Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: The Way A Cultivator Pushes a Door

Translator: GodBrandy  Editor: Kurisu

June 4, night.

Song Shuhang couldn’t fall asleep. He lay wide awake in bed. Why did he feel so excited? Was it because that he would meet Senior ‘Medicine Master’ of the group tomorrow, learn the basic meditation technique and body refining technique, and then achieve Hundred Days Foundation Establishment?

Or, was it that he didn’t need sleep as he used to after his body was strengthened by body tempering liquid? Was that why he couldn’t fall asleep?

Anyway, he just couldn’t fall asleep.

His three roommates were snoring loudly in sleep, but he was tossing and turning, wide awake.

His mind was clear even if he closed his eyes.

He felt as if he had been closing his eyes for a long time, but when he looked at his cell phone, it turned out only less than five minutes passed.

‘God, how can I get through this?’

Song Shuhang sighed.


June 5, sunny, still hot.

After a sleepless night, Song Shuhang looked a little bit tired. He was not physically tired. In fact, he didn’t feel sleepy although he didn’t sleep last night.

The inertia of the eighteen-year ordinary life made him feel that he should be tired after a sleepless night, so he was mentally tired.

There were four classes in the morning, and Song Shuhang took his cell phone with him. This time, he remembered to charge his phone in case Medicine Master couldn’t contact him.

In his anticipation, the first two classes passed quickly—however, Medicine Master didn’t contact him.

Suffering from waiting long full of anticipation, Song Shuhang felt as if he had been waiting for years.

The third lesson was College English.

During the break, Professor Smith had come in advance on crutches.

The meticulous old man never allowed any student to be late, and neither did he allow himself to be late. He was strict with others, but even stricter with himself.

It was said that he got bitten hard by his pet dog three days ago and had to stay in a hospital. When he was discharged last night, he sent the dog to a dog meat shop, to make it a hot pot ingredient.

The deeper the love was, the more painful one would feel when he got hurt by whom he loved. Was it because he couldn’t tolerate his pet dog’s betrayal?

Looking at the British old man whose hair was perfectly combed, Song Shuhang felt sorry for him.

According to Soft Feather, she had given poor Professor Renshui and Professor Smith some compensation. Song Shuhang didn’t ask about what compensation it exactly was.

“It’s a pity that Professor Smith has been discharged from the hospital. I thought he was going to stay in the hospital longer.” Tubo felt his blood freeze when he saw Professor Smith.

He was not good at English. Besides, the stuffy man was not the kind of person he could deal with.

“I am going to move to the back,” he asked. “What about you?”

“Yes, so am I.”Li Yangde nodded.

Unlike Tubo, Li Yangde excelled in English and had already mastered the key points of the class. So, in this class, he would also sit in the back, thinking about the codes he was writing.

“I want to stay with Yayi, so I’m gonna move back as well.” The last roommate,Gao Moumou 1  pushed up his glasses and smiled.

Gao Moumou’s last name was Gao, and his first name was Moumou. Just like Tubo, he also had a name that would make people believe he was not his father’s son. He really hated his name.

Coincidentally, he also stole his family’s household register and went to the police station, trying to change his name by himself when he was a child. Unfortunately, he also failed. That was why he was still called Gao Moumou.

He paid a heavy, even heavier than Tubo, price for his action.

After all, Tubo was only beaten by his father, but Gao Moumou was beaten both by his father and mother. On that day, he terribly cried, screamed, and couldn’t get out of bed the next day.

Yayi that he mentioned just now was his girlfriend, a cute girl who was only 1.43 meters tall. Song Shuhang always wondered how he could put his hands on her. The girl looked like a junior high school student, or even younger. Except for lolicons, it was really hard for normal men to have sexual desire towards a girl like her, wasn’t it?

The guy must be a lolicon. That was why he found a girlfriend who looked like a loli.

“Really? All of us move to the back?” Song Shuhang sighed and began to tidy up his textbook, ready to accompany his roommates.

At that time, Tubo grinned and stopped Song Shuhang: “Shuhang, you’d better stay here. Be a good student and listen to the teacher carefully.”

