Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price

Chapter 200

Chapter 199: Inexplicable Water Thirst

Chapter 199 Inexplicable water thirst

Ren Qing knew that he was not mistaken, I am afraid that the woman who suddenly appeared was Xiao Ying.

At this time, Jiang Feng also noticed the movement of the missing jailer through the eyeballs arranged near the watchtower, and his face suddenly became solemn.

He quickly took out the tenon and feathers to contact Li Tiangang, and then focused on stabilizing the situation.

And Ren Qing still stayed on the city wall.

He saw some clues through Xiao Ying, the other party’s naked skin was slightly puffy, his eyes were white and he couldn’t see the pupils, he felt like a long dead corpse.

Mizusawa’s sandstorm completely engulfed both of them, and I don’t know where they went.

Ren Qing couldn’t help but fell into contemplation, and gradually recalled many unusual places.

Xiao Ying is more like being soaked in water for a long time than the corpse’s natural decay and swelling, and her abdomen seems to be slightly shriveled.

However, Ren Qing was too far away, and with the sand and dust covering his eyes, he could not perceive the details.

He sorted out the fragmentary clues he had learned so far in his mind, which made Mizusawa’s impression even more confusing.

It seems that we can only find clues from the jailer, and maybe there is something else to gain.

Ren Qing had a faint sense of urgency in his heart, and he must complete the alienation of the wind and sand method as soon as possible.

He needs to collect more Zesha and give it to the Sandman to devour.

If you can turn into a 100-meter-long sand giant, you don’t need to take the risk to cast to the Dark Nightmare even if you are facing a bad situation.

Ren Qing once again separated some ghosts to stay in the camp to observe subsequent changes and contact with Jiang Feng.

When the others were not aware of it, he quietly left the frontier and hurried towards Mizusawa.

Ren Qing did not get too close and chose to sit on the third watchtower.

The detached soul is suspended in mid-air to alert the situation that occurs nearby, and it can respond quickly to uncontrollable dangers.

Ren Qing took the initiative to visualize the gluttonous method, and the scope of the different mouths became larger and larger, and soon covered the surrounding hundreds of meters.

Fortunately, it is not obvious from the frontier fortress city wall to the watchtower, only a tornado can be seen vaguely, and the wind and sand blowing towards Xiangxiang should be diluted by at least half.

Jiang Feng soon received a message from Li Tiangang, who asked only some prisoners to stay in the camp, and the rest went to Avici Hell.

Apparently, the Jailer Hall is reducing the risk so as to avoid uncontrollable situations.

Jiang Feng was not surprised by Ren Qing’s elusiveness. After several contacts, he was very aware of the latter’s own way.

Besides, there is no hidden trace of the ghost, which means that there is no serious problem.

After arranging the few jailer tasks left in the camp, Jiang Feng couldn’t help coughing, his saliva was bloodshot.

He didn’t expect that in a short period of time, his condition would take a turn for the worse, and his lungs felt as if they were on fire.

Jiang Feng hurriedly returned to the house, closed his eyes and crossed his legs to check his body.

Ren Qing was still concerned about the camp even though he was in the watchtower, so he controlled the ghost to merge into Jiangfeng’s shadow.

Jiang Feng’s lungs are slightly odd, much like pulmonary edema caused by accumulation of fluid.

should be caused by some kind of alienation.

After   Zesha was sucked into his lungs, it might have an inexplicable effect.

Ren Qing suspected that Zesha had merged with the organs, so Chongtong couldn’t find any traces.

Jiang Feng opened his eyes after a while, coughing again, his breathing became more and more rapid, and his face was bloodless.

He forcibly suppressed his distracting thoughts and prepared to go to Avici Hell for help in the shady realm.

At this moment.

Jiang Feng felt extremely thirsty. He picked up the tea bowl on the wooden table and looked at the fragrant tea, and felt fear in his heart for no reason.

is the fear of water.

As if he had been drained of strength, he lay down on the bed and rested.

Ren Qing noticed the unusual changes in Jiang Feng’s body, he hurriedly canceled the visualization method and hurried to the camp.

The water in Jiang Feng’s body dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, the sandy soil gradually began to spread, and the blood had coagulated.

Ren Qing came to the front of the house a few times and kicked the door open.

He poured a few pots of tea into Jiang Feng, who was confused, and the sandification was relieved immediately, and he even gradually recovered his flesh and blood.

Ren Qing noticed that Jiang Feng’s stomach could not store excess water, but returned to his lungs along the blood vessels, which seemed extremely strange.

There is a tendency for pulmonary edema in the lungs again.

He couldn’t help being surprised: “How can there be such an alternative alienation?”

Zesha comes from the nose and nose to the lungs. The alienated monk will be extremely eager to drink water, but his body instinct will prevent it.

But if the water is not taken in time, the monk’s flesh and blood will turn into sand, and the remaining bones will form a turbulent current when they come into contact with the water.

Ren Qing is very curious about what will happen to Jiang Feng’s lungs after he keeps drinking water, but after all, the strange dust is taken out when life is at stake.

Jiang Feng drank the tea mixed with strange dust, and the alienation of his lungs was slowly controlled.

He woke up with a loud cough.

Jiang Feng’s eyes were bloodshot, he couldn’t control himself, but his consciousness was still very clear, and he naturally knew the ins and outs.

“Thank you…Brother Ren…”

Ren Qing asked Jiang Feng a few words.

Three days ago, Jiang Feng couldn’t help drinking water frequently, but he didn’t notice the difference, so he didn’t even take it.

