. He’s from the Second; those guys are scary.” It was clear to all that he didn’t mean any single word he said. 

The assessment quickly started and they had to personally assess the students in the field they were picked for. For Itachi, that was Hakuda, Shinigami hand-to-hand combat. 

It was unknown whether Yoruichi enlisted him specifically for this reason or not; that being testing the students in Hakuda against someone who could copy his opponent’s move. 

The three from the Kidō Corp along with Isane oversaw the Kidō assessment test(Hadō, Bakudō, and Kaidō), while Aizen and Kaien presided over the Zanjutsu assessment. 

The remaining three, Gin, Miyako and Itachi, were in charge of Hakuda and Hohō, since the two worked better in tandem. 

“Well now, don’t be scared. We’ll make sure not to hurt ya if that’s what yer scared ‘bout.” Gin softly reassured the first three people that got to them. 

“The rules are simple: do not draw out your Zanpakutō or use Kidō. This test is purely Hakuda and Hohō.” Miyako reminded the three of them as they squared off against their opponents. 


The bell signaling them to begin resounded and the students immediately pressed on the attack but soon found out the difference between the 3rd Seats and those who took six years to complete the course. 

The man fighting Itachi was especially frustrated as nothing he did seemed to faze Itachi one bit. 

Shunpo? His little mastery of it couldn’t compare to Itachi’s speed, either with Shunpo or Shunshin(Body Flicker). 

Hand-to-hand combat? Itachi was a master Taijutsu fighter whose skill did not lose a single ground to Yoruichi. 

“Damn it!” The man cursed and tried running circles around Itachi to confuse him but Itachi calmly kept his gaze forward and while taking a single step, blocked the man’s running path and drove his elbow into the man’s stomach. The man’s eyes rolled backwards as he fainted upon the impact. 

“Next.” Itachi’s calm words were held by those paying attention to the Hakuda/Hohō battles. 

The other examinees sucked in cold breaths at the sight of someone getting knocked out in the first few minutes of the assessment. 

Gin whistled, though his eyes were faintly narrowed. “Like I said. Scary~” 

The medics from the Fourth on standby quickly carried the poor man away and Itachi resumed his assessment. 

“Hakuda and Hohō. Nothing else.” Was the only thing he said to any of the students he faced. 

It didn’t take long for the attention on the Hakuda/Hohō assessment to increase as the second and third students were swiftly knocked out while the other two 3rd Seats were still fighting their second student. 

“By the Spirit King! Who is that guy?” 

This question started circling in everyone’s head, including Miwa who sat near a wryly smiling Junpei. 

“That would be Mr. Shinigami.” He didn’t know if anyone heard him but he didn’t care as he was smiling heartily at the display of Itachi’s skill. 


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