Cultivating Immortals: I Can Save the Price

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Funeral Is Not Professional, But Escape Is Professional

Chapter 7 Unprofessional Funeral, but Professional Escape

Ren Qing narrowed his eyes, he knew that he couldn’t read it wrong.

No matter how dim the lights in the prison are, the blindness method has already made him initially possess the ability of night vision.

Besides, the human skin also left a faint trace of blood.

Ren Qing signaled Li Mian and the three to be careful with his eyes, and then came to the corpse of the fire worker, which was on the edge.

He recalled carefully, the jailer he met before had a human skin in his hand, and the two must be related.

Then it is very likely that there is more than one living human skin in the prison.

Ren Qing didn’t dare to take any chances, his eyes kept rolling to observe the surroundings.

After a brief panic, everyone began to skillfully handle the corpse.

They took out the needle and thread they carried with them and sealed the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the corpse, which is said to be able to suppress the grievances caused by the tragic death.

Ren Qing felt that he was very unprofessional and didn’t know any taboos at all.


A fireman couldn’t help but exclaimed, he was about to lift the corpse, but found that as long as he touched its skin, the skin would fall off like tofu.

And what appeared under the skin turned out to be white bones, and the flesh and blood disappeared.

The rumors of the cell had made people panic, and now everyone was terrified when they saw such a strange corpse.

Even a few young firemen burst into tears, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

At this moment, the fireman in leather armor stood up cursing.

“The sooner you move the body out, the sooner you can leave. You always understand this principle, right?”

Although the firemen were all covered with headscarves, Ren Qing still recognized the other party from the voice. It was the middle-aged fireman who was in the council hall before.

Unexpectedly, this person, as a steward, actually entered the restricted area to go to the danger in person.

The crowd became quiet, and the middle-aged fire worker said loudly: “In Xia Bofeng, you should have heard my name more or less.”

Ren Qing was stunned for a moment. Even those who had closed his news knew about Bo Feng. It is said that few firemen under his command died.

And he likes to do things by himself, which is unique in the management of the yamen.

Bo sealed his mouth and let out a dirty breath, and then continued to shout: “If you want to go back alive, then calm down and listen to me.”

“Tie me a red string now.”

Everyone seemed to have got the backbone. They took out the red rope and tied it to the limbs of the corpse, and then pulled it up smoothly.

Some of the firemen’s techniques are relatively unfamiliar, and they should have been from the church before they left.

Only Ren Qing and the others were not even prepared for the red rope. Looking at the professional funeral people around, they felt out of place.

Seeing this, Bo Feng came over and gave Ren Qing a few red ropes.

“Will you be tied, do you want me…”

“No, thank you.”

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Qing had already **** the limbs of the corpse by relying on the observation power of the blind method.

Bo Feng nodded slightly, then went to help other firemen.

Ren Qing and the four quickly got used to the technique of carrying the corpse, and the rest were also preparing accordingly, but nothing happened during the period.

In order to prevent accidents, usually five people are in groups, four of them carry the corpse, and the remaining one is ready to take over at any time.

But in this way, the efficiency is naturally greatly reduced, and it is estimated that at least three trips are required to send the corpses outside.

Ren Qing declined Bo Feng’s offer to temporarily transfer staff, after all, he didn’t want to expose the strangeness of his eyes in front of outsiders.

He said to the three of Xiaowu: “When the body is lifted, don’t look back no matter what sound you hear.”

“Got it, policeman.”

“and also…”

Ren Qing glanced at them with serious eyes: “Unlike the group of five and five, there are only four of us. Once someone has a problem, the rest have to die.”

“Bring your attention to me, do you hear me?”

Xiaowu and the three answered in unison: “I heard it.”

After all the firemen were ready, Bo Feng led the way towards the exit, and the rest were separated by half a meter.

Although   Ren Qing’s position is close to the periphery, it is theoretically more dangerous, but he can take the opportunity to look at the overall situation.

As he walked slowly, he noticed that in addition to human skins, there were a few crawlers in hidden corners.

Ren Qing took a look and didn’t take it to heart, focusing on maintaining the balance of lifting the corpse.

The sound of heavy footsteps kept echoing.

Originally it was only a few minutes away, but now, in their eyes, it seemed that they had to walk for several years, and every step was full of fear.

Fortunately, there is no danger, and the stairs to the upper floor are not far away.

At this time, five people sped up and left the team, wanting to be the first to enter the stairs.

Bo Feng couldn’t help but scolded a few times, any behavior in the restricted area is full of risks, and it will affect the whole body.

The five people had obviously negotiated, but after speeding up, their foot frequency was not unified, causing the corpse to stumble.

It was just such a small movement that the entire skin of the corpse fell off, and a white bone fell to the ground, causing a lot of movement.

Like dominoes, the team collided with each other, and even tore the clothes, so the skin was exposed.

Ren Qing’s eyes widened, he clearly noticed that there were many afterimages passing by.

Immediately after, before the rest of the people could react, the five people who had left the team fell to the ground at the same time, dead like firemen on the stairs.

After seeing the blood, the human skin obviously didn’t intend to let the rest of the firemen go. They were crawling quickly concealed against the ground.

Ren Qing gritted his teeth and reminded in a low voice, “Slow down and go three meters to the left.”

Xiaowu and the three did not hesitate, and cooperated with Ren Qing to escape an attacking human skin, and the few people who were close to them had bad luck.

“Three meters from the right.”

“Five meters in front of the left.”

Ren Qing calmly commanded, seemingly circling the cell like a headless fly, but in reality he was startling every step of the way.

The firemen scurried away, trying to escape from the sky by taking advantage of the sea of people.

But as long as the human skin touches a living person, it will immediately burrow into its body, and within a few breaths, all the flesh and blood will be gone.

Ren Qing couldn’t help shedding tears, but only felt the burning pain in his eyes.

He found that the human skin was forming an encirclement intentionally or unintentionally, and the only gap was in the direction of the stairs leading to the third floor.

“Throw the body!”

The four let go at the same time, and then heard Ren Qing roaring loudly: “The only way to survive is on the third floor, come here if you want to survive.”

Ren Qing turned around and rushed over with Xiaowu and the three of them.

Seeing this, the rest followed suit, wishing to grow five legs.

Ren Qing didn’t simply want to save people, mainly because if only the four of them broke through, then the goal would be too obvious.

After Ren Qing entered the stairs, he noticed that Human Skin seemed to be afraid and had no plans to follow.

“It’s safe here, rest first.”

Ren Qing swallowed a few pig’s eyes in a row before he suppressed his weakness.

Twenty or thirty people poured into the stairs one after another. They haven’t recovered for a while, sitting on the ground at a loss.

Ren Qing counted, and now there are less than 40 of the 100 people, which shows how tragic it is.

Bo Feng didn’t die in time for his reaction.

(end of this chapter)

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