Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: This matter was somewhat abnormal!

Translator: GodBrandy  Editor: Kurisu

After all, she had already sent one lecturer to the hospital, so sending one more didn’t make a difference!

Therefore, she decided to carry on with her plans whatever the consequences. This English Lecturer Smith shall also be sent to the hospital! Determination and… killing intent flashed past Soft Feathers eyes.

“Senior Song, is your Lecturer Smith a foreigner? How does he look like?” Soft Feather acted curious and asked.

“Oh, that guy? He’s an old-fashioned man. Well, he can teach quite well, though.” Song Shuhang laughed and casually clicked on Smith’s name within the message.

After that, a picture of an Englishman with stern and stiff face and carefully combed hairstyle popped out.

Jiangnan College Town campus had an independent database. As long as one had sufficient rights, they could search for all students’ and lecturers’ information.

“He looks quite strict, does he stay in the teachers’ quarters too?” Soft Feather nervously asked.

“Yep.” Where would Song Shuhang think so much? He just nodded his head before continuing to fill in data from Soft Feather’s identification card to register and purchase tickets.

Soft Feather embarrassingly smiled before secretly heading towards the balcony and putting on the magical treasure, ‘Ascend another Story, Were you to See a Thousand Miles farther’.

Shortly, she then found her target, Lecturer Smith, who was currently taking a dog for a stroll by the riverside within the campus.

‘That’s weird, did a cold wind blow past?’ Suddenly, this stern and old Englishman felt a mysterious cold air and pulled his collar while being baffled.

‘I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. It’s the same as Teacher Renshui, once everything is completed, I will reimburse you.’ Soft Feather once again muttered for half a day before both of her hands twisted the piece of Gold Talisman paper.

Campus, riverside…

The stern English Lecturer felt that his condition wasn’t ideal today and decided to return back to his living quarters. “Haimu, let’s go back. The time’s just right, I have to prepare materials for tomorrow’s class.”

After speaking, Professor Smith pulled on his dog leash.

“Wuu.. wuu!” Just then, the originally docile pet dog suddenly released a howl from its throat and its eyes turned red.

Professor Smith felt a huge pulling force from the dog leash. The originally docile small dog Haimu that would normally obediently follow when pulled was fiercely pulling on the leash.

Professor Smith frowned and used even more force to pull at leash.

“Woof!” The pet dog followed the force pulling the leash this time round, but instead, it had pounced over with its red eyes! With its mouth wide open, it aimed for the Englishman’s skinny, shriveled calf and ruthlessly bit down on it.

“Oh no! Help! Help me!” English words were heard by the riverside as Professor Smith released a miserable shriek.


Fifteen minutes later.

Jiangnan College’s affiliated hospital, a two-person ward.

Teacher Renshui was lying on a bed with both legs suspended in midair, showing a very embarrassing position. His wife was carrying their child with an expression of someone not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Just then, the door opened and a stern, old Englishman was sent into the ward.

“Eh? Professor Smith? Aren’t you replacing me tomorrow afternoon? What’s happened to you?” Teacher Renshui asked in shock.

“I’ve… been bitten by Haimu. Tsk, it’s that dog that I’ve been taking care of. The doctor said that the bite was too ruthless and the bone was damaged, therefore I would have to be hospitalized. Tsk, I shall slaughter and stew it after I’m discharged tomorrow! Ss…” the old Englishman answered in Mandarin. The anger suffusing his voice did nothing to influence his excellent, clear articulation.

Clearly, that stern old Englishman was deeply hurt after the dog he had been taking care of bit him and felt that it was basically quite an ungrateful bastard. By biting that forcefully, it had almost took his old life! Stew! It must definitely be stewed!

“…” Teacher Renshui felt that today’s events were somewhat abnormal!


Meanwhile, Song Shuhang had already booked a train ticket for Soft Feather.

Just then, another new message popped out from the account within the school network.

“Mechanical Engineering Department, machinery design and manufacture faculty, 19th department, class 43 students, please take note: Professor Smith has also been injured and hospitalized. Therefore, tomorrow afternoon’s college English lessons will be cancelled. Tomorrow afternoon’s machinery design and manufacture faculty 19th department and class 43 class will rest for half a day. Students, please pass around the information and prepare accordingly! Thank you.”

This short message was broadcasted three times as usual.

Furthermore, it was set up to repeat the broadcast every half an hour, covering the previous message.

“…” When Song Shuhang looked at this short message, he felt as if ten thousand grass mud horses violently galloped past in his heart.