“?” Song Shuhang was puzzled, not understanding what Tubo was talking about.

“Seize the chance. Weren’t you always talking how you wanted to get a girlfriend at college?” Li Yangde whispered to Shuhang, raising his eyebrow naughtily, with a ‘if you know what I mean’ facial expression.

“Don’t thank us, please call us living Lei Fengs.”Gao Moumou said with a cool face.

After that, the three roommates left one after another.

Dumbfounded by their words, Song Shuhang was left behind.

After quite a while, Song Shuhang turned his head and looked around, then he found out the reason.

Beside him, only one seat away, a sexy girl was sitting there. Seeing Shuhang looking at her, she narrowed her eyes and gave him a sweet smile.

These three guys must be misunderstanding something?


On the other side, the three roommates had moved to the back of the classroom.

Tubo wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Sh*t, why is it so hot? It was cool just now!

“Haven’t you realized it yet?” Gao Moumou pushed up his glasses and posed like Conan, “It’s because we’ve left Shuhang.”

“The hell does it have anything to do with Shuhang? Can he control weather or what?” Tubo fanned himself with a book and complained.

Gao Moumou said in an enigmatic tone, “He certainly can’t control weather. But, for some reason, he seems to be able to emit cool air, almost like a human air conditioner. I almost believe that he always takes a big ice cube with him.

“Yeah, I feel the same as you. Besides, don’t you feel that Shuhang has turned a lot whiter? It seemed that he didn’t look so white yesterday morning? He turned whiter just after the half a day when the three of us went out to look for an apartment,” closing his tablet computer, Li Yangde said calmly.

“Yangde, are you gay? How can you even notice that Shuhang turned whiter?” Tubo mocked with a funny note.

“Tubo.” Li Yangde smiled, “Do you still want to keep the ” demonstration videos 2 ” hidden in Disk F and the contents of the five virtual disks of your computer?”

“Dear Brother Yangde, I was wrong.” Tubo immediately surrendered. Those were his treasure that he saved bit by bit over the three years in high school.Anyway… even if Yangde knows about the videos in Disk F, how could he get to know about the contents of the five virtual disks? Holy sh*t, can I keep my privacy? I will never mess around with a computer geek again.

“I guess… maybe he used some whitening cream? As for the reason… maybe he fell in love with someone?” Gao Moumou continued to speak in that enigmatic tone. He pointed to Song Shuhang and the girl sitting beside him who was called Lu Fei, “I bet a hundred… dimes! Something must happen between them. I have already noticed that no matter what class it was yesterday, Lu Fei would always find a chance to sit beside Shuhang.”

“So, we are doing the right thing to give them some private space.”

“When it’s done, Shuhang will have to treat us.”

Thinking they were doing something good without seeking recognition, the three roommates were moved by their own heroic deeds.


Unfortunately, the ideal was not the reality.

Song Shuhang had no intention of establishing a good relationship with that girl. He looked at his cell phone from time to time, wondering when ‘Medicine Master’ would arrive.

His mind was filled with cultivation, basic meditation technique, and Hundred Days Foundation Establishment.

On the platform, Professor Smith wrote a series of words on the blackboard. Perhaps it was because he was aged, but while there were various kinds of high-tech teaching appliances in the classroom, he still liked using the simplest teaching appliance—the blackboard.

The classroom was silent. In Smith’s class, if you didn’t like it, then you could just lie on the desk and sleep. He didn’t force everyone to listen to him. But if anyone dared to produce any noise to interrupt his class, then you wouldn’t get the credits for the semester.

As a college student, since you had come to the class, it meant that you wanted the credits. No one would reject the credits. At the worst, you could just lie on the desk and sleep.

“Crack! Boom, boom!”

Suddenly, a series of loud, strange sounds came. They sounded really loud in the quiet classroom.

Everybody turned to see the source of these sounds—the door of the classroom.

The locked door seemed to be under a great pressure, and the bolts in the lock popped out of the wooden door bit by bit.

“Crack!” The door lock burst out.

The whole lock flew out, just like a castle gate that was hammered broken with a ram in an ancient war. It was completely beyond imagination!

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