Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Press On

Translator: GodBrandy  Editor: Kurisu

In his lower abdomen, the ‘Body Tempering Liquid’s’ medicinal power that had remained there was activated—the lukewarm medicinal power rushed from his lower abdomen to the shoulders, waist, and legs.

“What’s happening?” Song Shuhang couldn’t help but pause and reflect in depth on his experience just now, soon finding that the main cause of the peculiarity—the fist scripture formula!

When Shuhang recited the fist scripture formula, the special rhythm of the formula brought forth the weird power within heaven and earth, pressured his body, and wrapped his fist, transforming his punch from ordinary to extraordinary.

This was a cultivator’s body tempering technique!

“Hehe, so you felt the special power within heaven and earth.” Medicine Master smiled with squinted eyes, and explained, “That’s the biggest difference between cultivators and normal martial artists. You can call it spiritual qi. It’s just a name anyways, and you’d be more familiar with this one.”

“This is spiritual qi?” Song Shuhang was no stranger to this setting. In reality, all cultivation novels would not be exempted from it.

“So, the most important aspect of a fist technique is the ‘formula.’ Even if it’s the most basic foundation establishment technique, the formula can mobilize the slightest spiritual qi through special rhythm, tempering and strengthening the body. The punch you threw is equal to a mortal martial artist practicing three thousand times.” Medicine Master explained, “Let me congratulate you, Little Friend Shuhang. You have the most basic qualities for cultivation—affinity for spiritual qi. Although this point could’ve been confirmed from the fact that you remained safe and sound after taking the Body Tempering Liquid without exercising for an extended period of time, now, it has been formally confirmed.”

“Affinity for spiritual qi, does that mean even if one has the fist scripture formula, one may not necessarily be able to mobilize the spiritual qi within heaven and earth?” Song Shuhang inquired. His quick wits caught onto the deeper meaning within Medicine Master’s words.

“Yes, one who cannot mobilize the spiritual qi cannot complete foundation establishment, and therefore has no aptitude for cultivation. This is the basic of basics, the roots of cultivation.” Medicine Master laughed and continued, “Now, don’t stop, and don’t think too much. After Basic Fist Number One, connect it with the second move. Don’t let your body become idle. The wearier you are, the better the effects of the foundation establishment fist technique.

“Yes!” Song Shuhang replied with resolve.

He rejoiced that he was exposed to Nine Provinces Number One Group.

He rejoiced that he encountered Soft Feather, Medicine Master, and the seniors of the group.

He rejoiced that his constitution had affinity for spiritual qi.

He was very lucky, so he must not waste this chance and luck.

Turning his foot, Song Shuhang recited Basic Fist Number Two’s fist scripture formula, and executed the fist technique.

Basic Fist Number Two only had one form. His footwork followed a pattern, and his fists drew a smooth trail. Quick were his fists like shooting stars.

The tempering effect was a step’s better. The spiritual qi coiled around his fists and shoulders, and ten punches later, Song Shuhang felt his body become unusually heavy, as if a massive load was added.

“Pop, pop, pop,” that was the sound produced when fists broke through air.

Every punch consumed stamina even more than before; his sweat splattered just like when he took the Body Tempering Liquid and ran wildly around the track, when the sweat came with black impurities.

Shuhang’s eyes were filled with surprise.

Without Medicine Master’s reminder this time, he connected Basic Fist Number Three immediately.

Springing step and rushing punch, stopping fists as one turns, false steps and upturned palms. Even though the third move was a fist technique, it was mixed with hand chop forms and dragon claw hands—palms like axe, and claws like dragons dancing.

“Huff huff huff…” Shuhang’s breathing became heavy, the rest of the ‘Body Tempering Liquid’ in his abdomen melted at once as he executed Basic Fist Number Three, spreading into all corners of his body.

Next, he felt all his muscles tremble; his originally fiery hot body turned scorching hot!

In an indescribable hotness, a lukewarm energy was produced in his muscles—blood and qi.

