Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Poisonous Dragon Plant, So Dangerous!

Translator: GodBrandy  Editor: Kurisu

Dancing gracefully, Soft Feather was a little vexed—she was tricked by a petty ghost spirit.

And right in front of senior!

She knew about Ghost Lamp Temple and the ghost spirit from an old diary of her father.

Her father passed by here many years ago when he found there was a ghost spirit that was going to mature.

Ghost spirits were quite rare. After signing a spiritual contract with its owner, an adult spirit could connect with its owner’s mind, and share energy with its owner even if it was just a low-rank one.

In other words, one could get one more energy reserve than others by owning a low-rank ghost spirit!

However, a low-rank ghost spirit could only advance to Third Stage Acquired Realm.

After reaching middle-rank, a ghost spirit would have a good attack power, and its cultivation speed was not any slower than that of ordinary cultivators. With some luck, it could even reach Sixth Stage True Monarch Realm. It was simply a good helper to cultivators.

Moreover, middle-rank ghost spirits usually had one or two innate skills, and these innate skills had a great variety. With some luck, a ghost spirit’s innate ability might even be able to double the combat strength of its owner.

As for high-rank ghost spirits, they’d already acquired wisdom not inferior to man’s, and their cultivation speed was even faster than that of ordinary cultivators.

They could even learn some magic spells from Ghost Dao. If they could cultivate these magic spells to the extreme, they could even turn into ghost immortals if they could overcome tribulation. It almost rivaled the legendary secret cloning technique.

However, a high-rank ghost spirit only existed in legends. Throughout the tens of thousands of years, the number of recorded high-rank ghost spirits was less than five.

In addition, a ghost spirit of middle-rank or above could temper its owner’s energy.

Be it blood and qi, true qi, or spiritual qi, a ghost spirit could temper them and make them purer and of higher quality as its energy had been connected with its owner’s.

Once a spiritual contract was established, a ghost spirit would never betray the owner. They would do anything their owners told them to do without a single word of complaint.

Except for being unable to warm the bed and give birth to a child, a ghost spirit was simply the best dao companion for cultivators.

Unfortunately, the number of ghost spirits had been very few. They could be seldom found in ancient times, and were almost extinct in modern society.

Venerable Spirit Butterfly was very surprised when he found the ghost spirit back then, for finding a wild ghost spirit in that age was like seeing a living tyrannosaurus in a big city.

However, that ghost spirit was not yet mature, so Venerable Spirit Butterfly bought Ghost Lamp Temple and set a simple seal to trap the ghost spirit to let it grow.

For him, a ghost spirit of this level was too weak. Even a matured one was useless to him.

But, he was about to have a daughter, and the ghost spirit could be reserved for her.

However, Venerable Spirit Butterfly seemed to forget about this ghost spirit after that? After all, he didn’t even tell his daughter about Ghost Lamp Temple. Perhaps, for a big shot like him, a petty ghost spirit was just negligible.

However, Soft Feather ‘accidentally’ found her father’s diary.

Taking advantage of the opportunity—her father was messing around with Thrice Reckless Mad Saber—she secretly went to J-City alone, and prepared to subdue the ghost spirit.

In the beginning, everything went well, but to her surprise, it turned out that there were two ghost spirits in Ghost Lamp Temple!

When she was beating one ghost spirit, the other one that hid in the darkness launched a surprise attack against her and succeeded.

Clearly, there was only one ghost spirit sealed by her father. How come there were two of them?

Who put the other one in?

Moreover, she was owned by a petty ghost spirit! How could she hold her temper?


There were two ways to subdue a ghost spirit. One was the affection route, which is to stay with the ghost spirit day and night and try to develop an earth-shattering romance with it.

When the ghost spirit finally fell in love with you, naturally you could subdue it.

This route required a certain amount of courage and charm.

Especially charm—if you were not charming enough, you would probably become the meal of the ghost spirit before you manage to make it fall in love with you.

The other route was getting violent, ‘fist was the truth’.

Simple and crude. Once you meet a ghost spirit, just come up and beat the hell out of it, and naturally you could subdue it.

Soft Feather adopted the latter method.

She already reached Third Stage Acquired Realm. The true qi in her body had been condensed into a river and endlessly circulated throughout her body. She’d really got a hard fist!

Plus, she had a big shot father who had her body covered with magic weapons. She could slaughter any God or Buddha who got in her way!

The ghost spirit’s surprise attack made her panic for a while, but that’s all!

“Talisman, come!”

