Cultivating Immortality in the Winter Wasteland

Chapter 360 We need to control the recruitment standards

Chen Wang and his team were fully armed and marched forward.

Chen Wang's consciousness was extremely sharp and his reaction was very quick.

He was like an extra detector in the team. They avoided many zombies along the way and did not have a direct conflict with them.

Chen Wang's coquettish movement and his awareness surprised his teammates.

At this time, everyone temporarily settled down by a building.

Yang Jun, who looked like a rat, sighed: "Captain, I thought you were just a powerful master before, but now it seems that you are indeed a good leader. Your vision and awareness are not comparable to ordinary people!"

Chen Wang was smoking at this time. He just took a puff of the cigarette and held it between his fingers. His hand suddenly shook.

He took a deep look at Yang Jun: "You are a bit of a waste of talent to be a genetic warrior."

Yang Jun was flattered: "Captain, what do you think I should do?"

Chen Wang took another puff of cigarette and blew out a smoke ring: "You should be a poet. Fighting and killing are not suitable for your temperament."

Yang Jun said in surprise: "Me?"

"It turns out that I have talent in this area. I really didn't realize it before. Captain, your words are like a beacon in the sea of ​​suffering. It lights up my direction. I will figure it out!"

Chen Wang: "………………"

No, this person is sick!

Chen Wang glanced at Yanzhi with resentment.

What kind of person did he recruit?

This graceful, mature and beautiful female instructor was paying attention to the surrounding situation at this time.

Feeling Chen Wang's gaze, she turned her head and looked at him.

Yanzhi smiled slightly: "Yang Jun is an excellent scout."

She said lightly.

Chen Wang took a deep puff of cigarette, looked at the rat-eyed man again, and then retracted his gaze.

"During the war, he would probably be the best candidate for a traitor."

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He was smoking by himself.

Dou Wu, a thin and sturdy man who looked extremely fierce, came over and asked, "Captain, are you a fourth-level soldier now?"

Chen Wang was stunned: "Why do you ask that?"

Dou Wu said: "I saw your momentum and strength when you tore those zombies apart with your hands. I felt that you had exceeded the limit of the third level."

"So I am a little curious."

Chen Wang raised his eyebrows.

Dou Wu's question was somewhat offensive.

Miao De, who was standing by, was calmer. He immediately came out to pull him and scolded him, "Don't pry into the captain's privacy casually. Why do you have so many questions!"

Dou Wu was scolded by him, but he didn't care. He scratched his head and smiled at Chen Wang, "I don't mean anything else, captain, I'm just a little curious."

Chen Wang smiled faintly, "It's okay."

This matter could have ended here, but Dou Wu still said inappropriately, "Captain, how can I become as strong as you?"

Chen Wang raised his eyebrows,

He looked at this extremely capable, venomous man.

"How can I become as strong as me?"

He smiled.

Why is this man talking so much nonsense?

Should I tell you to practice Qigong and then practice physical training?

"Practice well." Chen Wang took a puff of cigarette and said faintly.

"Captain, can you teach me your training method?" Dou Wu's eyes were full of expectation.

As soon as these words came out, Lian Yanzhi turned around and looked at Dou Wu. She frowned and said, "Dou Wu, you talk to the captain like this!"

Chen Wang glanced at Dou Wu's eyes.

This guy's eyes were very clear, with fanaticism and an obsession to become stronger.

"Push-ups, squats, running, sit-ups, do each to the limit, no matter how many sets." Chen Wang said.

Dou Wu's eyes lit up: "Is it that simple?"

"Can I be as strong as you in this way?"

He was a little excited and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

What's wrong with the full of middle school spirit... Chen Wang couldn't help but look at Yanzhi again, his eyes were a little resentful.

Then he said: "Strength not only comes from the outside world, but also from your heart, and the most important sentence is a core standard."

Except for Dou Wu, everyone else probably heard that Chen Wang was joking.

But at this time, Chen Wang said this so seriously that even the calm Miao De looked over, a little curious.

After all, Chen Wang's fighting power is amazing. The previous rumors were extremely terrifying. Today, I saw him tearing zombies with my own eyes, which was even more powerful!

Chen Wang took another puff of cigarette and said lightly: "You become bald, so you become stronger."

