Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Instant Kill

Chapter 15 Instant Kill

The night fell, Ren Qing hesitated for a moment, then followed the head briskly.

He is not worried about exposing himself to the Hundred Eyes, because the human eyes in the belly of the snail and the fish are all dead objects, but they are only affected by magic.

Otherwise, when Ren Qing was in contact, he would have already obtained the information flow of Baimuzhe.

It was mainly due to the fact that there was a lot of movement in the direction of Dongcheng, and a large number of arresters had begun to block the streets, causing him to be vaguely concerned.

Ren Qing didn’t want to let go of the clues of the Hundred Eyes, and simply kept a few hundred meters with the head, relying on the ability of the Hundred Eyes, and quietly followed behind.


The head fell into the ditch used to catch the rainwater, and continued to go south of the city, not fast but extremely concealed.

Ren Qing grabbed the short knife at his waist, and the pupils of his eyes turned to each other.

The reason why I use a knife is that I feel comfortable.

Compared with other urban areas, the south of the city is more mixed, and most of the dead bodies came from the fighting of gangs.

Although the yamen has been renovated, the situation has not improved in any way, but has become worse.

But this has also created the prosperity of the city at night, almost every street has flower buildings, and the smell of rouge permeates the air.

The number of casinos is no longer a minority, and there is inevitably a gang leader.

The place where Ren Qing followed the head was very close to the residential area, so the doors and windows were closed and no one noticed.

After    waited for the speed of the head to slow down, he adjusted his stride accordingly.

I saw the human head rolled into the dilapidated City God Temple, Ren Qing found a forest to hide, and used the grass to observe in secret.

After a while, a man kept looking around and sneaked into the ruined temple.

One hundred eyes?


Ren Qing had a faint guess in his heart.

He continued to wait patiently, and took out the pig’s eye and swallowed it into his belly. The hot air could keep the blood flowing rapidly throughout his body.

It’s time for a cup of tea.

The man walked out of the ruined temple. He wrapped the head with cotton and linen, and held his arms in his arms, intending to go to the residential area.

Ren Qing used the moonlight to see the person’s appearance clearly.

About twenty-five or six years old, his bare skin is covered with scars, and his eyes are very fierce.

He carried the sackcloth and didn’t take a few steps, but saw a figure in the distance.

The opponent was shrouded in the shadows formed by the trees, and his appearance was indistinguishable, so he felt a frightening aura.

The    man’s footsteps stopped immediately, he stared at him with a surprised expression, and then he subconsciously pulled out the machete at his waist.

“We meet Lu Ping in Xiaheni, dare to ask who is the hero?”

Ren Qing said coldly: “The yamen, I want to ask you something.”

Hearing this, Lu Ping took a few steps back and had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Is your lord a jailer?”

Ren Qing didn’t reply, he continued to keep his eyes fixed, and slowly stepped closer.

“Sir, I’ve never done anything wrong, and He Mu will be recently…”

“What’s in your hand?”

“I didn’t kill it!”

Lu Ping’s face was pale, and he dropped the head to the ground with a shudder.

In the terrifying threat brought by Ren Qing, he couldn’t take care of that much, his skin was wriggling, and there were a few more eyes on his forehead.

Ren Qing remembered the blind method found in the bookstore. It doesn’t seem to be a coincidence. The one who has a hundred eyes is spreading it consciously.

Hundred-eyed people controlled some monks to collect human eyes for themselves, and the rest were abandoned sons who diverted the attention of the jailer.

Maybe the Hundred Eyes did not show up from beginning to end, and he used his magic to stir up a puddle of muddy water in the whole city.

Those headless cases that appeared, at least a small part were done by people who have practiced the blind law.

In this way, even if a jailer intervenes, the Hundred Eyes can easily escape.

Ren Qing asked, “How did you give him the human eye?”

Lu Ping’s expression was gloomy. He knew that he would never touch that spell, so he got caught up in it and was targeted by the jailer.

“I don’t know, I just come here every three days, and then put the human eye on the windowsill, and birds will take it away.”

Lu Ping pointed to the extra eyes on his forehead and said, “If you don’t do this, the alienation of your body will be completely out of control.”

Ren Qing nodded slightly.

It seems that in order to hide his identity, the Hundred Eyes did not set up eyeliners in Sanxiang City, so Butcher Zhang’s matter would be better resolved.

Ren Qing was still approaching, Lu Ping said quickly: “I’m more restrained, those guys…”

Before he finished speaking, when he saw Ren Qing appearing in the moonlight, he immediately closed his mouth, and his expression became extremely ugly.

I thought it was a jailer who was afraid of the big people of the Heni Society, but I didn’t expect it was just a yamen, and it seemed that it didn’t even count as an arrest.

“When did the yamen become so lenient?”

“I’m sorry, I took your life.”

Ren Qing quickened his pace, and Chongtong had already locked on Lu Ping.

Lu Ping showed a hideous smile. He pulled out his machete and rushed out. He was just a mere yacht servant. Could it be possible that he could beat me?

The machete cuts from top to bottom.

Ren Qing dodged sideways like an unpredictable prophet, and slashed Lu Ping with a short knife.

Lu Ping reached out and grabbed it, and the sound of metal collision came from the contact between the palm and the blade.

Ren Qing took advantage of the situation to withdraw the short knife. He noticed that Lu Ping’s palm had a few eyeballs, but he didn’t expect it to be so hard.

Right at this moment, the movement from the catcher suddenly approached.

Lu Ping thought to retire: “You and I go our separate ways, just pretend that we have never seen each other…”

Ren Qing didn’t wait for him to finish speaking, the short knife pierced his ribs at a strange angle.

Lu Ping noticed that the pain was coming from his body, and his breathing became rapid, which was caused by the heavy damage to the lungs.

In the panic, the machete swung more and more incoherently.

Ren Qing looked extremely calm, although the jailer was probably already nearby, it was enough to kill the enemy.

Sheathed the knife.

The speed of the double pupil’s rotation accelerated, and the flow of time seemed to be extremely slow.

He grabbed the handle of the knife, and under his gaze, Lu Ping was full of flaws, and there were countless ways to kill in his mind.

Ren Qing chose the easiest one.

Knife out.

Lu Ping maintained a running posture, but there was a thin line on the neck, and blood was seeping from it.

His head fell on the ground and rolled a few times, with an incredible expression on his face.

Ren Qing glanced at the short knife in his hand, the edge had been rolled up, and if he touched something hard, it might break.

This knife was left by his predecessor, so the material is relatively common, so we can only find a chance to change to a new weapon.

Ren Qing immediately got up and left the ruined temple. He hid in the grass to look from afar, and noticed two jailers walking fast on the eaves.

One of the jailers is the white girl I saw in the prison, which belongs to the normal style of painting.

The other jailer had long hands and feet, each step was a distance of several meters.

The target of the two is exactly Wang Bingquan’s head.

The long-handed and long-legged jailer opened his mouth and spit out a large web like spider silk, rolled up his head and walked away, only the white girl looked in the direction of Ren Qing with a flat face.

After the two left, Ren Qing came out of the hiding place.

(end of this chapter)

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