Soft Feather shouted with her soft voice, and turned over her hands. As soon as two golden talismans popped up, she shot them at the two ghost spirits.

She was reluctant to use a talisman, but she was so annoyed she just wanted to catch the two ghost spirits as fast as she could.

As soon as the talisman hit the ghost spirits, their bodies began to emit smoke. They squeaked and turned feeble quickly.

Soft Feather seized the chance, she approached the ghost spirits and kept hitting them with her palm. The ghost spirits could do nothing but keep retreating.

Every time she waved her little palm, a cracking sound was heard from the ghost spirits’ bodies that were almost broken. It looked as if their bodies were going to fall apart.

However, Soft Feather still tried to hold her strength back, as she still wanted to subdue the ghost spirits; she just wounded them rather than taking their lives.

Otherwise, if she attacked them with all her strength, the ghost spirits would turn to ashes with a single blow of hers.

Backed into a corner, the two ghost spirits unleashed their most powerful attacks successively.


A ghost spirit cried out. A small golden shield appeared in front of it, and dashed towards Soft Feather.

The other ghost spirit also cried out and got its body covered by a red light.

Suddenly, its size doubled.

Innate spells!

Indeed, the two ghost spirits were at least of middle-rank.

“Are these your trump cards?”

Eagled-eyed, Soft Feather put her palms together, turned over her wrists, and drew a shape of a butterfly. “If this is all you’ve got, just surrender to me!”

This was a secret technique of Spirit Butterfly Island, ‘Butterflies Dancing between Palms’.

It was of Second Stage True Master level, and was specifically designed to break through all kinds of shields and defenses.

It was like a game to break through the innate shield of a petty ghost spirit that hadn’t even started cultivating with this technique.

Just with a single blow, the golden shield condensed by the ghost spirit fell apart like broken glass, and the ghost spirit behind the shield was so badly injured that it fell on the ground as cracks appeared on the surface of its body.

Now, as long as Soft Feather initiated the contracting ceremony, she could establish a spiritual contract with it.

Just then, the ghost spirit that was covered by the red light and doubled its size suddenly rushed forward and pulled up the ghost spirit on the ground.

At the same time, it fled towards the outside like a bolt of lightning.

Though quite powerful, Soft Feather was not experienced enough, so the two ghost spirits managed to get away from her.

Double-sized, the ghost spirit seemed to have gained a lot of strength. Surprisingly, it managed to break through the Spirit Trapping Formation set by Soft Feather.

As the formation was broken, the two ghost spirits fiercely rushed toward Song Shuhang who stood beside the grave. After sucking dry the qi and blood of the man, they might be able to recover and then once again challenge the horrible woman behind with their lives on the line.

As for escaping from here?

The two ghost spirits never thought of it—would they have stayed here for more than sixty years if they were able to escape from here?

After all, middle-rank ghost spirits were as wise as man.


At this time, Song Shuhang was bending over to pick up his cell phone he accidentally dropped.

“Gosh, Senior Song!”

In a panic, Soft Feather stomped forcibly with her right foot, turned into a colorful butterfly, and rushed toward the two ghost spirits like a flash of light!

However, the ghost spirit that had activated its innate ability raised its speed to the limit. Ignoring Soft Feather’s attack, it was just fiercely dashing towards Shuhang.

At least, this guy would die first!

Though the two ghost spirits were approaching him, Song Shuhang seemed unhurried. He grabbed his cell phone, turned on the flashlight function of the phone, and casted the light onto the ground—he indistinctly saw a strange plant there when he bent down just now.

Illuminating it with his cell phone, he saw the shape of the plant clearly—it didn’t grow straight but took the shape of a coiling dragon.

There was a row of barbs on its tip, and its roots were purple-black.

Song Shuhang wiped his sweat. Isn’t this the “Poisonous Dragon Plant” whose picture Medicine Master had published in Nine Provinces Number One Group?!

Not even thinking of it, Song Shuhang reached out his hands, gripped the plant and uprooted it— Soft Feather would certainly give it to Medicine Master as long as she saw it.

And if Medicine Master puts this thing into a pot, boils it for five minutes and then drinks it, he will die, right?

Hence, Song Shuhang decided that, before making sure the grass-like plant wouldn’t endanger any human being’s life, he must not let Soft Feather find this plant.


When he gripped the plant, he suddenly heard a sound, as if something heavy bumped into a wall.

He looked up but found nothing.

Only, a short distance away, Soft Feather looked very surprised and excited.

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