Dou Wu nodded vigorously and suddenly realized: "So that's it!"

Yanzhi: "…………"

Miao De: "…………"

Yang Jun: "…………"


Seven or eight people gathered together.

They are a team from the church, well-equipped and well-trained.

Among them is a long-haired man who tied his long hair into a ponytail at the back of his head and had earrings on his ears.

Everyone was cautious, but this young man was holding a book in his hand and reading.

The girl on the cover has a very hot body, naked, and poses in various seductive postures.

The content inside is quite explosive!

The young man with a ponytail leaned against the wall, and his hand occasionally scratched his crotch, and then put it to his mouth to smell it.

This man is actually quite handsome, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and when he smiles, he has a kind of crazy feeling.

But his movements are extremely indecent, like a street thug.

A relatively calm young man has bloodshot eyes, and under his bulletproof vest is a short-sleeved shirt that has been washed and turned a little white.

His clothes are very simple, and the gun in his hand is a carbine, and the buttstock is polished to a shine.

The two men are dressed strangely, but no one dares to look down on them.

This team is basically composed of third-level soldiers, and they are all from the Judgment Team,

and these two are fourth-level soldiers.

The young man with a high ponytail and earrings is called Xu Bo.

He has a brilliant record. He once killed a senior executive of Shanda alone and wiped out the opponent's defense force.

You should know that the senior executive had a fourth-level master beside him at the time,

but despite this, the entire defense force and the soldiers around him were all killed by him alone.

No one saw the process, but they were very afraid of this young man named Xu Bo.

This man has an unpredictable temperament. When he is happy, he will call a dozen or twenty women to spend time in the hotel.

When he is unhappy, he can take off his clothes and run naked on the street.

Although all genetic warriors have some personality defects, this man's behavior does not seem to be caused by genetic drugs, but seems to have such defects.

It's just that he is a sharp knife, so he will be released to do some tasks when necessary.

The calmer young man is a captain of the Judgment Team, but he has no team members under him.

The number of members of the Judgment Team he led was at least a dozen, most of whom were third-level and powerful,

but now he is alone, and this time he was specially recruited.

Before being recruited, he washed dishes in a guesthouse in the Apocalypse Shelter.

Yes, it was such an ordinary job.

His name is Li Weidong, a relatively ordinary name.

This guy has no problem except that his clothes are simpler and his gun is older. He is much more normal than the long-haired young man.

Moreover, he used to be a captain-level figure, unlike the long-haired young man who has been fighting alone from beginning to end, like a lone wolf.

But at this time, the crazy members of the church's Judgment Team looked at him with more fear.

In comparison, they only felt that the long-haired young man was a little creepy.

But how many normal people are there in the Judgment Team?

They are all crazy!

Only those with the most serious mental illness can become members of the Judgment Team.

There is only one reason why they are afraid of Li Weidong,

because the team that Li Weidong led before did not die at the hands of the three powers, nor did they die at the hands of zombies,

but were killed by him!

Overnight, all of them were hanged in a ruin!

At that time, this incident caused a sensation in the church.

If it weren't for a big boss of the church to protect Li Weidong, I'm afraid Li Weidong would have been solved.

It's too fucking crazy, even killing his own people!

The reason he gave was very simple,

"They massacred civilians, they deserved to die!"

Damn it! Hearing this reason, it was impossible to tell that he was a captain of the church's judgment team.

This time he came out to do the mission, although he was given a death order not to kill his colleagues or his own team members in any name,

but these people still looked at Li Weidong with some fear.

The long-haired young man had never heard of a record of killing his own people, but Li Weidong was different.

The record of annihilating the church's judgment team can be checked!

At this time, there was a middle-aged man among the third-level soldiers of these churches. He was burly, with extremely developed muscles on his arms, and looked vaguely metallic.

Before the arrival of these two living fathers, he was the nominal head of this team.

His name is Qin Baoshan, a third-level gold man with extremely strong defense.

At this time, he looked at the two living fathers, one was in a daze, and the other was looking at the album.

The corner of his mouth twitched, cleared his throat and whispered: "Captain Xu, should we continue to move forward or find a place to survey first?"