He only needed to let it overflow his body, and he would be able to bring the overflowing qi and blood into his ‘Heart Aperture.’ Once the Heart Aperture was full, he would be able to form the first sliver of qi and blood energy—that which was Foundation Establishment!

‘Just how long before collapsing from exhaustion can the ❮Basic Buddhist Fist Technique❯ be executed by a normal person who has never trained, but took the Body Tempering Liquid…’ Medicine Master crossed his arms as he looked on at Song Shuhang.

He did not tell Shuhang that ❮Basic Buddhist Fist Technique❯ could not be completed in one go by a novice.

This set of fist technique was a foundation establishing fist technique, but it had the attack power equal to that of a First Stage martial art skill.

Even the elite disciples of Great Master Profound Principle could only perform Basic Buddhist Fist Technique up to the thirteenth to fifteenth move.

Since the Great Master’s acquisition of ❮Basic Buddhist Fist Technique❯, each elite disciple he recruited had yet to complete the entire fist technique without a break!

As for Song Shuhang, even though he took the Body Tempering Liquid in advance, not only did he miss the prime age for Foundation Establishment, but also has not exercised in a long time, so he surely would not be able to achieve more than the elite disciples. Medicine Master even doubted whether or not Song Shuhang could make it to the fifth move.

Of course, he did not tell Shuhang this. On the contrary, he specially instilled the concept in Song Shuhang that only after performing ‘one set’ of Basic Fist Technique can he use ❮True Self Meditation Scripture❯ to accumulate qi and blood in the Heart Aperture.

He imperceptibly established in Song Shuhang’s mind the standard of qualification as ‘performing the entire set of fist technique without a break.’ By doing so, under Shuhang’s struggling and outburst, maybe there was a chance Shuhang could persevere through more moves than he otherwise would be able to.

‘Erupt, Little Friend. Let me see the potential of one who has taken the Body Tempering Liquid in advance.’ Medicine Master thought to himself.

As he was thinking, Song Shuhang had already completed Basic Fist Number Four.

At this moment Shuhang already panted like a cow. His hair was as if it had been drenched in rain and his clothes were soaked long ago.

Not only his fists, but also every other part of his body felt heavy like a mountain. Even lifting his arm or taking a small step felt terribly fatiguing—every strand of muscle ached.

What move is this? It should be Basic Fist Number Four!

❮Basic Buddhist Fist Technique❯ has a total of eighteen moves! Can I complete it in one breath?

Drops of sweat trickled down his eyelids. Song Shuhang blinked to let the drops flow down his eyelashes.

I can, I definitely can!

Medicine Master only agreed to direct me with ❮True Self Meditation Scripture❯ after I complete a set of techniques because he was in a ‘good mood.’ Who knows if Medicine Master will always have a good mood in the following days?

If he cannot finish ❮Basic Buddhist Fist Technique❯ today, he might forever miss Medicine Master’s pointers.

I must press on!

From when he sat at his computer, and the instant he sent his first sentence in Nine Provinces Number One Group, he had set a resolution!

Even if ‘death’ were the threat, he would not be afraid. How could he then resign himself to failure because of weariness and heaviness? If he could not overcome such small difficulties, then how could he even speak of cultivation?

He would be better off leaving Nine Provinces Number One Group, living safely as a normal person!

Song Shuhang gritted his teeth, and continued to recite the fist scripture formula. His left hand remained a palm, and his right hand threw a piercing punch fiercely—Basic Fist Number… Five!

After this punch, he felt the bones inside his body creak. Basic Fist Number Five trained not only the muscles, but also the inside of the body.

“Huff!” he breathed out a muddled breath.

Even on a hot day, Song Shuhang’s breath still turned into a mist visible to the eye.

His body’s lukewarm qi and blood became richer, accumulating bit by bit, only waiting to overflow.

Simultaneously, the remainder of the ‘Body Tempering Liquid’ in Song Shuhang’s lower abdomen was finally exhausted after this punch.

Losing the energy and recovery support of the ‘Body Tempering Liquid,’ the training to follow will be harder and harder, even the weariness will accumulate ten times or tens of times faster…

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