Crows x Souls

Chapter 84.5 – Side Chapter – Life of An Everyday Shinigami

“It’s easier to crush a dream than realize one. Forming a bond is infinitely more difficult than breaking one.” — Gin Ichimaru.




Junpei has been a nervous wreck for the past few weeks and try as he might, he just couldn’t bring himself back to a state of calm. 


Well, because his final year exams were coming up, in other words, his first crossroad to be an exemplary Shinigami. 

Oh and he still hasn’t unlocked his Shikai. 

It wasn’t that he couldn’t hear his Shikai, he had, but he still wasn’t there yet. And his teacher/mentor, Mr. Itachi, had said that was the exact thing holding him back. In his words, Junpei was missing a vital part of himself which made everything he learnt feel as if he was half-assing it. Tough. 

“Jun-jun, you’re still training? Didn’t Tachi-tachi say you can take today off?” Yachiru suddenly appeared in front of him mid swing. 

“– Lieutenant Yachiru.” Junpei's sword stopped a few meters away from touching the small girl who could definitely fold him in seconds. “I did… but I became too bored so I decided to sweat a little.”

“Umu.” She nodded understandably. Instead of moving from her position to let him continue, Yachiru squinted her eyes at him cutely before smacking her fist on her palm.

Before Junpei could ask her what she was thinking about, his eyes spun and suddenly he was looking at the moving ground. 

Yachiru had flung him over her shoulders and made her way back to the Eleventh with a speechless Junpei frantically begging to be let go. 

When she finally stopped, Junpei found himself rudely thrown to the floor but he didn’t let out any single complaint, not after all the times the hyper childish Lieutenant had smacked him around in the name of helping him train. 

“Yachiru, who’s the scrub?” 

Junpei froze as he heard what he could only describe as the most malevolent voice he’d ever heard. 

‘And that Reiatsu— Spirits!’

“Kenny, I brought Junpei. He’s Tachi-tachi’s student.” Junpei’s head whipped up at Yachiru’s words to see who she was talking to, and paled when he did. 

Sitting on the patio, leg crossed and head lazily resting on his hands, was Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of the 11th Division. 

“Mm? Itachi’s student?” Junpei completely froze up when he came under the terrifying scrutiny of the one-eyed Captain. “He doesn’t seem like much.”

Yachiru chuckled and rapidly smacked Kenpachi’s back as if he just said something ridiculous. “You’re so funny, Kenny. Of course he isn’t. I brought him here to train with the others.”

Now that she mentioned it, Junpei realized that he wasn’t exactly alone. A lot of Shinigami were standing behind him, now staring at him in interest and battle-thirsty gleams. 

“Whatever.” Kenpachi said dismissively, immediately losing interest in Junpei. “Everyone, in a straight line.” He commanded. 

Compelled by the command, Junpei found himself shuffling through the crowd trying to place himself in the line. By the time he did, he found himself near the end of the line. 

“Oi, what’s your name, twig?” 

He looked back to see who the harsh voice calling him belonged to, a bald thug with red teardrop eyeliners at the edge of his eyes, and bowed in greeting. 

“Sixth year student, Junpei.”

“Hmph! I can see that.” The bald thug snorted unimpressed. “Junpei, eh. You think you’re some big shot or sumn’ just because Itachi is your teacher, uh? You looking down on us, eh twig?”

Junpei was just shaking his head frantically at everything the thug said, not knowing where to even begin answering if he wanted to. 


The explosion sound and the wave of immense Reiatsu snapped Junpei back to what was happening at the front. 


In the open space at the front of the line, Kenpachi Zaraki was smacking around the Shinigami of his Division. 

… And the weird thing was that they were jumping in with mad smiles as soon as Captain Zaraki took down someone, all with blades drawn. 

“Hey, listen to me when I’m talking ya prick!”

Someone must have said something and grabbed him by the shoulders but Junpei didn’t respond as his whole attention was on the brutal beat down that was making his way towards. 

“Finally, it’s coming!” He heard someone say, not sure who. 

“I guess we have no choice, hah. Ensure I get to the 4th Division after you’ve had your fun, Ikkaku.”

A wave of Reiatsu from behind snapped Junpei off his daze, making him aware of what was happening. 

“Grow, Hōzukimaru.” The bald thug released his Shikai, face alit in anticipation. 

“Bloom, Fuji Kujaku.” An effeminate man with flamboyant eyelashes intoned. 