The Captain Xu he mentioned was the long-haired young man Xu Bo.

The reason why Li Weidong was not appointed as the captain was because of the black history last time, and he was afraid that the team would repeat the same mistake.

Afraid of hearing the title of captain, Li Weidong became excited again, and some memories were evoked.

The long-haired young man Xu Bo's eyes moved away from the album with a hot cover, and he curled his lips: "The picture quality is really too poor, and this woman can't pose, it's not provocative enough."

Qin Baoshan was stunned for a moment.

He finally understood what it meant to talk at cross purposes.

But the long-haired young man Xu Bo continued: "Keep going inside, don't stop here, the most core place is the most valuable, and don't even explore the rest of the place."

His words were very powerful, his actions were very straightforward, and he was the highest person in charge this time.

Qin Baoshan nodded: "Okay, got it!"

The long-haired young man put away the album in his hand and put it in his backpack.

He stretched lazily and said with a smile: "Actually, you don't have to ask me about everything. You can make your own decisions."

Qin Baoshan said seriously: "How can this be done? Captain Xu, you are the person in charge. All of us brothers listen to you!"

The long-haired young man smiled slightly. At this time, he didn't look so neurotic.

He looked deep.

"It is said that the predecessor of Morning Star Research Institute is here. As long as we find that research institute and take away the information inside, it will be a great achievement!"

Qin Baoshan's eyes suddenly lit up.

The predecessor of Morning Star Research Institute is here!

This news couldn't help but make the ruling team members' eyes light up.

The long-haired young man continued: "Why did the higher-ups send two level four and such an elite team here? If there is not enough profit, the devil would be willing to put people in a place like this!"

He was speaking very seriously at this time, but then he took out his crotch, put it to his nose and smelled it.

Then he patted Qin Baoshan on the shoulder,

"You are a good person. You are a captain. Work hard. If you can come back alive this time, you will definitely be promoted."

The long-haired young man smiled, looking extremely sincere.

Even if Qin Baoshan was patted on the shoulder by that hand, he didn't dare to say anything. He just smiled along with him.

I was very surprised in my heart,

"The predecessor of Morning Star Research Institute? Did it start research before winter? Is this why such a powerful zombie wave broke out here?"

Then his eyes lit up,

"Could it be that...there was originally a human body specimen laboratory here!"

He had some vague guesses in his mind.

This news is indeed very exciting.

Once word spreads, the three major powers may be involved in this matter!

From beginning to end, Li Weidong, who was simply dressed and holding an old-fashioned carbine in his hand, was just in a daze alone.

Seeing his appearance, the long-haired young man walked over and smiled.

"Weidong, why are you here alone in a daze? What are you thinking about?"

Li Weidong's voice was very magnetic, sounding like a subwoofer: "I missed three days of washing dishes, and my wages for these days will be deducted again."

Even the long-haired young man's out-of-the-box thinking can't keep up.

"Were you thinking about this just now?"

Li Weidong nodded.

The long-haired young man laughed: "This is not easy. The church will make up for the difference."

He originally wanted to say, if it doesn't work out, I'll get rid of your evil boss.

But considering Li Weidong's character, he was unwilling to provoke this guy.

Li Weidong shook his head when he heard this: "Earning this kind of money is not as reliable as earning money from washing dishes."

The long-haired young man shook his head and said to himself: "This person's mentality is really abnormal."

"I'm still in better spirits."

It's just that if his thoughts were known to others, he didn't know what they would think.

Except for the two of them, the rest of the members of the Judgment Team were attracted by the predecessor of the Morning Star Research Institute.

Full of curiosity about the secrets hidden within.


the other side,

Chen Wang and the others continued to move forward after a short rest.

They moved extremely quickly and did not directly conflict with the zombies, so they traveled very quickly.

Chen Wang looked at his team and wanted to tell Yan Zhi,

We need to control the recruitment standards in the future.

A flatterer, a chuunibyou, and a dull gourd.

"If others know that everyone in my team is like this, they won't think that I'm not normal either!"

Chen Wang thought.

At this moment, intensive gunshots suddenly came from the front!

Bang bang bang bang!

The gunfire was extremely fierce and accompanied by explosions.

There was a loud bang!

A steel ruin was blasted through!

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