Until the alienation of the lungs suddenly gets out of control.

“You can rest for a while, I will pay more attention in the camp, and there will be no trouble.”

Ren Qing also gave Jiang Feng a few bottles of Weichen, and even after he left the frontier, the top priority was to collect Zesha as soon as possible.

The alienation of the rest of the jailers in the camp is very weak.

Although Zesha’s particularity makes his lungs unable to recover on his own, the cultivation of the ghosts makes the alienation not continue to worsen.

Ren Qing informed Li Tiangang of the situation using tenon and feathers, and then visualized the gluttonous method of blessing Yizui.

The sand people devoured Zesha in large quantities, and their body grew faster than expected, reaching the height of ten meters within a few days.

Ren Qing was not satisfied with this.

He couldn’t help but advance to another watchtower, and the Zesha collected next naturally contained more remnants.

The sand man gradually transformed, and the sand and gravel that made up the body appeared bone, which seemed to be more and more similar to Zesha.

The jailers in the frontier camp could sense that something was wrong, especially Ren Qing’s disappearance and Jiang Feng’s sudden illness.

They speculated that it might be caused by Zesha, and various rumors spread.

However, the alienation of Jiang Feng’s lungs was suppressed the next day. After he came forward to clarify, the tense situation eased slightly.

Not long after.

Li Tiangang came to the frontier and brought Song Zongwu with him.

They distributed the dust to the jailer, and all the alienation conditions disappeared after taking it.

Li Tiangang placed the ribs of the Ksitigarbha King on the open space in the camp, and the surrounding Zesha immediately turned into ordinary sand.

The remnant soul has been swallowed up before you know it.

Ren Qing knew the intention of the Jailer Hall to send the two shady realms, and it was clear that he was going to explore Mizusawa after he figured out Zesha.

He was also somewhat moved by this.

After all, as long as you are in the water, the Sandman can become a desert in a little time.

Ren Qing got up and returned to the camp. Li Tiangang had already started to prepare to leave, along with four ghosts who had changed more than twice.

“Brother Ren!”

Yanfeng greeted Ren Qing warmly when he saw Ren Qing, causing the guards in the camp to cast a slightly awe-inspiring look.

Many of them had come into contact with Ren Qing when Ksitigarbha King summoned the soul, so naturally they knew better than the jailer who had just been promoted from the reserve.

The terrifying ghost wolf occasionally recalls.

“Master Li asked me to speak to you and go to the stone house in the southwest corner to meet.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Ren Qing nodded and walked towards the house where Li Tiangang lived.

Within 100 meters, you can smell a very special wine aroma, which is as strong as a flame, even more fragrant than being drunk and dreaming.

He opened the door and walked in. Li Tiangang and Song Zongwu stood in front of the bed and discussed.

Song Zongwu knew who was coming without turning his head. He said with a smile: “Ren Qing, thanks to you at the frontier, otherwise many people would die because of this little sand.”

“Hey, good luck.”

Ren Qing planned to indirectly improve the status of the Jailer’s Hall, and then tried to find the secrets of the Dream Butterfly Technique from Da Meng Zhenren.

If there is a ghost city to prolong life, the Yangshen realm can be expected in the future.

He walked towards the two of them, only to find a **** woman lying on the bed, her chest and abdomen slashed by sharp objects.

The    woman has not yet died, and has a half-corpse cultivation level, and her skin is covered with cactus-like needles, indicating that the techniques she masters are related to plants.

But her breathing is already very weak, and she will die at any time.

What shocked Ren Qing the most was that the woman’s lungs were swollen to the size of a watermelon, and had a glass-like shape similar to a water soul.

Liu Li seems to be a solidified drink, with a very strong aroma.

Li Tiangang said, “I just want you to come and have a look.”

Ren Qing’s expression became solemn, and the aroma of wine kept arousing the desire in his heart. This sudden alcohol addiction was obviously wrong.

He calmed down forcibly, and the primary and secondary souls observed the woman.

Li Tiangang explained: “This person’s surname is Luo, and he and three reserve soldiers came to the frontier to transport materials, so the sand entered his body.”

“The other two have been turned into bones like Xiao Ying, but because they died in the jailer’s hall, they were not found.”

Ren Qing frowned and asked, “Why is she alive?”

The guards in the ghost realm are inevitably recruited, so how can the reserve survive.

Song Zong said indifferently, “Wine.”

Ren Qing followed and recited: “Wine…”

He muttered to himself: “Could it be that after the lungs are affected by Zesha, although monks cannot control themselves to drink water, they can use alcohol to suppress sandification.”

“Continuous drinking will eventually make the lungs look like this, how can there be…”

Ren Qing closed his mouth in time and almost blurted out.

He is too familiar with this method. The imaginary technique can make the practitioner’s flesh and blood become delicious, and Mizusawa can turn the organs into wine.

Mizusawa borders Jingzhou. It is difficult to say whether the two are related.

But the key problem is that there is a larva of Tiandao worm under Ren Qing’s feet. Even if he has become a puppet, he still has instincts.

Tiandao larvae are obviously not interested in the aroma of wine.

Ren Qing reached out and touched the drunken lung, intending to call out the information flow to check the situation.

There are only three thousand words today…

I’m sorry, the officials. I’m too busy at work during the day, so I’m just writing words intermittently, and I deleted them when I couldn’t read them any longer.

Then with my hand speed, I only code out one chapter from 6:00 to 8:00.

Just take this to take a good look at the plot after entering Mizusawa.

(end of this chapter)

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