“You should release your Shikai if you want to be able to move sooner, twig.” The thug advised with a sneer. 

Junpei was just flabbergasted at how fast everything was moving. ‘Why did you bring me here, Yachiru you damn brat!’

He drew his sword(unwillingly), not like he had any other choice. 

A few seconds later and Captain Zaraki was now two Shinigami from him when he stopped with a frown. 

“All of you, come at me.” He ordered. 

The remaining Shinigami of the Eleventh immediately sprung into action, all looking very eager to take a piece of their Captain. 

Even while drowning in fear, Junpei still moved. He’d rather fight the Captain with an eager group than risk facing the madman alone. 



Junpei was limping through the streets of the Gotei 13 by himself after just leaving the 4th Division where he and a lot of the people from the Eleventh were taking. 

His memories of everything that happened in that madhouse was a blur. From the time Yachiru abducted him to when her ballistic Captain ran through them – everything felt like a flash of lightning. 

Something he also noticed was how different the medics from the Fourth treated the Shinigami from the Eleventh compared to other Shinigami – like hoodlums. 

He shivered at the memory the disgusted stare one of the medics gave him before telling him to hike his ass out of there. 


Kaname Tōsen – the Ninth Division’s 5th Seat –, a blind Shinigami with noble morals and a penchant for seeking justice in everything he did, was on one of his usual strolls after visiting a friend’s tombstone when he decided rest in an open restaurant and maybe have a meal there. 

He was about to enter the restaurant when he saw an obviously tired Shinigami – an academy student to boot from his garb – , and maybe even injured, so he stopped to see if he could offer a helping hand. Well he couldn’t exactly see, but he could tell their expressions and emotions based on the feel of their Reiatsu. 

“Excuse me. Are you okay?” He went over and asked, unintentionally startling the boy before remembering that the academy students were extremely respectful, and even afraid, of active Shinigami. 

“Um, sorry, I’m—” 

“It’s alright, there’s no need for all that. Kaname Tōsen, 9th Division. I’m just concerned is all.” He stopped the fatigued boy from observing any strenuous greetings. 

He revealed a soft smile when he saw the boy smile in relief and scratching his head in embarrassment. “Junpei, sixth year. I’m just returning from the 4th Division.”

Tōsen frowned in concern upon hearing that. “A dangerous mission? I can underst—” 

“Not exactly a mission, sir.” Junpei chuckled embarrassingly and just gave a brief explanation of how his friend dragged him to the Eleventh Division to join a bout the Captain was organizing. 

Tōsen frowned deeply at that. “That’s highly improper, especially when it concerns someone as shallow as Captain Zaraki.”

When he realized what he just said, he told Junpei not to worry about it and invited him into the simple restaurant to buy the poor boy a meal. 

“You could’ve said no, you know. You don’t have to succumb to decisions you’re against just because it comes from an acquaintance. Peer pressure is a vice of its own.” He advised as they dug into their food, only to stop when he saw the sad expression on Junpei’s face. 

“What is it?”

“It’s… kinda hard to explain.” Junpei began, hesitating a bit on how to start before deciding to bite it off the top. “I’m not strong. I haven’t even unlocked my Shikai as a sixth year, and I know they were just trying to help me out in getting stronger.”

Surprise came over Tōsen’s face upon hearing Junpei’s self-deprecating words, so he asked tentatively. “I know getting stronger is important for every Shinigami, but why do you want to grow stronger?”

He became even more curious when a difficult expression came over Junpei’s face.

“I—…. Sorry, I can’t tell you. It’s not exactly some important reason, just that you won’t find it important like I do.” Junpei said. 

The blind Shinigami nodded in understanding, agreeing wholeheartedly with the sentiment Junpei spoke with. Not everyone sees what you do, especially when it comes to motivations and morals. 

“I see.” He replied as they ate. “While it might not be much, I can give you some advice on how to achieve your Shikai.”

He smiled and shook his head when he felt Junpei’s mixed feelings about it. 

“Trust me. Experience is different for everyone, even amongst geniuses. What works for someone might not work for you, so it’s better to broaden your knowledge.” He explained, “See what works for you.”

Junpei nodded slowly. “I see. Well, thanks then. For the food and the advice. But why though?”

“My help?” Junpei nodded. “It’s because of how sincere your Reiatsu is. Someone with your character and words can hardly be that bad.”


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