Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Pingdingshan Village

Chapter 35 Pingdingshan Village

The city gate is set off by the rising sun, and the prelude to the morning gradually opens.

Ren Qing and others took their packages and walked out of Sanxiang City together.

They looked at the lush woods beside the official road, smeared insect repellent on their bodies, and even swallowed a few weird pills.

Although the destination is not far away, after all, you have to take a mountain road, so you must be well prepared.

This is the first time Ren Qing has left the city since he came to this world.

The rest are not much better, they are all born and raised in Sanxiang City, so that the most experienced is Xiaowu.

Ren Qing took out a simple map from his bosom, with the path to the meeting place marked on it, and then he could meet the jailer.

However, it is far from the real disaster relief restricted area, and the yamen will not reveal the restricted area information so easily.

Ren Qing thought for a moment and said, “Let’s go first, let’s try to reach Pingdingshan at night, there is a village where we can settle down.”

Wang Wen, as the eldest yamen to capture Kuai, had no trust in Ren Qing, so he couldn’t help but remind him again and again.

“You have to look at the map and don’t lose it.”

“Can’t go wrong.”

Ren Qing didn’t care about Wang Wen’s opinion, and ordered everyone to go along the official road.

The fireman is in the middle of the team, and the catcher is at the head and tail to prevent sudden danger.

Xiaowu stabbed Ren Qing with his elbow and said softly, “Brother Qing, if you have to walk continuously, it doesn’t matter to your body, right?”

Ren Qing shook his head and replied: “What’s the matter, and if it goes well, it will arrive in two days.”


Xiao Wu is still a little worried, after all, Ren Qing’s health was really bad a few days ago, and it depends on whether he can hold on.

The    team gradually moved away from Sanxiang City.

But the situation is not optimistic. The roar of wild animals can be clearly heard in the woods beside the official road, and even the grass is moving.

“Any police officer, there is a corpse…”

The speaker is called Guo Qing. He is another fast catcher. He is about the same age as Ren Qing, and he seems very uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment.

Ren Qing came to the location pointed by Guo Qing to check.

The corpse was found lying in the mud pit, with a yellow face and thin skin, wearing tattered cotton and linen clothes, and multiple stab wounds on the chest and abdomen.

“It should be the body of a mountain bandit who was hunted here by officers and soldiers.”

Ren Qing was a little puzzled, it seemed that the life of the bandits was still relatively poor.

Think about it, too, the caravans rarely set out in Sanxiang City, and the mountain bandits completely sat on the mountain to eat empty, what do they rely on to live on weekdays?

Zhu Ding couldn’t help but ask: “The policeman, didn’t they say that the bodies were burnt clean?”

Ren Qing explained: “Officers and soldiers will not deal with sporadic corpses, otherwise it will easily cause continuous wildfires.”

Everyone suddenly realized that they stopped paying attention to the corpse.

Little did he know that when Ren Qing pushed the corpse away with his feet, he noticed that there was a large area of charred black on the back of the corpse.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the corpse’s bloodstains, only to see a few pairs of blood-red eyes in the dark forest.

It was a thin wolf with grey fur.

The rumored mountain wolf is extremely cunning by nature, and will even follow for days and nights in order to hunt down its prey.

“I’m really going to become a sperm.”

Ren Qing understood that the corpse was probably picked up by the mountain wolf from the forest, and they used the corpse to trap their prey, which shows how smart they are.

Ren Qing naturally couldn’t allow himself to be targeted, he opened his squinted eyes while others were not paying attention, and used his nerves.

A terrifying aura emanated, Xiao Wu and the others couldn’t detect it, but those beasts were different.

The mountain wolves let out a low bark and rushed into the forest in a panic.

Guo Qing, who was frightened by this movement, trembled all over.

He hurriedly pulled out the saber from his waist, but unexpectedly it was a false alarm, and the wolf howled gradually away from the official road.

Everyone realized that the danger had passed by, and instinctively felt scared.

After such a trip, the team’s speed subconsciously accelerated a lot, and even the lunch was dealt with with dry food.

They wanted to reach the open Pingding Mountain before dark, as Ren Qing said.

Ren Qing took a break from his busy schedule, and by yawning, he stuffed some pig’s eyes into his stomach with a different mouth, and the heat spread all over his body.

After mastering the gluttonous method, it is really convenient. It is the consumption of one year of lifespan, which leads to the delay of promotion to the ghost realm.

Each has its pros and cons, but at least for now, I am very satisfied.

After walking peacefully on the official road for more than half an hour, it seems that the previous encounter with the mountain wolf was just an insignificant episode.

Soon the official road had a fork, and there were more paths leading to the mountains and forests.

They trembled from the flat official road into the muddy mountain road, which hides countless poisonous snakes and beasts.

Can only be more cautious.

Ren Qing checked the map several times, and after confirming that it was correct, Wang Wen took the lead in stepping into the dense and boundless forest with a saber.

The light is blocked by leaves, and strange sounds can be heard in the distance.

Ren Qing looked up at the sun from time to time to confirm the direction, so as not to get lost due to deviation, and he had to pay attention to the approach of beasts.

He originally thought that his cultivation in the half-corpse realm was sufficient in the wilderness, but he didn’t expect that the continuous and uninterrupted operation of the heavy pupil would be too much to bear.

This is just the mountains near Sanxiang City. If you go to those places with restricted areas, you will not survive for a few days.

But for Ren Qing, he can take this opportunity to better master the technique.

The crowd continued to go deep into the mountains and forests.

By the time the sun goes down, I can see the Pingding Mountain in a blur from a distance.

The top of the hill is surrounded by trees, but there is an open space in the center, on which there are more than a dozen thatched cottages the size of sesame seeds.

In this small mountain village with a small population, most of the villagers are hunters who come to Sanxiang City to sell local goods every few days.

Guo Qing was in a good mood. As long as he went to the mountain village, he could rest comfortably for a night, and he didn’t even need to eat the dry food he brought with him.

And he has a good relationship with the hunters in the village, and occasionally drinks together in the city.

“Wait a moment.”

Ren Qing stopped the team with a strange expression, and then found a sturdy tree to climb up.

Xiaowu opened his mouth wide in surprise, what about his weak body? !

Wang Wen was slightly dissatisfied, but found that the rest of the people were waiting patiently, so naturally he couldn’t say anything.

Ren Qing ignored the crowd, he stood on the top of the tree branch and looked at the mountain village, the speed of his eyes turning faster again.

But people with double pupils are not good at seeing far away, he can only vaguely see that there are more than a dozen figures in the mountain village stepping into the mountain forest.

then disappeared.

“What’s the matter, policeman?”

Guo Qing couldn’t help shouting, seeing that it was getting late, he just wanted to rush to the mountain village to rest as soon as possible.


Ren Qing flexibly jumped off the big tree, maybe because something happened to the villagers suddenly, maybe they would return to the village in a while.

Besides, it’s better than sleeping in the mountains.

He raised his vigilance and took the initiative to replace Guo Qing in the first place.

After everyone saw Ren Qing’s skills, they didn’t have much opinion.

The distance is slowly approaching, and the isolated Pingdingshan Village comes into view.

(end of this chapter)

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