He turned around and looked at Soft Feather whose smiling face was like a flower. He felt that today’s incidents were somewhat abnormal!


Ultimately, Song Shuhang agreed to follow Soft Feather to J-City—because he no longer had reasons not to accompany her.

He would definitely have never thought that both lecturers would be sent to the hospital one after another. The chance of this happening was similar to winning the lottery, and to think that they had encountered it… It was also due to the two pitiful lecturers’ tragic experience resulting in him having an entire day off for him tomorrow that, under Soft Feather’s excited gaze, he booked the train tickets towards J-City.

As his and Soft Feather’s ticket numbers were issued one after another, the seats they booked neighbored each other.

“Speaking of which, Soft Feather, was it by chance that both lecturers were sent to the hospital?” Shuhang stared at Soft Feather closely without blinking. This was basically an ultimate skill—using eyes to kill and radiate imposing manner to oppress enemies. Under such a gaze, people who were lying would feel uncomfortable.

The incidents that happened today were too coincidental. One of the lecturers was sent to the hospital, and another lecturer replaced him. Then, not even three minutes have passed before he was sent to the hospital too. What sort of melodramatic plot was this?

Song Shuhang thought that he was already past the age of fantasizing and wuxia, immortals, and so forth dreams had long faded away from his life. However, right now, he was suspecting Soft Feather—perhaps she possessed a unique ability that had sent both his lectures to the hospital?

What’s more, his wild imagination went towards an evil direction—perhaps this lady was actually a young mistress from an extremely scary dark organization, similar to those in movies? And, there would be a huge amount of people hidden secretly beside her that satisfied all kinds of her desires at any time? Finally, since she wanted him to accompany her to J-City tomorrow, those hidden subordinates had ruthlessly sent both professors into the hospital?

Although Soft Feather was gazed fixedly and intently at by Song Shuhang’s pitch-black eyes, she managed to maintain her composure. “How is that possible? Me ain’t someone who would do such a thing, no? You have to believe in me, Senior Song!”

Her eyes were as pure as the holy lake water that was never polluted before. However… what was with her habit of using ‘Me’?

Luckily, Shuhang did not continue pursuing this topic as he had merely asked about it on a whim.

“We shall leave around 3:10 pm in the afternoon and reach Jiangnan College Station at 3:30 pm. Since there’s time right now, how about you search for more information on ‘Ghost Lamp Temple’ online? I’ll head out to get two sets of breakfast. Do you have anything you abstain from eating?” Song Shuhang asked.

“Nope, I can eat everything!” Soft Feather replied. As she was trying to cover up her unease, even if it was her most hated green pepper, she would still swallow it down!

“Then good luck in finding out more about Ghost Lamp Temple, I’ll be back soon. In case my roommates suddenly return, just tell them you’re my friend.” Song Shuhang waved his hands and left.

After Song Shuhang left, Soft Feather shrunk in front of the computer, feeling guilty. Then, she continued to search for information regarding all temples at J-City’s Luo Xin street area, and examined each and every one carefully.


June 2nd, Afternoon, 3 pm.

Song Shuhang’s three roommates had received the school’s network notification, and did not return today.

“Soft Feather, let’s set off,” Song Shuhang called out.

“Coming,” Soft Feather hung her head dispiritedly and stood up from the computer.

After searching for half a day, she still did not find any information on Ghost Lamp Temple. Furthermore, it was unknown what happened to Northern River’s Loose Cultivator, but he wasn’t online for the entire afternoon.

Song Shuhang sorted out and put the things he bought back at Food Paradise into fridge, then left a simple note for this three roommates, indicating that there was food inside the fridge and they can help themselves to it.

He brought a sling bag—inside it were his handphone, power bank, and charger. He did not know how long this trip would take, but it would be troublesome if his phone went out of battery.

Soft Feather dragged her huge luggage and followed behind Shuhang.

Looking at her crestfallen appearance, Shuhang asked. “You did not manage to find Ghost Lamp Temple?”

“There’s totally no information on it. I’m not even sure if the name was changed or if it was demolished. Right now, I can only head over to J-City and ask the residents there.” Soft Feather depressingly replied.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay, we’ll find it somehow. Let’s head there first then.”

The two of them spoke while walking and took the elevator down.

Afternoon, 3 pm. The crowd within the dormitory had increased and all students who attended daily classes started returning to school one after another.

“Ah Hang, where are you going to play~” In front of him were his classmates that were currently waving their hands to say hello. Soon, their attention was immediately attracted by Soft Feather who was behind Shuhang— Such a tall and beautiful lady!

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